saliusa ago

you guys are amazed at the's one for ya...ISIS, a greek goddess, who was married to osiris, hada son horus. Osiris was murdered by set, and Isis went around collecting his body parts to resurrect him..she only found thirteen of the14 parts he had been cut up into; his privates were she constructed his privates from gold...podesta had the number 14 inscribed on his palm, which refers to ISIS, and the fish symbol on the other hand. the terror group ISIS, created by obombya and hi liar to be the major child trafficking sex slave marketeers in the middle east, use the name da-esh in arabic, but they were given the acronym ISIS by the nefarious CIA.

LacunaPerpetual ago

Excellent find about Harry Welch Jr. Definitely points to staging.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

if you look up harry l welch's facebook, that is great. lots of clues there. but please, do not look up his possible partner Sherry Candance Wilkins. This is the scariest woman I have ever seen. Well, at the risk of endless nightmares, I will go back and look... but I am warning you not to look, unless you feel very strong willed. (I found sherry by looking at a photo of a baby on Harry's fb page. He said how they grow up, and she said hard to believe our kids have kids of their own now. I am frightened to look more, but I am going to do it for the cause. ...

scanspeak ago

So the gunmen ran over a 13 year old boy only months earlier. Was this attempted murder of a victim who was going to go public?

doubleherpes ago

I have, and also given considerable thought to the connection between the CIA's predecessor the OSS bringing Nazi scientists to the US after WWII under Operation Paperclip, MK Ultra mind control, the practices of electroshock "therapy" and pain compliance using tasers, and inducing Multiple Personality Disorder/ Dissociative Identity Disorder through trauma (EDIT: Tavistock lists MDD/DID in their areas of expertise, btw). I think these things could all be related.

Basically the deep intelligence state taking over the mafia's role using police surveillance powers and organized drug/gun/slave smuggling.

PizzaAccount ago

Great, another moron that links articles they did not even read. Since you're a lazy moron, I'll paste it for you from the very short wikipedia page you didn't read: "Author Hunter S. Thompson mentions adrenochrome in his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The adrenochrome scene also appears in the novel's film adaptation. In the DVD commentary, director Terry Gilliam admits that his and Thompson's portrayal is a fictional exaggeration. In fact, Gilliam insists that the drug is entirely fictional and seems unaware of the existence of a substance with even a similar name. Thompson also mentions the substance in his book Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72."

micha_ ago

Infowars' Shroyer is interviewing Jack Posobiec: Posobiec living in DC qickly moved to CPP when heard about it.

Haven't watched whole video yet, but in the first 11 minutes already three interessting things: 1. Witnesses told him about two shots. 2. Local reporter who had no clue about pizzagate, received infos via ear-intercom, repeated the words and afterwards broadcasted (he claims to have streamed it on his Twitter account via periscope!). 3. Witnesses asked him, which story he wanted to hear - the real one or the fake story.

How credible Posobiec is, I have no clue. I believe he was the one at YT who was at CPP and claimed to have found a secret door.

h0neyRoasted ago

Video of witnesses - nobody says anything about shots being fired:

Sciency ago

I suspect the former. No shots were fired, and context sugests that the man was more than capiable of operating his weapon.

The other possibility is that it was meant to paint us researchers as unstable gun-brandishing thugs.

Sciency ago

Pizzagate goes way to deep to be a psyop.

Psyops only work if you cant imagine them as being such. They can only mess with your head if you dismiss the possibility.

I have a feeling or definitions of psyop do not match. It is not synonymous with a hoax. These crimes could all be real, and are simply serving a to be a massive distraction, to sway public opinion, to discredit, ect.

Consider: Regardless of the truth about pizzagate, if the mainstream starts calling us hoaxers because we can not difinitively prove our accusations, powerful pedophiles will never be investigated again. They will have freefom to operate, and noone will believe future accusations.

For that kind of operational ability, be damn sure they'd burn a few of their own. Which they havent done yet, as all the aleged pedos are still walking free.

rail606 ago

Ever heard of DMT? That and the Eye of Horus from Egypt is literally your brain cut in half.

