gumshoe_mob ago

In this video is an interview of a woman who took care of the worst of foster kids, and listened to their stories. Many of them had similar stories. One child told how at the "meetings at the barn" that she was always sent to the "burn room." In the burn room they hung children from the rafters, and various people would come in and throw a cup of fuel on them, and then the other children would have candles and torch the hanging kids. It is the "hanging from the rafters" part that stands out here. This was done to kids who fought their enslavement. The interview from "Nebraska Public Access" begins at 44:44.

America's MIA Children, by John M. Zielinski ---

gumshoe_mob ago

On checking this subject -- -- and the history of NAMBLA "north american man boy love association" --- and after watching this video "The Wonderland Club" --

It is said that the children whose pictures are part of the collections of these pedophiles -- the children become stars. Some men will travel to see the child in person and even to take pictures with them. Those pictures are like trophies.

twistedmac11 ago

Thank you for clearing this up! :)

twistedmac11 ago

Thanks for clearing that up! Accuracy is key.

9217 ago

The Podestas don't collect Kim Noble's art. She's a victim who heals through painting her experiences.


However none of it is by Kim Noble. She does not sell her abuse paintings. Getting her name into this mix is absolutely the worst type of disinfo unless it's clearly stated that the only connection is that she's painting these themes. She's in the UK and has nothing to do with any of this. People have thrown her name into this topic and it's become a mangled chinese whispers event where now people think she's part of it or a perpetrator.

You want to talk about Tony and John Podesta's art collection? Talk about the pedophilic disgusting art they DO collect.


Or here

There is an endless amount of extremely disturbing material FACTUALLY connected to the Podestas. Kim Noble's work is NOT. It's disinfo to throw her name around.

ben_matlock ago

I exchanged a few tweets with Ms. Noble back in Nov or Dec. She was understandably very upset that her name kept getting drawn into this investigation.

9217 ago

So have I. I think dragging her name through the mud is absolutely disgraceful. That she has lived through worse than what we saw in the Skippy video, and then to be attacked again by people claiming to be "helping the victims" makes me nauseous. (We should) go after the perpetrators and what they DO collect. Not attack a victim for processing what she experienced.

She never profited from or sold the abuse paintings. She never associated with the Podestas or CPP.

Attacking the very people we are claiming to aim to protect is beyond horrifying.


equineluvr ago

"Her doctors say she is not aware she was abused. Is that why children do not tell anyone are they so traumatized they dont know."

Yes, this is well documented and very common. It is too painful a memory so the mind blocks it out, sometimes for decades.

My sexual abuse began at age 4. I didn't consciously remember any of it until age 52, although I did suffer from horrific phantom physical pains from age 4 on.

GreyAlien ago

high price art can be a front for buying "other things"

AreWeSure ago

Podesta does not own a single artwork by Kim Noble.

Where is the evidence of your claim?

9217 ago

This type of thread is either an honest mistake or severe shilling to make pizzagate look bad.

If people start using this art which is unrelated to prove their point it undermines "our" collective credibility. No one will give a crap about the art that actually is a problem and has factual relationship to Podesta.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

There is such a thing as TOO much autism.

9217 ago


AreWeSure ago

I genuinely think many people mix up separate facts in the heads/memories unconsciously and it comes out in more favorable terms for what they believe. Or it could be simple reading comprehension problems.

For example, a few people have claimed we know the NYPD official who supposedly promised to release the contents of Anthony Weiner's laptop. This is not true.

DarkMath ago

"I genuinely think many people mix up separate facts in the heads/memories unconsciously and it comes out in more favorable terms for what they believe.p"

Mix up facts? I learned about Robert Boyce from watching a George Webb video on the subject. You refuse to watch George Webb videos so of course you come on voat and gas light people about "separate facts in the heads/memories unconsciously".

AreWeSure your comment is the epitome of Gas Lighting:

Now you may have a point about the True Pundit article, I viewed that article through the wayback machine and the "Robert Boyce" only shows up in the comments and not the main article. And even that comment itself was in my browser cache of the Disqus thread.....which is very sketchy but that's another story. My point being is Robert Boyce's name was put out there by George Webb but you didn't mention George Webb. That's odd. If you were honest you'd say:

"People need to realize George Webb put out Robert Boyce's name not the author of the True Pundit article."

Right? You'd correct the record. DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING. (Pardon me AreWeSure someone just called my cell phone and I've just won $10,000 for the legitimate use of the term "correct the record" in normal conversation.)

Anyway you'd correct the record by following the problem to it's source. But you can't risk pointing people to George Webb's videos because about 90% is real and well documented. I don't know how he fucked up the Robert Boyce part but I'll find out and get back to you.

Have you seen any of the George Webb videos yet AreWeSure? What the fuck happened down in Haiti? Holy fuck do you know what these people did down there? Is your paycheck that important to you?

