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AreWeSure ago

Podesta does not own a single artwork by Kim Noble.

Where is the evidence of your claim?

9217 ago

This type of thread is either an honest mistake or severe shilling to make pizzagate look bad.

If people start using this art which is unrelated to prove their point it undermines "our" collective credibility. No one will give a crap about the art that actually is a problem and has factual relationship to Podesta.

AreWeSure ago

I genuinely think many people mix up separate facts in the heads/memories unconsciously and it comes out in more favorable terms for what they believe. Or it could be simple reading comprehension problems.

For example, a few people have claimed we know the NYPD official who supposedly promised to release the contents of Anthony Weiner's laptop. This is not true.

DarkMath ago

"I genuinely think many people mix up separate facts in the heads/memories unconsciously and it comes out in more favorable terms for what they believe.p"

Mix up facts? I learned about Robert Boyce from watching a George Webb video on the subject. You refuse to watch George Webb videos so of course you come on voat and gas light people about "separate facts in the heads/memories unconsciously".

AreWeSure your comment is the epitome of Gas Lighting:

Now you may have a point about the True Pundit article, I viewed that article through the wayback machine and the "Robert Boyce" only shows up in the comments and not the main article. And even that comment itself was in my browser cache of the Disqus thread.....which is very sketchy but that's another story. My point being is Robert Boyce's name was put out there by George Webb but you didn't mention George Webb. That's odd. If you were honest you'd say:

"People need to realize George Webb put out Robert Boyce's name not the author of the True Pundit article."

Right? You'd correct the record. DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING. (Pardon me AreWeSure someone just called my cell phone and I've just won $10,000 for the legitimate use of the term "correct the record" in normal conversation.)

Anyway you'd correct the record by following the problem to it's source. But you can't risk pointing people to George Webb's videos because about 90% is real and well documented. I don't know how he fucked up the Robert Boyce part but I'll find out and get back to you.

Have you seen any of the George Webb videos yet AreWeSure? What the fuck happened down in Haiti? Holy fuck do you know what these people did down there? Is your paycheck that important to you?

Or what these people did in Syria? The fucking organ harvesting and false flag Sarin gas attacks to get Obama to commit troops to the battle all so some Clinton Foundation "donor" can by his fifth vacation home? Is some rich ass hole's new vacation home in Jackson Hole that important? What the fuck dude. You need to wake the fuck up.

This thing could go from 0 to 100 real quick AreWeSure. People have the Interwebs now. Shiiiiiiiiit