V____Z ago

I think you're instincts are good. Dark Math defends him and Alex Jones at every turn, and suddenly after 3 months of seeing me around, determines I'm a shill after i called out George.

DarkMath ago

"action 333 got locked out of voat after loosing password"

Number one rule of shilling is never start out with a lie.

Why you shilling for child rapists and organ harvesters?

DarkMath ago

"I think George Webb IS TOXIC!"

Don't. The OP @V____Z is more than likely a shill. George Webb is going through the Deep State like a warm knife through butter. They don't like that one bit. He's airing the past 50 years of their dirty laundry in front of the entire world. They'll never recover but they'll try as hard as they can to hold on to power for as long as they can.

V____Z ago

I go after George Soros harder than George Webb does. Why does he seem to focus on Muslims no one has even heard of? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1779094

DarkMath ago

"Why does he seem to focus on Muslims no one has even heard of?"

First up they're not unknown and random people. At least the staffs of 30 U.S. Congressmen and women have heard of them because they hired them to maintain their IT infrastructure. Which is very odd because normally a rep or senator will have the Congress IT people handle all the computers etc.

Secondly there's a lot of evidence the they doped some Blackberry telephones and along with Lightbridge Communications actually set up dedicated cell phone towers just for those phones.

Isn't that a little odd? It doesn't look good because some of those 30 Congressmen were on intel committees that handle highly classified information like the date and time of covert ops etc.

Of course I'm pretty sure you know all this because I'm pretty sure you're a shill but please entertain me for a bit with your explanation.


seekingpeace ago

He's still around because he's playing his part of distracting people with the Awans. The guy who knew too much was Brian Pagliano - he was in charge of her private server. Where is he now? Dead!

So imo, George is "revealing" the patsy narrative and of course it's always the muslims. I write that as someone who is 100% opposed to the Islamic invasion that is currently happening to the west. But, it is happening because certain factions in governments are allowing this to happen.

I'm prepared to believe that maybe George doesn't realize he was "set-up" by someone feeding him the Awan intel.

Jem777 ago

George Webb is releasing SSN because they are frauds. These people are Pakistan ISI and have infiltrated our congressional staff through Chuck Shumer then Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin.

He has been attempting to get Deputy Director McCabe to answer for this and open an investigation for 200 days. McCabe was in charge of the Clinton email server, Clinton Foundation Investigation, The Weiner Server, The Awan Brothers server etc. He buried all of it. The emails were not forwarded they were synced through blackberries and laptops. He knows this.

There were child trafficking, money laundering & other horrid emails found. McCabe'scwife took $700,000 dollars from Clinton buddy Gov.Terry McCaulliffe (who is also under investigation for public corruption) while Clinton was under investigation. McCabe never disclosed the money or connection. He was actually promoted by Comey.

George Webb got involved in all of this back in 2010 when he stood up for a young Muslim kid in where he is from know as "the Christmas Tree bomber" He saw such a miscarriage of justice by McCabe because they were clearly setting this kid up.

At that point he was put on the "Disrupt" list of the FBI and they have attempted to destroy him ever since. He is a researcher and talks about being present as a journalist in Kosovo when the Serbs were fighting in the Bill Clinton Administration. He talks of witnessing organ harvesting, and people being burned alive.

He has outed factions of the Mossad (Epstein) the CIA, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and many others. He is extremely knowledgable and but more than that he has stated repeatedly that his sources come from all of those above agencies. He has discussed how he gets thumbdrives of information sent to him anonymously from insider whitehats, also has videotapes of children having their organs harvested & fields with children's bodies. He also has not denied pizzagate. In fact he has talked about the Finders, Franklin Cover-up, Waco and said they were all Pedophile networks for the elite. He also has referred people to Voat several times to research this part of the corruption.

