1count_du_bastarde ago

Since all power centers are complicit (media, papal, Gov, CIA FBI Judiciary, police departments .. ) thus nothing ever happens.

We need to take down one big time player / Ace of Spades level pedo villain take down to topple the house of cards ....

pbvrocks ago

I'm kind of at the torches and pitchfork stage right now....agree with the poster that a "timeframe" is appropriate, but past that, this must end..one way or the other...if it takes torches and pitchforks, so be it. I live in the USA, I am VERY WELL aware of my rights granted me under our constitution and looks like many others are looking at same. In colonial times, the people had to fight for the US to become a nation...we very well may have to fight to retain it...but lets hope not!

SoberSecondThought ago

As I've only lurked until now, I'll keep this simple. I am not arguing for or against the thoughts contained in this manifesto. I just want to suggest that it be tabled for a while, because it is still too soon for such measures. Why?

Very shortly after Trump won, he asked Preet Bharara to stay on as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. This is the federal office that would deal with the Weiner/Abedin computer case.

NYT original report of Bharara staying on

Since then, we have seen a long string of stories confirming that Trump and Sessions are determined to go after child trafficking all the way to "the highest levels". This includes somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 arrests, and hundreds of victims rescued. But there has been virtually nothing in the Weiner/Abedin case, which Bharara would logically be responsible for. Now Bharara has been fired, and the NYT and other left-leaning media are suggesting it is because he was investigating someone in Trump's cabinet, or for some other nefarious reason.

I draw no conclusions about Bharara's motive for defying Sessions. Someone in his position has plenty of friends and plenty of enemies. Even the most honest of men can cave to the right kind of threat. There is speculation on Zero Hedge, for those who want to pursue that question:

Zero Hedge discusses Bharara firing

My point is simple. Bharara was fired nine days ago. His deputy, Joon Kim, took over as interim U.S. Attorney for the SDNY six days ago.

The delays that are driving the frustrated comments on this manifesto have actually been very short, not much longer than is normal in Washington politics. First, of course, Trump had to take office. Confirmation for Sessions was delayed by maybe a week longer than is typical for that position; but then on the same day he was sworn in, February 9, Trump signed an executive order directing all federal agencies to vigorously enforce the laws against trafficking. Then Sessions had four weeks in which to review the resumes of 93 U.S. Attorneys, not to mention get firm control of the FBI, and decide what to do with Comey and the rest of the utterly corrupt DOJ. After four weeks (during which more traffickers were rounded up than in the previous three to four years), he decided that Bharara would have to go with the rest. We don't know why, and even if these were normal times it would be rash to assume. Possibly Bharara is corrupt (unlikely); possibly he was dragging his feet on Weiner/Abedin because he was being threatened or had some conflict of interest (more likely); possibly there is some mundane personality/HR issue. We don't know. We don't need to know. What matters is that his deputy has so far had one working week to pick up his portfolio, in perhaps the busiest U.S. Attorney office in the country.

Again, I'm not criticizing this manifesto. Frankly, I'm trying my best to be completely neutral about that. As a newcomer, my opinion does not carry much weight. But facts and dates should. I'm just suggesting that action on Pizzagate/Pedogate/Weinergate requires certain administrative and political obstacles to be removed, and by Washington standards they are being knocked down at amazing speed. There isn't a need to issue this document right now, regardless of its merits. And I think even as a newcomer, I am allowed to say: Talk about mob justice and hanging is really, really premature. REALLY premature.

inb4 I am denounced as a Jewish shill working for David Brock and/or David Seaman and/or Rothschilds. You shouldn't denounce someone on a first date, it's rude. :-)

LostandFound ago

Very well put, I can see both sides but going down the route of 'or else!' is not where we are as a community. We could do a lot better by helping people with ongoing cases, how about a gofundme for the woman who is bringing Epstien back to court.

MolochHunter ago

you dont sound shillish at all, perfectly reasonable position. My considered rejoinder, though, would be to posit that the podesta leaks - admittedly only being 5-6 months old - are not the starting point of this continuum of feet dragging

365 days is a long timeframe for substantive action, and I'm not suggesting 'ALL OUR DEMANDS MUST BE MET' - if there's enough movement in that year to restore faith, there needn't have to be a full and total wind-up of the global satanic cabal to satisfy the community within that year. So long as we get th collective sense it is being addressed and not swept under the rug

SoberSecondThought ago

If we're trying to fix the date when all this horror started, we could go back to the assassination of JFK. Or the Franklin coverup. Or the killing of Vince Foster. It has been a long, horrible, dark chapter in American history, and I understand why people are frustrated and tired.

