resist ago

Good work!

Kim Noble Kim Noble, has 20 personalities as a result of "trauma based mind control" 14 of her 20 peronsalities are artists. Look at the one called Ria Pratt (and especially the one with the white handkerchief under the child being raped.


Is not Soros connected to Tavistock. I remeber following the discussion about the FEMA camps a couple of months ago and then there was I brave guy that had filmed when big trucks drow done the tunnels under Walmart. He spoke to one of the drivers that said that the tunnelsystem was enormous.Perfect to have a completely restricted world under our feet. You can have all kinds of businesess there.


Do not forget about the electromagnetic fields. I have been working with that since 1996. Been to research conferences etc. It is obvious that the microwave radiation is very biologically active meaning it effect us in many ways. According to russian science the most dangerous frequency is between 1-3 Ghz. Almost everything today is approx 2.4 GHZ. If effects memory, concentration, sleep. It can create headache, anxiety, depression, effect the heart and in the long run give you different kind of cancers and demetia. What they have done is that they have put there own people on all the important jobs(commitees, authority) and the MSM are not allowed to even present facts about all the studies that show helth effects. Look up and see for yourself. Here is an example of over 200 scientists trying to warn the public,


Chemtrail, I believe, is another sinister thing. I have been observing it for 2 years and to me it is obvious. I made an interisting discovery with our water. We have one drilled well(90 metres) and one digged(4 metres). I took two water samples and send it to analysis. The digged one had aluminium leves 100 times higher than the drilled one and we live "in the woods" near a hill and noone lives higher up the hill than we do. Cant find any other explanation than that the aluminium comes from the rain.

Cancer treatment

I saw a very interisting doc from a CIA whistleblower years ago that said that one of the biggest industries today is the chemotherapy industry. Brilliant to first give us cancer and then force us into this treatment although there seems to better ways to cure cancer. Destroying the immune system doesn´t seem to be a good idea to me. And then we die anyway.

As you pointed out this is so much bigger that we can´t even imagine..

irelandseyes ago

And imagine if they have now taken that one step further and now inject WITH the very disease they are pretending to avoid...To me there is nothing worse than how the children are involved. However, FBI ANON kept repeating that it is so much bigger than the pedophilia and that was only a small part of it. Personally, finding out my Gov is actually slowly euthanizing citizens would be disastrous with global implications.

Commonwombat ago

Good post, I'm totally with you on the vaccines and Bill Gates. Just check if the art of Kim Noble was actually on Comet's walls because I don't think it was. Kim Noble's art was mentioned after the hankerchief email, sorry if I'm wrong. Interesting about the deaths surrounding John Podesta, it was to do with one of his Swiss financial backers by the name of Hansjorg Wyss. I found an article today that I thought was very interesting.

irelandseyes ago

Good to know about the art work/Kim Noble. The W.E. article was the incident I was referring to with regards to Podesta. Made me start thinking about what Anon said about it not only being children but human trafficking.

Commonwombat ago

Yes I think your on the right track, it all ties in. Makes me wonder what happens to late term abortions and where planned parenthood fits into all this although I suspect we all know the answer.

abcyouknowme ago

Who knows if it's related but there is someone with the last name Alefantis that works on vaccines. From what I've read the name isn't that common which leads me to believe it was changed at some point.

irelandseyes ago

Dr Tim Alefantis at World Vaccine....wait a sec....what was the guys name at Besta Pizza or Comet Ping Pong. Was it Alefantis?

abcyouknowme ago

Comet. James Alefantis. Althought he purchased it with Christopher Achilles, LLC I believe.

