Wolftrail7272 ago

St. Louis Pizza: Imo's Devlin abductions; DOJO Pizza owner caught making CP and abusing/raping kids; also, PI Pizza is here, Obama's favorite. Our area code is 314. Like Pi. But still, why PI? Only one here and one in Washington as far as I know. Check my other comments for more St. Louis info.

NeedPolyGF ago

Hi fellow St. Louisan.

dogeminho ago

Thank you! Will do. I'll also add this to the post, about other pizza places.

dogeminho ago

Or not. Eh, still!

atheist4thecause ago

Great work! This may not be tied directly to #PizzaGate (then again, maybe it is more than we know), but I think it can give us ideas about how these things have operated in the past. Also, as you mentioned, this can help us convince doubters, and that's half the battle.

dogeminho ago

Thank you! I'm still doing some research into it, but I couldn't help myself and posted. I'm going to continue to update it. I've learned that Soros has an open society foundation place in Albania. Albanian mafia has done trafficking of organs, people,etc. Hillary seems to know them too, as she helped 'liberate' Kosovo. George Soros allegedly helped her or convinced her, something along those lines.(gonna update it) Paul Castellano, previous Gambino godfather's house which the FBI wiretapped back in the 80s, is now owned by Sal Rusi who said she has 'really helped out the Albanian community'. She attended a fundraiser there, it was private. According to a few articles, a recent statue of Bill Clinton, 10 foot, was put up.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Thats just the tip of the HRC ice berg, we need to go through old case files all over the country, Clinton's name does come up in 100's of cases of murder, human trafficking etc.. But the files are buried deep and largely on paper, the ones that weren't burned that is.

dogeminho ago

Very true. The fact that pizza places have been used for trafficking(drug) before proves, in my opinion, that pizza places very likely could be used in the case of any form of trafficking. The fact HRC is connected to them is interesting. Also the fact members of the family have been convicted of child trafficking.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Actually, having intimate knowledge of them, I almost feel sorry for Bill. He was just a thug and Hillary's bitch! That woman treats that poor man like he is a bad ignorant child and she is mommy dearest abusive cunt!

derram ago

https://archive.is/Ptecj :

Hillary Clinton's ties to the MOB | Daily Mail Online

https://archive.is/GL0X5 :

Gambino crime family arrests include child sex trafficking charges | Daily Mail Online

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