PieInTheEye ago

( @fartyshorts ) ... a New York Times article summarizes the outcome of the above trial regarding the PRISM connected spooks in 1985/86:

( http://www.nytimes.com/1985/08/01/us/2-ex-postal-officials-indicted.html#h[] / http://archive.is/hfq6F )

2 Ex-Postal Officials Indicted

AP Published: August 1, 1985

WASHINGTON, July 31— A Federal grand jury has indicted two former Postal Service officials and three others on charges of procurement fraud involving nearly $2 billion in computers and services for the agency and the Small Business Administration.

The indictment, returned Tuesday and unsealed today, charged Ronald J. Perholtz, 37 years old, of Silver Spring, Md., with 58 counts of racketeering, bribery, conspiracy, mail fraud and making false statements. Mr. Perholtz was general manager of the Postal Service's accounting division from November 1975 to December 1977.

Franklin W. Jackson, 38, of Fairfax, Va., who held various Postal Service management positions from June 1976 to July 1983, was also charged with 58 counts. The charges against the two carry a maximum penalty of 320 years in prison and fines of $123,000 upon conviction. The others, indicted on 48 counts each, were Gregory W. Fletcher, 39, of Arlington, Va.; Conley H. Dillon Jr., 38, of Gaithersburg, Md., and Lloyd E. Root Jr., 40, of Silver Spring, Md. All were officers in computer concerns or consulting companies. They face a maximum of 240 years in prison and $86,000 in fines if convicted.

The indictment said Mr. Perholtz, Mr. Jackson and an unindicted co-conspirator, John L. Gentile, a former Assistant Postmaster General, created the scheme in 1977, when the Postal Service began to automate some accounting records.

It said Mr. Perholtz left the Postal Service to obtain consulting and royalty agreements with businesses that used improper influence to get Federal contracts for computer goods and services.

The indictment said Mr. Perholtz and Mr. Jackson enlisted the participation of Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Dillon and Mr. Root to get and pay kickbacks.

$2 Billion of racketeering in 1986 was a huge deal. When the verdict was issued on March 14th 1986, it was reported as the "largest procurement fraud case ever tried in the nation's capital" ( LINK ) .

So when I try to look up further details on these three main guys who seem to be affiliated with John J. Cox (Ronald J. Perholtz, Franklin W. Jackson, Gregory W. Fletcher), there's almost nothing on the net, almost as if they didn't exist outside of the trial ... and there's barely anything else mentioned on the trial. As for PRISM, I think I accidentally stumbled on the only reference ever made to it outside of Snowden leaks 20years later, though it wouldn't have been mentioned at all if these guys hadn't been caught getting too greedy.

Something tells me that Marion Pettie and John J. Cox, were both members of the legitimate shadow government, and that Marion Pettie's sermons about 'spying on the CIA' because he 'was interested', is just counter-intelligence dribble (in which he was officially trained through his relationship with Charles E. Marsh ... a very spooky character affiliated with Henry Wallace). Nothing that came out of Pettie's mouth should be trusted at all based on what I've read, especially since the changing stories about the 6 children found with the two men in Florida.

I think in this particular case, these children were being trained to be born and bred counterintelligence assets/tools in my opinion--perhaps mind controlled or at least emotionally manipulated--and Pettie was just running one of the shadow CIA's spy farms and counter-intel fishing ponds to tap the different transient sub-cultures for human intelligence and networking opportunities; especially with foreign nationals/spies (keeping enemies close ... as it is said). We already know that Pettie was running his operations in Washington D.C., and Culpepper, Virginia, in parallel with Timothy Leary in New York ... they were admittedly housing each others associates intermittently.

