ShockDoctrine101 ago

Thank you for this!

I've also spent hundreds of hours researching the ICMEC/NCMEC...I believe they're complete inversions of reality.

There is a lot of overlap in our research into the ICMEC.

If you have the time, I urge you to look at some of my posts. Maybe there could be some elements you can add to your research.

Truly remarkable research you've put together here.

Keep up the great work!

Koched_Up404 ago


This should be on the front page

shakethetree ago

This is the mother load of pedogate intel. May I ask if there is a credit/source to a person or the website?

DonaldWashington ago

Yours truly

DonaldWashington ago

yours truly

shakethetree ago

Good God. Thank you. Use your name Donald Washington for sourcing as original research or just ping back to the website?

DonaldWashington ago

Either one... pinging back to the website probably makes more sense, as Donald Washington is a pseudonym.

shakethetree ago

Exactly. That is what I thought. Will use the website and source the article.

davezzzz5 ago

Wow - the dollars - the corruption - the power........ THE PODESTAS THE CLINTONS ps........................................................................................................................................the children

redditsuckz ago

The Royalty....Queens...Princesses...First Lady's...

The children kidnapped by the ICMEC is a smorgasbord for these elite.

TabiCatTwo ago

Let's all take a pic and smile real big because the heartache of a missing child stolen and sold into abuse, torture and sexual exploitation is something to celebrate.

DonaldWashington ago

Branson: "grab me a cup o that bubbly would ya lad?"

SweetCarolyn_4Jesus ago

Wow great work!

Blargagg ago

DonWa strikes again, like a boss

DonaldWashington ago

share please!

Blargagg ago

You're damn right