YingYangMom ago


porqueno ago

Latest from DonaldWashington:

CLINTON | Human Testing in AFRICA | Pharmaceuticals, Organ Transplantation & PROFITS at any Price



bibigirl_ ago

Jeff koons is sucking some guys dick in "pigs blood blow job" by Bruce labruce? ?wtfffff

EndThePizza ago

OK I'm really confused by the way the information is presented there. I get that Hillary & Bill have been using the Clinton foundation to sell political influence, launder money from foreign governments, and sell them arms that end up in the hands of terrorist organizations. That has been clear ever since the Podesta emails were released.

Where does the child trafficking come in? I don't see any effort explaining how that's related. Not doubting that it is, just saying I didn't see any mention of it in their post/comments.

And what is so new & special about the revelations in their post?

Lobotomy ago

Dude, fix the fucking formatting on your title. Holy shit, I don't even want to click this because of how retarded you look.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Admittedly, fairly topical look-through. It's definitely good shit, but like the rest of the whole PG investigation, no smoking guns that I saw.

Is there something specific I'm overlooking?

dogeminho ago


I did a thing on Kosovo, which is stated right there.

islandofdelight ago

Here's a collection of archives posted to reddit relating to this.... https://archive.fo/gdX5G

privatepizza ago

We haven't seen you both around here much and it looks like you're new. It's obviously relevant to many here, so why these comments? I admire your speed-reading ability, to have digested all this material so quickly in order to make such general assumptions.

I also posted a thread on this last night when it was breaking, and you were right on my back about it not being relevant then too, @Long_Knife. That you read all that material in 30 mins, wow, I'm guessing you're some kinda marvel hero.

Long_Knife ago

This material was posted 6-7 hours on reddit before it was posted here. So there was plenty of time to read it unless you have some type of reading disability. Not sure how my account age has anything to do with anything, especially when this account is 1 month older than yours. It seems questioning things is really frowned on here which is ironic considering what is trying to be accomplished.People that go along with things get upvoated, people that question get downvoted.

privatepizza ago

Lets agree to disagree here. I'm all for listening to others opinions, as most of us are here I believe.

1 - When I posted the Reddit thread on here last night and you called me out for it being irrelevant, it had been 1 hour since the docs were released. That makes you a super-hero-reader in my eyes.

2 - Your account may be 2 months old however you haven't discussed much until now. However you seem real interested in this material and all the threads on it.

3 - Questioning others opinions isn't frowned upon here.

4 - If you'd like to start a thread for discussing whether this material is relevant or not, why not do that. I'll be all up for hearing opinions.

5 - Other than that, suggest you find a thread which you feel is relevant? Many here feel this is, measured by the UPVoats on it.

pnwpatriot97 ago

To the top!!!

Long_Knife ago

I said the same thing last night. a mod replied with this:

[–] Vindicator [M] 2 points (+2|-0) 9 hours ago Pizzagate refers to the sexual abuse and trafficking of children by the global elite -- as this is believed to be one of the most 1) lucrative and 2) effective ways they consolidate power, subvert justice and undermine their challengers worldwide. So yes, human trafficking funding ISIS, and the connection of U.S. elites to it, is relevant to the investigation.

This /v/ keeps trying to shove everything under the pg umbrella.

fremar ago

this is fantastic ! hillary for prison

IPleadThe2nd ago

There is SO MUCH damning evidence on voat and Reddit about what these fuckheads are doing, so what do we do about it? How do we get it to stop and take them down? I love all of the eye opening info you good people have provided, but what happens now? I'm getting angrier by the day that these people are roaming our world free to prey on innocents!!!!

Rikvidr ago

Well, consider this. Under Trump, there have now been four sizeable child trafficking rings busted, in the past 30 days (and one in the Netherlands I won't attribute to him). The existence of those clearly had already been known, and Obama didn't do anything about it. I have no doubt that the Trump administration knows about all this, as do the relevant alphabet organizations, and are probably making cases against them.

IPleadThe2nd ago

I know it's not as big and fast as some would like, but it is happening!

AmishMechWarrior ago

Some people have known this stuff for decades and nobody believed them. Imagine living decades with this heavy knowledge

YingYangMom ago

I know it's frustrating! I feel the same way, but we need to push the tweets, the memes, control the narrative to be heard. How do TPTB do it? How did they get heard? They used commercials, ads, they're in our faces all the time! Use their own tools against them. Use it! Spread the word on social media and keep tweeting and posting as much as you can. With all that said, don't forget to take breaks, breathe, get away a little and then come back for more. I'm so proud of us!

