sponiatowski ago

This is important. Sasse is a suspected Renfield.

Forgetmenot ago


B_dog ago

It's not plausible as a joke that a government employee was paid a six-figure salary to wank to child porn -- in the office -- for half of each work day. But in reality, that shit actually happened, and not just a little.

Vindicator ago

Giving this an "Important" flair, OP. People need to spread this.

Vindicator ago

Don-Keyhote ago

That second link is cringeworhty. Sass worked in Senate while loskarn worked in the house. Big fucking shit.

Edit- sorry they did coincide working for different reps but no further connection offered between these 2 of maybe 10k individuals. Running the page program is about as smoking gun as it gets tho as far as govt goes, FUCK NEVERTRUMP

truthseekertx ago

Ben Sasse also worked for Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who was also a convicted serial child rapist. This article shows how ben sasse was suspected as being an enabler to child rape. http://www.patdollard.com/ben-sasse-suspected-of-helping-denny-hastert-molest-boys/

Ben Sasse was also a guest along with Jeff Flake, rothschilds, soros minions, clinton, and many other powerful people in a new private meeting we seem to have just uncovered. Its almost like we found a new bilderberg group hosted by John McCains, McCain Institute. Its called the Sedona Forum. Here is my post on it. If you can help dig that would be awesome!


kestrel9 ago

  Will do...trying to tease out the bad actors from good is always a challenge, James Mattis attended in 2014: Crises in the Broader Middle East: Challenges and Opportunities

Elliott Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign Relations; Hamid Biglari, Managing Partner, TGG Group; Ron Bruder, Founder, Education for Employment; Robert Kagan, Senior Fellow, Project on International Order and Strategy, Brookings Institution; James Mattis, former CENTCOM Commander; Moderator: Michele Dunne, Senior Associate – Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yes, Sasse is clearly a pedo protector and possibly a pedo himself

carmencita ago

There was a post today on the Sedona Foundation. It is run by McCain. I believe Ben Sasse was on the list of participants. Enough Said.