Or what these people did in Syria? The fucking organ harvesting and false flag Sarin gas attacks to get Obama to commit troops to the battle all so some Clinton Foundation "donor" can by his fifth vacation home? Is some rich ass hole's new vacation home in Jackson Hole that important? What the fuck dude. You need to wake the fuck up.

This thing could go from 0 to 100 real quick AreWeSure. People have the Interwebs now. Shiiiiiiiiit

9217 ago

It's called confirmation bias.

Disinfo is not helpful. This topic is important; we do need to talk about Podesta's disgusting art tastes. Using art he actually collects. The fact that I have to explain that idea is saddening.

The example you give is not a good one.

DarkMath ago

"we know the NYPD official who supposedly promised to release the contents of Anthony Weiner's laptop. This is not true."

We do know the NYPD official who promised to leak the Weiner-mails. It's one of the head detectives named Robert Boyce.

AreWeSure ago


DarkMath ago

Oh this was my first comment until I realized your employers latest instruction is to have you gas light people over whether Robert Boyce said the NYPD would leak the Weiner-mails if the FBI didn't prosecute. Here's my second response to you:

Do we live in the same country AreWeSure? I could have sworn our government exists to serve and protect the people of the United States not monitor them 24 hours a day and gas light anyone who starts asking questions.

Right? Our government isn't supposed to engineer false flags like 9/11 to justify going to war with Islam killing 3,000+ in the process in lower Manhattan alone. You with me? This isn't how our government is supposed to operate.......right?

My sister worked at St. Vincents on 9/11, actually her job that day was to run a clinic for a trading floor that will remain nameless. She left St. Vincents late, she was doing her residency in Internal Medicine, they're very busy all the time and usually late for everything because the interns do all the shit work. It's kind of like the Investment Banking 2 year training programs, 22-25 year old kids do all the work.

Yeah, so she was late and FELT the first plane hit. Yada yada yada she spent the rest of the day attending to the survivors back in the ER at St Vincents. So she survived, she was lucky. Many weren't. Like the guys on the trading floor I used to work on who had transferred down there from another location. Yeah.........

This shit is real AreWeSure and I'm not sure you realize exactly how fucking real it's going to get. You have nothing to fear from me. I dealt with all that shit long ago over many 1/5s of Scotch. (I'm a Scotch man in case you didn't notice, or WAS but that's another story). And I've actually absolved James Alefantis and Company of any wrong doing as far as I can tell. I can be objective. And I have no desire to raise a finger in anger. The pen is mightier than the sword. The problem is I'm a rarity as far as I can tell. There are some really fucking pissed off people in this country and I'm not quite sure you're grasping exactly how pissed off.

It's too late to stop this now. The problem is you have no way of knowing how fast this thing will spread. Then if you throw in Wikileaks and it's adding gasoline to a fire. Heaven help us.......

People are going to find out the Truth and it's going to be fucking scary. I don't know what will happen. It's starting to really freak me out.

YingYangMom ago

The similarities are astounding. Here is a collection of another SRA mind control victim Fiona Barnett abuse drawings:

twistedmac11 ago

Kim Noble was actually treated by doctors from Tavistock for years. Tavistock is funded by Joe Lewis, who is BFFs with Soros. Tavistock does some, ahem, "interesting" studies regarding the human mind

gnostic_front ago

I assumed that the Kim Noble link was already common knowledge. They were what convinced my partner of their guilt more than anything else last year. Sadists and serial killers get off on the 'mechanics' of their acts being exposed.

9217 ago

There is no Kim Noble link except similarity.

Go research the art that podesta actually owns. Have a puke bucket prepared.

fartyshorts ago

Interesting. I never considered that they might be collecting actual biographies.

kazza64 ago

their art collections shouldnt even be legal. elton john got into trouble for his art collection of a similar nature in england. the law covers them in america apparently as long as it is a painting of children being abused and not an actual photograph of real children.

Gbuggers ago

It shouldnt be legal for sale but I imagine in some way it helps the victim and her doctors understand what is going on in her head.

9217 ago

It's not for sale. Noble's stated publicly that she does not sell and has never sold "abuse paintings."

jkick ago

Elton John collection included photographs and one in question Goldin's "Klara and Edda Belly-Dancing" depicts two young girls, one of whom is lying down with her legs spread open.

Legal observers in the United States say that while the courts have tried to limit protection of artistic photographs or moving pictures featuring nude children or sexually explicit images of young people, prosecutions have been infrequent.

"Generally, the provocative poses have to be extreme to get a prosecutor's attention," said Loyola Law School professor Laurie Levenson.

"They … do not prosecute child pornography cases unless those children are being made into victims. They are being sexually assaulted," said Levenson, who was once a federal prosecutor.

privatepizza ago

This desperately needs to change.