reasonedandinformed ago

Part of the societal control mechanism by Tavistock involves exploiting cognitive dissonance. The approach called for creating a false political dichotomy (two-party system), in which both parties work toward the globalist agenda, just from slightly different directions (government-controlled versus corporate-controlled). People will select a side (the "party"), and then those same people have a problem believing that "my candidate" ("my favorite actor") could be involved in any kind of evil. The flip side is that they will oppose the other side in knee-jerk fashion. The party-identification (picking of sides) serves to blind us to the truth of the NWO agenda when it involves "our team," and it creates a balance so that no one side gains too much power (always a 50-50 split) as they will always be OPPOSED by the other team. This creates control and prevents major changes by a charismatic leader bent on change (think Trump) so that the progression continues in the intended globalist direction.

kestrel9 ago

Exactly..and any chance for the American people to live in a united, peaceful AND diverse Country (think Trump), out from under the yoke of the pedophile supporting NWO, must be rigorously opposed by BOTH so called 'sides' (i.e. the lie). This is where the insanity is undeniable; we now see the cozy friendship of the Bushes and Clintons (and even treasonous behavior by the puppet Obama administration), united against the outcome of the election they lost control of. That their collusion is so exposed resulted in the panic of the SuperClass/Deepstate, as evidenced by the symptom of 'Fake News' from a MSM that doesn't even try to substantiate their whole cloth fabrications.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. I connected "Fake News" to pizzagate and predicted a move to mass censorship of the truth (in a Reddit thought piece on the pizzagate subverse on 11/22). My essay was immediately shadow banned, an idea that was totally new to me that day, as the people in the forum were responding that they could not see the essay I posted...even though I could see it. Only later did I realize this technique, in which simply logging out of my account would show that ONLY I could see the post, and I have seen it many-fold since, especially on Twitter. Within hours of my post about the use of the "fake news" meme to censor pizzagate or other inconvenient truths, the pizzagate sub on Reddit was flat out banned (with 33K subscribers)! That was the day I realized how big and serious this was. This anecdote is one of the best ways to red pill people (if they generally find you reasonable and stable). This is part of the reason I have dedicated a lot of effort in this domain to documenting the lies/censorship by the media, Twitter, Google, FB, and YT.

kestrel9 ago

The big picture is daunting; documenting it, connecting the dots is a thankless job, but I thank you for your work :)

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. I feel that this is part of my mission as it stands...but I do need to get some work done that pays the bills. :)

DarkMath ago

"brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods"

If I feel the way I do today and have been brainwashed for the past 20 years I shudder to think what I'll feel like after we bring this clown fraud down.

Or maybe I'll be fine because mind control can't work on my half Irish.

(and no, I'm not Matt Damon)


DerivaUK ago

Praises and thanks for the research! I remember as a mature psychology student in 90-94 looking to continue post grad training in Clinical Psychology I expressed a wish to enrol with the Tavistock Institute which was then portrayed to us as one of the finest educators in the psychological field and places were much sought after and revered. However, I was massively berated back then by a tutor (whose name ashamedly eludes me) who was an author of a book that debunked 'false memory syndrome' which he explained had been a term and concept created by the Tavistock to explain away the increasing numbers of children coming forward with sexual abuse claims that they were remembering from their past. I remember his very intensive instruction that if I want to use my psychology training to truly help the suffering, I must avoid the Tavistock at all costs. I did, and I'm glad. It's sad that even today The Tavistock is still revered as one of the highest reference authorities for psychological consultation in the U.K. If only they all knew what we do.

Takeitslow ago

Remember phrenology? A science invented to justify slavery and the inferiority of blacks. Yes the 1800s were a wonderful time. It seems like bs science papers were created to justify anything. But hey, they fought against tesla real well.

Adult subjects of Kinsey's research don't seem to be too happy in having been made to have sex as kids. Men who want to rape kids write science papers justifying raping kids.

AngB23 ago

I wish I could upvoat this 1,000 times. Tavistock psychological war machine is pushing this crap in schools, media, entertainment, internet..worldwide creating a new generation of freaks without minds of their own. They've been doing this slowly, methodically and deliberately for years.

Soros, Clintons and many more actually have schools/colleges worldwide as well. And with the huge surge on vaccines, (we see you Bill Gates) are they really screwing with the genetic make up of humans? Between vaccines/psychological warfare, more and more people claim they have no gender or gender confusion. It truly is so screwed up.

Takeitslow ago

They're making the frogs gay! I agree. Saw a link on drudge about the furry sex fetish movement and how a college was teaching a course in people curious about furry sex and sea with animals. Major newspaper now pushing and promoting eyes wide shut parties. Check the video, they are trying to normalize all things people think is perversion

Piscina ago

I believe that trans men and women deserve respect and are entitled to be treated equally. What I don't like is sexually confused people pushing their sexual confusion on to parents and children. Just because a baby can orgasm, does NOT mean we should be helping him/her orgasm. That is abuse. Why the hell can't these people understand that? Victims of abuse do not grow up to say, 'Mummy/daddy just helped me orgasm. I'm so grateful.' They don't say that, because if an adult were to do that, it would be an abuse of boundaries. As parents we teach our children that their bodies are theirs; that no one else has a right to touch them. That's an important aspect of teaching our children that no one has a right to disrespect them. "Ignorant' is not the word to use; 'innocent' would be a better word. And it is right to keep children innocent until they are mature enough to make those decisions and understand the ramifications of those decisions. The pre-frontal cortex (the rational, executive part) of the brain does not finish developing until the age of 25. Before that time, young adults do not have the capacity to understand the consequences (for themselves) of their actions. I'm not saying the age of consent should be 25. But certainly children don't have the maturity to understand sex and everything it entails.

equineluvr ago

Good stuff there, OP. I'm glad to see the Fabian Society discussed here. It's an important piece of the puzzle.