Shillary ago

I commented on the other thread I posted about this - he broke this on my friend Evelyn Pringle's radio show. He's appeared there several different times. I can't understand how anyone genuinely investigating Pizzagate would have a problem with what George did here. He's not selling people's SSNs online for fraudulent purposes - he's trying to prove what he is saying to the people so that they will demand action against these fuckers killing kids. If you think that he's a false flag operation simply because of this you obviously don't know much about what he is saying. He has a video every single day explaining all of this and because there are so many people who haven't watched them, it would be difficult to grasp the entirety of his investigation. And it would be easy to call it a "false flag" if you don't know the entirety of the investigation, if you're a shill, and you don't want people to listen to him. But it's not.

V____Z ago

I never said he is a false flag operation. Also, a few other commenters here have heard him claim to be a Zionist.

Yates ago

George Webb does a 180...can his pizzagate/pedogate info be trusted and is he a diversion from both?

This link doesn't load, been trying since yesterday. Do you have an archive for it?

SoldierofLight ago

As things get even crazier, and more confusing, and we wonder even more about who can we trust-- it will come down to what it has already come down to-- what is one's gut feeling/intuitive sense/feeling about a person, situation, truth. My gut feeling all along about George is that I want to like him, I WANT to trust him, but... I don't. I can't back that up with proof-- only questions.

Where is he getting his money? His YouTube subscriber base isn't enough to pay the bills.

Where is he getting his information?

Who is he? What does he want? Whose side(s) is he playing for?

Something I constantly remind myself is, The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

I'm glad I'm not the only one asking questions. For this world to survive, the people have to collectively wake up. The waking up, the cleaning house process, and the rebuilding of our world will all depend in part on us asking questions. Lots of them. Constantly. We've been in the dark so long that we have a lot of catching up to do.

islandofdelight ago

He said very early on in the series that his sources are current and former FBI (whitehats). He has referred to his sources occasionally but hasn't referenced the FBI that way since.

It is very interesting how it seems he's put his life on hold to become a full-time investigative youtube journalist, but that's what is appears to be. He seems to be driven by something powerful. I think he just wants truth and justice.

seekingpeace ago

If FBI agents want the public to know something they go to the major papers not some guy with a youtube channel.

Not having a go at you but I don't believe the "white hat" stuff.

paulf ago

That's how you get disappeared.

The rules have changed completely over the past year. You cannot go to mainstream media with anything because they're compromised. And if you try and dump it on say 4chan, 4chan is shut down within an hour and the owners find themselves in a room without windows and a single bulb the next day. And the leaker is disposed of along with his family.

The way it's happening now is the only method we have left: red-pill enough people and get them to scream and shout and speculate and help each other.

V____Z ago

That doesn't explain why he hasn't been disappeared, which is another red flag.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

People that actually spill the beans the way he seems to be don't last very long. My question is why is he still alive... ?

V____Z ago

Exactly. Are people fooled by him because we are just so starved for a savior, or are there just a whole lotta Webb shills on Voat, is my question.

Narcissism ago

George Webb has done an ace job of dumping the dirt on the Clinton/ Bush crime syndicate. Really does seem like there is a huge rift between the Zio/ Netanyahu clan and the Clinton/ Bush gang. Whereas during 9/11 they were all singing from the same sheet. My guess is Bibi felt short changed on it all.

V____Z ago

Apparently he has admitted to being a Zionist though.

seekingpeace ago

If George Webb has attended Epstein's sex parties as he claims, then he's part of the problem. I don't care if he's trying to make up for that by exposing others or ratlines.

These "crimes" he has participated in are not victim-less crimes - they involve young children being exploited and weaponized for blackmail purposes.

Sorry, no mercy from me.

4_InquiringMinds ago

If George Webb has attended Epstein's sex parties as he claims

What??? Can someone clarify? I recall his 'taking one for the team' going to 3 different 'brownstones' that he found on craigslist in 3 different cities doing the dominatrix thing...but that does not equate to Epstein's sex parties. Is this reference one in the same?

action333 ago

From what I heard when I was watching him....

he alludes to badness in Pakistan

but can't remember him challenging ....Saudi Arabia?

I could be wrong .

Have not watched him since January 2017.