Notice how the thalamus(pain reception for brain) is right next to the pineal gland which excretes DMT under extreme duress.

doubleherpes ago

Interesting, so this whole ritualistic mystery cult aspect could have started when Egyptian priests consumed human brains and hallucinated? Thus giving them "eyes from Horus". Pretty cool, if true.

algernon4peace ago

I see your point and that is possible, but I think it's more likely (given the people we're dealing with) that this guy was in legal trouble for hitting that 13 year old and his father through his connections was able to give his 2-bit actor son the opportunity to act in one of the most poorly done false flags I've ever seen.

it's very shady that the Traffic Cam was moved the day before it happened. Plus one of the last witnesses to leave is saying that no gun shots were fired and honestly, if this was actually true it was an absurd plan on behalf of the alleged shooter.

Surely if this guy really wanted to threaten/investigate Comic Pedo he wouldn't have burst into the place brandishing a rifle, during business hours, in broad daylight with witnesses.

rootthemout ago

His father and mother having cages in a barn, the dogs could be a cover up for a place to keep trafficked children. And there son looks like a MK Ultra victim to me.

TheAwakening ago

When we approach (via internet or IRL) anyone who might be involved we should never use degrading words such as "IDIOTS" which has been over used, in my opinion, towards pizzagate investigators. I just emphasizes someones lack of information on a subject if they resort to name calling.

Unless applied to friends and family, then it can be fun! Like you all are fucking wonderful idiots, keep up the good fight!

It would be great to pull "The Leftovers" on them and just stand in a public space watching them, observing their moves with no commentary.

Warnos44 ago

LMAO omg epic. Seriously wtf? There comes a point where we need to start questioning the coincidences. This is seriously fucked.

Warnos44 ago

Not trying to shill here, but shouldn't we delete that and link to imgur instead so it's not doxed... (?) I've only been a redditor since the wiki release and came here when pizzagate was deleted so I'm not fully up on the acceptable posts with personal info on ppl but I'm pretty sure this isn't good to post here...

Whaaaaat ago

Whois checks should be public information since anyone can run them. Doxing is more when someone posts something that's not already publicly available knowledge.

Plus, the deletion of pizzagate was blamed on doxing, but that was a lie. They'll shut it down whenever they want, regardless of the convenient excuse they blame it on.

ghost_marauder ago

It's not about us.

So, they have totally lost control of the narrative. I'm betting that the pizzagate meme (classic definition as in idea) has found a larger number of host cells than people realize. So, they're running the same playbook they used on gamergate.

1.) Paint enemy as crazy

2.) Make sure fanatics understand other side is crazy (I've been hearing this word a lot from the opposition)

3.) Let fanatics spread word about the crazies so as to quarantine the enemy

4.) Push agenda while spreading the word

This is really about the opposition and handing off a virtue signalling tool. Luckily they didn't realize they lost the war of gamergate. Yes, they gained major power and used it to push censorship into places like twitter and half chan. But, they lost tons of people from their cause and made the subject hit the alt-media hard. Entire codes of ethics were developed around journalistic standards and those entities that did not abide by them completely lost viewership. Same thing will happen here.

HarveyKlinger ago

This morning on the Chicago news (Fox32) the lead story was "Gunman bursts into DC pizza place and starts shooting because of fake news."

After the break they came back and showed a little outdoor footage and explained how fake news drove this lone gunman to put everybody's lives in danger when shots were fired. The last sentence they said was, "he shot one or two rounds into the floor and nobody was hurt."


Warnos44 ago



*Can you detect the difference! Don't worry, we'll do the work for you!

2impendingdoom ago

What makes this a fake story is the rifle. Why would anyone go into a restaurant with a rifle unless to intentionally stir up shit. Probably lots of people go in there with concealed weapons and nothing happens. If he was looking for evidence a camera would have been more effective.

Warnos44 ago

What I really liked is how it was no gun, then there was a rifle, and then it was an assault rifle, and then it was assault with a deadly weapon... Spin faster media, faster! Clickity click click bait!