One thing I did find which pricked my curiosity was the following obituary:

(https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1989/05/18/george-panagoulis-78-dies/f38f5932-6166-46f6-bc3b-c9738cc1bcf6/ / http://archive.is/DyLJ7))

Obituaries -- Washington Post: May 18, 1989

ROBERT L. WEIRICH Telcom Systems Director

Robert L. Weirich, 49, a telecommunications systems director and Rockville civic activist, died May 9 at the Rockville Municipal Swim Center after a heart attack. Mr. Weirich was born in Indiana. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Virginia, where he studied aeronautical and aerospace engineering. At his death, Mr. Weirich was a program director involved in technical systems support for the government networks division for Contel Federal Systems in McLean. He had worked with that organization for about five years. He had lived in the Washington area for the last 25 years and had previously worked for Computer Contemporaries Inc., International Business Services, the Treasury Department, Booz-Allen Applied Research and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Mr. Weirich was a former president and treasurer of Peerless Rockville, the city's historic preservation organization. He had been chairman of the Rockville Traffic and Transportation Commission, and he was a pilot. He lived in Potomac. His marriage to Andrea Eaton ended in divorce. Survivors include his companion and fiancee, Carol Kurtz; two children, Kurt Weirich of Potomac and Erica Weirich of Rockville; and his mother, Alice B. Weirich, brother, Warren Weirich, and sister, Luanne Horvath, all of Indiana.

This guy was an MIT trained astrophysicist working with NASA, who wrote two papers on supersonic flight dynamics in the 1960's; so he was almost certainly working with the super secret Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" program, which was utilizing the most sophisticated computerized flight computing of the time (maybe supplied in liaison at least with Cox's General Scientific Corporation). He then went to work at Contel Federal Systems in McLean, Va., which was one place where the secret satellite communications systems used by the CIA were developed and managed. This context sheds much light on the only other private places of employment in his work history:

  • Computer Contemporaries Inc.

  • International Business Services.

  • Booz-Allen Applied Research.

This is the only other guy on the entire web I could find that worked at these three companies which show up in the Cox-Perholtz-Jackson-Fletcher revelations surrounding the 1986 racketeering trial which mentioned PRISM. Secret spyplanes, secret intel satellites, high-tech computer and comms systems, spooky private firms that fly under the radar ... it all fits the latter day program PRISM that Snowden released, suggesting to me that this is not just a case of two different projects with the same name.

In fact, the first two companies are super spooky, because they're hardly mentioned anywhere, almost as if they didn't exist or at least were not major operators, though they wouldn't have been on this guys resume if they weren't majorly important to this whole story. I believe that what we have here, exposed for all to see, is a doorway into the shadow government that sits BEHIND the CIA; ie, uses private front companies to shield its darkest secrets even from the politically appointed CIA heads ... which is why perhaps, once Perholtz, Jackson, and Fletcher were caught racketeering, the overt CIA did nothing to save these guys from conviction. Pettie got protection because he was schooling CIA spies known to the greater CIA, and was an active useful intel asset, but the three who got burned were high officials in the Postal Service, probably infiltrating it unbeknownst to the non-shadow government ... so they had to get burned (but it exposed PRISM at the trial).

Nana66 ago

Every time you mention postal service my mind goes directly to the saying "going postal". I always wondered why it was that the post office basically became synonymous with the act of being so crazy that you take out as many people as possible in a location, ...work stress? I am going to bet it was something else.

PieInTheEye ago

Ahhh, I see where you are coming from. Interesting take on things. Perhaps a few false-flags here and there to cleanup people who saw things they shouldn't have seen? The "crazy postal worker" cover story?

Nana66 ago

I would always wonder why a post office worker is supposed to be the end all be all of stressful jobs that make you want to shoot up the place and end your life....

PieInTheEye ago

POJ: Post Office Jihad ... didn't even need 1000 Virgin's to motivate! :P

They should definitely ensure that Muslims are advised to work elsewhere than the US Postal Service, or two bad situations might combine to create a real monster.

Too right, something sounds fishy, what's the motivation? I would expect cops, who probably have the most stressful job, and who are issued company firearms, to be in the lead, but the quaint postal worker tops the list. Who woulda thunk!