This is for everyone to decide, and I've had my say. I just want people to also keep in mind the YUGE progress that has been made in the past six weeks. Thanks.

MolochHunter ago

thanks for your contribution. I think folks are still a bit nervous, all the knives are out for trump and despite the many little fish, there's been no-one arrested of enough stature that the mainstream media cant ignore it.

So we remain in a position where if Trump is stopped the whole thing can be swept under the rug again. Look at the pitiful turn out for the march yesterday. Belgium after the Dutroux affair had a 300 000 person march and they still werent really given satisfactory results

Dressage2 ago

My thoughts on this is we never let them know when we are coming. By that, I mean not 365 days or whatever day. People will rise up when the time is right and I think most people will know when. I will tell you if they try to take out Trump it will only accelerate the rise of unrest. I like to say "unrest" as it sounds so much more civilized that what will actually transpire!!

keeper1 ago

I've seen some people talking about prayer, which I'm all for. But another tool to consider is group meditation. It doesn't even have to be a big group to be effective. Here's a link about a mass meditation against child exploitation and trafficking that someone on reddit got rolling: (http://asheepnomore.net/2017/02/17/pizzagate-mass-meditation-event-for-arrest-of-elite-washington-pedophile-ring/)) . The date was last month, but this gives the reasoning behind the meditation and some data on the effectiveness of mass meditation. This article gives more information of the efficacy of mass meditation in lowering crime and suicide rates: (http://thespiritscience.net/2015/06/18/studies-show-group-meditation-lowers-crime-suicide-deaths-in-surrounding-areas/))

And here's one that has a guided meditation video still embedded though the group meditation date is also past:


The link in this latter one to the pizzagate/pedogate background info is also full of useful videos and articles:

Unfortunately, I can't find any links to meditations that are upcoming on this.

Maybe we can do a weekly group meditation using the embedded guided meditation above? We'd have to set a day and time and we'd have to include a time converter like this one: (http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc ). Anybody interested in trying that?

Or maybe we could get in touch with the people who set up the mass meditation last month and ask if they would consider making it a recurring meditation?

Personally, I'm for pursuing as many positive actions as possible on as many fronts as possible. By being active in any way--investigating, spreading the word, prayer, meditation--we will shine the light on these protected criminals in their dark places, pursue justice, and restore peace of mind and safety to the exploited and to the population at large which has for too long been forced to pen up our children to keep them safe.

zoeozbird ago

I don't think we need any "meditation"....tools of the dark side.

keeper1 ago

Meditation is not a tool of the dark side any more than prayer is. I imagine that anything can be misused by the dark side. My viewpoint is that prayer is talking to God/The Universe/Creator (or insert your preferred word for Source there); meditation is LISTENING to God/The Universe/Creator/Source.

None of us should allow ourselves to be ruled by Fear. Fear is the absence of Love/Light. THAT is what aids the darkness--an absence of Light.

NeedPolyGF ago

Blah, blah, blah, etc.

Pedophile Pride Parade needs Slogans at https://voat.co/v/pizzagate2/1730224

MolochHunter ago

lynching is the style of justice islamists use when they see a woman immodestly dressed. There are only brief moments in time when lynchings are the only possible recourse , and while we may eventually get there, such talk is premature especially when a protest outside comet ping pong fails to even reach 100 people

Silverlining ago

Bing I think the bullet in the hard drive was the excuse needed to change it and clear out any unhelpful evidence. It should have been seized by the cops day one.

MolochHunter ago

the deadline and the tempered reasonableness are not for the sake of the demons. Its for the people on the sidelines who still dont appreciate the situation and will be forced to choose sides on incomplete information

Forgetmenot ago

Yes! Fear only feeds the negativity and paralyzes us. Amen

bopper ago

Maybe so. I'm "the cup half empty guy." Ran into too many stone walls. But not everyone. Doesn't mean I don't believe a spiritual awakening is afoot, I believe there is, and that we are on the very cusp ...

Edit: Yeah that's a good idea what you said.

bopper ago

I can assure you, and others here can testify to this, there are thousands of people who may give you a minute or two, even people who know of the great Roman Catholic scandal (and have even seen the movie), etc., and then will become visibly bored, find an excuse to change the subject, or simply get irritated, 'cause they don't want to think and they want to get back to dancing with the stars or watching kitty cat videos on facebook You feel me? lol Good for those who can and do reach people, but for me, the average Joe could care less and they want to check out that new truck or AK-47 on sale at Cabela's bla bla....