Azzipdoe ago

Can somebody restructure this Reddit post? Can't even read it it's such a mess.

witheyestosee ago

Bravo! Upvoated.

JimmyLionstar ago

Nicely done!! Great investigation work!!

Chatman ago

They say you need to order from oldest first, the comments TLDR everything for you. Its fucking huge

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I'm suprised not to see Herb Sandler's name.

YingYangMom ago


sensitive ago

My sincere apologies because this comment is not related to this post, and because of the rules, I can’t create a thread of its own here, but I don’t see any other solution to bring this topic to your all attention:

The main subverse pizzagate is so full of threads that it is not possible for new members or lurkers (not to mention law enforcement people) to see what we have achieved so far. Even longtime members have difficulty keeping track of all the important threads with good evidence. So we really need to have something that flags all the important threads, or to put them in a subverse of their own. Member @impulse110 and I have posted a similar suggestion in different subverses:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1632495 Ok I feel like there is so much evidence and so many loose ends. A lot of this research is adhoc since there is no way to know what new piece of evidence is going to come up. But is there a utility we can use to link everything together and give a place for people with validated evidence to contribute. Is there something we can create with visual links and diagrams of all the leads and evidence? I am imagining a web of nodes and links with sub nodes and links with supporting evidence. There has to be a tool already available that we can use. I will be willing to contribute to it if it seems practical. So many people run into so many good leads but dont have the time and effort to go deeper into it and other people can jump in and go deeper into that specific lead. Right now its hard for new people to jump in without knowing everything else that has already been worked on. There is a lot of inefficiencies in this process. You cant expect people to follow and read into every post. and many people just want to know where they can get involved and jump in with their efforts.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/1632250 More and more people are submitting postings, which is basically a good thing, of course. However, the subverse "pizzagate" is now more swamped than ever with all kinds of postings, and while they may all be related to Pizzagate, not all of them turn out to contain good evidence.

Since we want to attract more people to this investigation, newcomers (as well as lurkers) will find it extremely difficult to get an overview of what we have accomplished so far in terms of evidence. Hitting the "Hot" button doesn't help, of course.

So I suggest a new subverse called, for example, "pizzagateevidence" where all postings with good (circumstantial or direct) evidence are stored - additionally to the normal pizzagate subverse.

I know that deciding which post delivers good evidence and which not may be difficult, but if you agree, I think we should give it at least a try.

Please comment on these posts so that we can put some pressure on the mods! Thank you all for this – and for keeping up the incredibly good work!

Freemasonsrus ago

You could do what George Webb is doing with the story boards on Trello. I think those boards where people can add links to a particular subject, and especially graphics, would be huge. Most people are visual learners. I find that the boards with short blurbs linking to the next piece of evidence, while also including a link with further details, is the best way for people to absorb the info quickly. It's a lot of work, but I think if everyone works together then we can have an awesome database to share with anyone, including officials.

**On another note: I saw someone on GW's comments had an epiphany that clicked in my own brain about the organ trafficking. The affordable care act was about a database. A database of human "resources" aka cattle, for organ trafficking. Of course, it plays other roles in controlling the population that are more easily discernible like the govt picking winners and losers wrt to healthcare through the single payer (actually means "single provider" ie: the govt), system, but it's so clear now that organ trafficking would also be a HUGE profit for these bastards and not need to come from other nations anymore. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why I never signed up for that BS.

VieBleu ago

Leave posts as they are here, and simply file and store "good evidence" posts in the new subverse. Is never going to happen because it is logical and also asks the mods to make appropriate decisions that actually help /v/pizzagate instead of hinder it. Ha.


YingYangMom ago

I have a suggestion, but we need the Mods to be with us on this one. First, we should create a list of all existing leads connected to Pizzagate. Then, everyday, one singular lead would be put up in a "collecting evidence post" about that particular lead. For example, first day could be Comet Ping Pong day and all related threads. We'd ask that all Voaters, lurkers and Mods post any and every thread they've archived or bookmarked or saved somewhere on that thread to be collected. Once time is up, we edit and archive for further research. Next day, new lead is put up on a thread.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

I'd love to contribute as I know more about Syria and Syrian war connections than most here. How it was started, who sent people where and what etc....

Saudis loved sending freed prisoners to Syria, that's just the start of the human trafficking.

newworldahead ago

I love this idea. Personally I would create a different "collecting evidence post" each day which we should upvoat like mad men. Example: "Collecting evidence thread - Feb 11 - McCann case". By writing a different thread each day we have more chance that the thread remains on the front page.