Nana66 ago

Oh, I could totally kill me some co-workers at my job but I go home and beat my husband lol. JK

PieInTheEye ago

Poor bastard ;P

fartyshorts ago

Great digging, it's hard to believe, but it seems like you're right.

fartyshorts ago

http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/news/article/13010819/finders-keeper / https://archive.is/dlCtw

Reading this article right now - very interesting, indeed!

"In appearance, the Finders—mostly middle-aged men, always in dark suits—wouldn’t be out of place managing a local funeral home. But the behavior of the handful of adherents has people wondering whether they arrived by flying saucer. Townspeople say the Finders constantly walk the streets, following people home and taking extensive notes and pictures. They often appear at local council meetings, never saying a word but simply observing the scene. At other times, they plunder the visitor’s center of brochures, maps, and local travel guides. And they haunt the courthouse, scouring land deeds to find out who owns the local real estate."

Two more:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1987/02/11/finding-truth-about-finders-proves-to-be-no-simple-matter/01c16d17-c301-4894-951f-b87052c9fd4f/ / https://archive.is/vJ9EU

"And police in Florida filed an affidavit in which one of the children is quoted as saying that Finders leader Marion Pettie "tells everyone what to do. He is in charge. We kids slept outside and the mommies slept inside . . . . Mr. Pettie weans the kids from moms.""

https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1987/03/18/two-finders-released/35b2bc13-e56d-4c72-a587-97fe83f9b7da/ / https://archive.is/UkO3z

PieInTheEye ago

The funniest thing about reading about the CIA rebuttals of any Agency connection to the Finders was the determinations:

  • Marion Pettie's late wife worked for the CIA.

  • Marion Pettie's son worked for the CIA proprietary firm Air America.

  • Their two properties (the farm and town house) in Washington D.C., was in nice close proximity for Langley use.

  • The specialty of the Finders was to provide high-tech intelligence gathering for 'foreign clients' (ie, Gehlen org? Le Cercle?)

  • "A firm that provided computer training to CIA officers also employed several members of the Finders" (I'd like to know the name of the firm to see if there is a possible connection back to James Alefantis and his mother and/or father).

... nothing to see here folks ... move along ... no connections what so ever ... even though the D.C., law and order system handed it straight over to the CIA as an 'internal matter', and told the out of District investigators to shut their mouths and move on with their lives. This was like the Dutroux of the United States, but without dead bodies being found (so we are told)

chickyrogue ago

wow thank you so much upvoted of course

fartyshorts ago

No problem. This was fascinating to dig in to! I will probably keep going later.

chickyrogue ago

please do and if you find anything of interest please post it too or link it here ty so much again upvoted you

fartyshorts ago

Have you been keeping up with this thread? PieInTheEye found some crazy stuff.

Nana66 ago

I am glad there are still people working in important threads even after they drop from trending. I worried every post here is just forgotten after a couple days and we are getting nowhere.

chickyrogue ago

yes i know rabbit hole !

fartyshorts ago

Yeah. My mind is boggled.

fartyshorts ago

EDIT: Note that this case was merely hinted to be related by the "mccoyote" blog.

http://www.click2houston.com/news/houston-fbi-one-of-worst-child-sex-abuse-cases-ever_20151124021711456 / https://archive.is/3CjnX

"I did not hurt them, because I gave them pills and put them to sleep"

http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-27214673 "A "significant number" of parents do not want to know if their child was a victim of a convicted paedophile teacher, the Met Police has said." - what?

fartyshorts ago

https://mccoyote.wordpress.com/tag/douglas-edward-ammerman/ / https://archive.is/08mMo

Another pretty good one, with speculations(?) such as:

"The Royal House of Saud, the monarchy in Saudi Arabia, is made up of (this is a 90s or early 00s number) 1,700 members. Collectively, they own everything in the country. If a Saudi citizen builds a business, he had better hope he has the protection of the right member, that he does not become too successful, or, that somehow he manages to stay under the radar of predatory members of the house. They can and will just come take the business. The man will still, of course, retain whatever debt he had, but the Saudi Prince who descended on him will take the profits and, most likely, run it in the ground while squeezing as much money from it as he can. (If you want to understand part of the anger in that part of the world, the part that doesn’t directly have to do with the US, there you go).