SavingGrace ago

Epstein's house in Florida had it's very own dentist chair stationed in the bathroom. As you do!!! Open and scroll done to see the photographs....

flyingcuttlefish ago

More on Haiti and Peterson --- comments have the additional material

blackguard19 ago

Every recent terror attack in the United States of the past few years has just as many obvious elements of fakery as this one does if not more. I hope the people who are investigating this continue to look critically at the past terror attacks of the Obama administration and see how obviously contrived some of them were. Yes even the ones where an evil spooky Muslim was the culprit.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

Jesus, how do people come up with these storylines? That second video is weird as fuck

AaronDover ago

"Protect A Child" has a UK equivalent "ChildLine" run by Esther Rantzen a good friend of Royals and Jimmy Saville. They are all pedo child stealing monsters. That is all they are. No actual official organisation ACTUALLY protects kids they are just masonic fronts for abusers. Here is Esther Rantzen's home address she used to be my neighbour!

YingYangMom ago

The video was removed.

standalone ago

Could be because the studio seems to specialize in Peter-pan like kids thriller movies.

Headstart ago

This reeks.

standalone ago

From Harry Welch's website

Law Enforcement Experience Harry worked on federal , state and local task forces fighting the war on drugs. He served five years with the Rowan County ABC police. Duties included: stakeouts, watching illegal stills, patrolling the county for suspected bootleggers transporting non-tax paid whiskey, working undercover to purchase illegal liquor and participating in raids on stills and gambling houses. Their agency also worked with the U.S. Treasury Department’s local office of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms which increased their coverage area to eight counties. Currently a special deputy with the Iredell County Sheriff’s Department.

Served as Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children. Appointed by Governor Jim Martin to the Governor's Commission on Child Victimization.

Basically father is a cop, with experience of undercover operations and raids, director of a (apparently defunct) child trafficking watchdog association, and was appointed by a democrat politician to a commission that oversees child trafficking. Now producer of low budget kids thriller movies.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Get ready to lose friends for investigating pizzagate.

algernon4peace ago

Yes, this past month I learned that I must not be a very persuasive person nor a very patient person lol.

So now, friends and family will be receiving this video: for Christmas.

Holabebe ago

Come to in case we get taken down

doxo ago

Dumbasses: this is not a PsyOp. Wake up. They would never want #PizzaGate back in the news. Realize that. Let it soak in. This guy just wanted to put #PizzaGate back in the news. Connections to Haiti and groups associated with the prevention of child exploitation only further that case, that AMW wanted to further expose #PizzaGate.

quantokitty ago

Of course, it's a PsyOp. You wake up. No #pizzagater would want someone with a gun to go in there and make an a$$ out of themselves by threatening people. #Pizzagaters want legitimacy, not to be associated with deranged idiots. The camera being moved, then this? How coincidental is this? And I did a search on Spokeo last night. No Welch age 28 came up, but today? Yup, there he is with a full bio. And Harry Maddison Welch? It's not every day you get a crazy person named after a Page Six model. Then there's "Harry Welch Jr. is a former police officer, firearms instructor and expert ..." Really? A former police officer doesn't know how stupid it is to go in there with firearms and demand to see tunnels? Yeah, like everyone would stop everything they were doing and just show him they were. Really, this has STUPID written all over it.

Bufo ago

You could tell it was a false flag/psyop just by the amount of times the CNN reporter said "Fake news", "Conspiracy theories" and "Some people ACTUALLY believe" in literally every other sentence. Oh yeah, and the fact that the cops didn't blow this dude's head off immediately.

ghost_marauder ago

I've been disconnected for the weekend. Didn't even hear about this till today.

Yes, that is really retarded. If he was a former police officer and crazed out of his mind I'm sure he would at least carry concealed into the place and snoop. Cops are good at snooping. This rambo bullshit is a swat tactic, and none of those guys move into a building single handed.

But, if you're a Dem writing a script there must be an "assault rifle" just to make sure the gun ban and guns are dangerous narrative lives on.

quantokitty ago


This wreaks of stupidity. Cops at least would know how to handle themselves and inveigle themselves into a situation for scoping out a place. Most likely, carrying a shotgun would not be the best way to do this. This is so freakin' ridiculous that it's not even funny ... especially after the camera was moved because it would show he wasn't carrying a weapon. And if he marched in the kitchen with a shotgun and demanded to be taken to the tunnels, why was it first reported that this had nothing to do with #pizzagate? It would clearly have something to do with it under those circumstances.

