m4j1k4m2b4bv5 ago

Some military recruiter helped a guy pass a drug test, nothing too crazy. https://file.wikileaks.org/file/us-army-drug-fraud.pdf

anonymousj ago

Not gonna waste my time here, lots of shilling going on. Seriously peple, don't just discuss it and take other people's word or interpretation for it, go over and look for YOURSELF. That's what investigations are all about.

Mommyplayer571 ago

If this is a war between abcs then the various twitter accounts may be different agendas. MI6, CIA, FBI, Wikileaks real and fake, Insiders, Shin Bet, Mossad. Now trying to see who is who is difficult.

privatepizza ago

Thank you! And for all you do ; )

privatepizza ago

1ew, you always rock. Holding my glass to ya ; )

GhostOfSwartz ago

Can anyone translate?

Gothamgirl ago

I think vault 7 was made from the World Trade center.

lady_pepe ago

Twitter user @anonscan is tweeting about Vault7 and saying it's time

Fuckingcucks ago

question: didn't julian assange say that they only release information as the public traffic requests it- i thought that document release was based on traffic to wikileaks--just a speculation---might need more traffic to wikileaks in order to release the next files

The_Invincible_Moose ago

Roger Stone says, "There is enough to put them away now. Vault 7 may be misdirection"


Sammyb ago

I don't know if this is significant or coincidental. The picture of the F-119 is from a Wikipedia page. That page was edited 2 days ago by an anonymous source. Removing the n

pbvrocks ago

Doubful this is Vault7..does look like the insurance file/backup file from Wiki...

surgeson ago

You guys.

juhos ago


Edit: of course you can dig the files, they have been there all the time. But stop saying its Vault 7. Its disinfo.

YingYangMom ago



Edit: Update and link to video.

This is old news. Tracy D. did a video 3 months ago and she talked about this file. I copied and bookmarked the document. Still have it. Here I post the video where she explains she found this doc. Start at 2:11 for proof


vector3rector ago

Looks like there is a lot information showing that The Clinton's and Obama, aided the over throw of Libya.

Now I see where the concerns of war began coming from.

A lot of undiscussed data being dumped.

Evidence showing Scientology is a tax haven.

Sadam had his personal $35 Billion stashed privately with the Queen of England's personal Bankers at, Coutts Private Banking. Realize, this is the same bank, that just had Peter Flavel, former CEO of JP Morgan Chase, leave, for Coutts Private Banking. Wink wink.

World Check, a database, open to bankers, companies, agencies, and private individuals., Monitors and shares the data and information, from, the "EUROPEAN UNION, OFAC, SECO, FSA, UNITED NATIONS, BANK OF ENGLAND INTERPOL, ICAC, SMA, CBI, IMF, ADB, AUTAF, FSA, CIA, FBI, ECB, etc., and over 140 agencies from around the world." The Confidential document shows "they" [International Bankers], already compiled and show us, they were already aware and had assessed former POTUS', Bill Clinton, was actively involved financially, with illegal weapons arms dealers, African warlords and criminals, Soviet/Russian launderers, and many more. Lets not forget this was only a 2004 report.

The first Bildaberg group report from the 50's, can pretty much affirm every conspiracy theory on Henry A. Kissinger.

Looks like the bank(s) that control this shindig (and are actively aware of all the laundering and collusion) are:

  • Lloyds - HSBC - Barclays - HBOS - RBS - NAB - Ansbacher - Rothschilds - SG - Kleinwort Benson - ABN AMRO - Credit Agricole Credit Suisse - Gerrard - Prudential - RBC - EBRD - Morgan Stanley - Citibank - Lehmans - Bear Sterns HVB - Deutsche Bank - WestLB - SMBC Schroders- Nomura - Helaba - Dresdner - SMBC - Bank of New York - ING - KBC

There is a reddit user, who is dumping sourced links at quite the rapid fire rate. https://www.reddit.com/user/DonaldWashington

Still kind of long but TLDR


Clinton and Obama overthrew the Libyan government, sending Libya into chaos. Human trafficking is now funding ISIS in Libya & the rest of North Africa.

Soros is funding human trafficking from North Africa to Europe

We lost track of Gadhafi’s weapons, including chemical weapons. It turns out he had more than we knew about.

Obama and Clinton gave many of them to ISIS using a Qatari arms trafficking network. The rest were up for grabs.

Obama approved the transfer of 20,000 tons of weapons from Qatar to... Well we're not exactly sure who still. Basically everyone.