Browns1 ago

He found fault with Comey saying Huma sent 100,000 e-mails to Weiners laptop. One doesn't need to "send" e-mails. The blackberries and laptops are synced. Gives them deniability. Weiner is not a buffoon. He is a big player. He ran the Awan operation. Comey getting fired was as much to do with George Webbs study, as anything else.

ArthurEdens ago

These George Webb cred threads happen every few weeks. Watch him or don't.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"Out him or solidify honest standing" is what people are doing.

coreylkh ago

I've watched every one of his podcasts and I find him to be extremely credible. He doesn't have a Patreon acct, takes no money, and drives all over the Midwest with what I feel are relevant leads. He pulls all of the info together very nicely & I, for one, appreciate his effort. I never would have known that the USDA is approving animal drugs with no FDA approval only to be cut into weakened human drugs to sell to the VA. The SSN leak is relevant because they belong to dead people & are being used by Pakistani's that work for the DNC. He's not even a practicing Jew (his words) & Mossad has bigger plans in US then chasing drugs & pedos around the Midwest. Mossad is interested in blackmailing our leaders, George doesn't fit the mold, IMO

V____Z ago

Do you have any comment about him exposing people's SSNs? According to other comments on this post, he has admitted to being a Zionist and believes there should be no charges against anyone named by the pizzagate investigation. He's also a fan of Obama.

DeathTooMasons ago

"He doesn't have a Patreon acct, takes no money". That shows that he is working and is paid. Everybody want money for their material. That is what I have seen. Everybody. But not George. Not George the paid spook. Once again...wake up.

V____Z ago

Exactly. That he doesn't need to work for a living tells me he is being paid, and I'd rather know who's paying researchers, than be able to claim they never seek donations.

Shillary ago

He does traveling sales I think. One of his videos was him at a tech conference in between working at his booth and traveling. Just because some people have flexible jobs doesn't mean that they are being paid. If I didn't work from home I wouldn't be able to check voat and comment in the middle of the day. Lots of people have flexible work.

V____Z ago

So receiving donations discredits an investigator? Yet you have nothing to say about the sext messages in exchange for 'secrets', nor his claim that tweeting a certain hashtag will get us at least a million dollars? A limited hangout is this:

"Limited hangout" is intelligence jargon for a form of propaganda in which a selected portion of a scandal, criminal act, sensitive or classified information, etc. is revealed or leaked, without telling the whole story. The intention may be to establish credibility as a critic of something or somebody by engaging in criticism of them while in fact covering up for them by omitting many details; to distance oneself publicly from something using innocuous or vague criticism even when ones own sympathies are privately with them; or to divert public attention away from a more heinous act by leaking information about something less heinous. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Limited_hangout

srayzie ago

I think you're right! Limited hangout.

coreylkh ago

No, receiving donations can be a motivating factor in what is put forth vs. what is the truth. I also should clarify my post, I've watched all of his Braverman/Awan podcasts, not all of his others'. I know what a limited hangout is & I do believe he's established enough credibility and put forth enough evidence that he's not promoting propaganda. It appears as though our gov't is trying to divert public attention away from more heinous acts by leaking info about something less heinous than he is. I'm not trying to undermine you, I'm just stating that I, who doesn't trust MSM finds him to be credible. He's got 25K followers so he can't be that much of a hack.

V____Z ago

Why thank you! :-D

FE_Rebekah ago

I find it ridiculous when people ask us for a good answer as to "why" people are evil. It's like, no, I can't prove why people are lying or what they are gaining from it. I can only point out that by using my critical thinking skills, things are not adding up. You've made some great points in this thread. Don't let anyone get you down for spreading the truth as you see it..

There's no reason to put 100% trust in anyone at this point. We would be stupid to do that..

Thanks for the thread and links. It made me sad reading the comments on the Gwen thread where people were calling her schizophrenic and crazy. That's exactly how a victim of abuse/mind control WOULD act, so seeing it used to discredit her was disheartening to me. Doesn't mean I fully believe her story, but shaming the victim is a tactic that's been used for far too long, and unfortunately it still works..

