Is there something more sinister behind the art collections of John and Tony Podesta and James Alfantis (pizzagate)
submitted 7.9 years ago by Gbuggers
Are they more evil than we thought do they collect the art of Kim noble because she is a mind control victim with many personalities that are not aware of the others and each one of them is an artist with their own style. Did they do this to her is that why they collect her art. Her doctors say she is not aware she was abused. Is that why children do not tell anyone are they so traumatized they dont know. Heres a few links Here are some links about her. This first link will explain her This one is to her art by her different personalities. Most of them paint abuse or ritual art. Monarch mind control technics
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twistedmac11 7.9 years ago
Kim Noble was actually treated by doctors from Tavistock for years. Tavistock is funded by Joe Lewis, who is BFFs with Soros. Tavistock does some, ahem, "interesting" studies regarding the human mind
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twistedmac11 ago
Kim Noble was actually treated by doctors from Tavistock for years. Tavistock is funded by Joe Lewis, who is BFFs with Soros. Tavistock does some, ahem, "interesting" studies regarding the human mind