Nope, very quickly thrown together. When I did a search on him last night, the only thing that came up was his voter registration card? Go ahead. Google your name ... the chance of your voter registration card coming up is nill -- especially when you're a screenwriter and involved in the movie industry. You get about a million hits from where you've posted and worked, but nope! His voter registration came up assuring them he's a staunch pro-Trumpite. Although how they can tell that from being registered a certain way is beyond me. I know plenty of Dems that abandoned their party this year and vice versa. Then there's the fact he didn't even show up on Spoke. No 28-year-old with this name showed up, but this morning he did. Another coincidence.

BlueTesla ago

Send a man into comet with a gun and then blame 'fake news' for his actions. The media then has more ammo to condemn fake news and the pizza gate investigation and it makes us all look like 'crazy conspiracy theorists.'

doxo ago

Well, if you're a crazy conspiracy theorist, I can't help you. But if you believe the evidence available is incontrovertible, then why should you have anything to worry about? 24 hours ago, pundits were afraid that saying the words "pizza gate" would get them sued. Today, and from now on, no pundit talking about the December DC shooting has an excuse NOT to be talking about pizza gate. If you aren't a crazy conspiracy theorist, and you think damning evidence has been circulated all over the internet, then all you can expect is that now more people will be required to actually look at the available evidence. Everyone from CNN to Al Jazeera have now put "Hillary Clinton" and "child sex trafficking ring" in the same sentences in the past 24 hours. Everyone has full license to investigate now.

nitro169 ago

You wouldnt think so until you read the articles blaming and condemning alex jones and calling for immediate action.

doxo ago

The more they complain, the more chatter they create around #PizzaGate.

KnowThyself ago

Michael Flynn supports #pizzagate

And I swear I saw a tweet by General Flynn, but I can't find it anymore.

sheer-con ago

Wow. They are really on top of this.

PizzaAccount ago

Hunter S Thompson made that up for the book.

VieBleu ago

upvoted cause u r classy and smart to know that

contrarianism ago



Mr_Wolf ago

don't hear about it as much as you used to. it being made such a joke in comedy overall could have caused complaints to dwindle.

contrarianism ago


contrarianism ago

this is what people really want to know

srayzie ago

Of course an article I just read had to mention that he liked to listen to Alex Jones

Warnos44 ago

Yea it was funny, the first comment was look at this! his fb he "liked" Alex Jones! and its like really, that was stated in the article.... So contrived.

srayzie ago

Yeah. Just a little jab at "fake news" as usual

Sciency ago

like it might be a psy op in itself

Almost without a doubt. Consider: How do we know about pizzagate at all?

Well, voat and reddit got it from 4chan. 4chan found references in the podesta emails. The podesta emails were released by wikileaks. We dont know who gave these emails to wikileaks.

We need to ask ourselves why these emails were leaked at all. Were they even hacked/stolen? If this was set up from the start, it would explain the completely absurd number of connections and coincidences. Almost like the architect didn't want to chance us missing the trail of bread crumbs, so they used entire slices of bread. Its just wayyy too fucking obvious to have been kept a secret, unless the entire thing was made to create as much smoke as possible with absolutely no fire.

srayzie ago

This explains who gave everything to Wikileaks. It was from within the government.

The Soft Coup Takeover of Hillary Clinton by Steve Pieczenik

He was interviewed a lot when this info came out. This guy is credible. Here is his background... Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare. He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.

survey_girl ago

but his back ground is also psy ops, and he was a member of the CFR according to Wikipedia (start looking into who/what the CFR is... they are the globalists).

The way he speaks in his videos had me thinking he was FBI Anon on 4chan, but given his background I wouldn't really trust him without more proof.

Sciency ago

I remember this guy actually. No doubt in my mind that he has the connections to know what he claims to know. I do find myself wondering which side of the "soft coup" he is actually on though, considering the company he keeps.

Thats what's frustrating about this whole thing, from trump all the way to pizzagate. There's really no way to know what is real and what is political theater. I guess I'll contiune to theorize.

srayzie ago

I know. I don't know who to believe anymore

srayzie ago

It must be up again. It's working now.

domestiKgypsie ago

The MSM used words such as "fictitious" "false" and "fake" in the CNN story. I'm baffled that the MSM, as well as FOX, refuse to delve into the allegations and even attempt to prove them false. It's gross that they make Alefante the victim, when under his feet children are kidnaped, sold, rented, abused, brainwashed, tortured, sacrificed, murdered, and even eaten. What is this? "Oh, unless you catch us red handed its all speculation?" The photos on Heavy Breathing vid shows torture! How can we beat this and save thousands of innocent children? Since I've learned of this I'm sick. Literally.