Some of Gadhafi’s Sarin gas was taken to Syria.

This was after a UN Arms Embargo was put into place. Obama violated this UN Arms Embargo.

Since then, The Obama Administration has approved over $9 billion in US arms exports to Qatar.

Qatar shelters terrorists. There is a ton of publicly available information on this. Wikileaks proved that Clinton has been aware of this since at least 2009.


Something strange is going on with the Clinton Foundation.

Donors to any cause have expectations.

Money does not change hands without reason.

The people, organizations and countries who make up the network of donors are not fools, and they don’t settle for failure.

Relative to the budget, the Clinton Foundation’s philanthropic successes are dismal at best.

The Clinton’s have done nothing outside of politics.

Their ability to generate wealth personally, as well as for their associates, is rooted solely in political office.

Most their massive fortune was accumulated while Hillary held positions in the US Government.

A large portion of the remainder can be linked to programs initiated during Bill Clinton’s presidency.

Hillary Clinton was a US Senator from 2001 – 2009, she served on 5 separate committees, wielding legislative power in a wide range of policies, foreign and domestic.

Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State from 2009 – 2013. The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary of State include: supervision and organization of the entire community of United States Department of State and the United States Foreign Service including the oversight of weapons transfers to foreign nations, supervision of US immigration policy, and communication of foreign policy issues to Congress and US citizens.

In other words, Hillary Clinton supervised the agency that is responsible for regulating U.S. arms exports.

From 2009 – 2013 the pattern of arms exports shifted dramatically.

State Department exports approvals substantially increased to governments that donated to the Clinton Foundation.

The U.S. government approved $40 billion in worldwide private arms sales in 2009, including more than $7 billion to Mideast and North African nations that are struggling with political upheaval, the State Department reported.

Under Clinton's leadership (2009 – 2013), the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments have given money to the Clinton Foundation.

During Clinton’s tenure at State, the foundation operated in at least 29 countries, including places that contained rampant corruption such as Nigeria, Uganda, Ukraine, Haiti, Mozambique, China and South Africa.

In Diplomatic Cables published by Wikileaks dated December 2009, Hillary Clinton acknowledged that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan had no interest in cracking down on terror financing occurring within their respective borders.

More recently, Wikileaks published an email correspondence between John Podesta and Hillary Clinton dated August 29, 2014 in which the continuation of terror financing is acknowledged.

The US Defense Contractors who benefitted from these deals, including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and General Electric also paid millions of dollars in lobbying fees to the Podesta Group.


They sponsor terrorism.

Our leaders know about it and help them.

Qatar has been buying up about $1 billion worth of art annually ($1,000,000,000 / yr)

Since becoming an economic power house, Qatar has invested heavily into a diverse portfolio of critical industries, amassing a substantial stake in many companies. Starting with the U.K. and Western Europe, they have had great success investing profitably - and not only economically. By simply reaching into their billfold, Qatar has successfully established intelligence assets within all major European industries.

They love Jeff Koons, who was a founding member of The International Center for Missing & Exploited Children. He’s friends with Marina Abramovic coincidentally. He also donated to Correct the Record and the Clinton Campaign.

Hillary Clinton & Cherie Blair launched the International Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Also in there, is evidence showing the complaints and private cases/evidence, proving Black Water was guilty of war crimes and gross misconduct. This is the freelance mercenary company started up by our current Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos' brother, Erick Prince.

remedy4reality ago

This comment can stand alone and should have its own main post. Great work.

phisonic1987 ago

Image 052C64F is a small boy (5?) eating chicken with a very large beer mug next to him. Not sure what this archive is, but it's strange. That was like, the 3rd image I clicked at random. Will trawl after work today to see if there is anything that immediately jumps out. If referencing an image be sure to right the serial for reference.

save_thechildren ago

Full list of Bohemian Grove members!!

carlip ago

"1762 0 72 0 1208283263 1 1 1 1 BIRTHDAY PARTY Sorry I havent been in touch but Im still having a party on May 17th at Bungalow Inn Winford La Redhill, Bristol, BS40 5TP 01275 474085 There will be camping and 'its' children friendly <!-- s:wink: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" /><!-- s:wink: --> (If you wanted to make a real weekend of it I will send you a list of 'things' to see locally that are well worth a visit and cheap if not free) There will be 2 bands playing a 'Rock/Punk' covers band and an 'Oi' covers band.Also a decent 'buffet'. Thats all for now.Rob"

From the "blood and honor" database WTF?

Faustian ago

Some of those images are of people who work for Weichert Workforce Mobility.