YingYangMom ago

We could ping the mods and ask them to help us out by making an exception for our daily threads. But first we need a list of leads to make @sensitive wonderful idea happen. Why not start now? I'll give you some of the important leads I believe we should be 'collecting old threads' in relation to:

  1. Comet Ping Pong
  2. James Alefantis social media
  3. Friends of Comet Ping Pong (Heavy Breathing, Sasha Lord, Scott Cummings & family, Joe wills, John Kreher, et al)
  4. Killroom investigation
  5. Pegasus Museum
  6. Haiti orphanages and foundations suspected of nefarious activities
  7. Hawai Connection
  8. FBIAnon and his 4chan threads
  9. CF, CGI anything HRC and Bill Clinton related (Charles Ortel, Eric Braverman, et al)
  10. Moonie Cult
  11. MK Ultra
  12. The Jimmy Savile case
  13. Madeleine McCann case
  14. The Hampstead case
  15. The Franklin Cover-up case
  16. The Fiona Barnett case
  17. The Johnny Gosch case
  18. The Mc Martin case
  19. Laura Silsby
  20. The Maccoby ties
  21. SRA
  22. Soros and his nefarious and chaos creating initiatives
  23. CIA and the Finders case

and so many more...

newworldahead ago

This is great. We need as many voaters to participate in this effort. How about we start this on monday? Could be tomorrow too

sensitive ago

I am open to anything that works! So let's choose either one of the threads I mentioned and comment and upvoat so as to get heard!

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I agree that we have reached a point where consolidation is required. Quite often if I write a new post, a quick search in the sidebar on this subverse comes up with a number of related past threads. Often, with relevant but forgotten information. Perhaps we should encourage people to look for related threads when they post now as it helps to put a more complete picture together.

Edit : I also think that infographics are a very effective way of condensing a lot of information into one image and we could make more use of them. I've been trying to working out what is the best software to use for mapping all this information.

LostandFound ago

Would it be simpler than all this legal mumbo jumbo to just declare her a witch? The solutions for witch related issues are far more straight forward.

VieBleu ago

lol thanks for the laff

"She turned me into a newt! Got better."

LostandFound ago

Small rocks

( I really want to say an unladen swallow )

A duck!

VieBleu ago

Can't we just build a bridge out of 'er? (make the Clinton Foundation do that one good thing anyway)

LostandFound ago

I'm all for it, can it be something like this


VieBleu ago

lolol on floor.

yes, it should be put somewhere where the refugees can use it. Back and forth as we argue what to do with them.

YingYangMom ago

Yes and this post needs to be sticked as"Important" or "New evidence."

rest_me123 ago

Piles of information like this should have an introduction and explanation of what it really is. I try to understand what the information is supposed to say, with the headline in mind, but honestly, this way it's not possible for normal citizens to grasp the complex connections. The pizzagate has an explaining introduction thread which summarizes it all, with a clear conclusion, which is nice. But this is too messy, even the reposter didn't really know why the infos lead to the titled conclusions and just trusted the OP.

chickyrogue ago

ka-Boom well done!

IDeliverPizza ago

I'm pretty sure there was a money link in there take it in as analytical information rn. Tho. I just copied the title and peddled it here taking the title for what it was. Hoping the title lives up to what it says. Good point though I would just compile and analyze and add if anything is new because people sometimes get super excited and realize it might just just a duplicate of information since it hasn't been around or revisited from our great pile of info we've been stacking since the podesta leaks and FBI anon.

MolochHunter ago

Dude you need to take charge of this thread, then - I spent 20 minutes, couldn't find anything other than allegations - you need to come up with the goods or hose down everyone's investigative boner

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Hahaha..."hose down everyone's investigative boner"...

Great info, but no smoking guns here. It's clear as day these fuckers treat humans like dirt. They have no conscience. But we need hard evidence to go with the storyboard.

This whole thread has me thinking about the TPP/TTIP. The drug companies had a big hand in drafting that stinking pile of garbage. And the best (worst) part was that there was a "twilight" period of X number of years (5?) in which the public wasn't even allowed to see what was in a significant portion of the bill.

Why is that? What was it? Who wrote that specific portion? I bet that would be some juicy info to get hands on...if only for the storyboard...

