crosshairs ago

Original 1987 news articles:

WASHINGTON — At least two of six disheveled children found in a Tallahassee, Fla., park and believed to be the offspring of members of a Washington-based cult had been sexually abused, police said Sunday.

Scott Hunt, spokesman for the Tallahassee Police Department, said a report written by a doctor who examined the children after they were discovered Wednesday in the custody of two men said, more than one showed evidence of sexual abuse. Hunt said he could not comment on how many children showed signs of abuse, what sex they are or how recent or extensive the abuse was.

Previously, police had said only one child, a 6-year-old girl, showed signs of sexual abuse.

The children, four boys and two girls ranging in age from 2 to 6, currently are in police protective custody, Hunt said, after calls threatening the children`s safety were made to the emergency shelters where the youngsters had been taken at first.

Hunt said police now are operating on the theory that the youngsters were offspring of members of the Finders, a communal group that lived in two adjoining houses on the northern edge of Washington`s fashionable Georgetown neighborhood.

The two men with the children when they were picked up, Douglas Edward Ammerman, 27, and Michael Houlihan, 28, have been charged with child abuse and are being held in the Leon County, Fla., jail in lieu of $100,000 bond each. Hunt said they are linked to the Finders.

crosshairs ago

Original US Custom's report

Electionfraud ago

Possible link is the suiciding of Philip Marshal in California. Used to fly for air america. Was he ready to expose child trafficking?