Spuddlebuns ago

Stupid side comment - Just as Alephantis's name loosely sounds like "J'aime les enfants," I find it one of those odd coincidences that this is called "The Bohnner Group" (pronounced 'Bo ner' )...

WotTheFook ago

Bonner Group are money laundering on behalf od George Soros, that's it in a nutshell. The problem lies in proving it, among the web of 12.5% commissions flying left and right.

charmeuse ago

It's all about money laundering for all that pizza.

MAGABoomer ago

FBIAnon said "follow the CF" the money...he was 100% right. Good work there. Somehow...we must prevail!

Thrash57 ago

Well and Brock is tied to Alefantis already, and Alefantis with podesta, and podest with Hrc. Everybody and their mom in dc has now been connected to pedophilia, but its fake news.