Haldelos ago

The Fountain of Youth may literally = Blood of Youth. Check out studies on parabiosis...some claiming that when blood from young mice was injected into older mice it began to reverse the aging process. Like many things "magick" there may be science behind it. Not a NY Times fan but here's one article: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/05/science/young-blood-may-hold-key-to-reversing-aging.html?_r=0

loganlinthicum ago

You're posting this imagine as if it were current, though I don't see where you got it. A tineye search shows the only hit being a thumbnail for a trailer for the Artist is Present. That would make the image at least 5 years old, and likely more. Even if it were current, fountain of youth would hardly be a parsimonious jump.

BTW, the arrow on the ground indicates which direction the culvert attached to the circled manhole leads. For the road construction. mvm i means it's totally probably to indicate that this triangle is a boylover hotspot.

wizlord ago

I think you are on to something. Call me crazy, but even the craziest of us can make amazing finds. If you are at all familiar with the work of theGroxt1, then you know you are on to something for sure.

loganlinthicum ago

this is not a current picture.


keep in mind these people have ways to hide whatever they want and they have private surgeons for sure

KoofNoof ago

I don't think things are as "magical" as some people make them seem. I don't believe there's really a fountain of youth. If there were, why are people like Bill Clinton and George Soros so old looking? It just doesn't make sense. I think Marina looks so great for her age, probably because she lives a very stress free lifestyle. Her life is literally teaching people how to become more "in tune" with your body, and she's taking in the big bucks for doing it. She might actually be younger than she claims, and says she's older so people buy into her bullshit more. I know it's exciting to believe some magical things are happening, but I really really don't think that's the case. Again, I could be wrong, but I think the red pill is meant to show us that there is no magic. Everything is the way it is because of greed and excellent marketing.

Rusdy ago

I completely agree. Until I see a birth certificate of this wicked woman I don't believe for a second that she is 69 years old. It is tempting but ratio and logic say otherwise. But I think her rituals etc may suggest to people that it has somewhat positive results for them.

fartyshorts ago

What about Sophia Loren, Cheryl Ladd, Raquel Welch, etc.? They at least looked good into their sixties.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If you do find that birth certificate, be sure to send it to Joe Arpaio.

Betty_Swollocks ago

The symbol on the drain is probably the direction the pipe is going underground. You'd need to know this when digging above ground. Not trying to be a twat, check my post history, just playing devil's advocate.

loganlinthicum ago

Can confirm, this is correct. My dad worked for the county for decades. Another trick he taught me, if you see a blue reflector in the road it means that perpendicular to it there will be a hydrant.

redtape20 ago

The only thing I can find on the origins of that gilf image in a pretty lite search was on pintrest and it was labeled marina abromovic 1975. Which would explain the youthful look if it was taken at that time.

loganlinthicum ago

Thank you for this, I did some looking and wasn't able to turn up anything about when this photo was actually taken.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So she would be around 29 in that photo, then. That is plausible.


7th heat transplant? well that proves it is science, not blood or the fountian of youth to keep them alive...

SpikyAube ago

There's the high school on the other corner

N14C ago

the "boy" symbol points right to the street drain....perhaps children are there?

redberries ago

That's what I thought too. It looks like it's pointing to the gutter.

Edit: Remembered what the symbol was

N14C ago

not sure about A

redberries ago

Nevermind it was anarchism, can't believe I forgot that! Wonder who wrote it, possibly the same person as the one who wrote the arrow? Genuinely curious if it is pointing to anything underneath.

N14C ago

oh wow...look at the size of that building and what kinda shit is going on beneath it !?

redberries ago

I don't even know what it's SUPPOSED to be used for, clearly there aren't any residents despite it being named "Apartment"...

N14C ago

all im saying , it is not a graffiti ! ...actually it looks like a freaking landmark

loganlinthicum ago

When doing road construction, the direction of underground conduits it marked, often in reference to their above-ground markers(in this instance, the manhole cover.) So the gas/sewer/water/power/watever main doesn't get hit on accident.

adam_danischewski ago

There may be a fountain of youth, but the way this system is set up is that what you need to do is gain "permission" to remain youthful. How that happens is generally from people completing their circle of the snake eating it's tail in sullying their own hands sufficiently that the world system administrators deem them to be at or below parity with regards to the injuries that were caused to them. For being so nice, they are then provided with a little boost/benefit/privilege/perk that is doled out by the queen. People confuse witchcraft with this simple truth, while there is a merit-pathway to obtaining benefits while not necessarily achieving an erasure of culpability state (snake eating its tail). The Queen is a main interface for magic disbursements and gifts/remedies in this world. Keep in mind your body doesn't work the way we are taught that it does, you live in a GOD computer - you pilot a bio-mechanical human body, you are quantum-entangled to the GOD computer that images your brain in realtime (that's why nobody ever discovers how the brain works, it's not there to be examined), also your body does not generate enough electricity to pump the heart (you are wireless powered as well). Food is unnecessary, sleeping is unnecessary, aging is unnecessary, breathing is also unnecessary - all your body really needs is power. But because this is a birth-death-cycle world there are numerous ways "to die". You don't actually die, you simply stop piloting the human body you've been thinking were you.

redberries ago

The article the guy linked wrote that the Fountain of Youth actually lies within the brain, i.e. a specific protein in the hippocampus controls the aging process or somewhere along those lines. I haven't done any research on this yet, but I recall people talking about George Soros, Rockefellers and others wanting children's blood for the sake of youth also. Further, the heart transplants and organ harvesting also reminds me of it.

I'm not knowledgeable on witchcraft and occultism, but I can see that there' definitely something there.