flyingcuttlefish ago

thought on this sent to me -

" guess who owns the tea plantations? I went to Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka to find out why the British invaded those countries and colonized them... and guess who owns the tea plantations.. they are ethnic citizens of those countries - but THEY ALL LIVE IN LONDON. So they are just a cover story for the locals. The British still own the plantations."

flyingcuttlefish ago

Also on India and child trafficking -

flyingcuttlefish ago

India: Baby Trafficking Cuts Adoption, Boosts Illegal Trade

FuckTheseSickos ago

Anyone still working this? Updates?

ForTheChildren ago

Remember when Boka Haram kidnapped 200 girls? HRC also had their group removed from the terror watchdog list. I always thought the two things were related.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Thank you! These were the people I was thinking of.. out of Huntsville alabama. Interesting town.....

Samer ago

Uncensored reddit alternative with a limit on number of times you can vote each day. The more you participate and get upvoted the more allowance you'll have to vote.

BrickInTheVVall ago

Worth looking into further...

Samer ago

Thanks for sharing! I'm out of upvotes for today, but if someone upvotes this comment (to increase my vote allowance) I will upvote this. (And then if you reply and say so, I'll upvote you too.) Bit of a funny system here, but I guess it's probably meant to minimize CTR shilling.

lonewolf9632 ago

I've been upvoting the majority of comments on my posts. Though I quite like the system, although I think the reduction of brigading is more a side effect, I think the focus is in giving more influence to those that are most active in their community.

ThrowThisAwayPi ago

Wow! Great work! and good idea to follow the advice of FBI Anon. His advice has proven fruitful so far.

BrickInTheVVall ago

Guys I think you are on to something here!

"Preceding this case, a number of children had gone missing from Noida and the outlying village, Nithari. Having been ignored by authorities,.."

The Deadly Trade of Child Organ Trafficking (

"Srinagar, Asharq Al-Awsat- The horrific killings of 19 children and women in the Indian slum of Nithari, close to the affluent area of Noida on the outskirts of India’s capital, Delhi, has brought into focus the horrific trade of human organ trafficking that is claiming the lives of thousands of children worldwide."

"All I can find about this guy's business is that it involves "transporting.""

Transporting of human organs perhaps?

I think we are dealing with an underground organ trafficking ring here... I have been researching this for a while now wanting to post. But you forced my hand early...

Exposed: Clinton Foundation’s Ties To Suspected Human Organ Trafficker (

I have dug up a lot of info on this...

Here is some other things that shocked me:

US has had it's scandals too:

Undercover video shows Planned Parenthood official discussing fetal organs used for research (

BUSTED! Proof Planned Parenthood Sells Dead Babies to Anyone Willing to Buy! LEAKED FOOTAGE! (

Houston Grand Jury Indicts David Daleiden For Organ Trafficking, Issues No Charges Against Planned Parenthood (

George Soros’ Son Donates $1 Million To Planned Parenthood To Help Elect Hillary Clinton (

George Soros Gave Planned Parenthood $1.5 Million to Cover Up Sales of Aborted Baby Parts (


Check who was involved with Planned Parenthood:

Alfred Kinsey was a pervert and a sex criminal (

One woman’s quest to expose the pedophile Alfred Kinsey and his demented sex ed curriculum (

He is linked to the Rockefellers: (

What about this case: The Rosenbaum Kidney Trafficking Gang (

There is so much more:

ISIS Selling Kidnapped Children to Organ Traffickers in Turkey to Fund Caliphate (

Child & Human Organ Trafficking in Haiti (

Organ trafficking is multi billion dollar industry!!

Really interesting read: The Organ Detective: A Career Spent Uncovering a Hidden Global Market in Human Flesh (


Edit: Additional comments and links added...

BrickInTheVVall ago

Here is an article about a potentail organ trade cover up for this case. (

You can find more if you search.

lonewolf9632 ago

This is interesting. Good work and godspeed investigator

waxdino ago

All I can find about this guy's business is that it involves "transporting." Anyone having more luck? I've found this article so far:

This article mentions Indian serial killer Auto Shankar, and quotes the Wikipedia article on him: During his trial Auto Shankar blamed cinema for "making a devil of him", but a month before his execution, he revealed to reporters a more sinister force. According to his account, he had kidnapped the girls for powerful state politicians, subsequently disposing of them after his patrons had raped them.

(EDIT: Also of note, the Wikipedia article no longer has the part about politicians)

It also links to an article suggesting there is a lot of pedo/murder type corruption in the Indian government, and connections to the US. There is a lot of info here but I have to do some normie thanksgiving stuff and have to stop searching for now. Keep digging everyone.

nimblenav ago

another promising lead!

DanCaek ago

I love this whole idea, and the dedication of people involved. Perhaps it would be enhanced in some sort of database. Maybe it could be presented in a wikipedia style page with a heading for each topic. Maybe broken down to an 'evidence' page, and a 'weird coincidences' page. Could be a great presentation and cross reference tool, and make pieces easier to link together.

resist ago

I agree that we really have to do something to organize all the threads. I made a suggestion here but no one is upvoting...

happy_snek ago

The decentralization of these efforts is what continues to keep them possible.