fartyshorts ago

Please check our old thread: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1506915

Has some interesting stuff for sure!

throwaway345678 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1590861 << The work of Hermann Nitsch shares a weird similarity with the Finders Cult in the ritual disembowling and skinning of animals while specifically wearing white robes.


earthbalance1 ago

FindersCase is one of the hashes I use on gab.ai. And Tallahassee is up to its eyeballs in FreeMasons I would imagine.

justice4kidz ago

yes - from Ted Gunderson's videos. Guderson was the head of the FBI for LA and TX. high up. 27 years. died in 2011.

whitehand ago

This case is well known, well documented and well covered up! Watch some of Ted Gundersons's videos. He investigated this when he was in the FBI and retired. This program still exists today but has been renamed. They are experimenting on children, utilizing satanic ritual abuse as a form of mind control. It all traces back to the CIA's remote viewing programs like Project Monarch and Project MKUltra.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I've done quite a bit of research, but can't find a connection to pizzagate. I've traced down to his grandkids. Marion Pettie had 2 sons - George & David. George still lives in the DC area & David died of cancer in 2009 ( I think). The family still owns property in Virginia that originally was owned by Marion. David's widow, daughter & son now live in some sort of compound on the Island of Maui in Hawaii. They seem to be Budist (ish). I have more info if you would like.

9217 ago

Have only been trying to get people to look at this for months. Here's the pdf directly;


Don't forget that the CIA made this a secret internal matter and shut down the investigation completely, & the warehouse is right next to Georgetown University. (cough John Podesta COUGH CIA) Also one of the individuals mentioned with shady visas from China or North Korea was supposed to be a "student" at Georgetown.

rush22 ago