QuestionEverything ago

They are just revealing their network..

VieBleu ago

good point about the red-handed/speculation thing.

doubleherpes ago

Law Enforcement Experience

Harry worked on federal , state and local task forces fighting the war on drugs. Currently a Special Deputy, he served five years with the Rowan County ABC police. Duties included: stakeouts, watching illegal stills, patrolling the county for suspected bootleggers transporting non-tax paid whiskey, working undercover to purchase illegal liquor and participating in raids on stills and gambling houses. Their agency also worked with the U.S. Treasury Department’s local office of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms which increased their coverage area to eight counties.

Currently a special deputy with the Iredell County Sheriff’s Department.

Connections with dentistry (source of gas), ATF, and "Forever Young" productions.

This racket is starting to make sense!

EDIT: To explain the racket-

I mean it's all vertically integrated, and explains why there aren't many whistleblowing children. They may be normal kids, but get molested at the dentist, filmed, the films sold, and the kid is none the wiser. The local corrupt DEA official can provide other drugs, act as lookout for other investigators, and arrest any competing gang members. In this case it looks like the cop is also the cameraman/producer/film distributor. Dentistry also allows an entry into the slave world, when a kid with no guardian becomes anesthetized and can then disappear.

People make Pizzagate out into this crazy convoluted scheme, but it's just the logical outcome of a pervy dentist meeting a pervy cop. And imagine how many of those guys are out there! Then people start blackmailing each other, and the web of compromise starts to act like one unit. It's kinda cool, it's like a multicellular sponge working together as one organism. But it eats children.

Sciency ago

The theory about the eye-deformity stuff is starting to fit more and more. Pineal glands, genetic markers, FSH, cancer cures, ect. Wild stuff.

The real question is this: what was the lead that finally made them panic and pull a false flag? (Assuming of course that this is a false flag.)

samhara ago

It was to scare the researchers into silence; get them to back off and to give them cover for closing the place so they could pressure steam the walls, floor everywhere. They have to close. They needed an excuse. They certainly under-staffed the false flag. Sob sisters can't do much if no one "dies?"

And I don't believe they will open again.

"James," if that indeed is his real name, said he would explain later.. Hmpht.. Don't bet on it.

Staging his death would be much more powerful; no one sees through that..A half-assed gunman without a gun?

The gunman is shown in the middle of the street with his hands on his head surrounded by cop cars and no gun anywhere to be seen]

They are lazy because they know they will not get caught by the authorities .D'uh, they are the authorities. But if they wait around someone could come snooping or a investigation could be forced?

. If they staged a faked-death scenario they could possibly get the emotional mileage from the public which they need and then James could go retire someplace like Indonesia? But they did it this way instead.. Clean the place first.

rail606 ago

In regards to your mention of pineal glands.

The Eye of Horus is a brain cut in half.

Notice the location of the thalamus(pain receptor) and the pineal gland which releases massive amounts of DMT under extreme duress. The pineal gland is almost located like a tear duct. Force the eye(thalamus) to see and the tear duct(pineal) cries.

Pain would be a way of harvesting this drug before chemistry allowed us to extract it from grasses and bark. Fluoride calcifies your pineal gland. Flouride is in our water. This prevents accidental DMT release which allows us to communicate with other beings. This could make a good case for why they prefer children. Older humans are too calcified to harvest efficiently.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

That's why you can distil water to remove it. Epic dreams, intense meditations and all sorts. Recommended (been doing it for 7-8 years now).

Had my eye on the crystal rain distillers, US made and pretty much perfect but I need to save up lol.

badintense ago

The Eye of Horus graphic has a teardrop in the corner. Here is my interpretation when I was going after Ted Cruz: We know the Theosophy Illuminati are obsessed with this symbol.

garretthates12 ago

I know a lot about psychedelics and DMT is theorized to be produced in the pineal gland, not proven (and also rather unlikely). It's produced in the pineal gland of rats and somewhere in many other organisms, mostly plants. This is misinformation. If it's released AT ALL, it would be released at death, not while dreaming or just throughout your day.