TweedleDee3000 ago

I support killing the Pedostas, Alefantis, and every jew faggot on this planet. It's time to genocide these inbred homosexual pedo commie shit stains, men, women, and children. Hunt them like animals and kill them - every single one of them deserves it.

0rion ago

All these downvotes show how unserious these circlejerkers really are when it comes to bringing the pedos to justice.

MolochHunter ago

respecting the diversity within the child protection community, that wasnt exactly what i had in mind...

carmencita ago

I want no blood on the streets. The children are my concern. The will be among those that are killed in a blood bath. There is too much bottled up anger, and I believe that those that think they can fight the govt. because they are smarter, will find that the govt. has amassed an amount of military might that will not be believed. Tanks will come out upon our streets and many arms that we do not even know, exist. It is a foolish plan, imo.

bopper ago

You are the adult in the room :)

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

Lynchings? Lynchings of whom? This will create nothing but mayhem. Many will take license to lynch those that they do not like the looks of, protest their religions and believers of rumors will be quick with the rope. I will be no part of this violence.

DeathToMasons ago

MolochHunter, this has been the way I have felt since I learned about Sandy hook. This scandal however, has put me over the top. The state is subverted, kills their own citizens and investigates itself. It has been over for a long long time. Both "sides" are conrolled, or better yet, there is only one party and we aren't invited. When the rest of you finally realize there are no white hats fighting for you and you have to do it yourself, I'm with you. A purge of the establishment and a constitutional restoration movement with strict oversight has to take place. And we won't be asking them, we will remove them, even against their will.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I'm afraid it's time to escalate.

carmencita ago

I am with you. The prayer route is the way to go and researching and keeping up on the true facts, not fake news. If we pick up guns and knives it will end in a Blood Bath. I fear that innocent people and those little people (which we are trying to protect) will get caught in the cross fire. We have enough pain and suffering. Cooler heads must prevail. I will appear no where with those that are planning mayhem.

bopper ago

You hippie you :) That's why they send young people to war ... I'm glad I'm old. (Seriously I enjoy hearing your views :)

As one older guy said, "Drones and hellfire weapons versus guns, Lord have mercy."

carmencita ago

Well, thank you, because I just got chewed out by a shill. The "jew thing" again. I am so sick of the racist shills. The profanity was vile. I said, You have a nice evening too. No point in stooping to their level.

bopper ago

Good for you, that's how I answer people too. This subject of child sexual abuse is defiling to the conscience already and with the language and war-type mentality that goes on ... it's a bit much ... took me a while to get used to it all. It's such a diverse bunch, I've never been a part of something like this before, really. (And I'm one of those who gets my feelers hurt easily so sometimes I don't do well here.) Oh well. People can be downright merciless in their personal attacks ... of course we say things here anonymously that we never would face to face, that's part of the deal.

carmencita ago

I started out on reddit, and I had never done anything like it before either. Made it through the CTR of David Brock shills and survived. I must say, some that are one her are much worse. The hatred is so vile. I believe this election played a big part in it. Now, many feel their country that they thought belonged to them, belongs to a Bunch of Pedo Elites. It is a hard truth to face

bopper ago

Yes, that is a good observation of it all. I could tell, that even w/ your sweet heart (well yes of course I am sure that you have a "bad" side lol) ... that you had been somewhat battle-hardened elsewhere in the cyber space forum world.

carmencita ago

I am sure my husband will agree that I have a bad side (lol) I wonder what will happen with Our Crusade, and how we will all fare. We will all have "battle scars" I am sure. But I am also sure that we will win.

bopper ago

"Predictions are difficult, especially about the future."

Honestly I am a Christian and believe in the great "puritan hope" that they held, that Christ will ultimately triumph, good will reign, and "wickedness will hide its head for shame."

There is no better time, never so "pregnant" and ripe a time, as now, for that elusive peace on earth to be manifest, that all people have longed for throughout the ages.

"And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Sorry for the sermon and goodnight and take care!

carmencita ago


Hey_Sunshine ago

I would like to point you guys to the only criminal case the supreme court has ever tried, USA V SHIPP. The following is an account of the night Ed Johnson was lynched (note that Johnson was accused of the rape and brutal beating of a white woman. The Podesta bros, Alefantis et al have committed a most heinous crime against an untold number of children, the account that follows should be a mandatory minimum):


The news that the Supreme Court had stayed Johnson's scheduled execution did not sit well with many in Chattanooga. About 8 p.m. on March 19 a group of men carrying guns descended on the Hamilton County Jail where Johnson was being held. Only a single guard, jailer Jeremiah Gibson, guarded the prisoners. Sheriff Shipp, rejecting a suggestion to post extra guards, had instead given his other deputies the night off. The first members of the mob to enter the jail bloodied a black trusty they encountered, then began their search of the jail. More and more men poured into the jail. Confronting a large steel door, members of the mob called for a sledgehammer and began whacking it in turns. The door finally gave into the attack and the mob moved on to its next obstacle. About 8:30 p.m., Ed Johnson, on the third floor, was awakened by the cries of inmates below. Johnson looked out the window of his cell to see the crowd of nearly two hundred men and women in the courtyard below. The only other inmate on the floor, Ellen Baker, said to Johnson, "You better do some prayin'."