Wellwerefucked ago

Whilst the wall of text was a nightmare to read. You do raise good points. There is already so many sneaky methods of depopulation that have existed for hundreds of years... the legality of Ciggerettes & Alchohol, the push to have every human on some sort of ongoing medication, flu shots, mandatory vaccinations become more and more prevalent, cloud-seeding, chemtrails, GMO, is just the tip of the depopulation iceberg!

irelandseyes ago

and fracking

Wellwerefucked ago

Yeah that & the refusal to acknowledge or do anything about climate change as well. Even just the simple fact of fast food costing vs buying wholesome food is ridiculously skewed & a large reason for why lower socioeconomic brackets suffer from weight & poor eating habit related issues.

Mona2 ago

And PS sorry for the typos! Teeny tiny print :(

Mona2 ago

Have you read the Paris Agreement regarding climate change? It goes off into many documents and sidelines -but skim it. They take about emissions must be controlled to reduce the change. Think PEOPLE! All countries have actually ageed to reduce emissions- by a certain count and by a future year and this was effective 2016! Reread it thinking people = emissions. It says there will be no penalty yet, if each country does not meet the goal of reducing emissions by their date. This is the UN we are talking about- a new world order government body. If they are talking people- and they all know, we just don't know!!! Trump is a nationalist and wants out of the UN. Meaning he is not Illuminati, or wanting a new world order. Reading that agreement will give you some sleepless nights.

irelandseyes ago

This was exactly where my mind kept going. He said to open yours eye s because its right in front of you and much bigger. WE are the emissions. WE to them, are consuming far too much food, drinking up the water, using precious resources. Our shadow government has already sold water rights to other country's, Clinton sold plutonium to Russia, Africa being the second largest continent and having the largest mining operation on the, uranium, diamonds, oil ...all there for the taking. Makes sense that they would test de-population programs out in a land rich in valuable minerals and where the population has been broken by drought (weather manipulation), famine and disease.

Mona2 ago

I have no clue where to go w any of this information but FBI guy said it much larger, worse than we can imagine. That's about as bad as I can think. I agree re the Gates and their meds. In fact who knows what's in any meds, vitamins, food, ANYTHING anymore. Terrifying. What do you do with a theory- is there a main person to tell on this site? What could they do either? Does someone actually monitor and read all these posts?

Wellwerefucked ago

Ive found that any document related to climate change if you assume that emissions = people then youve got a fairly good idea of what they actually mean.

irelandseyes ago

Yes - and it's gone on under our noses far longer than we could ever imagine.

Mona2 ago

Scary right? All the Dems talk about is climate change. I got curious and started reading, found the actual document, and it spells out in detail what each country promises to reduce in emissions by a specific date. What if climate change is a code in plain sight, just like all this pizza = sex.

irelandseyes ago


Wellwerefucked ago

Well no i believe climate change is a very real subject on its on merit, but these elites are able to basically hide under the guise of 'Climate Change' & 'Sustainability' when what they mean is 'Culling Fucking Everyone'

Mona2 ago

Have you seen the Illuminati Stones in Georgia? The first order is re population control. I like the theory above. I think, as described, the sex, Satan are secondary to Illuminati orders. These people want, and fully expect to rule everything and everyone. Baring a nuclear war, which would make the world inhabitable for a very long time & in actuality they may not survive-how can you get rid of a whole lot of people easily. Disease or poison.

Using the theory above, Monsanto is going to slowly poison us, I'm sure there are others. I won't take the flu shot, I'm convinced it makes me sick- and maybe what if it really does? I gave no doubt they could cure cancer by now, but instead what if they are actually doing the opposite? Even prescription drugs- what really is in them. We believe they are tested and approved, but approved to kill us instead? I am not usually a doubter of the government, but just the opposite now. What is true is not. Think- what they say is true is actually false- it's in the Bible, Isaiah.

My point being that it is bigger than child abuse, it's people abuse to reduce the population, and reduce the world to the Illuminati tenants. Again pls google Illuminati stones in Georgia, in USA. Creepy. Read the history too- frightening in fact.

irelandseyes ago

Weird but I was going to mention the Georgia Guide stones and left it out because the post was too long as it is. They actually removed one of the stones and when they turned it around, it had a number on each side of the stone cube. People on you tube were breaking up the cube and taking pieces as a souvenir. I found that a rather disturbing reaction as I wouldn't want any piece of their agenda anywhere near me. Perhaps those who wanted a piece of it didn't do enough research. However, it was clearly evident by some peoples reactions, they HAD clearly done their research and said "nah ha".

