huhWHAThuh ago

When it's time to bring the organ harvesting George Webb is documenting on his you tube channel home to the States, would be convenient for them to have everybody's kids already typed and crossmatched. A Rockefeller or Harriman or anybody else with the bucks could just call and place an order for their next organ upgrade. As simple as ordering tacos to go.

Truthseeker3000 ago

This should be blasted all over your social media if you have any to spread the word to people who have no clue about what these vermin are doing to this generations children. It is NOTHING good believe me. Look in your community to find out where the local Freemason lodges are and talk about this with friends and family and see who the members are, where they meet, what they are affiliated with and avoid all of it. This is important to know. Where I am, they want abosolute secrecy and do not want to be outed or known. The judges and lawyers are among many members and they make hand signals during court and criminals get off sentences because of this. These "men" are evil to the very core. Beware.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This describes Wisconsin accurately. The Attorney General and other high ranking officials with a duty to investigate corruption are in the Freemason and other related clubs. The laws of Freemasonry and these clubs supercede the laws of the municipality, state or nation. Above all else.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Get some people together who are aware of the Shit they do, pitch in $$$ to setup a live feed of the outside area to see who goes in and who doesn't come out?

FartOnYou ago

Any pizza places near you? If so it maye be a psy op or false flag

pnwpatriot97 ago

Several in fact. Pizza Harbor, Fultanos Pizza, and Angelina's Pizzeria. All in Seaside, OR.

DustyRadio ago

The largest Scottish Rite lodge in the Eastern USA is in a hicksville town a couple hours from Williamsport, PA. They boast more memberships than the town it's located in has citizens. Wtf. Wikipedia puts their membership even higher than their own site.

"Coudersport is home to a Scottish Rite Consistory. With over 5000 members, Coudersport's Consistory has the largest per-capita membership of any Scottish Rite Consistory.",_Pennsylvania

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

See Milwaukee and Racine.

AliensInParis ago

Google Child Identification Program CHIP and the top result took me here:

At the bottom it lists the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children as a sponsor. Seems like they use dental imprints, DNA cheek swabs, and fingerprints to identify children.

Chasnigga ago

This is bogus. They misspelled Freemasonry in the Nav bar. I know everyone wants to get the Freemasons involved in every conspiracy, but this ain't the link that proves it. It only proves someone thinks others are stupid.

redditsuckz ago

Its not bogus...

Masonic Childrens Chip program picture;

Home - Lodge members;

And here is another Lodge website that Victor Kee of the Evergreen Chapter registered;

Chasnigga ago

That last one looks much more official. Still, the whole microchipping thing is creepy af.

NikitaVerite ago

I don't think a misspell means this site is bogus at all. Let's be real - some retarded freemason cobbled together this site for his lodge, and didn't notice the mistake and even if someone pointed it out, it would be too confusing for the dumb fuck to fix it. These are generally old white morons that are useless with technology. Whoever put this site together was probably really fucking proud of his own retarded self.

[edited to add "think" at the beginning - derp - I'm a retard sometimes too]

Chasnigga ago

True. It coulda been done by one of the goat fuckers' grandsons or something like that.

crystalclearme ago

Yes- had heard there would be a huge increase in fake leads and psyops to split us and divide us and make us look crazy. Must be very discerning of what we grab onto in coming weeks.

Chasnigga ago

Exactly. For years, "tin foil hat" was a slur, "conspiracy theorist" a dismissal. Now we're looking awake and sane. They don't like that. Hate to say it, but victims and survivors need to step forward to build credibility. Or, someone somewhere has to come up with visual and audio proof. That's a risky endeavor.

concernedaboutitall ago

Chip program has been around a while.

Chasnigga ago

Yeah, but that website is bogus.

concernedaboutitall ago

Agree. Badly done site for sure. seems to be more official.

pizzaequalspedo ago

98% of these freemasons and other secret society members are just dorks that want to feel cool belonging to a "secret club".... It's really pathetic that adults feel that needy.

Anyway, these local chapters are mostly made up of the useful idiots doing the bidding for the satanic higher up members (the 2%).

I would guess the vast majority of the local guys don't have any clue how nefarious the underlying intended purpose of the CHIP program really is.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Most know what is going on by the time they level up, but by then it is too late. They have already pledged their loyalty. They want to be part of the winning team. They being to learn more, and are lied to about what is necessary to move the community/nation/world forward.

The trick is they infiltrate normal organizations, businesses and clubs to dilute the corruption and conspiracy so that they have full control across the community and can identify and target dissenters calling them conspiracy theorists by extrapolating the claim of corruption to include "every organization, business or club" in the community. They also leverage everyone's secrets and use blackmail, extortion and other means to maintain order and control.

The problem in Wisconsin and many other places, is that executive, legislative and judicial branches as well as the business community are saturated with members of these corrupt societies and clubs. The only hope is a federal investigation or intervention.

NikitaVerite ago

Exactly this ^

redditsuckz ago

This secret club of "just dorks" protects their own. This is why no justice gets done because these masons are everywhere to cover up their fellow masons crimes and initiations include homosexual orgies with each other.

Aleister Crowley "The All Seeing Eye" Explained In His Own Words.

(English) Hidden Camera Masonic Ritual Satan Worship Exposed

You can bet these "low level" masons will be promoted to higher positions of authority in every part of society while more qualified personal will be passed over.

pnwpatriot97 ago

It'd be useful to link their projects with the number of the Mason lodges and see if there are any connections. Like if the number 137 was linked to anything, or if certain numbers meant certain practices, projects, etc.

