baron_samedi ago

(U) GLogo Pendant (U) GLogo a.k.a. "Girl Lover," Childlove (U) The ChildLover logo (CLogo), as shown below, resembles a butterfly and represents non-preferential gender child abusers. The Childlove Online Media Activism Logo (CLOMAL), also represented below, is a general purpose logo used by individuals who use online media such as blogs and webcasts.4 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED>

lynirr ago

MAGABoomer ago

This seems to be another case of legit but not. Meaning most of what they do is legit...and above board, and there's a sideline, perhaps with kids with no parents, that is not legit. We've got the fox guarding the henhouse in almost all situations. It is a mistake to think that an org is ALL bad...especially in suspicious Haiti. Their top level bullshit is legit which makes an excellent cover for the dirt.

hubertbutternut ago

Great work OP!

lynirr ago

you are right it's also a very practical cover for financial reasons. thank you for your comment.

4Huma2printathome ago

that is very disturbing! great research!