Kawksnahch ago

You know... we might be misreading this. He's telling us to enjoy the files, while also calling for Vault7, saying it's time for it. He doesn't actually say "this is Vault7".

JoJoVoat ago

Is this a distraction?

Kawksnahch ago

I think it's more build up... like... these are the players... we just don't have details on the game yet.

YingYangMom ago

Something big just broke. Check this thread: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1637328

Kawksnahch ago

yup yup, been spreading that like fire

party1981 ago

Yes I now agree with you.

party1981 ago

I'm starting to think that icwatch-pics = Vault7. WL hasn't finished uploading it, and this guy figured it out first?

gurneyx ago

They have Bohemian grove guest list on there and A couple of the names are Tony Podesta and Colin Powell. Not sure if this is old news but i thought it was interesting.

privatepizza ago

IDK but SOMETHING BIG IS BREAKING AT REDDIT They're calling us to ARCHIVE QUICKLY !!! https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5tc0rw/insider_alert_hes_posting_the_prosecution/?st=iz0q8f2u&sh=071fad08

anonymousj ago

This is BIG, need everyone to spread content. Tweet, FB, etc.

Phenomenonanon ago

They are saying Hillary and by extention that means Obama funded ISIS with funds from human trafficking right

privatepizza ago

Until I read myself I'll hold an opinion, however here's a comment I saw by vindicator on a dedicated thread for this now on voat - "Yes, human trafficking funding ISIS, and the connection of U.S. elites to it, is relevant to the investigation." There are a couple of threads about it now. I think it's big. Hope so!

YingYangMom ago

This is not a recent document. It has nothing to do with #vault7!

Edit: Proof: Go to minute 2:11 from this 3 month old video from Tracy D. She talks about it. I had this file bookmarked a long time ago.


Edit 2: Calling on @l4l1lul3l0 @wecanhelp @Vindicator @rktyp for verification.

Edit 3: This is a more recent folder from Feb 10th: https://file.wikileaks.org/file/icwatch-pics/

privatepizza ago

I posted here in case there were any leak freaks interested / could help out. I didn't know what it was at the time, but Reddit was freaking out so I guessed it was large. Posted to get our eyeballs on it. Apologies if it was miss-placed !

Thanks for the info on it ; )

YingYangMom ago

Oh, I'm so sorry, this wasn't meant at your comment, dear. It was meant at OP's thread and the person who twitted this story. You're comment and link was awesome! It's a very important lead :)

privatepizza ago

Gotcha! No worries at all, and cheers ; )

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yeah these are already released files I think.

sore_ass_losers ago

So https://file.wikileaks.org/file/ is where wikileaks keeps its files, most of those have been on their forever. Not since 1984, however. People think the date of January 1, 1984 refers to the novel 1984 and 1:01 refers to Room 101 in that story.

Anyway this folder is dated February 10, 2017. That is why some other comments on this thread address this folder and its contents:


Freemasonsrus ago

This is not Vault 7. This is the WL database that is apparently being updated with new info. You can see the dates and when they are updated it will change to show today's date. Basically a precursor of sorts.

nomorepepperoni ago

Supposedly, those photos are actually for this:


Drkadrka ago

If this is vault 7, I think we got all we need to put Wikileaks in the permanent discard bin.

YingYangMom ago

It's not. This tweet is misleading. I posted a comment with proof that this site is old. Tracy D. posted a YT video explaining. I had this file bookmarked 3 months ago. Nothing new except maybe for a file or two. Check my comment for link to video.

Endeffekt ago

stinks of distraction from the 650k emails

CadiBug ago

Start putting peoples picture in and watch happens... https://tineye.com/


So it doesn't work for all the pictures but here's just one example I found


Blargagg ago

using google images and tineye to search these images yielded lots of linked in profiles. All of these people seem to work in intelligence. This looks like Wikileaks putting pressure on someone. Probably the FBI. Gut tells me this is just a precursor.

sore_ass_losers ago

Right, because it says "Hom" and "Sec" in the background of his picture. Good eye, tineye! I thought he was the "Homo Secretary" perhaps.

Still, not very thrilling. "Homeland Security" might have been my second guess.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yeah, I am super leary. I hope someone will report back as to what these files say.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

So this is just a database of intelligence agents with a bio and photo?

Celticgirlonamission ago

From what I'm seeing yes intelligence agents...