V____Z ago

I've been pounced on here for questioning Webb more than anyone else besides Alex Jones, so I'm a bit surprised to see some support, feels good!

Yes, it made me sad too to see how see was treated. Someone here called her a whore, even though she never acted on her crush. I've even seen Becki Percy shamed and called names here. It's like people have never heard of karma.

V____Z ago

Do good guys normally work for the CIA, known for MURDER and overthrow of governments? Do good guys trade "Secrets" to lonely housewives in exchange for sext messages with pictures? He's a predator, and in my understanding, most importantly, he has been caught in lies. WHY ARE WE NOT ALLOWED TO QUESTION HIM

DarkMath ago

George Webb is a False Flag? I could see that happening very easily given all the players in this shit show. The only thing is the man has uncovered some extremely soiled laundry to put it nicely. If he was a False Flag why would TPTB put out real facts that make them look horrible in the court of public opinion?

The other thing about George Webb is Israel doesn't play any part in his story. That's hard to believe they weren't wrapped up in this at some point as well. And obviously he's Jewish and doesn't want to make enemies. But that could also just mean he's Mossad which I think some of the tweets he had with that Mata-Hari women revealed. The tweets where she told George to stop bugging her family. If George is Mossad then his story makes perfect sense. George Webb is Mossad "turning state's evidence" against the Bush-Clinton Crime Families and the Muslim Brotherhood. That was a very tenuous relationship for obvious reasons.

It's definitely good to treat everything and everyone with a grain of salt now. There's a lot of elaborate and highly choreographed kibuki theater going on these days. What a cluster fuck this whole thing is.

action333 ago

Yes Mr. Webb can put out the goods.. This is just my experience and opinion ok?

I got up to over #130 But this is what I heard more than once: we do not need to punish pizzagate perperuators

Hillary. etc etc. let's just let bygones be bygones.

I heard him say once that he is a Zionist

I heard Mr Webb more than once singing the praises of Obama...OMG

I corresponded with one person...I admired...sincere

He said he started blocking George Webb on Facebook after a while... He wrote me that he was not sure who George was working with and for and why he was doing this project.

Also I do not think of him anymore but I did spend sometime wondering where he was getting the money to operate.

Also, it really bothered me that he did not have a website. Do not forget...pizzagate was not Webb's " thing" He spent a great deal of time putting Dyncorp and Petraus down.

I started feeling like his agenda was to mess with my mind. It was somewhat subtle...

I am thinking he is a roving non threatening person now not aggressive...a "good guy". So he or someone they are grooming now can pouce on us... This country will Shake... We do not need Mr. Webb setting activating a cult when the arrests blow out of the ground a.nd people's foundations do not seem to be there anymore.

Supposition here:

The bad guys are using him and have used him from the beginning to get the good guys trust. Like Webb 's assignment is groom all us all of all over the world....

So cabal can have him right in place when liberty and justice and arrests start.

Many might say well you know George Webb and I are joined at the hip.

I think he has a way with the ladie. People will need to be confused and controlled when we start filling up those FEMA Camps with the likes of... Well you know if you have read this site for four months.

DarkMath ago

"filling up those FEMA Camps"

So George Webb is just the knock out gas to keep us Deplorables distracted so we don't see the death blow coming.

Interesting theory, I'll have to think about that for a while. My gut reaction is if there is a "Deplorable Death Blow" coming that will put us all in FEMA Camps the fact George Webb kept us calm is irrelevant. But I'll get back to you after I've thought about it for a while.

FE_Rebekah ago

I heard him say he was a Zionist too..

I got the same gut feeling you did, for all the reasons you mentioned, plus him changing the title of his videos to "Killing is Good Business." He seemed to enjoy saying it, and like you said, it felt like he was subtlety messing with my mind..

I think your instincts are on point. Thanks for sharing..

