MeatballPizza ago

Good point. He may have thought it was legal to walk in with guns, like N.C. or Texas or many other states. Not D.C.!

MeatballPizza ago

If no shots were fired, it appears legal to carry openly in D.C.

Not very bright, IMHO, to do so in a place on edge already like Comet.

But were any laws broken?

MeatballPizza ago

So he open carries into the restaurant thinking it's perfectly legal to do so and he'll be some type of bad ass type.

They call the cops. Cops show up and he leaves the guns in the store, comes out, surrenders.

Corrupt MSM calls him a "SHOOTER" (it's in the damn stories) and makes up the rest to spin it in favor of Comet Ping Pong. Backlash. Fake news. Stories write themselves - or David Brock writes them.

That all seems highly likely at this point.

pizzathrowaway ago

Why would he think it's perfectly legal to do so?

MeatballPizza ago

The D.C. gun restriction law was shot down.

pizzathrowaway ago

only handguns

MeatballPizza ago

Okay. So he might have been clueless about the law.

But notice the b.s. spin on this story. He's "investigating" but he never asked any questions, held hostages. "He may or may not have fired shots into the ground." I mean, they don't know?

These two guys walk out with their beer and pizza in the middle of this 'active shooter' situation.