As you might imagine, there’s going to be some competition among members of the house. Backstabbing. And there are going to be deals made. Arranged marriages, sometimes among relatives.

Between the environment and inbreeding, not to mention the absolute power and the immense wealth that oil has brought, you are going to get some very depraved and disturbed individuals. Some will be pedophiles, some sociopaths, some both.

And so that, ladies and gents, is where the good ol’ USA, that shining beacon of freedom and goodness, sent kids in order to maintain the favor of a social structure that is the antithesis of what we claim to stand for. Showering the Saudis with gifts, protection, and taking the blame (they systematically teach in schools there that the US is the cause of the average Saudi’s problems) all go into maintaining the close relationship that, for example, is leading to us going to war with Iran (though there are other reasons for that as well, some having to do with Neocon philosophy, some to do with rampant, unbridled war profiteering which now includes as I’ve said many times intelligence and security as well as those things we always thought of as defense)."

PieInTheEye ago

Camel raiders never change ... it's all about asset stripping and feeding like parasites, just like camel train raiding in the good 'ol days of Arabie.

fartyshorts ago

A pretty good summary: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:Finders_Keepers

They also mention some members moving on to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benevolent_and_Protective_Order_of_Elks

The talks around the wikispooks article led me to find out that the USCS agent (Ramon J. Martinez) who investigated the Finders was a close friend of Mark Koernke. Source: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,134327,00.html / https://archive.is/g2jTA

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Koernke / https://archive.is/Ik7R8

"Mark Gregory Koernke (/ˈkɔːrn.kiː/; born 1957), known as "Mark from Michigan," is a prominent militia activist and shortwave radio broadcaster .[1] As an early proponent of the black helicopters, he was largely responsible for popularizing it[2] in appearances on Tom Valentine's radio show and in speeches which were widely circulated on videocassette. He was host of his own radio show, "The Intelligence Report",[3] on WWCR until the station indefinitely suspended his broadcasts.[4] Shortly before his suspension, Koernke had suggested that authorities were setting up Timothy J. McVeigh for assassination.[5] During this time he was interviewed by Sam Donaldson.[6]"

More on him:

http://articles.latimes.com/1995-05-08/news/mn-63806_1_mark-koernke / https://archive.is/GFEiW

PieInTheEye ago

Interesting ... small world!

mysecretidentity ago

This is the finders raid

fartyshorts ago

If they are/were the finders... Who are the keepers?

chickyrogue ago

my friend Knight has many old links that are so comprehensive.....

he asked me to share this with this community because of the wonderful work you all are doing here TY so much everyone keep digging....truth out now!!!!

PieInTheEye ago

Wow ... if true then I'm sure horny satanic pedophiles in Washington didn't go anywhere, and didn't stop lusting after the forbidden shrill of a midnight ritual child murder, and like the Franklin operation it probably just continued under some other auspices? ... Pizza ring?

It is interesting that James Alefantis' mother Susan lives and works in McLean, Va., about 3 kms away from CIA HQ Langley, Va., and her interior design business is probably frequented by CIA officials and analysts with the money to indulge in the high-art circles that the Alefantis' and Podesta's circulate in.

Maybe James Alefantis' Berlin connections with Nalu Diner and Dr. Pong bar of James Miller, are just fronts for a CIA/NATO/Gladio/Finders/GehlenOrg cult servicing the power elite and their blackmailed chess piece politicians? ( https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457963 )

fartyshorts ago

I think I found the computer company: http://www.genscicorp.com/ (Maybe not this one? Says it was established in 1987, but fits the description.)