Soon the mob made their way up the spiral staircase to the third floor and began pounding on the doors that still separated them from Johnson. A second door comprised of steel bars secured by five bolts riveted into the cement floor proved a frustrating obstacle for the rioters. Johnson had plenty of time to pray. Ellen Baker later described Johnson lying on his steel-framed bunk, a green wool blanket pulled up to his chin, eyes closed, reciting the 23rd Psalm. It was not until 10:35 that the last bolt gave way and the men made their way to Johnson's cell. A key taken from Gibson opened the cell door. The men tied Johnson's hands with rope and dragged him from the cell out to an awaiting crowd. Cries of "Kill him now!" and "Cut his heart out right here!" came from the mob. The leaders of the mob debated what they should do.

Finally someone yelled, "To the county bridge!" The call was met by great applause. For six blocks, in raucous procession, the crowd marched to the Walnut Street Bridge that spanned the Tennessee River. At the second span rope was looped around the frame of the bridge. "Do you have anything to say?" a man holding a noose asked Johnson. With the noose around his neck and blood dripping from his mouth, Johnson remained calm.

He spoke to the crowd:

"I am ready to die. But I never done it. I am going to tell the truth. I am not guilty. I have said all the time that I did not do it and it is true. I was not there. I know I am going to die and I have no fear to die and I have no fear at all. I was not at St. Elmo that night. Nobody saw me with a strap. They were mistaken and saw somebody else. I was at the Last Chance Saloon just as I said. I am not guilty and that is all I have to say. God bless you all. I am innocent."

For two minutes, Ed Johnson's body "jerked with life" as it swayed one hundred feet above the Tennessee River, then it stopped. Johnson was pulled back up to thebridge. His head moved. A barrage of bullets ended his life. A leader of the mob pinned a sheet of paper to Johnson's body. The note read: "To Justice Harlan. Come and get your nigger now."

Shipp and his lynch mob had no more than a few dozen, We have thousands. They CANNOT stop the People from EXACTING JUSTICE FOR OUR DAMN SELVES. Such is our right to pass judgment in the face of the overwhelming evidence of the crimes being committed. These bastards will hang.

carmencita ago

That was a terrible story. It made me cry. The lesson and moral of the story was lost. It is not that we have strength in numbers, but what good does it mean if you achieve the wrong goal. If we attempt such an endeavor we may cause the very deaths of those we are trying to protect. Ed Johnson could very well have been innocent, and so they would kill an innocent man. Emmet Till was savagely murdered for whistling at a white woman. The woman just confessed that she had made up the story, that it was not true at all. So we may just cause more pain and suffering than we already have now. I cannot be a part of such immoral plans. Peace. Fairness and Justice.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Who the fuck are you trying to virtue signal to? Alefantis? Pedosta? Clinton?

I bring this up to remind you sheep of where the true authority of government is derived. it wasnt the courts, it wasnt the presidency not the congress that have the exclusive authority over the laws and power of this country; those governent bodies derive their power from the enumerated powers granted to it by the constitution. Surely you can remember the preamble, cant you?

"We the People, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice and ensure domestic tranquillity to provide for the common defense, promote general welfare and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America."

Sorry if I hurt your feelings with my obtuse behavior but I feel like you're trying to excuse these baby eating monsters from their date with the rope.

carmencita ago

You have taken my comment the wrong way. I only did not want anyone to become so enraged as to us this as an excuse to brand people that have done nothing. You really do think that some people will not go off and just start hauling innocent people off the streets and kill them or lynch them just because they are ME or Black? I do. I am entirely in favor of those horrible perverted pedos to swing from a rope. Believe me.