I too relegated the flu shot to the proverbial "bullshit drawer". All I know is I have been a care giver to far too many loved ones, all ages and a few were cancer related. In both cases, the individuals took a SERIOUS turn for the worse once they started receiving the treatment. If the cancer is inoperable, the treatment, IMO is merely a means of speeding up the dying process.

Mona2 ago

I saw this, re the breaking of part of the stones. No way would I want a part of that. I just think, and religion is going to come in here- this is good vs evil right here right now. Period. And they are the evil, and want to get rid of enough of us to manage control. Which goes to the quote you cited above. Get us small enough, and controlled enough and they can literally do anything they want. I think I started thinking along this line when the Kayne incident occurred. I think sex with children is just part of their daily life, the sacrifice of children is part of their worship/religion to the evil one Satan, and their basic tenets are the Illuminati. So essentially it is a society like we live now- just based upon inherent evil rather than society via God.

None of this of course solves anything to bring them to punishment- but I do think it shows how very dangerous it is. I don't think we are just dealing with normal people here. We are dealing with emissaries of Satan. I think some famous people who died young- maybe they decided not for me, started talking and were killed. The Clinton's are just a part of it in America.

Back to religion- I don't know if you have heard of any of the prophecy re Trump, as it relates to Cyrus in the Bible who took down all the evil in Babylon. If this is so, and what the prophecy says will happen, It will be discovered and Trump will issue America into more religious America or at least one without Satan being in control as is now. And the perpetrators of this child abuse found out and will be punished. It's just interesting to listen to- and I know turns some people off. The guy is on you tube.

Personally I would like to get about 100's of us to go into the tunnels all at once. With a big cross. I can't sleep at night thinking about the children

One other idea- the FBIanon said look who the Clinton's were with toward the end of the campaign. I have heard George Clooneys name multiple times. And his wife Amal- who strangely enough represented Julian I believe ( fact check this)as legal counsel. However George is very very pro Clinton. That's odd in itself... HRC spent a lot of time in Hollywood for the campaign and with the FBIanon statement- mmmm a clue in some of those people??

irelandseyes ago

You are correct and after looking into this, I think you may have stumbled across something that, on the surface seems logical, but take a closer look and it doesn't make sense. You mention George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin. Didn't take long to run across this info: John Jones, Britains top Human Rights lawyer representing Julian Assange was the gentleman they "claimed" suicided by jumping in front of a train at 48 yrs old in April of this year. John Jones and Amal Alamuddin were colleagues together at the same law firm - Doughty Street. And it appears you are correct as Amal represented JA in 2011 during his extradition hearing to Sweden, which ultimately lead to him taking up residence in embassy. JA quoted as saying “Amal is a friend and a lawyer with a global perspective who is not afraid to deal with corruption of power or to tackle politicized cases,” Assange told the London Evening Standard. Could JA have really been that gullible? I think not.

And I agree 100%. This is a battle between Good and evil.

Mona2 ago

It's very odd to have George on one side and Amal on the other. It appears Amal has switched sides. Which makes me wonder after the marriage was she given secrets that George knew and drawn into the circle? I saw a video re Hollywood and the elite, Illuminati, essentially selling your soul to the devil type thing. This all would have seemed so far fetched a year ago- not so much now :(

Smyrtz ago

Makes you wonder about chemtrails. Harald Kautz-Vella's "Bases" lecture would definitely give you some food for thought. Take "mysterious" illnesses like Morgellons. Most of their communities' theories are based on GMO food and high levels of metal in the body (vaccinations, chemtrails, food additives, etc). Your theory could be plausible.

irelandseyes ago

Having done a wee bit of research on chem-trails. It didn't take long to realize how simple the process really is. I even asked friends to make it a point to observe the sky on clear days. If they noticed chem-trails, I asked them to be observant of certain things such as patterns/grids within the chem-trails and any corresponding weather changes. A few laughed at me but a few quietly pulled me aside and agreed that there may be something to it. However, the realizations I have learned recently make me look twice and doubt almost nothing.