Bufo ago

This (unfortunately) makes a lot of sense..

Sciency ago

The more I think about this stuff, I wonder if we aren't looking at 3 fully seperate conspiracies as one...

1) Human trafficking

2) Pedophiles buying kids

3) Non-pedos buying kids to harvest blood, tissue, ect. Basically the elites that are scared of death.

It's also occuring to me that planned parenthood could be deeply tied to the 3rd group...

You_Alt-Right_bro ago

Possibly the Hawaii connection. Some breakthroughs there recently

MolochHunter ago

nar - too recent - if this is a false flag they must have taken at least a week to find the patsy, persuade them, brief them, set em loose

Sciency ago

Considering the lack of any actual violent crime, this is one case where I could imagine an actual agency stooge getting himself locked up, knowing his friends will quickly explain that he is an agent, and has to legal right to open carry.

doubletake ago

you folks are just amazing. it will be interesting if they talk about the bio info you dug up on the msm news. probably: gun nut + trump supporter = archetype and posterboy of the pizzagate investigators. ... in other news ...

The_Periodic_Fable ago

The father is totally into the boy scouts and had a Brazilian exchange student. Plus did you see the screenplay titles on his CV?? Hmmm.....

pizzagate2 ago

Ok seriously dude? When the fuck will these coincidences stop

sleepingbeautycan ago

Saw this on twitter.

Sorry to dump and run but I am bushed.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Now that is very curious.

rp5x5 ago

The shooter was said to have gone to Cape Fear High School. "Cape Fear" the old movie was on Turner Classic Movies today about the same time as the Comet Pizza events. . In the scene where Robert Mithchum tries to rape the young girl he chases here around and around a Ping Pong table.

Intoxikated ago

He's not a shooter. No shots were fired

KnowThyself ago

Now they are claiming shots were fired. I think they realized that it wasn't scary enough unless he fires shots.

Echo_of_Savages ago

Muslims dont drink beer dude

rp5x5 ago

Mermaid Trasures? There is a certain knd of crazy logic to all this, but it's utterly insane.

CandyPanda ago

forgotmyuser ago

Harry served two terms on the Boy Scouts of America Council for Central North Carolina.

They have also served as a foster family to three different children.


MeatballPizza ago

If you had proof he posted things DEFENDING Comet prior to this incident that'd be.... 100% false flag proof.


VieBleu ago

wow - the commenters on that article are 80% against the media narrative.

Warnos44 ago

Maybe it's all us lol. I don't comment on those things though.


  • In 1990, I was invited by the US Defense Department to go to Europe and watch war games with joint forces of the US Army and our allies in West Germany.

  • In 1988, President Ronald Reagan selected me to join 15 other broadcasters to visit US Military Instillations in Colorado. We received national clearance from the US Defense Department to visit the Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear Bunker the alternate command center for NORAD.

ChimiChanga ago

This guy's resume reads like a really bad B movie script. Like really really bad.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Has anyone seen this:

I couldn't find it on imdb but I didn't spend long


Warnos44 ago

Wow the Mill is creepy :<

sleepingbeautycan ago

Here is Edgar Maddison Welch as an actor in the Bleeding

anteracorp ago


Warnos44 ago

Thought the same thing. How many people can be connected to children? Why are they ALL CONNECTED TO CHILDREN. And this guy hits Haiti, Church, and police force. Holy trinity :p

contrary_mma_hipster ago


Harry and wife Terri have almost become professional rescuers. They have built a kennel and are also converting an old barn into a house, for some of the dogs they have saved from death row. They normally have 30 - 50 dogs and have placed 100's of dogs in new homes.

When they married, Terri had an Airedale and Harry had a Saint Bernard and a Labrador Retriever. When they move to the country, their children started bringing orphaned or injured forest animals.

Terri being a nurse by education, would help with their healing until they could get back on their feet. Than came the call that two young tigers need a temporary home. This temporary arrangement lasted almost 15 years. This started a foster care program that included dozens of tigers, jaguars, leopards, cervals, and a host of other exotic young. Terri would feed and take care of the young. Harry would feed and take care of the older ones. Terri would give tours to different school classes for their field trips.

Terri and Harry ask for everyone to please spay and neuter your pets. Learn more about All Dogs Great and Small Rescue.