Hey_Sunshine ago

I'm not talking about race. I'm talking about how those people (the lynch mob) felt justice wasn't being served (by the rights we still posses today) went and told the SOCTUS to get fucked and ignored Justice Hanlon's stay of execution.Look what the consequence of their actions brought them, a slap on the wrist compared to the murder they commited. Quit thinking like a redditor you fducking nigger. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with allowing Alefantis, Podesta, clinton, epstien and countless other pedo bastards walk free after the heinous crimes they committed against all those untold children whose bodies were dumped in the ocean. Fucking hell

Hell we all agree that they should hang and it's well within our right to kill these bastards. If you say I killed them and I say atko killed them and ayko says amalek killed em, they will never be able to prove beyond the reaasonable doubt who actually killed them just like they couldnt prove who killed Ed Johnson

Dressage2 ago

Even Hillary expected to swing from a noose if Trump won.

Cleareyes ago

I know there's tech now that can scan a persons pupils when asking them questions, the results were staggering into how accurate it was in detecting lies and sociopaths. If i recall correctly, the liars pupils changed size minutely every time they lied but the scanner caught it everytime because people can't control their natural body/brain reactions even though their surface body language was good at lying. The sociopaths, their pupils didn't move at all when shown images or asked questions that would rattle normal people. This would be a good way to sort out the pedos and psychos from the innocent accused i think. But yes, lynching sounds nuts, mass lynching. Disorganized too and opens it up for straight chaos. If this does degenerate to that point it has to be rational and organized like military operations. I'm scared what will happen is it will move to chaos scenarios, people will act out irrationally and without a plan before the organized ones can get in front of it and corral the situation.

carmencita ago

I am so very much in agreement with your statement. My worry is the children will get caught in the middle. The very ones we are trying to protect.

Cleareyes ago

yes that would be the worst :(

MolochHunter ago

makes me wonder if there's any pedo - connection to the brat pack and the mid 80's hollywood movie 'St Elmo's fire'

Cleareyes ago

Drones would be cool, how quiet and undetectable are they for regular purchasers? Don't these guys use EMP's too when they operate in an area? I wasn;t thinking these guys go there while they're there. More like they know the likely locations and patterns of where and how these guys do this, so plant beforehand. Pick up when its empty like the tunnels that were mentioned. If it is private land then ya, that would be no good and dangerous.

MolochHunter ago

1) I place no credence in the efficacy of that bullet in the computer 2) the quota is arbitrary, tokenistic, and ambit. Its perfectly subject to revision and this kind of thing is at best a loose consensus, so why get hung up on numbers. We have to start with something at least a little concrete. 3) where did you read anywhere in my post that i disavow the role of islamic (or hasidic or satanic) rape?

projection ago

MolochHunter, this is the best thing I've seen since November. Good on you.

Forgetmenot ago

Upvoated everyone! I really believe this investigation will not disappear like the franklin scandal did.

Forgetmenot ago

Many people know, especially in the military and medical field.

Forgetmenot ago

When JFK was murdered, no one rose up and demanded justice. When 911 happened no one rose up and demanded justice. When a president with a false birth certificate sat in the White House no one did anything. When HRC destroyed evidence no one did anything. When Alefanits was found with the pictures no one did anything. Why? because everyone believed the that our government would do something. We thought D.C. Police would really investigate....did they? We The patriots believed in the process that the elites designed. The patriots are gullible because they are good people who believe in right and wrong. It is our weakness that they use against us. They gamed the system with just that weakness in mind. This is a government of the people by the people or at least we thought it was but sadly the wool has been pulled over so many Americans eyes. As it stands, we are trying to win a game playing by the rules that the elites pedofiles make. They can change their rules to fix the results when they lose. Can we? Well as they say alls fair in love and war. Everyone continues to assume that you can win without cheating against " a house" that games the system for their benefit. Do you all get that? They will escape justice no matter what.....because we all continue to hope against the odds (including me) to believe that we can win, playing by their rules. It's not a real game, they play both sides using trickery and there are the referees and they make the rules along the way. How will the victims win? Most of them dead or too scared to speak and if they speak we don't believer them. Good luck overcoming reasonable doubt. Even Jesus got hung out to dry fighting the same system. When you win they kill you, look at max spiers, Seth rich, Asasange, ted gunderson, omg the list is endless. They all had a smoking gun. Assange is the only on who is alive and he is imprisoned. Viginlatism and unrest is growing and rightfully so! I myself will turn to prayer, the future worries me so much! I will alway back up protectors of children. This has happened many times before through out history and an angry mob is terrifying and vicious. I myself believe Justice is a plate served best cold, I believe in calculating and planning, which I think our president is doing. Hopefully the good people in our government know that they will have our support! It's not too late yet. I still have hope and I still pray.