"Pettie's activities took a different turn in 1979 when he recruited John J. Cox. founder of general Scientific (a computer firm specializing in classified defense, contracts). Cox trained several of Pettie's Finders in computer programming and communications technologies and took two or more Of them to Costa Rica and Panama in 1980-81. Cox worked through Miguel Barzuna, a prominent Costa Rican money launderer, the Vienna, Virginia-based Institute for International Development and Cuban exile Emilio Rivera in Costa Rica and Panama. Through Cox, Pettie and the Finders linked up with several Washington area computer-oriented groups, including Community Computers, a front organziation[sic] for The Community, a cult run by Michael Rios (aka Michael Versacc). (Pettie's son, David Pettie, is a member of the Community, Pettie's other son, George, may be the one who was in Air America) Cox also recruited Theordore[sic] G. reiss (wife; Ann), 4 reston-based computer programmer and highly active member of Werner Erhard Seminars (EST). Cox also recruited Susan Gabriel and Judith Beltz as couriers. Pettie and Cox have simulated a failing out and pretend to be enemies..."

From the interview in Steamshovel Press #16 1998. Available at:

https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00344.html / https://archive.is/1n17u

https://www.scribd.com/document/308897976/CTRL-the-Finders-Keeper-An-Interview-With-Marion-Pettie / https://archive.is/fP4Wf


"General Dynamics Information Technology" also fits the description, is in Virginia, but doesn't have the name "Scientific".

Pettie also mentions a "Tile company":

"Tile company was actually doing training for the CIA- We had no particular connection to that man other than what anybody else would call a temp worker."

PieInTheEye ago

@fartyshorts Ok, this is a little freaky. I have established that you must be correct about General Scientific Corporation, which is stated exactly as being founded by John J. Cox in the following, very interesting, Justia write-up on a 1987 Federal lawsuit:

http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/842/343/295728/ -- http://archive.is/SRoj4

... Perholtz contacted John Cox of General Scientific Corporation, a manufacturer's representative for Essex Engineering, to propose a consulting agreement with Essex, in which Essex would provide the hardware and Perholtz the software for a bid on ATAP [Automated Payroll System for the U.S., Postal Service]. At a meeting with Essex representatives, Perholtz stated that he had "contacts" at the Postal Service whom he referred to as "my people." ...

... The second subcontract involved cathode ray tube terminals ("CRTs") and printers joined to the terminals. To obtain these items, Perholtz again turned to John Cox of General Scientific Corporation. Perholtz told Cox that he and Conley Dillon, a long-time acquaintance, were forming a marketing corporation, and that General Scientific should pay Dillon any commissions from printer sales to IBS. Thereafter, Perholtz asked Dillon, a full-time employee of the Department of Labor, to sign a marketing agreement and receive commission payments from General Scientific, in return for which Dillon would retain six percent of the commissions and Perholtz would receive the rest. (Perholtz said that a conflict of interest prevented him from taking the commissions directly.) Dillon then signed a marketing agreement with General Scientific, backdated before General Scientific's first contact with the SBA; Cox signed this agreement without ever meeting Dillon. ...

... Computer Consultants International, Inc. ("Computer Consultants") was the conduit through which bogus commissions arising from the SBA's data communications project reached Jackson and Fletcher via Dillon.7 According to Dillon, Perholtz told him to turn Computer Consultants over to Fletcher and Jackson to pay them for their roles in the SBA project.8 At a subsequent meeting, Fletcher told Dillon to convert Computer Consultants' funds into cash or gold. Dillon complied and gave Fletcher and Jackson about $83,000.9

In September 1980, Jackson left IBS and returned to the Postal Service, where he resumed management of the Payroll Redesign Project, now in a phase called "STARS." Fletcher subsequently left IBS as well and formed a corporation called Computer Contemporaries, Inc. ("Compucon"), which entered into a consulting arrangement with Stanford Research Institute, a bidder on the STARS project. Perholtz had a contractual relationship with Honeywell, a competing bidder on the project. The STARS project was ultimately cancelled without award.