Mommyplayer571 ago

If you put all those digits in a convertor hex to ASCII it just says: Airborne March like this reference as well Https://en.wikipedia.org/great/wiki/Airborne_march There was this strange phrase too I will see if there is a reverse ASCII to hex. d o n t a s k d h - o n t t - e - l

Here is Hex of above has 78 characters 20 64 20 6f 20 6e 20 74 20 20 61 20 73 20 6b 20 20 64 20 68 20 2d 20 6f 20 6e 20 74 20 20 74 20 2d 20 65 20 2d 20 6c

sore_ass_losers ago

Your link 404s - not found. All what digits?

JPEG files can have things like title, subject, and comments that are ASCII text. You might need an EXIF reader.

Mommyplayer571 ago

It's from the 3-4 twitter accounts active last few days. Here is a link to picture https://twitter.com/mommyplayer571/status/830282757834145792 The HEX of the phrase is what I just posted. A different video had many digits and when I did HEX to ASCII like the video suggested I got a phrase Airborne March And the video linked also to this Https://en.wikipedia.org/great/wiki/Airborne_march

Another clue was that the Key was "will" I need to learn more about AES256 My twitter links all the videos, I can collect them and edit this note.


Archive of pager messages: https://911.wikileaks.org/files/index.html

Oh Lisa video giving string of digits and instructions to convert to ASCII https://twitter.com/theswimswam/status/830125358120701952

This acct states the seeds are for Insurance file that is 88 Gigabytes https://twitter.com/videsteach/status/829919896775503872


This is the beginning of some digits that eventually convert to "Airborne March" https://youtu.be/m-2AQuotZjg

Another Video showing reference to Hotel related to Airborne March https://twitter.com/theswimswam/status/830126003045355521

d o n t a s k d h - o n t t - e - l

sore_ass_losers ago

Thanks for the explanation and links. I'm not up on this vault7 stuff. Don't think it's my cuppa, but good luck!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Damn it! I can't open the files!

Phenomenonanon ago

Some were saying they lied about how many people died on 911

Mtnchan ago

Nah, that was wild guess at what pics were of

Don-Keyhote ago

I searched one image at random, which was a big breasted Latina to be sure, and She a an air force linguist. Her names from the previous ICWATCH list of intelligence operatives. Of course if you click a Pinterest account in her name, Gia Montalto, and her friends, it's a ton of owls, butterflies around one eye, etc. Pandas and swirl snailshells but among many animals. Draw your own conclusions heh

Disgusted-Lurker ago

I just searched the internet for Gia Montalto and got a hit for a GoFundMe page to help a 7yo "pageant girl" from Texas get to NY for talent and modeling stuff...



Edit: If anyone can let me know how to create a proper link on a mobile device, I will be less of a dolt in the future.

Vindicator ago

Highlight whatever you want to turn into a link. Click the third box in the little row of buttons above the window you type in that looks like a chain. Another little box will appear. Paste the url into that box. Click the button next to it that says "create link." Voila! If you are doing it on mobile and can't see the buttons, go to your browser settings pulldown in the upper right corner (looks like three dots or lines) and check the "request desktop site" box and refresh.




8_billion_eaters ago

Please repeat. I'm not sure if your message was clear. ...stop with the fucking caps. (plz)

Forgetmenot ago

Just curious...Why do the caps bother you?

0xFFF ago

Its like shouting around for no reason. No one likes the loud annoying guy...

Forgetmenot ago


remedy4reality ago

i like the caps...

Eyezopen ago

I agree with you on the mobile device. I need to work more info. Helped spread during SuperBowl to

comma8 ago

the goal of this tweet may be to discredit all previous leaks, specifically the emails. wikileaks was possibly compromised in october. please be careful, and examine this information without taking it as gospel automatically. remember. it's fucking linked on (((((((((((twitter))))))))))).

if it's real, we have a trove on our hands. idk why the fuck twitter would host a link to it.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

on the twitter they are learning now Steve Jobs died of Aids. Wikeleaks put that out in 2009. That is on this too. So I don't see anything new yet.... https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs_purported_HIV_medical_status_results,_2008

throwawaa ago

on reddit people are saying this isn't any new information, it has been there since 2015.


derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/theswimswam/status/830107900383080449 :

{Riptide on Twitter: " t.co/X7uoPRz25p #Vault7 #ItsTime Enjoy"

This has been an automated message.

Phenomenonanon ago

Not 100% sure of this is Vault 7 or not. People are still looking into it

YingYangMom ago

It's not. I posted a comment with proof that this is an old file. This twitter account guy is wrong about it being #Vault7. Misleading.