Cleareyes ago

Yes, your post is very true too. If a mass revolt becomes inevitable which i hope it does not, there is always a group of degenerates who take advantage of civil unrest to rape women, loot, and kill taking advantage of the chaos. There needs to be a separate group set up in each area of unrest tasked solely with taking those guys out when you see it on the streets or women being dragged somewhere etc, looters smashing and burning. Their actions alone would indicate they are bad people and need to be dealt with asap, because they will just make everything worse because they don't care about protecting the kids and are just opportunists wanting to hurt others while they have an easy window.

Forgetmenot ago

Yes exactly, the French Revolution comes to mind, that is what can happen and yet how can we stop it, when they are blatantly raping and mirdering children? You totally understood thank you.

bopper ago

Heh, Los Angeles riots and Reginald Denny come to mind.

Cleareyes ago

No problem, and im thinking maybe a second backup team to the task force lol. One thing i noticed about human nature, say there is a group of 100 streetwatchers in one town - there is always one or two people who either infiltrators or think they have the nerve to make the hard decisions but when push comes to shove they flake or freeze. That mistake could actually wipe out the task force, so a backup group should be planned too for that event.

MileHiLife ago

100% with this, but...WHY wait? There's a REAL chance that we (USA) will be engaged in a horrific WAR with another Super Power a year from now -- if not sooner? Their ancient secret society tricks to distract the masses with divide & conquer and problem/reaction/solution is worn. IF We the People remove these satanic pedo's from office ASAP there's a real chance that yet another fraudulent banker war won't happen. The People need reminding that our government need to live in fear of the People, not the other way around.

We bought the damn FEMA Camps, let's put 'em to use to house the countless corrupt officials until they receive a fair, open, televised-live trial by vetted judges & juries. It's apparent the outnumbered White Hats inside the "alphabet" agencies need OUR collective help to close the deal on these parasites.

Cleareyes ago

ya maybe that could be the trigger then! Have all the groups preparing to act on this and organizing secretly right now, be prepared that if something happens to trigger a world war and its something serious that happens to either the 3 main powers,we know that is the beginning and we won't have much time before war is on the doorstep. Then everyone, gets your pitchforks out and head to the capitol and/or the depraved ones personal homes and bases of power. Whatever your group is closest to in proximity.

YingYangMom ago

Can I get a Hallelujah?

Cleareyes ago


Forgetmenot ago

Praise god and Hallelujah!!!

MolochHunter ago

Ok so, at 25 upvoats already - does anyone have a presence on Reddit/4Chan/Steemit that they wanna re-post there?

Justin_TeroG8 ago

I pray for more video vigilantes and paparazzi to plant cameras and do undercover filming of CPP and places like this. Shoot, even the right placement of hunting trail cameras in the tunnels below Conneticut Ave or aimed at suspicious residences/places could provide the winning move in our quest to see justice. I encourage pedo hunters everywhere to use their cameras and video to capture these Pedo Big Game targets in the act doing suspicious acts or being with children at weird hours or in weird places (like the tunnels). Then leak those on line. Death is too easy for Pedo offenders, I want to see them shamed and suffer socially, then be given long miserable prison sentences. If they are killed they will be mourned by friends and family, if they are exposed they will be reviled by all. They even make recording binoculars nowadays, not to mention cheap camera drones! I don't want to see fellow investigators be incarcerated themselves for using violence and not their brains.

Cleareyes ago

Yeah! Maybe not something with a wireless feed maybe? They likely have jammers and are prepared for secrecy when they undertake their deeds. Just a stand alone physical recording device with a battery that can last as long possible. Hide it well and pick it up when the time is up, make copies send them out for backup stat then review the footage. I'm not too knowledgeable on cameras and tech options with them, what do you think?

educate_yourself ago

iwould think cia will neutralize this shit quick imho

Cleareyes ago

That's why i was thinking old school cameras kind of thing lol ones that don't emit signals and just operates on a battery or something. If they do it without talking about it, review the footage without an internet connection somewhere contained, send backup to someone who knows the plan (but don't talk about it after the initial plan is made) just do it. That should be some decent steps to keep it out of their knowledge, they cant track every random joe with eyes on them all the time. Also talk about plans in rooms without tech or phones, use secure rooms. They teach that in activist training, never talk about plans around tech devices

educate_yourself ago

yeh i feel u youre probs right idk tho we dont know the tech theyve had or for how long in realistically

Cleareyes ago

Ooh i just read this, pretty much answers my questions on cameras. wow!


DarkMath ago

Edgar Welch's sister walks into a bar looking for her friend Gary:


This one might help illustrate the absurdity of Edgar Welch and his Magic Bullet.

MolochHunter ago

sounded like the start of a joke. In a way it certainly was ;)

DarkMath ago

"start of a joke"......Yep, that's the whole idea.

