Blacksmith21 ago


First, yes, I think he got himself into some trouble and "went on a list" a owing a favor to the cabal. His curriculum vitae is tailor made for something like "OP CPP SHOOTUP".

Here are my issues. I am from the DC area, and have such, have added insight into this "scenario". Based on what I've seen/heard, here are my reservations:

  • If the arrest record I saw was indeed EMW's father, then having a pedo dad makes everything fit perfectly. I'm a firm believer (based on criminology, history, and victimology) that pedos breed pedos. It's a family affair...

  • What doesn't make sense to me is his iMDB entry. "They" couldn't possibly be that stupid. Maybe they are. Maybe they laughed us off the same way they did Trump. But, if they were/are that stupid, then acting credentials make it all that much more suspicious.

  • According to the "charging documents" ( ) by the FBI he fired an assault rifle "multiple times" within CPP. There is so much wrong about this document. I've seen different versions which say EMW used a 9mm AR-15 rifle. This strikes me as odd because few people ever purchase a pistol-caliber AR. I'm guessing this "weapon" was chosen as a safer alternative to a rifle caliber, in the event of a discharge. (And while this sounds arcane to most, if you are a gun guy, this will strike you as odd.)

  • The bullet "hit" the hard drive. One in a million shot. At best. If you've ever shot a round through something trying to hit something else, you will know that hitting a hard drive would be an essentially impossible shot.

  • The FOIA requests in this post: Link banned

  • EMW held an interview with the NYT via video teleconference (VTC) before he was even arraigned. This is unheard of. I have multiple friends on MPD. I spoke with them all. Not one of them ever heard of anyone doing this.

  • And, to me, the most damning piece of evidence is the fact that DC dropped the charges against EMW and turned him over to the Feds. Under these circumstances, this does not happen. DC aggressively prosecutes gun violations. CPP is not on Federal property. It was done for him to get lost in the morass. I personally do not think he is even behind bars. This is how DC pursues violations of gun law:

Edit 1: I had to figure out what "banned domain" I had in my post. I took them all out and added back one by one. is a "banned domain". Why?

Blacksmith21 ago

I for one, think EMW is fully involved and not and innocent victim. I also do not think he is in custody either. And yes, I'm still thinking about going to the hearing. Inquiring minds want to know.

atheist4thecause ago

Madison is actually Maddison.

Blacksmith21 ago

Also, one last thought. While this facet of Pizzagate is really a non-event, in the scheme of things, I still consider it important. The reason being is if we can close the loop on the father, and track EMW through his "court proceedings", then we will have an end-to-end playbook for a "false flag event" in conjunction with fake news. It could make a pretty interesting story.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Also, have you found any info on his case in NC?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

yeah - I don't think the powers that be thought we would stay on top of this.

AHuman ago

Hi. I'm just doing a little research. Did he knock the kid over in dc or nyc?

Could you provide a link to the accident if it was in dc/


Blacksmith21 ago

Tons of info that all seems to match my recollection. No info on fatherpedo.

Blacksmith21 ago

Now we are getting close. Voat won't let me post a Google link, but Google "harry welch jr felony". The 3rd or 4th result down should be a very relevant Voat discussion from early Dec. You will need to view cached versions as it is gone. And you may want to archive those.

Blacksmith21 ago

So the story is this, as best as I can tell, filling in the blanks. Someone else here may remember more, and can add some details:

  • Welch's grandfather, Harry Welch, Sr., incorporated a business called "Forever Young Productions" in about 1956. (we are making the assumption it is his grandfather and "Sr." based on the year of incorporation, Jr. would have been about 4 at the time).

  • Harry Welch, Jr.'s curriculum vitae reads like all the other "regular (not elite) pedos" - scout master, orphanages, charities, model citizen shit..

  • A Harry Welch, Jr., of Salisbury, NC (EMW's dad) also had a residential history (here is where my details get sketchy) which included OH before NC.

  • A Harry Welch, Jr. of the same age, I think even same middle initial, pops up in OH court records about the time when Sr. would have been a young man. This young man, of the same name and age, served 10 years in the OH prison system for some serious pedo charges;

  • Because the database (something like Intelius) has been known to merge records from eponymous individuals, or so the claim went, "it was decided that the connection was invalid" and then it was disappeared IMO, those type of databases tag most records to SSNs. Almost all of the data ties back to this same record locator. The databases just don't merge to like names and states without being able to cross check to a SSN. Otherwise do you know how many screwed up John Jones Robert Smith Mary Johnsons there would be? I saw the record myself. It was real. It has since been purged. I am willing to operate under the premise that it was a real document of EMW's father. This would be something worth a deep dig IMO. This can't be that hard to prove. Also, I think there was some talk that the HWJr known to be EMW's father was not on a registered pedo list.

Also, there were some deep thread son this here. If you searched, you will find at least the ones which have not been deleted.

IPleadThe2nd ago

That's ok, I just thought there was a new development that I hadn't yet found. Thanks for clarifying

OhRutherfordBehave ago

His name is nowhere on the document. They must be fucking with us, though I have heard he is due in court today, his name doesn't show up on that document....

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

They took it off. Now on the docket for March 6

Z11Mama ago

Sorry. I'm tired and probably overlooked it in the comments here. This other item just posted on voat regarding Bedford, VA. Someone with the ability should check out whether or not there is a connection with Edgar and the Welch family in this other post.

