anonOpenPress ago

Handling such a large issue, I fully agree. All dedicated subverses are helpful at least for myself in my investigations.

Here's the current list and if someone adds "pizzagateevidence" not too similar with the existing ones, I'm happy to add it to the list

wecanhelp ago

I fully agree that the community needs to start organizing evidence. However, I don't think that another subverse will solve that problem, unless submission is limited to a pretty fucking great working group of high-level analysts. Anything where people can freely submit to will inherently end up with the same problems as the current main sub. Unfortunately, even if someone manages to put together a group like that, submissions from /v/pizzagate cannot be migrated to the new sub, they need to be resubmitted as Link posts, which will fragment the discussions and votes.

I think this needs to happen outside of Voat, on a platform like as per @Silverlining's suggestion, and, again, by a carefully assembled group with great high-level analytical skills. Pinging @RebelSkum here, the owner of so that he may add his two cents about the right approach to this, or whether it should even happen on to begin with.

A dedicated Voat subverse is a good place to pre-filter this kind of stuff, though. Meaning that a sub where people could freely submit links that they find worthy of addition to the final, organized database of evidence is a good idea, but the sub itself shouldn't be the result that we point an audience to, it should be the means to achieve that result that is being maintained, in an organized manner, somewhere else. In my opinion anyway.

Silverlining ago

Now the consolidation is in flow, there needs to be a curating of the "evidence for the prosecution." Best case for reasonable suspicion to start an investigation.

Silverlining ago

Set it up and see what happens. I think the guys here are doing great things. All power to them! It may not be the final collation, but it is a great leap in the evolution of pizzagate.

RebelSkum ago

Voat has been a great platform for community feedback and debate.

That said I am more than willing to accommodate more contributors on the Wiki and think that's a stellar idea.

A subverse like PizzagateWiki, PizzagateSpeculation, or like you said PizzagateEvidence would work as well to keep things organized and pre-filtered/curated

Silverlining ago

Awesome work. Hats off to the person who did it.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, hats off. However, when researching and trying to connect dots, more material is needed and there are so many good leads and links and information put up on threads, that it would be imperative to have another tool to work with and I believe it can be done here. For example, we could create a list of leads and ask voaters to put up all the related threads they can come up with. Everyday, one lead or subject could be posted in an attempt to collect all threads related to it. At the end, we'd have some sort of organised and compressed tool for further investigation. I suggest we ask help from the mods to make this possible. For example, ask them to leave the submission up on pizzagate instead of deleting it and sending it on pizzagatewhatever.