13Buddha ago

Magnificent. Well done! Extremely well done! I did see 1 typo pertaining to sentence structure. Paragraph 8 reads, "...its best intentions unable control..." Believe preposition "to" is needed before "unable."


There are so many people who are 55. A veteran. Know about this whole ordeal. Dying of terminal illness. Who would love to have me train them to shoot a barrett and use it.

A headless John McCain or Harry Reid would look beautiful on the steps of the Capitol. That's a long long LONG ways away. But if it doesn't change, that's where we are headed.

They have unilateral control over our society. There is no way out of this shit through the orthodox means of change. I'd forfeit everything that I have, or could have, to see it end.

They own the artists and actors.

They own the news anchors and newspapers.

They own the banks and money.

They own the politicians.

And they own the people

We are not represented by, nor can we identify with, our masters

Nobody wants their New World Order. It just means the deaths of millions more, and the misery of billions. We want a world free of them.

projection ago



I've blackpilled at least 4 people to the point where they understand everything that I do. My parents even understood a good bit of it. Oratory skills, and precise use of language cannot be overrated.

bopper ago

Really? How did you get them to listen to you in the first place? That's the main problem.

What's the blackpill, too lazy to google it.


I started with something they had no predisposed feelings on: ancient history. And then I shattered everything they thought they knew. Then I brought that ancient history to it's context in our world today: how a select group of people own everything.


bopper ago

I'm simply saying, how did you get a "captive" audience, if we're talking about a few/several people (not the thread you referenced) ... they must have been somewhat predisposed to listen to you for some reason, the average normie will not even entertain such talk. Try talking to my wife lol.


They were international students who had never been exposed to any propaganda in their life other than local propaganda (anti Pakistani or anti-Nepal).

Cleareyes ago




You are a national socialist, whether or not you know it. Do you believe in the sanctity of life, importance of brotherhood, and understand that the world is run by freaks? Yes. Then you are a NatSoc.

Cleareyes ago

If your define it by those 3 parameters, then sure you can call me that. If going by the broader definition (eg. wiki page description) then no. I believe there are good and bad people of all races and refuse to lump all of the people of one race, culture, or religion into one category to paint them all as the same.


I believe there are good and bad people of all races and refuse to lump all of the people of one race, culture, or religion into one category to paint them all as the same.

The wiki page is pure propaganda. NatSoc is about being proud to be Indian or proud to be German or proud to be Colombian, and fighting for your people. It is NOT the idea that you are defined by your race, it is merely the idea that you should fight for the betterment of your peoples and for the betterment of other peoples.

This is why Hitler shook hands with Jesse Owens, and Jesse Owens had a lifelong friendship with a National Socialist, while back in the United States he was treated like a monkey, instead of a brother in all of mankind.


Because international financial forces have mixed up all peoples, and are continuing to do so, our course of action is not to malign inter-racialism, but rather redefine National Socialism to leave behind much of the racial purity bullshit espoused by Hitler in Mien Kampf, because it is no longer applicable to our societies today. I think that inter-racialism is a good thing because it helps mix up the gene pool, but the way that it is being done, purposefully making millions of refugees and pushing them around like cattle, is unacceptable to me. It should be organic.

You can definitely group people up by race, but it isn't about painting them as the same. Africans look different than Europeans, with or without melanin. They have slightly different genes, that results in varying responses to things like water fluoridation (look up fluoridegate). That doesn't mean that race defines someone, or that anyone can say that one race is better than another. It's merely one part of who we are.

Like gender, we shouldn't be repulsed by this categorization of people. It's natural to have two genders, not 63. However, race, unlike gender, is not binary. After all, most of us are 5% Neanderthal. It's healthy to get to know one's roots, mixed or unmixed, and be intimately familiar with them. To know where you come from will help you understand where you want to go.

Cleareyes ago

Wow dude, i just read up on the true nazi history last night. Jeez insanity


It's a wild world

Cleareyes ago

Oh and get this...so i was reading a daily mail article on Trumps "diss" to Merkel, really trying to push Trump is a bad guy etc. However 90% of the comments were pro-trump from germans and brits. The news says one thing and the people say another. Same thing with Trudeau, happens every week it seems it canada. He's states Canadians feel this and think that in the news regardless of what the numerous comments on media platforms say otherwise. Its ridiculous. Anyway my point was, Germany, something happened a few years ago that really spiked my instincts. They found a mass burial ground in the forest from the nazi era. They didn't dig it up, do tests, nothing. They left it and did a memorial on the site. I found that very weird. They narrative rang false to me and something doesn't add up. When Merkel gets voted out, hopefully whoever gets in will ally with Trump. Dig that up for the descendants sake so they can have proper burials. I have a feeling they will be surprised at what they find.



