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IDeliverPizza ago

I'm pretty sure there was a money link in there take it in as analytical information rn. Tho. I just copied the title and peddled it here taking the title for what it was. Hoping the title lives up to what it says. Good point though I would just compile and analyze and add if anything is new because people sometimes get super excited and realize it might just just a duplicate of information since it hasn't been around or revisited from our great pile of info we've been stacking since the podesta leaks and FBI anon.

MolochHunter ago

Dude you need to take charge of this thread, then - I spent 20 minutes, couldn't find anything other than allegations - you need to come up with the goods or hose down everyone's investigative boner

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Hahaha..."hose down everyone's investigative boner"...

Great info, but no smoking guns here. It's clear as day these fuckers treat humans like dirt. They have no conscience. But we need hard evidence to go with the storyboard.

This whole thread has me thinking about the TPP/TTIP. The drug companies had a big hand in drafting that stinking pile of garbage. And the best (worst) part was that there was a "twilight" period of X number of years (5?) in which the public wasn't even allowed to see what was in a significant portion of the bill.

Why is that? What was it? Who wrote that specific portion? I bet that would be some juicy info to get hands on...if only for the storyboard...

Nana66 ago

Speaking of TPP, when Trump got elected and it just suddenly was dead...I did a post here that got deleted inquiring if anyone knew anything about it that could connect it to the global child abusing networks and now it had to die before being exposed....also I read something the other day claiming Trump is against TTIP also in addition to wanting to renegotiate NAFTA..this is all slave probably includes more than just manufacturing type labor.

carmencita ago

There is still something called TISA. That is the TPP & TTIP rolled into one and even worse than either one of them. We must keep our eyes and ears open. I did not vote for Trump, am willing to give him a chance, but I know that we have been burned by every President now since I have been alive except for Kennedy & Carter. How do we know he will not say that he hates Trade Agreements, except this one will be just wonderful with a few tweaks? I would not show my back to any of them. Been burned too many times. Am keeping my mind open though, and my fingers crossed and still hoping he will drain the swamp.

vacvape ago

I like where your mind is at. I suspect it's on target.