Set 7 World Records in the "Guinness Book of World Records." Some include:

1.) Record was 715 push-ups on finger tips. 2.) Record was 3,821 push-ups on one arm. 3.) Record was 100 push-ups on one-finger. One of Harry's regrets is that he did not take up martial arts sooner (40yrs old).

'It was great exercise-I had never been that loose in my life.' says Harry

Harry did not spar until he had gotten his 3rd, belt believing he was too old to compete. Harry then went undefeated in 200 matches, winning a gold metal in the NC State Games.

Harry has been a NRA firearms instructor for over 35 years. He is rated as a Fire Arm Training Counselor, which enables him to train others trying to get their instructor's rating. Harry has taught hundreds of civilians, military, and law enforcement officers in the tactical use of firearms and CCW classes.

He is recognized as an expert firearms witness by the North Carolina Supreme Court.

He gives women's self-defense seminars

He has taught the Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Course, in numerous elementary schools. This course is considers by most governors to be the best deterrent to firearm accident among children.

Harry's lessons & knowledge has come from instructors like:

Col. Jeff Cooper Col Rex Applegate Bill Jordan

srayzie ago

I read that pedophiles look fo careers surrounding themselves with children. Well he sure did

stickittotheman ago

r3dtr1x ago

It is still up. It may be getting hammered with traffic, so maybe it's intermittently going down?

JIrvin ago

wellington33 ago

CrackerJacks ago

Lucky gits, they got to find bones.

krisspykriss ago

Your link is gone. Was it archived?

Warnos44 ago

Are you trying to connect something here? Or just saving for reference?

wellington33 ago


OzJourno920 ago

This is seriously weird. The site was up and active only a few minutes before I posted this. You can see the archived version of the site here:

krisspykriss ago

the website is still there. your link goes to this instead

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

What are you getting at?

20-Gauge ago

Here's some more info about him:

If it’s the same guy (and if this is a legit info source):

Salisbury (NC) Post, 10/25/2016

Police ID driver of Harrison Road crash that seriously injured 13-year-old boy

FTA: The boy was taken to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center where he remains in critical condition.

Edgar Welch, 28, of Salisbury, was traveling the posted 45 mph speed limit, officials said, but it’s still not immediately clear how the accident happened.

There’s an IMDB item for a guy by this name:

quantokitty ago

Yeah, that voter registration. When they released this guy's name last night, the voter registration was at the top of the list. How often does the voter registration take precedence in a Google search? Especially when they produce and write movies? Usually there are all sorts of pings that come up when someone has written screenplays, but, no, there was the voter registration. Also, his name and age did not come in a search last night on Spokeo, today? There it is. Edgar M. Welch, age 28.

srayzie ago

This is an archive of your voterrecords link

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Another thing to note about his father Harry...he didn't take his website down:

ThorTheWonderful ago

Thats not the same guy on the news footage!

standalone ago

It's his father...

ThorTheWonderful ago

RE: "Salisbury (NC) Post, 10/25/2016

Police ID driver of Harrison Road crash that seriously injured 13-year-old boy

FTA: The boy was taken to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center where he remains in critical condition.

Edgar Welch, 28, of Salisbury, was traveling the posted 45 mph speed limit, officials said, but it’s still not immediately clear how the accident happened."


r3dtr1x ago

Putting his address out there is DOXXING. THIS will get voat shut down! DOXXING is what killed Reddit pizzagate! Come on!

standalone ago

No, what killed Pizzagate at Reddit is that Steve Huffman, the CEO of Reddit, has no integrity and no sense of ethics, and would do anything to gain favours with the political elite, including curbing freedom of speech, covering up child abuse, or partaking in cannibalistic rituals.

elgindelta ago

Public information is just that. Hacking private accounts and publicly releasing said data is the illegal part. Looking up a name in the "yellow pages" or re iteration of a public web page is not doxxing. A judge would tell you no differently.

derram ago


Free_Radical ago

DOXXING is what killed Reddit pizzagate!


20-Gauge ago

THANK YOU !! I just edited it to remove.

Baluga ago

Yes, delete the street and number, anybody can find out, but it's not something we need to advertise.

