dcdale9 ago

I was following FBI anon and reddit investigators before it was shut down. FBI anon said follow the money. Tavistock is owned by George Soros an offshore business in the Bahamas. I guess so there is no oversight by USA. FBI anon seemed to indicate this is the key to every NGO, Congress, Law enforcement, Banks, all intelligence agencies, etc.

fogdryer ago

Explain please ???

DystopianDaze ago

I cannot find any connection between the Tavistock Group owned by Joe Lewis and the Tavistock Institute. Your Tavistock Group link appears to be a group of psychologists associated with the Institute.

Interestingly, the Tavistock Institute was influenced by one of its early members who came from the Frankfort School here in America.


I did some research into the Institute several years ago when researching MK ULTRA and it had ties to several institutions here in the US. I cannot currently find any proof of which organizations they are, but the following article lists several.


lonewolf9632 ago

The Tavistock Group was formed out of a lot of the key first generation members of the Tavistock Institute. This chapter provides more information on the topic.

DystopianDaze ago

I can only read a couple of pages of that, it will not allow me to read more, but all I read concerns a group doing psychological research projects. If you read in there that it is the SAME as the Tavistock Group that is a company owned by Joe Lewis, please cut and paste the relevant part in that chapter.

From all I can find, Lewis has no ties to the Institute. He very well may, but I cannot find them. He is portrayed as a "rags-to-riches" billionaire.


Born in London, Lewis operates from the Bahamas and Florida. His investments include English Premier League soccer club Tottenham Hotspur, golf course developments in Florida, Alcatraz Brewing Co. and life sciences companies. His investment vehicle, Tavistock Group, holds interests in more than 170 companies in 15 countries.

Forbes this year put Lewis at No. 369 on its world ranking of billionaires, with a net worth of $2.5 billion.

A New York Times profile of Lewis in 1998 said he was born in 1937 in London's rough-and-tumble East End, the son of a pub owner. The newspaper said he dropped out of school when he was 15, but built his fortune on theme restaurants, currency trading and real estate speculation.


AlefantisIsAFuckboi ago

Interesting links. Re: DeliverFund - are we to believe they are actually doing good work behind the scenes? or are they another pedo organization masquerading as a front for aiding and abetting human trafficking?

I am genuinely curious, as this investigation has made me extra cynical of any and all organizations claiming to be helping children.

That said - I'd love to collate a list of organizations that we know (and verify) do good work helping those affected on all fronts of human trafficking. We're coming up on the season of giving, and if we have a list of verified good-guys we could donate to in order to help our cause, we could really help shine the light on this issue.

Outside of crowd-funding a private investigation (which I think we should do anyways), I think we would be best served by making timely donations (no matter how small) to community-approved organizations working to curb human trafficking, pedophilia, modern slavery, etc.

Just my two cents, in the form of garbled rambling.

abcyouknowme ago

I've tried to bring up Sheryl Sandberg in a couple threads in other places. She is involved with the Brookings institute(Tavistock) and was the Chief Operating Officer for Google until she moved on to doing the same for Facebook. She is also involved in a Women for Women non-profit group with links to many 3rd world countries.

abcyouknowme ago


In 2009 Sandberg was named to the board of The Walt Disney Company.[35] She also serves on the boards of Women for Women International, the Center for Global Development and V-Day.[29] She was previously a board member of Starbucks with a $280,000 annual salary,[36] Brookings Institution and Ad Council.

Quite the resume of shady corporations/groups.

9217 ago


fedevela ago

tavistock is related to the beatles and the entire mkultra operation as per Dave McGowan's (RIP) research


related to Laurel Canyon and the Mountainview CIA laboratory .... and weird hippie cults with many strange deaths

AnonCanuck ago

Remember he was dropping bullshit clues along the way (admitted). GMO isn't a lead

This is a great post and exactly where the investigation should be heading (CF-everyone)

WatcherWatcher ago

Dude... nice theorizing. :) Now we just have to wait for some genetic engineer to stumble in here and start sciencing.

UglyTruth ago

The TIHR is dedicated to the study of human relations for the purpose of bettering working life and conditions for all humans within their organisations, communities and broader societies and to the influence of environment in all its aspects on the formation or development of human character or capacity; to conduct research and provide opportunities for learning through experience for this purpose; to publish the results of such study and research; to train students in or for any branches of the said study.


Above all: "appellari ceteros homines, esse solos eos, qui essent politi propriis humanitatis artibus" (De re publica I, xvii, 28).[29] "Thus, not all men are humani or demonstrate humanitas. Only in the civilization of the Roman Empire and its social order does humanitas count as an educational value and socio-ethical virtue. Those who live outside the Empire are not yet fully 'human,' they are 'barbarians'."


LionParty ago

http://archive.is/OtaV4 Just in case.

lonewolf9632 ago

Never hurts my good man

WatcherWatcher ago

I'm just learning about this tavistock group now?? Fuuuuck. I don't have room in my life right now to get wrapped up digging into this. Goddamnit... there's always another layer...

fogdryer ago

It never ends because greed never ends They get so big because we aren't watching , then it's too late Pick and choose your battles

WotTheFook ago

Of course there's more layers; it's designed to make you want to give up, as if you are in a maze and can't get out. That's a Tavistock thing in action.

WatcherWatcher ago

Yah SCIENCE! Oh wait... shit. 😕

lonewolf9632 ago

It's been generally ignored up until now, which is why FBIAnon heavily recommended looking into it. Layers on layers on layers...

remixedcat ago

layers of BULLSHIT!!! #stopsoros

nimblenav ago

very interesting