9217 ago

I re-posted the images and then added more for spite. Thread is probably cluttered now but here it is on steemit


9217 ago

Alright, thank you! (and thank you so much for letting me know) I tried to archive everything.. I will try and go post there. Have never posted on steemit before.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

Of course Bacon was good friends with Lucian Freud also.

pbvrocks ago

Well done..funny (in a spiritual serendipitous way..no haha) how threads come together. I am a researcher and inventor. I made a stunning discovery about 2 years ago and have been working to bring it to market...it is VERY threatening to pharma. Part of my discovery was that we were ALL degraded to some degree physically...began to look at why...and guess what? Leads right back to nazi germany, IG Farben, Monsanto and Bayer...who controls our food supply at the seed (GMO) level? Why GMO? Interesting question those...and it has NOTHING to do with RoundUp..lol..

BUT that research led me to...wait for it...Joe Lewis and Tavistock...this was over a year ago...for further weirdness...

-Joe Lewis and Soros made their money together by shorting the british pound in the 90's..it was clearly an inside deal as they made their bets around an announcement by the german head of the EU at the time... -Joe Lewis bought the old estate rumored to have been the retirement home of Adolf Hitler. This is a house in Bariloche AR on a lake. Bariloche is an interesting Austrian village type town in the middle or Argentina..VERY closed community..lots of twins. Further, LOTS of dignitaries go to Bariloche..Obama, Biden, The Pope, The head of the Russian Church, etc etc etc..read about it..weirdness -On the same lake as the Hitler/Lewis domicile (it ain't a big lake) is the atomic research and testing facility started by Peron shortly after WWII.. -Just across the ocean is Antartica...

Interesting how these threads are running together and all intersect at certain people!

Jem777 ago

Sorry this just like Abramovich is not art. It is called a blood ritual & Satanic sacrifice. They have just decided to call it art to legalize it in public. Our government because they are all involved in this horrifying rituals allowed it to come out in public as art. This helps desensitize the masses so they can further their agenda.

Jem777 ago

Nitsch is a Sado-masochist or more actually a Satanist just like Abramovich. This is obvious not just in the disturbing art itself but in the desecretion of the cross in their so called art. We all know Rothschilds are evil Satanists running the US. Tavististock is their super secret think tank & human experiment lab where MK Ultra like programs, genectic testing (cloning?) takes place. It is funded by Rockefeller , Rothschild, US & UK and others. Pure evil.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

I bet voat is Tavistock.

9217 ago

That's why I thought it was important to discuss here. With that awareness in mind.

Jem777 ago

Yes I am following you just adding to the truth.

9217 ago

:) Much thanks

racoonbite ago

sorry, something caught my attention.....i acted on it

im not shill, just weird...and a little drunk by now

racoonbite ago

oh, you mean burry the thread?

racoonbite ago

I guess when you never have to work a day in your life...you need to create "trauma", to help you remember people, places and things

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I am a firm believer that modern art is an integral aspect of the destruction of all things good. We're now taught that the value of the work is in its political message. A fair amount of money laundering takes place in the present day art world as well. Classical portrait art is dismissed as out of fashion in favor of squares and piss by intelligence agents planted in the community. All 3 of these artists fail as artists by any traditional standards.

That being said, I was at MOMA a few years back. I witnessed one of Bacons famous paintings in person, a horrible thing about 11' tall. Don't bother looking for it online. When I found a photo of it later, I thought the contrast was wrong or something and searched for another. Then I realized, something in that painting can't be captured in a photograph. Stay away from it, is my advice.

SturdyGal ago

Here is a YouTube about the modern art movement being funded by the Soviets to confuse and demoralize the US. Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation. The idea is that if you do not understand something presented as art, you will look to authority to interpret it for you.

Of course the type of art 9217 presents is of another sort, but is meant to taunt and demoralize the normals and comfort the satanists. I was struck by one comparison shot in which both artists used the interior carcass of an animal as wings on a human. This is symbolic and means to me that they ascend through the death or life force of others.

9217 ago

When you said "ascend through the death or life force of others." -> exactly what Aleister Crowley spoke about.

"Aleister Crowley on Human Sacrifice"



Could also go onto the Elizabeth Bathory young blood mice regeneration type topics but... yeah it's all just..