Fletcher also participated in a bid by Booz, Allen and Hamilton for a Postal Service contract in a project called "PRISM," of which Jackson was co-director. Fletcher persuaded Dillon to execute a backdated "service agreement" between Compucon and Computer Consultants.[#10] Dillon again did nothing pursuant to the agreement, but received $135,000 from Compucon.

[#10.] Perholtz originally obtained the incorporation papers for Computer Consultants from Fletcher, and the contents of those papers were substantially identical to Compucon's later-filed articles of incorporation. Perholtz in 1983 persuaded an acquaintance to acquire Compucon from Fletcher with funds loaned by Computer Consultants, which eventually itself acquired Compucon.

I just got goose bumps man ... PRISM ... Booze Allen ... Postal Service spook affiliated with the NSA? ... IN FREAKING 1980's!!! Well before Snowden who had only worked at Booz Allen -- the NSA contractor -- for 3 months, blew the whistle on this program which apparently was launched in 2007:


In June 2013, Edward Snowden — at the time a Booz Allen employee contracted to projects of the National Security Agency (NSA) — publicly disclosed details of classified mass surveillance and data collection programs, including PRISM. The alleged leaks are said to rank among the most significant breaches in the history of the NSA and led to considerable concern worldwide. Booz Allen condemned Snowden's leak of the existence of PRISM as "shocking" and "a grave violation of the code of conduct and core values of our firm". The company fired Snowden in absentia shortly after and stated he had been an employee for less than three months at the time. Market analysts considered the incident "embarrassing" but unlikely to cause enduring commercial damage. Booz Allen stated that it would work with authorities and clients to investigate the leak. Charles Riley of CNN/Money said that Booz Allen was "scrambling to distance itself from Snowden."

It would seem that the claim that PRISM began in 2007 was a 'limited fallout' / damage control disinformation campaign. Snowden only had access to some powerpoint slides outlining the capabilities of PRISM, not the history of the project. Thus, Snowden would have had no idea of the provenance of the program, and the NSA made out as if this was an internet dragnet program only, though it looks as if it was launched as early as the 1980's involving the Postal Service, which makes a lot of sense.

So, this Justia write-up is a little complex, but the gist of this seems to be that 3 guys:

  • Ronald J. Perholtz (sentenced to 10 years prison)

  • Franklin W. Jackson (sentenced to 7 years prison)

  • Gregory W. Fletcher (sentenced to 4 years prison)

... were involved in a complex racketeering, fraud, and mail fraud enterprise, setting up sweetheart Government contracts, originating with their links within the U.S., Postal Service (an obvious CIA and NSA area of communications concern). They had private corporations setup to milk funds, but also to cover-up secret affiliations. Snowden revealed that the FiveEyes PRISM was actually run between NSA and GCHQ in England, and that GCHQ may very well be the senior partner in the enterprise. Jackson and Fletcher were the main PRISM dudes. Perholtz, however, was seemingly affiliated with John J. Cox, who wasn't directly involved/implicated in the racketeering, but was perhaps affiliated with their computer companies Computer Consultants and Computer Contemporaries (Compucon). Were the Finders and The Community (and perhaps Community Computers), simply a CIA/MI6 circle parallel (shadowing) the NSA launch of PRISM in the 1980's using spooky internationalist cults? The initial police reports on Finders in 1987 stated that in the Warehouse at 1307 4th St, North East Washington D.C., systems to pass 'high tech' info/products onto London were found ... GCHQ/MI6 connection?

I'll do more digging, but PRISM spooks me out big time.

fartyshorts ago

It struck me that I never even tried searching for "John Cox" and the names of the companies, or I would have found this too!

I think you are right about this, which is really, really freaky.

PieInTheEye ago

I'll keep posting info on this sub, but if I get any links to any characters within Pizzagate-proper, I'll probably start a fresh sub with clarifications.