Here is Q&A on Tavistock - Question: “Simply put. Soros owns Tavistock. Tavistock owns the government. ...”

FBIAnon: “Someone is on to something.” (IMO, This means that Soros and Tavistock Institute is wrapped up in Pizzagate as well.)

It has been stated on here that "Soros owns Tavistock." Notice that FBIAnon did not say that Soros owns Tavistock. S/He implies that there is a relationship. (Tavistock is MI5/MI6.)

Also, it is important to remember that Tavistock Institute and Tavistock Group are two different entities. (I have seen threads in the past conflating the two.)

kestrel9 ago

George Webb videos describe his take on the part Soros plays in the big picture of the various rat lines. Regarding Joe Lewis and Soros, it's not an area I've looked into but will include this here: "After selling the family business in the late 1970s, Lewis moved into currency trading in the 1980s and 1990s, resulting in his move to the Bahamas where he is now a tax exile.[5] In September 1992, Lewis teamed up with George Soros to bet on the pound crashing out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. The event, which was dubbed Black Wednesday, made Lewis very wealthy, and some say he made more than Soros.[6][7] Lewis is still an active FX trader. [8]" I'd have to look further to see what exactly 'teamed up' means historically; is it literal or just figuratively speaking? A lot of articles claim they teamed up. If so, have they collaborated on other 'investments'? He does have an interest in Life Sciences.."Lewis’ influence on Florida’s effort to build a life sciences sector extends back to the very origins of the effort — to the vision of bringing a research institution to Florida around which a biotech cluster could form..."

kestrel9 ago

And here is what didn't fit into the first part of my post lol...plenty of digging material here. My target interest is the Mont Pelerin Society, but still covering some initial ground.

Related: Jimmy Savile: The London School of Economics/National Health/Tavistock Connection “As with all subtly embedded webs of social engineering, it’s difficult if not impossible, to reduce it to a series of bullet points.” LSE & the Beginnings of Psychiatric Social Work & Child Care (Occult Yorkshire 12) Fabian Society member David Owen and Jimmy Savile "...Robert Graves’ buddy William Sargant, who worked at St Thomas’ Hospital from 1948 to the end of his career as head of the department of psychological medicine. In 1962, Sargant found himself a new assistant in one David Owen, a neurology and psychiatric registrar who had only just qualified as a doctor. Two years earlier, Owen had joined the Vauxhall branch of the Labor Party and the Fabian Society.[1] The reason this is relevant is that Owen was allegedly complicit in allowing Jimmy Savile access to the psychiatric hospital Broadmoor, where he (Savile) abused countless patients over a period between 1968 and 2004 (when Savile had use of a personal set of keys to the hospital).

According to The Daily Telegraph, Savile’s “involvement at Broadmoor was rubber-stamped in 1974 by Dr. David Owen, now Lord Owen, who was health minister.” Thanks to Owen, Savile “came to be in charge of Broadmoor for a period in the 1980s when he was put in charge of a task force to run the secure hospital.”

"In 2014, Kate Lampard carried out an independent review of Savile’s predations within the British National Health Service (NHS), including over forty hospitals. Her report was quoted in The Guardian in 2015: “Savile’s status and influence . . . . was enhanced by the endorsement and encouragement he received from politicians, senior civil servants and NHS managers. His access within NHS hospitals gave Savile the opportunity to commit sexual abuses on a grand scale for nearly 50 years.” (emphasis added)"

So institutionalized pedophilia was okay for the purposes of government 'research'? Or was it a privilege due to services rendered or ongoing blackmail?

Speaking of economics, lunatics, Tavistock, Fabian Society, Great Britian’s pedophiles and world domination…here is what I wanted to explore the other night, when I ran into such an avalanche of info: The Mont Pelerin Society.

Citing its lofty reason for existing: “This society would bring together for mutual enlightenment and encouragement the leading figures of classical liberalism. One of the founding members was Karl Popper, George Soros’ inspiration for his megalomaniac mission to enslave the world. The Mont Pelerin Society and its history helps make sense of the what appears now to be a world on the brink of suicide.

For example: “Other founders of the Mont Pelerin Society were prominent members of the various Eugenics societies, popular in that era, whose agenda was the race purification and population reduction by means of sterilization, controlled selective breeding and genocide. Sir Antony Fisher, a member of the Fabian Society, founded the Manhattan Institute in 1977 with Friedrich von Hayek. In 1994, Manhattan Institute scholar Charles Murray, co-authored The Bell Curve, a landmark publication advancing the theory of intellectual inferiority of black races. Another founding member of the Mont Pelerin Society was “Ralph Harris, a leader of the British Eugenics Society which had earlier helped draft Hitler’s race laws.”

“The Mont Pelerin Society, from the outset, was to be a clandestine agency committed to implementing the ‘Hayekian’ Conservative Revolution. “One of the key figures in this effort was Antony Fisher. Born in London in 1915, educated at Eton and Cambridge, Fisher was elected to the Mont Pelerin Society in 1954. The following year, he founded the Institute of Economic Affairs in London, as the first of dozens of front groups for Mont Pelerin that he would help launch. Other IEA founders included von Hayek, who at this point was at the University of Chicago; Ralph Harris, a leader of the British Eugenics Society which had earlier helped draft Hitler’s race laws; Keith Joseph and Allan Walters.”

Also of interest: The Mont Pelerin Society, Ford Foundation and Tavistock Institute

PizzagateBot ago