ZalesMcMuffin ago

KEEP IGNORING PIZZAGATE -- investigation is hate!

WE TRUST OUR C.I.A. -- and so should you!

Pedophilia in Washington? YEAH RIGHT

Vindicator ago

This would actually make for a great series of memes -- just like the "Draft Our Daughters" campaign. We could use Podesta art, pedo logos and the whole nine yards.

FreeRebel ago

Okay well this is an attempt at humor, I get that. But the situation is too real, and it dishonors the real victims to make light.

NeedPolyGF ago

I didn't mean it as humor. I meant it as a way to get the message across to the masses, or at least where the demonstrations occur.

BerksResident ago

Support your local pedophile teacher/youth leader/ cps worker

Support pedo judges that give pedos light sentances

Let rich pedos go free (eg Dupont)

Reward child traffickes with top jobs at Alert Sense.

Sacrifice your kids to Moloch just like the Israelites

Twisted humour for shock value could work better at demonstrations.

BerksResident ago

Liking # Support local pedophile public servants." You may be onto something here, these are the typea of signs you need demonstrators holding up in DC and CPP. Alefantis will be thrilled and confused by the "support".

NeedPolyGF ago

If you can't comment, at least UPVOAT.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Mmmm...... I'm not sure which way to voat on this. I do agree we need outside-the-box thinking, just not sure if want. ;-)

These are the kinds of signs to take to a pro-CPP rally though. Make them slightly subtle, but not so subtle that nobody has any idea what you're saying. Subversion is a time-honored tactic and it really does work both ways -- if earnestfags can bring themselves to use it.

NeedPolyGF ago

We can do a scientific study to measure how much more effective this is than "hateful" protesting signs. Right?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

How would that be measured?