I considered myself pretty clued-up on the details of the Snowden leaks, and I can tell you that I have not once seen any info on PRISM being older than 2007 when Google, Yahoo, Apple etc, came on-board with the NSA. The fact that the very name of the program PRISM was sitting in a documented Federal Lawsuit from 1987 right next to Booz Allen as the bidder, with info on the co-director who was named, indicted, and imprisoned in a big Federal racketeering case, just goes to prove that investigative journalism is totally dead in all of the western countries - not just the United States. I found it with a simple Google search! ... F'k me we're all doomed without proper journalism.

Now to get my jazz on and dig into this mountain of corrupt cultic CIA creepy crooks ...

fartyshorts ago

I will take a look at this tomorrow for sure. Keep me posted!

PieInTheEye ago

Whoa! That is awesome. Even though it was founded in 1987, it was probably operating on an experimental/casual basis before incorporation. I came across the fact that the Warehouse they were operating at, 1307 4th St, North East Washington D.C., was running as a wholesale business incorporated in 1986 called Seven Seven Wholesale Inc., and still bears this sign outside today. ( http://listings.findthecompany.com/l/14843202/Seven-Seven-Wholesale-Inc-in-Washington-DC -- http://commercial-real-estate.findthedata.com/l/4578518/1307-4th-St-NE-Washington-DC-20002 ) According to the Washington Post article (link below) Robert Gardner Terrell seems to have been the 2IC of Finders -- behind Marion Pettie, the leader -- and he admitted to being the owner of both the warehouse, and the duplex at 3918/20 W St, where the children were housed.

The number 77 is on the sign, and is important, because 77 was the specific numerological signature for Aleister Crowley's cult of Thelema (see the sigil of BABALON: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%E2%88%B4A%E2%88%B4#/media/File:A.%27.a.%27._seal.png ). Washington DC also is placed on the 77th degree west longitude from Greenwich, and the Washington Meridian literally passes north-south directly through the White House, splitting the inverted pentagram in the D.C., street plan in half, which is no coincidence. If the Finders were occult minded -- which the detective reports definitely conclude with the blood rituals of goats etc -- then the use of 77 as a signature in their primary business name is highly important. They were investigated in February 1987, but Seven Seven Wholesale LLC was incorporated in 1986. The warehouse only has Title ownership changes registered for 1976 and 1993, so the CIA might have operated a front out of this property before the LLC was incorporated and the Finders moved in.

The finders were literally running an Abbey of Thelema where the children would interact with the males running it all this time whilst in the nude, just like the original Abbey of Thelema ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbey_of_Thelema ) that Crowley operated on Sicily before Mussolini kicked him out of Italy for 'subversive' activities (Crowley is 'rumored' to have been an agent/informant for British Intelligence). At the Abbey, Crowley would regularly engage in sex acts with men and women, and the children were encouraged to watch the orgies -- God only knows if they also engaged in sex acts with the adults, but this was not recorded at the time. In my mind, the Finders just seem like a latter day mirror of Crowley's vision for a cult of Do As Thou Wilt.

I'll look into the computer company links. Thanks for the lead. I also found the initial Washington Post article about the finders interesting, especially the following:

( https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1987/02/08/cult-member-defends-2-men-in-child-abuse-case/d404251c-8540-49e1-8178-beb41efc8ee2/ )


By Victoria Churchville and Martin Weil February 8, 1987

... Other seized documents include files showing the organization has researched numerous industries, such as the fast food industry , and papers suggesting that the group operates a wide network of corporations, the source said. ...

This was a very organized group operating a number of different front companies, and they had planning to expand into the fast food industry, no doubt to get more children orbiting their presence. Mixing fast food Pizza with Ping Pong sounds like a good mix for a Finders op doesn't it?

fartyshorts ago

So I was just checking out Megyn Kelly for no particular reason and stumbled across this about her new husband: "Brunt worked as a management consultant for Booz Allen & Hamilton and as a director with idealab!, a business incubator and venture capital firm."