V____Z ago

I noticed that too. Whilst seemingly enjoying the drama, on the flip side he does not seem to have an ounce of human emotion for the victims of the crimes he talks about. So why does he do it? Why not get a real job? Distraction agent.

Awoke_AF ago

I'm good with him exposing one side and not the other. He isn't solving every problem in the world, but he is exposing some next level intel that seems to play out accurately. Someone else will come along with knowledge bombs about the Mossad if he is conveniently leaving things out.

V____Z ago

No where does it say he is false flag. The linked commentary asks if he may be setting one up though, making one of the folks who does something with the SSN that could get them in trouble with the law be the next subject of another article that begins "Crazy conspiracy theorists first shoot up a pizza shop, then ...".

The things he uncovers lead us farther and farther away from the original leaks pizzagate is centered on. Now he's blaming random Muslims. He's running all over the map, and making folks believe he holds the key to undoing all evil. Limited Hangout FTW

Votescam ago


The things he uncovers lead us farther and farther away from the original leaks pizzagate is centered on.

Actually, I don't think Webb has ever actually worked on Pizzagate, except as a very limited side issue.

What's he's doing is entirely different and not intended to be Pizzagate. That's very clear.

At some point, in covering MKULTRA stuff which still lingers as it connects to Nazi research which echoes throughout the CIA secrets, Webb did parallel Pizzagate.

And while I can't recall all of the details, some time much earlier he did cite some of the Clinton/ Haiti work bumping into human/child trafficking.
Webb also mentioned what a very dangerous issue Pizzagate is for those researchers involved. When some of his research runs alongside some of the Pizzagate pathways, he has to mention it.

DarkMath ago

"No where does it say he is false flag."

I agree and apologize if I implied that. He could be setting up the next false flag. I totally see that as a possibility and thank you for bringing it up. The more perspective the better on this stuff.

Regarding the Pizzagate stuff I agree as well. It was strange he all of a sudden lost interest in it after explaining what a Brownstone Operation was. I think he dropped that line of attack because it would have gotten him too close to Jeffrey Epstein and that's also supposedly a Mossad operation.

Like I said none of the players in this are going to come out smelling like roses. It makes me think they used George Webb to throw a few bodies "over the wall" as they say. Then when no one is looking George will change directions again.

It's almost like you have to put this story together based on what you see and as you point out what you don't see.

Dressage2 ago

I think George said in a video some time back that he goes where the leads and tips and comments on his site lead him. He said he thought he was going one way and the leads and info take him another way. I think it is all related quite honestly because Pizzagate is more than CPP, Podesta and the other DC side shows. I think he is showing us the government blackmail and corruption, the murders, the money trail, the organ, sex and drug trafficking that the elitist are all involved in.

V____Z ago

He might also be trying to scare people. Showing us that he somehow has access to people's private information, and is willing to release it. That would make anyone wanting to publicly question or challenge him think twice, wouldn't it? This is bully behaviour, something we see in the perps we are investigating.

Since when are we supporting bullies in this truth movement? And why is he deleting valid questions from his YouTube videos? And why do people get attacked by trolls when they question him? What is going on here? Those are some of my questions.

DarkMath ago

"This is bully behaviour"

They are all bullies at that level. No one is coming out of this thing smelling like roses. All the major players have been fucking with each other coming and going for years.

This reminds me of that expression about when a Lion attacks a village. You don't have to be very fast. You just need to be faster than the slowest villager.

These people are playing musical chairs right now to figure out who that "villager" is.


V____Z ago

I knew someone would defend that. But your premise is innaccurate. No one on the bad guy side is coming out of this smelling like roses, but people in the pizzagate community should not, and DO NOT adhere to that. Take for instance: Pizzagate Howie, Becki Percy, and Honey Bee. There are other leaders in this movement too but i'm bad with names, who are NOT predators or mean, and who have NOT been caught in lies or saying ludicrous things. If your man Webb smells like the perps, perhaps you should rethink your allegiance.

DarkMath ago

"you should rethink your allegiance."

And give it to who? Who else is there to believe in?

