Tanngrisnir ago

Excellent post!

zoltan907 ago

A short history of US/EU involvement in Kosovo:

http://archive.is/4XAcD http://archive.is/acEJc

NATO dropped bombs on Serbian oil refineries, depriving Serbian citizens of heat during the winter. The EU placed sanctions on Serbia, including an oil embargo, but the US offered to "come to the rescue" with an Energy for Democracy Program, basically offering Serbian municipalities oil if they supported the opposition candidate instead of Milosevic. Only two or three towns accepted the offer. According to this page, a six-month-old Serbian refugee infant died of cold as her parents huddled in the ruins of a bombed concrete factory: http://archive.is/zlfkn.

What has "democracy" brought to Kosovo?

Well, for one thing, a Parliament in which MPs regularly throw tear gas canisters to obstruct voting sessions. The government spent 270,000 Euro ($300,000) on a body scanner to try to prevent MPs from smuggling in the cannisters.

http://archive.is/712iw http://archive.is/o1lxY http://archive.is/iA8c5

dogeminho ago

Thank you :)

fogdryer ago

Cindy McCain, (they were married one month after his divorce from his first wife in 1980), who stole drugs from her own charity,------------how can you say this-------prove.....

jangles ago

This is amazing Work. Look into the mistakes made in Croatia in the early 1990's

dogeminho ago

Will do!

dogeminho ago

Here are some photos/articles of and/or about him with high ranking officials!


Shaking hands with Hillary Clinton

Bashful Clinton?

With both Obamas

With Biden

Some odd handshake between Thaci, a guy and Bush

With both Obamas and possibly wife?


U.S. President Bush meets with the President and PM of Kosovo in Washington

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci is seen during a meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush and the President of Kosovo Fatmir Sejdiu in the in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on July 21, 2008

NOTE He was previously the PM, but became the President.

Cindy McCain on the 2008 Campaign Trail

March 26: Cindy McCain meets with Kosovo prime minister Hashim Thaci in Kosovo's capital Pristina. McCain met with Kosovo's President Fatmir Sejdiu and Prime Minister Hashim Thaci together with the head of the leading mine-clearance charity, the HALO trust. McCain is a board member in the charity that is active in war-torn countries and has traveled to Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Angola.

Cindy McCain Visits Serbian Kosovo

Cindy McCain, whose husband courted her while he was still married (they were married one month after his divorce from his first wife in 1980), who stole drugs from her own charity, is visiting mafia friends in the Serbian province of Kosovo, thereby attempting to lend legitimacy to the illegitimate mafia in control of the province, thanks to NATO aggression. ...

The KLA, led by Thaci, also viciously attacked 300 defenseless Serb civilians in Prizren, including 10 Orthodox priests and Bishop Artemije at the Monastery, urinated on religious effigies, smashed statues, raped several nuns, destroyed the Statue of Emperor Dusan and slaughtered those who resisted. This massacre is one of countless others perpetrated by these Albanian terrorists against Serbs – at Grace, at Pec, at Racak and as recently as August 2003, when Serbian children were massacred at Gorazdevac. The goal of Snake Thaci’s terrorist group was to "inflict organized and coordinated acts of violence throughout the southern Serbian province, inspired by the political goal of severing this region from Serbia and forming a separate state on its territory." Thanks to NATO benefactors, Thaci sits at the head of a terrorist drug and people trafficking artificial, illegitimate and mostly unrecognized state. The war against Yugoslavia was erroneously portrayed by the corporate media as a "humanitarian" intervention. Not new for US administrations, it was waged on the basis of the Clinton Administration’s lies of a "genocide" being waged against Albanian Muslims in Serbian Kosovo. The Clinton Administration's war against Yugoslavia killed more people than the Serbian anti-terrorist campaign in Kosovo.

President Thaçi thanked Vice President Biden for the commitment in avoiding the tensions between Kosovo and Serbia

Speech by President Thaçi at the inaugural ceremony of the “Beau Biden” street

President Obama congratulates President Thaçi and citizens of Kosovo on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr

Thaci says he wants 'European Kosovo'

PRISTINA, Kosovo, Oct. 31 (UPI) -- Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, said Wednesday he hopes to point Kosovo towards Europe.

NATO says honored guest of Clinton Global Initiative Conclave is Albanian ‘Big Fish’ in organized crime, human organ trafficking “harvested” from Serbian captives

This is the person the Clintons invited to their Clinton Global Initiative Conclave three years in a row: First in 2011, and then again in 2012 and 2013, though Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s most senior aids including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were aware of and directly queried about Thaci’s involvement in HUMAN ORGAN HARVESTING.

Kosovo's Love Affair with the Clinton's

Image captionKosovan Albanians swear they will never forget the role of the “Klintons” in the Nato bombing campaign which brought an end to conflict in 1999 A smattering of Albanian comes in handy when deciphering certain Pristina street signs. Otherwise it may not immediately be apparent that “Bulevardi Xhorxh Bush” refers to the former US president who insisted that Kosovo should become independent. But only consonant pedants would demand a translation of the name of the busy thoroughfare which runs perpendicular to George Bush Boulevard. “Bulevardi Bill Klinton” is a tribute to the man Kosovan Albanians hold in the highest possible esteem. Pristina has not just named a street in his honour. It also erected a larger-than-life-size statue of a beaming Bill Clinton, his arm outstretched in welcome. The man himself unveiled this monument when he visited Pristina to a rapturous reception in 2009. This adoration also extends to Mr Clinton’s family. Just a few yards from the statue, a women’s clothes shop called Hillary adds a fashion element to the affair. “We rate the Clinton family so highly,” says Elda Morina, a member of the family which owns both Hillary and a second outlet, Hillary 2. “They made the whole world know our problems. For the first time everyone knew who are Kosovans. Bill Clinton is the person who revealed our suffering – and from that point we all had big sympathy for the Clinton family.”

Former President Jahjaga and Secretary Clinton Signed the U.S.-Kosovo Agreement on the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Properties

Namesakes welcome Tony Blair during Kosovo visit

Podesta Lobbying

On March 30, 2012 Prishtina Insight reported that Hashim Thaci’s government signed a contract with the Podesta Group worth 50,000 dollars a month. According to the agreement, the Podesta Group was supposed to, “Research and analyze issues of concern to the principal [Kosovo].” The Podesta Group was contracted o provide counsel for the Ministry of Economic Development headed by Besim Beqaj.

Biden: A highway in Kosovo and a path to be taken

Why Kosovars got what they voted for... Obama related


Excerpt From:

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is facing a wide range of criminal allegations, including owning a harem with 52 female sex slaves, drug trafficking and the sale of human organs. The Prime Minister has been accused of criminal activity in several major European news sources; among them are Berlin-based daily Der Tagesspiegel, The Guardian, and MINA

Monopoly and Corruption at BKS – Thaci Family Business

Kosovo PM's uncle investigated for alleged connections to assassin

Thaci's maternal uncle, Azem Syla, is accused of working with Nazim Bllaca, who confessed on video to killing political opponents for the governing Democratic Party of Kosovo. Bllaca said he did so under direction from Syla. Syla and nine other people are under investigation as a result of the video confession, which was filmed in November 2009.

Hashim Thaci’s cousin Indictment for KEK tender

Hashim Thaçi has a False University Degree


The EU is cooperating with corrupt politicians in Kosovo

The EU is just a cesspool. "The EU says 30,146 people were registered as victims of human trafficking across the 28-nation EU in the three years to 2013."