cantsleepawink ago

Very useful post. Thank you.

sunshinepines83 ago

Wow, I had no idea there were so many different pizzagate related subs here, and I've been lurking for a few months! Thanks for the list op :)

anonOpenPress ago

Good idea. Still thanks, was useful for me at least.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks. If added, just wondering under which topic, as this covers also labor & adult trafficking. - and I might guess that would mean adding a huge amout of other subs too. Maybe under new topic "Other trafficking related" or not adding at all, what do you think

anonOpenPress ago

Ah, I use save or bookmark on that purpose

anonOpenPress ago

Uh, what list

rodeo13 ago

This is so helpful!

anonOpenPress ago

thanks, fixed

anonOpenPress ago

thanks, these are all inactive but I picked *Awareness into the post as there was one new post 8 days ago.

EDIT: Adding to the list of inactives


Astrodreamer ago

This is interesting. I had no idea all this was going on. How about a /v/PizzagateAnti-semitism? Seriously. Also, I think that items in /v/Pizzagate that belong in /v/pizzagateCode, including exploration of occult symbolism, should be moved there automatically. If we could cleanse the main thread of those two offensive (to most people) and silly (to most people) contents we would become more influential. Important figures like Lori Handrahan distance themselves from us -- the very politicians and journalists we need on our side. The main branch needs to be a pure repository of solid leads and referenced research only -- maybe 'leads' (approved by a quorum of mods) should be a special feature, or its own subverse.

anonOpenPress ago

I think this is Voat - users decide where they post and what, moderators tune their rules if they feel their sub is filling up with shit.But I do agree that some categorizing would be good regarding investigations. *Code could be used more, gathering ppl interested in that direction of investigation. *Anti could have its own sub (debunking pizzagate is awfully difficult) ;) . Anyway, all good subs tend to finds their users.

Silverlining ago seems to go to the goat error page

anonOpenPress ago

fixed now

redditsuckz ago

users to decide what is talked about, not mods


TruthTrumps ago

This is a good post but it will get buried like all the good posts do. Also, anybody new to VOAT and the investigation will be turned off by all the shit posts on the main pages to even bother digging any further. Look at the numbers. We are losing people big-time. The place is not getting better, it's getting worse. The devil is winning on VOAT. Wake up.

anonOpenPress ago

You're right, issue addressed /v/pizzagatemods/1821762 - nd we won't let the devil win ;)

Laskar ago

I finally got to upvote you here.

TruthTrumps ago

My suggestion is we move away from VOAT. The bad guys are winning here. The site is completely compromised. I suggest we start posting more at ..... and maybe we could give a try. I realize these are not great suggestions, but I'm at the point anywhere is better than here. I recall sending a friend, who doubted pizzagate, to VOAT back when the investigation got started. I would never send anyone here now. It is a total embarrassment. Shame on the pro pedophilia mods.

AngB23 ago

I go between both places. I feel like when the shills pounce on a topic/discussion or people...we are close to something and dig deeper.

TruthTrumps ago

I go between several places. But this place used to be a lot better. Numbers were much higher...usually around 1000 viewers or more. Now it's half and less of that figure. There are many good posters here, but good posts die because of all the shit posts and the way mods monitor. I would think most intelligent newcomers, greeted by a barage of shit posts, would think we are a bunch of crazies as the MSM portrays us. And as i said before. THIS thread is an example of a good post...but let's see how long it lasts. Also...most newcomers read whats on the first page. And even if they decide to search for something specific, this search function is worthless. Can't help that I am pissed/frustrated. I feel like we are moving backwards instead of forward....and that the shills/trolls/pedos are winning in destroying this forum. Eventually truth triumphs...but feels like it's taking forever. Sad.

sound_of_silence ago

if enough of us refuse to let shills take over the main sub, then they won't be able to... in reality, the sincere, decent people in the pizzagate truth movement outnumber the insincere (including insincere mods)...

the fact that there are over 30 different pg subs just proves the gatekeepers are working to divide and conquer... we can aggregate sets but the outside observer isn't doing that.. so they're forced to see what the moderators determine is seen on the main.. thus, the moderators control the snapshot of the movement.

there's been quite a bit of responsibility for this placed on "the community" but i don't see any evidence the community really wants this extensive segregation and censorship of the main sub.

the community should be able to voat on what does and doesn't make it to the main pages of the subs, moderators shouldn't get to decide that when supposedly the sub is "for the community" not "for the mods"

if we all came together, we could change things here and preserve the so-called "newspaper of record" for pizzagate.