FE_Rebekah ago

You really think if we lose George Webb, all is lost? Why are you constantly playing mind games on here? What do you have to gain by continually defending GW? Wouldn't a real truther question everyone and be open to the possibility of someone manipulating us?

V____Z ago

That's my biggest red flag too, aren't we known for questioning everything, we truthers? So when I came upon a person or subject I'm not allowed to question (Alex Jones is another one), I wonder what is actually going on.

DarkMath ago

"subject I'm not allowed to question "

When did I say you weren't allowed to question George Webb? In fact I distinctly remember agreeing with you that he's a limited hangout.

The only question I have is to what degree is he. He's obviously steering clear of Jeffrey Epstein and Pedophile Island. But he's going after Steve Feinberg at Dyncorp. Those are both Jews last time I checked. So my conclusion is George Webb is Mossad "turning state's evidence". He's giving up Steve Feinberg and Dyncorp. It couldn't be clearer.

In other words George Webb turning state's evidence is Mossad admitting they're guilty but they're turning in their co-conspirators in an effort to strike a good plea bargain in the court of public opinion. To me there's just no other conclusion. Steve Feinberg wouldn't have made it to the top of the CIA's crown jewel had he not gotten the ok if not full recommendation of Mossad.


V____Z ago

This comment wasn't in reference to you in any way, only to the person I was replying to. Sorry to confuse.

V____Z ago

I think he's a disinfo agent, controlled opposition, a limited hangout, and when he says worked for the CIA, i think we should really realize the ramifications of that, given he has inserted himself into the pizzagate investigation seemingly from out of nowhere, he has been caught saying crazy things like, we could all get at least a million dollars by tweeting a certain hashtag. There are reasons to question anyone that has worked for the very organization being fingered by our investigation. The CIA.

4_InquiringMinds ago

we could all get at least a million dollars by tweeting a certain hashtag.

Well fuck, there goes my retirement fund. Next you'll tell me there is no Santa Claus?

V____Z ago

Lol ;)

Awoke_AF ago

He knows too much to not be in some way connected to IC. He might be a controlled info agent, hard to see dis-info. He is exposing many different branches of criminal mischief, and part of how they operated them. He is connecting pizzagate to the bigger story if you watch it - "Rat Lines" means all of em. Pizzagate is one piece (although fucking unacceptable and should be investigated) of the takeover of the US Government by power hungry, greedy, war mongers.

V____Z ago

I definwlty wouldn't have used the term disinfo if he had not been caught saying untrue things. That is serious accusation. It's one that he hurled at David Seaman, in fact. I know that seaman does not tell untruths, regardless of anything else one could say about him, so I challenged George Webb to support his accusation which he made in a video seen by thousands, about a well known researcher who sticks closely to the Podesta emails in his assessment (something that can't be said about Webb). The thing is, he could not support his claim because it was bullshit. So he replied in a tweet "oh I should have said distraction". So suddenly seaman goes from being disinfo to a distraction? I'm not sure how you prove the latter, I think it's projection on webbs part, but I asked him to make the correction (since we are dealing with someone reputation here) in another video, rather than just a reply to a tweet that no one will see. This was back when I didn't know whether he was trustworthy or not. I know truth tellers, and a real truther would make sure to correct himself, and not in the way mainstream media does it, which is not at all, or hidden on the back page, I expected after all he praise being heaped on him that he would do the respectable thing. Can you guess what he did? He ignored me from there on out, and never corrected his slander. Not did he explain how seaman was a distraction. I don't consider talking about Podesta and the emails a distraction. I do consider talking about mangoes or papayas and the rest of the weird and random stuff he talks about to be the epitome of distraction.

I also think it's disinfo to tell his viewers that if hey tweet out a certain hashtag, he will find us that way and we all get at least a million dollars. I've never seen anyone defend that but they continue to defend him. Something very fishy here.

