TheHolyGrail ago

Pizzagate Genetic Study

TheHolyGrail ago

ANYTHING concerning Richard Branson is of interest to those of us who have been following the Madeleine McCann case for 9 years, for a number of reasons: 1. His very early support of the McCanns 2. His hosting of the marking of the 1,000th day after Madeleine's disappearance at his Rooftop Restaurant in Kensington (27 Jan 2010) 3. His links to Missing Persons organisations, with whom Kate McCann is also interested 4. His links to high-flying people who have been involved in the Madeleine McCann case - most obviously people like the Blairs, Gordon Brown and David Cameron - and now Theresa May

postfascion ago

Journalism is strange to see when it's done well. Not used to it. To the top!

madhatter67 ago

Fake news! Russians! Switch the internet off!

PizzaGate711 ago

Well here's a guy that travels to Algiers and really gets about Washington DC and NYC. Was at the Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M., Washington, DC a week ago ... and he sure has DC mapped out. Pharmacies, pizza places, vets, schools, numerous different churches, drycleaners, ob/gyn's. hospitals, orphanage addresses, the 'Exorcist Steps', The Residence of the German Ambassador, John Hopkins, daycares, Embassies of Romania, Burkina Faso, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Malawi, Cote D'Ivoire, Chad, Myanmar, Columbia, Embassy of Tribal Nations, US Postal Service, Places on Dupont and then there's NYC.,+F.A.A.M.,+of+the+District+of+Columbia/@38.2458279,-77.256858,8.7z/data=!4m7!3m6!1s0x89b7b5fc1e27d5e1:0x2be906df707c962c!8m2!3d38.9296939!4d-77.106965!9m1!1b1,-77.0862066,17z/data=!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1

DonaldWashington ago

IF you havent noticed, the same people funding HILLARY are funding ISIS.

JPPennypacker ago

Assuming this is the same Donald Washington, this is the guy dropping these knowledge bombs on (r)edit.

Great work my friend.

I hope we try these fuckers for treason for arming ISIS / AQ and calling them moderate rebels.

Plausible deniability is not a valid excuse for treason.

DonaldWashington ago

We have proof they knew. Multiple separate leaks.

LA_Trump ago


Vindicator ago

That was an amazing post. Thanks for sharing.

Long_Knife ago

Just because the words "podesta" and "clinton" are in it doesn't make it related to pg.

DonaldWashington ago

Don't be a fool. Crack into them and read.

Long_Knife ago

When did pizzagate change from being about high level elites and pedos to human trafficking and isis?

privatepizza ago

The heart of PG is child sex trafficking. Here on Voat, it's highly relevant. Pizzagate evolved from being solely about a pizza shop and elites, to the world pizza shop, and elites.

JPPennypacker ago

I could be wrong, but isn't human trafficking just part of PizzaGate.

I don't think PizzaGate was ever just about a pizza shop the DNC frequents but I could be wrong.

Mods will handle it and I will have no problem if they do.

Just wanted to share some really well sourced information.

No harm intended.

waxdino ago

Pizzagate being about Comet is a MSM narrative. It's what they still cling to, while ignoring what people have found about high level elite ties to human trafficking. How do you think they do that pedo activity? They abduct and traffic children.

Long_Knife ago

pizzagate referred to trafficking of children by high level elites through restaurants like cpp and child sex rings. But here lately this /v/ is for some reason dilutes pg down to include prostitution and john arrests, isis and lots of other unrelated things. If there are no children involved or pedos then it isn't related to pizzagate.

Vindicator ago

Pizzagate refers to the sexual abuse and trafficking of children by the global elite -- as this is believed to be one of the most 1) lucrative and 2) effective ways they consolidate power, subvert justice and undermine their challengers worldwide. So yes, human trafficking funding ISIS, and the connection of U.S. elites to it, is relevant to the investigation.

derram ago :

HUMAN TRAFFICKING is funding ISIS in North Africa. The refugee crisis is MANUFACTURED. These people CAUSED it. These people PROFIT from it. The intended result is POWER CONSOLIDATION. The COURTS are the front line. | DRAIN THE SWAMP : The_Donald

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