MeatballPizza ago

This guy was supposedly in the restaurant and specializes in moving 'things and people' internationally:

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

might be someone to take a look into...he also sent a tweet saying that he holds alex jones and roger stone responsible for putting his family in danger at the restaurant...

Warnos44 ago

Oh goodness, I'm going to go to a place where I know there's a huge conspiracy going on and be surprised when something happens. Um. Really? Most normal people avoid a place when they know there's a lot of bad chatter going on about it.

standalone ago

Dear Sharif Silmi. Thanks for volunteering for the role of a sheeple in the upcoming documentary "Pizzagate: a case study on how the US government manipulates public opinion".

If you'll allow me to weigh in though, I'm a bit concerned that starring as a naive sheeple will hurt your business when #pizzagate turns out to be true, and your tweets show that, although you are an attorney, you couldn't be bothered to check the facts before taking a side and making public statements. Are you really sure you want the role? Or maybe you could just spend 20mn reading about the most compelling findings, and spare yourself a lot of embarrassment in the future.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Fuck you lads are really on top of it over here, I need to spend more time working with everyone on Voat.

Chance903 ago

another shill

Rigg5 ago

He posted this and a slick dude on Reddit caught it before it got deleted. Wow

contrarianism ago


Free_Radical ago

supposedly in the restaurant



BTW, if you scroll down you can see this.

stickittotheman ago

"movement of people and goods"

MeatballPizza ago

Movement of people. And the entire block was bought by the Saudis...

The other witness appears to be a Muslim as well - the reporter who interviewed two guys who exited the place when it all started.

badintense ago

So now the Saudis are pushing back over the 28 pages and lawsuits and using #pizzagate as the vehicle to do so.

fartyshorts ago

He also specializes in immigration law.

MeatballPizza ago

He's pro Palestine -- super anti Trump - leftist Muslim.

But he's the big witness to all this? Maybe. Coincidence.

CrackerJacks ago

Sharif Silmi, Esq ‏@bayreef 53m53 minutes ago @PhilipTerzian what exactly is the problem very proud to help people legally immigrate to the US to seek better life and expand economy

MeatballPizza ago

Legally get rubber stamped by a closet Muslim president who wants to destroy our Republic? Nah. No worries!

BugSmasher2016 ago

Obama is not a Muslim, it's a red herring that has been thrown out there a while ago to mislead people who are starting to wake up. That whole gang in DC, regardless of party affiliation, is Luciferian or Satanist in their religious views. Pizzagate has nothing to do with Muslims.

UncookedSpirit ago

Big surprise: he's a lover of Castro, shariah, and Keith Ellison.

Echo_of_Savages ago

And he voted for trump...

trite ago

That might be what he says, but I could say I voted for Hillary if I needed to look like I didn't vote in God Emperor.

MeatballPizza ago

AND he just happens to be the witness who talks to the paper and spins the story on Twitter to blame 'fake news'.....

CrackerJacks ago

Other witnesses:

Faiz Siddiqui ‏@faizsays 8h8 hours ago Witnesses who were sitting down for lunch at Comet describe the scene when a gunman walked in

If you're told that someone is in the kitchen with a gun, you don't grab your pizza and beer......You'd only grab the beer.

Oh, they also say nothing about shots fired.

MeatballPizza ago

Those guys in no way seem like shots were fired or they felt threatened. Notice the "SHOOTER" designation of the suspect already in the media. Is open carry legal in D.C.? I would imagine not.

CrackerJacks ago

What I don't get is....The kitchen is at the very back of Comet Ping Pong, he would have had to walk past them, yet those 2 guys never noticed the man carrying a rifle or a shotgun.

MeatballPizza ago

And the arrest on the street photo shows him wearing a tshirt. Not exactly like he could hide this 'shotgun' or long gun anywhere.

CrackerJacks ago

They would have told him to kneel down before that, if guns we're involved, with his hands behind his head.Did they tell him to take his coat off before he came into picture?....Like everything else, we just don't have hard proof.

MeatballPizza ago

Read this theory:

I think he left the guns in Comet (one source said that); no shots were fired; open carry just freaked out the waiters (Jimmy's buddies already on edge from the heat); and it blew up from there into a b.s. fake news story about a shooter.

MeatballPizza ago

The initial news sources appear to all be Arabs:

trite ago

Why are all of them versed in "Transportation"?