Awoke_AF ago

Honestly, I'm unfamiliar with the situation regarding your comments so I'll take you for your word. Specifically the million dollars or whatever. The Mossad is fully involved with the CIA in the master plan that is the Middle East. If he identifies rat lines operated by a specific group within the most powerful chambers of the US government, I'm all for him. Whether he tells everyone that the Mossad ran the brownstone operations in order to facilitate the coups can be exposed by other means. However, his exposing of criminal activity and hacking of the government is worthy of some credit.

DarkMath ago

"he says worked for the CIA"

That's not necessarily a bad thing if the CIA is going through a Civil War of sorts. I'm sure there are Good Guys in the CIA just as there are Good Guys at the FBI despite the fact both organizations are dripping in corruption.

seekingpeace ago

Check his first post here on Voat where he put a link to his linked in page - all tech and data jobs. This is why there are so many questions about him.

DarkMath ago

" all tech and data jobs"

All linked in pages have those. George Webb posted the linked in page to prove he's real. That's all that is.

seekingpeace ago

So all those jobs he listed are not real? Is that what you're saying or am I missing something?

DarkMath ago

"all those jobs"

You mean his Resume on LinkedIn or the adverts for jobs on LinkedIn?

V____Z ago

Sure, but is he one of them?

DarkMath ago

I don't know if he's CIA. I'm not even sure if he's mossad. Maybe he's just one guy taking on the world.

V____Z ago

I meant, is he one of the good guys, as your comment seems to imply. I think we've seen many signs he's not, and not to be trusted. Do you have an opinion about the subject of this post, the fact that he's leaking private information on people?

DarkMath ago

"leaking private information on people"

He's doing that because Andrew McCabe won't investigate. Andrew McCabe and James Comey are professional Deep State "slow walkers". They were put in those jobs to stifle any investigation that might lead to the Deep State committing a crime.

I guess that's my biggest problem with your position. You seem incapable of ascribing any guilt to the Deep State. It's kind of like me being reluctant to blame George Webb for dis-info. I appreciate you pointing out that George Webb may be controlled opposition meant to steer things away from Israel. You're right.

I'd expect you to be doing the same with Andrew McCabe and James Comey and the Deep State. But I've never seen you even mention them. All you mention is George Webb investigating Muslims. That's odd don't you think?

V____Z ago

It's odd that you would make a statement about me without checking out the facts. Or maybe it's not odd, maybe it's the norm for you. In one of my most recent submissions, you will find mention of the actors you say i ignore: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1849772

DarkMath ago

"you will find mention of the actors"

Fair enough, let me check the tape.

Here's what I wrote: "I'd expect you to be doing the same with Andrew McCabe and James Comey and the Deep State."

I go here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1849772 to look for either Andrew McCabe or James Comey. Let's leave out Deep State because that's not an individual "actor".

And the verdict is: you mentioned neither Andrew McCabe nor James Comey.

Actually whatever the fuck your name is, it's odd that you would accuse me of not checking out the facts when I just "checked out the facts" and found I was right.

What's up bro, why you taking me for a fool?

V____Z ago

Why don't you try clickin gon that link again and read the first line. OR better yet, here:

HUGE BREAKING NEWS: BREAKING: White House announces President Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey

That was the first line. You're trippin bro.

DarkMath ago

Bro "Why don't you try clickin gon that link again and read the first line" remember the fact you copied a fucking tweet.

Copying the title of a tweet isn't you expounding on why James Comey is a corrupt traitor who should be tried and convicted of Misprision of Treason and hung by the neck until dead now is it?

You need more of that colorful shit expressing your anger and righteous indignation at these mother fuckers. You know like I do. You have no passion in what you write. That smacks of shillary to me. When I read your writing all I think of is you're punching a clock, you're mailing it in if you will.


V____Z ago

You are a straight up TRIP.

FKM ago

He states the reasons clearly. He is asking for the metadata (header info) for the 650k emails (Clinton private server) to be released by the FBI. That information (I believe, uncertain) was originally in the hands of NYC PD in relation to A.Weiner's arrest/investigation. GW has basically proven that Clinton has Pakistani spies working for her, for a very long time.