PizzaGate711 ago

The Iglesia Ni Cristo 'Church' CULT, that originated in the Philippines and is spread throughout the US and world - fingerprints and harvests blood and bone marrow from its members. And the cult's crest looks awfully like the Freemasons' .,bs.2,d.dGo&psig=AFQjCNE67d7kozqJTIqSbLQuCIkdiCSwow&ust=1486833344732555

And there's the brainwashing part - where children are to sing never to question the 'church' administration. This was an early version - there are newer songs with the same brainwashing objective.
And there is some weird things going on in Gaithersburg outside of Washington DC at one of their community outposts which I've read on voat, requiring police protection. This particular offshoot of the Freemason cult has been plagued - you won't believe it - with stories of corruption and kidnappings too.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look into connections to Racine, Wisconsin - it is a cesspool of corruption among Freemasons, Knights of Pythias, Pilgrims Society, Rotary and other secret and closed clubs and societies, with direct links to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Agenda 21 and sustainability, and many other foundations and funnels of corruption and abuse.

George Webb is getting warmer. He has connected quite a few dots. There is much more and it is threatening to destroy our communities, our nation and the world. Racine, Wisconsin has all of the elements involved.

zo34 ago

I have a camera and a good head (maybe). I'm also within driving distance of Racine.

DevilintheDetails ago

As am i

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Anyone can find out the truth about Racine through online research despite Pizzagate-level censorship locally. The rest you have to experience as it is truly unbelievable. It is very disturbing to those who know the truth about corruption among the elite circles in Racine and other smaller communities. If you do travel to Racine, notice the masonic obelisks in the heart of downtown by city hall and in other places. Also be sure to look up pedo cases in Racine to get a glimpse of the back story. See Agenda 21 for the real truth.

DevilintheDetails ago

I started reading up on agenda 21 today. Found some conspiracy sites about wi agenda 21, Chemtrails, ect. It led back to Obama signing EO 13603 in 2012. I am trying to read about all of this from various sites, looked at wiki though and their obvious bias on many things related to our searches..anyways this part of it was cringeworthy:

"The fact-checking website noted: "Despite claims that the executive order provided the President with unprecedented new powers such as declaring martial law, seizing private property, implementing the rationing of food, gasoline, and drugs, restarting peacetime conscription, and nationalizing America industry, merely by declaring a national emergency , the National Defense Resources Preparedness EO issued by President Obama was simply a minor updating of a similar order issued by President Bill Clinton in 1994 (which itself had decades-old predecessors) and amended several times since."[5] In particular, this executive order removes the name of the Federal Emergency Management Agency from previous orders, and replaces it with references to branches of the Department of Homeland Security , in order to bring the previous orders up to date with changes in the structure of the Federal Government.[5]

Do you have any directions to point me in for more info as well? Thanks

FartOnYou ago

Amazing. He connects all the dots. There must be a network of 50000 pedos all working together around the country. Most are elites and we knkw what elites do!

DevilintheDetails ago

What about Janesville (paul ryan) ? Racine and janesville both not far from Chicago and all if it's evil.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Paul Ryan has been made directly aware of the corruption, as have Ron Johnson and others. They are grossly negligent at best, but it is much worse than negligence in reality. They are revered and rewarded for their role in the corruption and conspiracy. Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus are both from the area, and both have turned their backs on the law and the people in their communities.

FartOnYou ago

Exactly. Being near chicago is a drad give away. Pedo alert.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Correct. There are many ties between Racine and the corruption in Chicago and Milwaukee, Manitowoc and other areas of Wisconsin.

markrod420 ago

I knew racine was a shit bag of a place. But how exactly are they involved in all of this pizzagate stuff? I just assumed they are just a trashy slum town and avoid the place whenever possible.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Knights of Pythias is one starting point. Known pedos in elite circles is another. Growing levels of human trafficking is yet one more. Extreme censorship and cover ups of corruption and conspiracy is another. Underground tunnels is another. Collusion in healthcare is another. Vaccines and global 'clubs' is another. Everything links back to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Agenda 21 and secret societies diluted by seemingly normal organizations. This is not a drill. Research it and you will find the key. Lives have been threatened over the corruption in Racine, and they will stop at nothing to get rid of the evidence and anyone asking questions. That doesn't happen without reason.

markrod420 ago

I mean. Most of what you said is more national than related directly to racine. But I will do more digging. I'm not saying it's untrue. I'm just surprised. Racine is an unassuming slum town.

Gbuggers ago

They probably just. Collect their dna and drink it when they cant snatch up a kid to sacrifice

Dasistnichtgut ago

Here's the wiki for quick browsers:

Interesting that it's a different program than regular law enforcement. Suspicious.

redditsuckz ago

Supported by National Center for Missing and Exploited Children(NCMEC) ;

NCMEC connections to International Center for Missing and Exploited Children(ICMEC);

ICMEC Webpage links to NCMEC;


What information do you store about my child?

None at all. After each child has their Child ID Kit created for them, their information is erased from the software on the computer used to create the kit. The only copy of this information is on your take-home CD-ROM and the printed infromation and ID sheets which are given to you. There is no further connection between your private information and the MasoniChIP organization.

Well that should make families feel better...