Smyrtz ago

Turns out stopping to smell the roses can be a really scary thing.

Wellwerefucked ago

They sky on a clear day in Aus 2016 compared to in the 90's is insane. But everyones to busy being a braindead sheep to notice shit like that.

Smyrtz ago

I've got my right pointer finger touching my nose and my left pointer finger pointed at you.

Mona2 ago

Before this election I would have discounted all of this- not now after Wikileakes. We have been a North Korea nation with propaganda news from the government, we just thought we were free. Half the nation is blinded by either stupidity, or brainwashing, or just afraid to think about it.

irelandseyes ago

Since the advice was given and I took it, how nervous should I be about posting this? I know..."Now you ask?" Like I said, not very computer savvy, as I clearly just demonstrated in my paragraph-less post. I know very little about covering my tracks. I debated for days to even post this but as the days went by and I continued reading the copious amounts of knowledge flying around here, I pushed the "fuck it" button.

Smyrtz ago

The realization you have made is not new at all. It's just that the wall between those who are "awake" and those who are not is crumbling. Believing this stuff means accepting a horrible truth. It's easier to label someone crazy than it is to accept.

It's those who have been speaking out for years but whose evidence has been laughed at by the MSM that should be nervous.

We already have the answers, we have just been prevented from putting the pieces together with hate, selfishness, disconnection and looking out for number one. It's time to put the phones down and look eachother in the eye. We've got some shit to take care of. Mini rant over :)

Make sure you have someone to talk to. The rabbit hole branches off into other rabbit holes.

irelandseyes ago

Yeah - no kidding! It's the stuff of nightmares, and just when you think it can't get any more bizarre or cruel, it does.I have to step back from it some times. Take the dog for a walk to clear the head. I agree that we have become lambs, I only hope it won't be lambs to the slaughter. I am probably one of the few individuals in the world left who only uses my cell phone in emergencies, don't know my own cell # without looking it up, have never texted and am only vaguely familiar with some of the lingo i.e., lol, imho. It's always important to be aware of your surroundings and what is going on around you, Kind of difficult to do that with your head buried in the phone. After all, I do believe it was our collective lack of attention that brought us to where we are now.

Smyrtz ago

I hear you, I really do...and I totally agree. high five. LOVE your last line there.

hayes_meister ago

lol. You could do with finding the return key!

irelandseyes ago

oh yeah.....oops. Gotta blame the Thanksgiving celebration...cheers

ibepokey ago

shit, dude. Paragraphs, use them.

irelandseyes ago

Hence, the explanation at the beginning.
Shit - you guys are tough! I was nervous as hell even posting it.

Advice taken and appreciated

ibepokey ago

i didn't mean to come off harshly, just the wall of text with no breaks makes it hard to read.

interesting read tho. thanks.

Don't fret about posting on Voat. if we don't like it, typically it'll just get ignored, unless it's inflammatory. I love the latest influx of new users, and invite all of them to contribute. I didn't say or post much until i'd been here quite a while. I should have started earlier tho. I had some trepidation about posting, but the more you get involved, the more you'll get involved, which only makes this place better.

irelandseyes ago

No need to apologize and hope my humor comes out through my writing. There was never any offense taken. I'm Irish - it makes me feel at home... lol

irelandseyes ago

Thanks for the advice. Better? and I'm not a dude....dude

ibepokey ago

yes, much.

and, sorry for that.

hayes_meister ago

good theory. you could be right. hard to believe a pedo ring is the sole purpose for all this skullduggery.