Nana66 ago

Someone in some social media setting said that most big news media pundits are actually CIA and I am inclined to fully believe that. Investigative journalism is practically illegal (they arrested Amy Goodman at DAPL) because they only want trained actors to push propaganda without the threat of letting the cat out of the bag and if they try they are set up to be crazy or something to discredit and ruin them or call them alt-right. And if need be suicide them with 2 bullets to the head or a heart attack and get rid of witnesses of the autopsy results.

PieInTheEye ago

Booz Allen was also majority owned by Carlisle Group since about 2008, but they have since slowly divested their capital in the business, and now only own ~10% of the firm. Based on my research, Booz Allen seem to have been the main contractor in regards to CIA-NSA joint programs, thus anyone who is high up in this firm, is a potential Deep-State operative. It would make sense that Megyn Kelly was an operative planted in Fox. She's like the Anderson Cooper equivalent, and of course they would choose to inject a woman into the previously full conservative Fox ... to use her as a blackmail agent to dent Fox's reputation with women.

fartyshorts ago

A few of the details are murky, but we have the reports of at least two investigators, as well as numerous newspaper articles from the time to corroborate evidence.

Just look at the fact that the case was ultimately classified, with USCS, Washington DC police and FBI investigations halted - because it was handed over to the CIA as an "internal investigation". There's not a whole lot of ways to interpret that.

PieInTheEye ago

There's not a whole lot of ways to interpret that.

Hey man, are you sure you're not spreading 'fake news' there? ... just jokes.

My favorite has been the nutjob who shot the Russian Ambassador screaming "Allahu Akbar" and yelling "remember Aleppo" (Gary Johnson thought the insult was directed at him ... lol), and the MSM ran multiple stories stating "No motive has yet been established". It is literally just getting funny that these 'news' agencies are doubling down on their own obliteration and total loss of credibility ... and as you point out ... this is really no different to the CIA having the Finders cult investigation logged as an "internal investigation" whilst claiming they were not at all connected (and there is also multiple direct connections between Pettie and the CIA). George Orwell was a damn prophet with Double-Think/Speak, but who would have believed how bold and in our faces it would all get.

chickyrogue ago

my goodness you may be on to it .... this info was compiled from a friend i take no credit but i know here are alot of knowledgable people like yourself who will have many thoughts and connections triggered from ma Knights work ...TY so much and keep diggin the truth willbe out and then this horror will become something much different and healed!

PieInTheEye ago

I'd like to be wrong, but based on years of research about the CIA/NATO stay-behind networks in Europe and the Gehlen organization of OSS Nazi recruits, and their usual modus operandi, I'd have to say the Finders cult was 100% just an average day at the office for these types of operations filth bags (taxpayer funded filth bags). That Finders investigation was shut down and covered up quicker than you can say "pizza's ready". The entire government in the District of Criminals canned this story up like the Dutroux case in Belgium.

chickyrogue ago

how to make the light of day stick ...will a new justice department be the answer or is donald gonna be the new head boss of said operations?

PieInTheEye ago

Only time will tell I guess, but we live in hope ... because without hope, life is a cynical holiday (a bad holiday).

chickyrogue ago

life is a cynical holiday but i hope your holiday is pure joy

crystalclearme ago

Actually just crossed my mind last night JA might be a CIA operative. I'd buy it. Not too outlandish considering his connections and past history

PieInTheEye ago

Personally, from what I've seen, I'm sure that he probably is a CIA asset along with the Podesta's ... it would explain the reactions from John Brennan and the initial reluctance by James Comey to release the further email caches ... they're all protecting something much deeper, which would implicate high-level bureaucrats that are not necessarily part of the Liberal Establishment, but higher up in the totally non-partisan Deep State hive mind of un-elected national security state Republic hijackers.

chickyrogue ago

my firend Knight asked me to post this here its the info thats important he has links going back to 1990 so yeah lots of people comtributed over time