Nana66 ago

Speaking of TPP, when Trump got elected and it just suddenly was dead...I did a post here that got deleted inquiring if anyone knew anything about it that could connect it to the global child abusing networks and now it had to die before being exposed....also I read something the other day claiming Trump is against TTIP also in addition to wanting to renegotiate NAFTA..this is all slave labor...it probably includes more than just manufacturing type labor.

carmencita ago

There is still something called TISA. That is the TPP & TTIP rolled into one and even worse than either one of them. We must keep our eyes and ears open. I did not vote for Trump, am willing to give him a chance, but I know that we have been burned by every President now since I have been alive except for Kennedy & Carter. How do we know he will not say that he hates Trade Agreements, except this one will be just wonderful with a few tweaks? I would not show my back to any of them. Been burned too many times. Am keeping my mind open though, and my fingers crossed and still hoping he will drain the swamp.

vacvape ago

I like where your mind is at. I suspect it's on target.

frankenmine ago

Archive this thread. It won't last.

AreWeSure ago

The Nothing-ing. Day 6

IDeliverPizza ago

Can somebody get this to GLP I'm banned.

VieBleu ago

what is GLP

Birdzeyeview ago


comma8 ago


stellarcorpse ago

hey James what ya gonna do if someone putz a spell on you??? you don't believe the silly shit anyways so matters not. amiright?


stellarcorpse ago

What the hell is this? can you explain it without being snarky? My dad was a big time cocaine dealer in the 80's and he used code like this.


stellarcorpse ago

JA, if this is you or one of the people in JA's circle, why are you such an elitist condescending fuck? Notice you never respond to replies on your comments. That's because you're a pussy. Not helping your brand. We are not the unwashed masses. We are caring private citizens. Don't treat us like cattle. If you want us to see your POV, (being stalked, harassed), than best you also see ours. Talking about maps on pizzas and sharing a piece of pizza for an hour (Podesta emails) does bring ?? to inquiring minds. Don't be an ass. Look at the forest through the trees.

Also, if you have ownership of CarisJames, please relinquish her. Don't touch her. Kids that are touched grow up to be a hot mess. Like you and me.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Why are you so interested in coming on the thread so regularly Jimmy? I mean, nothing's obviously happening in your world right so why bother reading the mounting evidence? How often do you get hauled in for another programming tune up zaaap zaaap zzzzzzaaaap? Does that not bother you? Do you even know WHO you really are? They've taken your soul away, do you not want it back? Do the right thing for once and live in peace? Be strong and break the cycle, get justice from those who stole it from you so long ago. Help us.

WhereIsCarisJames ago

Hey James, Where is Caris James?

Phenomenonanon ago

Hey JA how's life

Phenomenonanon ago

This is it guys

derram ago

https://snew.github.io/r/The_Donald/comments/5t8x5g/human_trafficking_is_funding_isis_in_north_africa/ :

HUMAN TRAFFICKING is funding ISIS in North Africa. The refugee crisis is MANUFACTURED. These people CAUSED it. These people PROFIT from it. The intended result is POWER CONSOLIDATION. The COURTS are the front line. | DRAIN THE SWAMP : The_Donald

This has been an automated message.

IDeliverPizza ago

4chan is going nuts rn spread spread spread.

vector3rector ago

You have no idea how much just got dumped.

I have a almost certain feeling the Clinton's will be contacting their friends, the Obamas, the Bush's, the Saudi, and Qatar Royal Families, to help them hide from all this shit for a few years.

Evarett ago

Wouldn't it be great if she could just shove her thumb up her ass instead?

YingYangMom ago

I hope someone makes sure she does more than just a thumb.

Edit: P.S. On live TV for the whole world to see!

IDeliverPizza ago

This is the extension with the info graphic. This might be even better than the original post.


Truthseeker3000 ago

Sorry, dumb question here- I can't view any Imgur images posted on Voat. Is there some other way I can see them? Thank you!!

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Had the same issue, right-click and open in new tab or new window.

VieBleu ago

try opening the image link in another tab or new window. Solves the prob most of the time.

redditsuckz ago

No wonder the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children(NCMEC) with ties to International(ICMEC) want databases on children as they support the CHIP program;

Stomach churning find on Freemason Lodge website. Child Identification Program (CHIP) listed on front page.


pnwpatriot97 ago


demon92dc ago

Take SCREENSHOTS of this album, the archived version doesn't show all images!

lipids ago

Then save them locally. Screenshots only degrade their quality. The point of archiving is to show the history of the post, but you don't get that with infographics or screenshots.

YingYangMom ago

Wow! People need to archive this album 1,000,000 times! This needs to be printed out as well and shared, shared, shared!

vector3rector ago

People should print it at put it up all over DC., Ask how criminal charges haven't been drawn up for the Clinton's yet?

User890020 ago

I'm working as fast as I can, I'm only up to 866,000 so far, sorry