Cleareyes ago

Yeah i read about the Owen thing. the US calling Hitler racist and they wouldn't even allow Jesse in the whitehouse after his medal win. Fucking hypocrites liars. I do also not believe the written account of Hitler as we all know the victors write history. The worst pedos and degenerates get glowing biographies written about their legacy while some good people have been vilified in the history books. I don't believe it for a second. Also i know Hitler was aware of depravity, porn, homosexuality and pedophilia problems going on, sounds familiar hey. Glad Trump has a high IQ, i'm sure he's aware he can't just learn from the mistakes of that war and take it step further, he's going to have to plan layers of strategy to stay in front them the depraved ones. Agreed on your post. I read Stalin was starting all the killing and the gulags first, Germany actually was going to partner with the US first to take him out but the US made a deal with mass killer Stalin to take out Hitler instead. The only thing is you guys say the nazi's started MK ultra and the US carried it over here right? No sympathy for any kid killers and torturers so unsure of how to framework this right now, still thinking on it. I should read more on it but i forgot to follow up.


If Trump is in on it, the entire nation is going to explode. Nazi's didn't start MK ultra.

Cleareyes ago

ok i didnt look it that far yet, will do, i just learned about that program through pizzagate. There are too many indicators and connections for me - that these guys are pedos and occultists and it goes to the top everywhere - for me to take a few bits of alternate info and get distracted from the goal.


I respect that.

ObamaFAG1 ago

GREAT JOB!! 1,000% behind you. I have extra guns too ;)

NakatomiBaby ago

Me too!!!

MolochHunter ago

If ur talking guns im gonna hafta walk back my statement somewhat. Even if we eventually go the road of vigilantism it must be escalated slowly and methodically

ObamaFAG1 ago

Slow and methodic and Deliberate! You are giving "them" 365 days. That's plenty of time to decide how you want your justice SERVED!

MolochHunter ago

well if this takes hold the 365 days gives scope for interim detente: repost/re-publish in 90 days in 'We've only seen small improvements in items 3 and 6" etc etc

ObamaFAG1 ago

I LOVE IT and totally agree and are behind you. Thank YOU again for this and great work!!

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Declaration of Independence as originally written by Thomas Jefferson, 1776.

The decision is at hand. Do we stand up and fight for the principles of liberty, as is our American birthright, or do we roll over and accept our demise? I know which I choose. #GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeDeath

0rion ago

I admire your love of country. But I have news for you: #HashTagsWillNotStopThisDisgustingInsanity. If it's one thing the left is good at, it's organizing and protesting. We need to get on the same level as them if we ever hope to make the general public aware of what is going on. Until that happens, this will be nothing more than an internet circle jerk, and you all know it. Talk is cheap. Those of you who are serious know full well that you could be doing a hell of a lot more to bring awareness to this besides just posting Founding Fathers quotes on social media.

Why not organize an OWS style sit in at the homes of suspected pedophiles? Where is the paparazzi? How about people infiltrating news stations to spread the message over the air? There is so much more that could be done, yet the majority of Pizzagaters still just sit on reddit and voat and virtue signal. At least create some dank memes or something, for God's sake. If you really cared about the suffering, you would do more to stop it. Period.


We have to go down that road. It's the only way.

The founding fathers were traitors until they won. It doesn't have to be violent.

bopper ago

One country's patriot is another's terrorist.

had_enough ago

I agree in that anyone who decides to go that route should "separate" themselves from the investigation so as to protect the investigation and it's ability to go forward. That said, I find it increasingly appealing to see the podesta brothers heads on a stake with a sign "We are coming for you, ALL of you!"...




It's almost like the world has been through this before. Their grip on our world is tightening further and further, with a couple of hiccups here and there, like the Khans and the Hitlers. Call them banksters. Call them Satanists. Call them the Illuminati. It is all an ascription to the same idea:

a "black hand" behind history, politics, social engineering, and economics so large that it blocks out the Sun.

MolochHunter ago

unlawful neednt imply violence

Cleareyes ago

Yes, escalation seems reasonable. If in the earlier stages of escalation, they come out hard to crack down...it will have to be escalated to violence stat because they cannot be given too much time to take out numbers of supporters until there is no one left. I would prefer non-violence but reason and history shows me that all big upsets to the status quo and changes to the guard required violence and mass revolt.

Agora1234 ago

Very well worded. Up vote for you sir