9217 ago

I agree - the modern art movement was partially funded by the CIA during the cold war... (everything seems to ALWAYS go back to the CIA somehow haha)

And agreed the content here by all the artists is - extremely disturbing as understatement. I think for the sake of the kids that have to live the reality of what is depicted in "art" works like this, it's important to talk about it. Not to be voyueristic but to understand what is really happening and - if TPDB are putting this material on display - if a painting can be that grotesque and disturb you that much - how bad it must be "in reality."

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle
archive.is/o9bDO Hermann Nitsch, Spiritcooking
de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Abramovi Hermann Nitsch, Spiritcooking
de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Abramovi Discovery: Marina Abramovi, the Fountain of Youth and the Wakefield Triangle
de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Abramovi deleted by user
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1590861 An addition to the Podesta art collection
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1590861 Have you heard of the Finder's Cult?
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1590861 Hermann Nitsch, Spiritcooking
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Lewis_(British_businessman) A Tavistock Institute Overview
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Lewis_(British_businessman) LINKS BETWEEN SOROS, CF, AND TAVISTOCK
tedgunderson.info/index_htm_files/US%20Customs%20Service%20Report%20of%20Investigation%20FINDERS.pdf The DUTROUX, FINDERS, FRANKLIN, US MILITARY LINK.
tedgunderson.info/index_htm_files/US%20Customs%20Service%20Report%20of%20Investigation%20FINDERS.pdf What is the Finders Cult? is it related to pizzagate?
tedgunderson.info/index_htm_files/US%20Customs%20Service%20Report%20of%20Investigation%20FINDERS.pdf MKULTRA and it's roll in pedophilia of the elite
tedgunderson.info/index_htm_files/US%20Customs%20Service%20Report%20of%20Investigation%20FINDERS.pdf Georgetown University + Finders cult + other connections - just trying to connect some dots

Whattheheck321 ago

Wow good work and it's all so disturbing.

racoonbite ago

DOnt forget Francis bacon is responsible for the king james version of the bible.... oh lol wrong Francis bacon hahaha

racoonbite ago

hmmmm. i kinda got curious about the coincidence about the same name...

want francis bacon a freemason?

equineluvr ago

Indeed he was. And much more.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

Scientia Potentia East - ha I mean est.

racoonbite ago

here is some royal connections

Caroline Blackwood September 24, 1992 Issue

I first became aware of Francis Bacon shortly after World War II. I was then eighteen, and I was invited to a formal London ball given by Lady Rothermere, who was later to become Mrs. Ian Fleming. Princess Margaret was among the guests and could immediately be seen on the parquet floor wearing a crino-line and being worshiped by her adoring set who were known at the time as “the Smarties.” She was revered and considered glamorous because she was the one “Royal” who was accessible. Princess Margaret smoked, and she drank, and she flirted. She went to nightclubs and she loved show business and popular music."


racoonbite ago

dammit, guess i gatta pour a drink and look into this..wonder if the currant one has VI at the end of his name?

9217 ago

Some links on Bacon (mod artist) -

MOMA page https://www.moma.org/artists/272

Wiki page http://archive.is/heMlZ

Art UK page https://artuk.org/discover/artists/bacon-francis-19091992 http://archive.is/ZfLeC

Article from The Guardian on Bacon titled: "The Beast Within."

https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2005/aug/09/edinburghfestival2005.edinburghfestival1 http://archive.is/QBJ4I

^^ probably most useful link for what you're looking at, lots of bio info there to compare to old bacon.

One other thing, also an echo of names in that vein is Nitsch - he is German and his name sounds the same as Nietzsche - read him discuss F. Nietzsche in one of the articles/videos but can't find quote this second.

racoonbite ago

how many times do you think the words "majestic" "ape" "Francis bacon" would come together? he could be a huuuuge fan

racoonbite ago

he mentions apes alot, searching "majestic ape Francis bacon" gives a surprising amount of hits

racoonbite ago

actually, the nitsch, was making my spidy sense go off

racoonbite ago

The connections between the old bacon and shakespear has been documented, here is an excript from;

"for a long time, Francis Bacon and Samuel Beckett made up a couple in my imaginary gallery of modern art. Then I read the interview Bacon did with Michel Archimbaud: “I’ve always been amazed by this pairing of Beckett and me,” Bacon said. “I’ve always felt that Shakespeare expressed much better and more precisely and more powerfully what Beckett and Joyce were trying to say.” "


kazza64 ago

thanks. brilliant work

strix-varia ago