Gothamcity ago

Do the dates line up with when the cameras were moved at CP? Can you remotely move the cameras or does it have to be manually done? I can't start a thread yet so I posted this here.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Did that kid die? All I could find was head, torso, and leg injuries were caused.

squirreltruth ago

If what is said here is the case... that Edgar hit a girl w a car last spring... I wonder if he felt very guilty? I wonder if that combined with the fact that politicians involved w pedophilia "rang a bell" w him and he lost his mind somewhere like 4chan. I wonder if then it didn't take but a gentle nudge from someone to just go in there and save the children.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

NEVERMIND! It has been rescheduled for March 6th.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh good. I may just go for fun.

FriesischShipping ago

Plea bargains are illegal in my country.

SturdyGal ago

No the records will be sealed as part of the plea bargain - Madame Zola, Fortune Teller

DarkMath ago

Probably the funniest evidence pointing to a conspiracy has got to be Edgar Welch who showed up a CPP with an assault rifle looking for kidnapped children so it was very odd old Edgar would discharge his semi-automatic assault rifled in there.

And he's not the only member of his family who's done stuff like this. Here's his sister trying to rescue her friend Gary at a bar:


SturdyGal ago

DarkMath, is your point it is all a show and they are all puppets?

CosmicChrist ago

I think he is saying that if he was there to save kids why would he fire his rifle inside and potentially shoot a child if they were in fact there.

DevilintheDetails ago

This and the fbi is supposed to release emails to Congress by noon..merry xmas?

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

Which emails and will they be public too?

DevilintheDetails ago

Congress (chaffetz wrote it) sent fbi a letter jan 27 saying they needed to release all 650000 weiner laptop emails to congress by noon Feb 10. I don't have the original link for doc, but here it is on twitter if you want to read:

It's past noon, wonder if they complied

IPleadThe2nd ago

The good thing about being an actor is the flexible schedule which makes it easy for court appearances.

SturdyGal ago

An upvoat isn't enough. Hilarious!!!!!

Blacksmith21 ago

The problem is I can find no record of that case number, no record of that hearing, etc. See if you can find him elsewhere in the system?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

This is what it says the case number is 16-cr-0232: USA v. WELCH, but I can't find it anywhere else either. I don't have a PACR account, though.

Blacksmith21 ago

You should be able to find it on Justia site. I think it gets all its data from PACER system. PACER requires signing up and a 10.00 fee. I've searched and searched and cannot find any evidence he is actually in the system.

2impendingdoom ago

there is a mozilla add on called RECAP that you can try to access pacer docs, hope that helps

Blacksmith21 ago

Q1: How the heck did you know about that?

Q2: How the hell does it work? I'm not registering or signing into anything.

2impendingdoom ago

  1. google? I don't think it is a classified secret,

  2. you can access for free any pacer docs that anyone else using RECAP has already accessed previously with a paid pacer account, (like a joint subscription) so a newsworthy case is probably available. I don't know if you have to give personal info, do as you wish...

Kwijibo ago

16-cr-0232: USA v. WELCH Judge Ketanji B. Jackson 11:30AM Courtroom 17 - 6th Floor Status Conference

EDIT more info

IPleadThe2nd ago

I have thought allo along that the only "system" he is involved in is the media system. This was staged.

Blacksmith21 ago

Of course it was staged. He probably got himself into trouble by hitting that girl with his car, and then "owed" the system. "Owed" in the sense that I am pretty well convinced that his dad was a serious convicted pedo. That information was scrubbed real quick too after it was shared around.

Also, he held a video teleconference, from a jail facility, with the NYT, pre-arraignment. That is unheard of. No MPDC officer I have spoken with has heard of that happening. And no lawyer would ever let you do that.

I've searched in everything but PACER for the Federal case documents. I find nothing. Any help here would be appreciated.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Good work! It is so fake it makes me sick when assholes on the "news" act like anyone who doesn't believe the official story is stupid.

cantsleepawink ago

Please do not forget that Welch has connections to Haiti:

Comet Ping Pong shooter has previously lived in Haiti and his father worked as an executive director for Protect-A-Child, a non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children :

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Maybe he was threatened to do the shooting:

  1. Shoot up the restaurant, get a lighter sentence. or
  2. Get exposed as a paedophile/rapist or whatever and be put behind bars for life.

Clinker ago

Here is an article where the parents discussed the case with a reporter:

It is interesting that they mention that Edgar has bible verses tatooed on his back, and they even mention the exact verse:

Maddison Welch’s parents said their son is loving and responsible, an affectionate father to two young girls. “He’s a dad first,” Terri Welch said. He is deeply religious, with two Bible verses, Isaiah 40:30-31, tattooed across his back, they said.

Isaiah 40:30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

CynicalLurker ago

Those Bible verses disturbingly make it sound like he was abused and punished as a kid. He probably witnessed some horrible stuff and was mentally broken.

SecureYourSeats ago

Those are simply well loved verses of many Christians. Google image them and you'll find memes galore quoting those verses.

IPleadThe2nd ago

And it's weird that the parents made sure to give the exact verses.

lude ago

Sounds to me like he is a product of mkultra. Somehow mind controlled or at least very subverted

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting that there's no mention of the connection with Haiti. The father Harry Welch is the owner of Forever Young Productions.

website ,

Father has very interesting profile here:

More info about the father in the comment section of this thread

NikitaVerite ago

DAMN! Good find! Thanks for sharing!

rooting4redpillers ago

From the linked article: "In the end, Welch did not shoot anyone and surrendered after he found no evidence of hidden rooms or sex trafficking, police said."

Sloppy, lazy, misleading, incomplete, suggestive...

Thanks for the link. Like your handle.