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DarkMath ago

George Webb is a False Flag? I could see that happening very easily given all the players in this shit show. The only thing is the man has uncovered some extremely soiled laundry to put it nicely. If he was a False Flag why would TPTB put out real facts that make them look horrible in the court of public opinion?

The other thing about George Webb is Israel doesn't play any part in his story. That's hard to believe they weren't wrapped up in this at some point as well. And obviously he's Jewish and doesn't want to make enemies. But that could also just mean he's Mossad which I think some of the tweets he had with that Mata-Hari women revealed. The tweets where she told George to stop bugging her family. If George is Mossad then his story makes perfect sense. George Webb is Mossad "turning state's evidence" against the Bush-Clinton Crime Families and the Muslim Brotherhood. That was a very tenuous relationship for obvious reasons.

It's definitely good to treat everything and everyone with a grain of salt now. There's a lot of elaborate and highly choreographed kibuki theater going on these days. What a cluster fuck this whole thing is.

action333 ago

Yes Mr. Webb can put out the goods.. This is just my experience and opinion ok?

I got up to over #130 But this is what I heard more than once: we do not need to punish pizzagate perperuators

Hillary. etc etc. let's just let bygones be bygones.

I heard him say once that he is a Zionist

I heard Mr Webb more than once singing the praises of Obama...OMG

I corresponded with one person...I admired...sincere

He said he started blocking George Webb on Facebook after a while... He wrote me that he was not sure who George was working with and for and why he was doing this project.

Also I do not think of him anymore but I did spend sometime wondering where he was getting the money to operate.

Also, it really bothered me that he did not have a website. Do not forget...pizzagate was not Webb's " thing" He spent a great deal of time putting Dyncorp and Petraus down.

I started feeling like his agenda was to mess with my mind. It was somewhat subtle...

I am thinking he is a roving non threatening person now not aggressive...a "good guy". So he or someone they are grooming now can pouce on us... This country will Shake... We do not need Mr. Webb setting activating a cult when the arrests blow out of the ground a.nd people's foundations do not seem to be there anymore.

Supposition here:

The bad guys are using him and have used him from the beginning to get the good guys trust. Like Webb 's assignment is groom all us all of all over the world....

So cabal can have him right in place when liberty and justice and arrests start.

Many might say well you know George Webb and I are joined at the hip.

I think he has a way with the ladie. People will need to be confused and controlled when we start filling up those FEMA Camps with the likes of... Well you know if you have read this site for four months.

DarkMath ago

"filling up those FEMA Camps"

So George Webb is just the knock out gas to keep us Deplorables distracted so we don't see the death blow coming.

Interesting theory, I'll have to think about that for a while. My gut reaction is if there is a "Deplorable Death Blow" coming that will put us all in FEMA Camps the fact George Webb kept us calm is irrelevant. But I'll get back to you after I've thought about it for a while.

FE_Rebekah ago

I heard him say he was a Zionist too..

I got the same gut feeling you did, for all the reasons you mentioned, plus him changing the title of his videos to "Killing is Good Business." He seemed to enjoy saying it, and like you said, it felt like he was subtlety messing with my mind..

I think your instincts are on point. Thanks for sharing..

V____Z ago

I noticed that too. Whilst seemingly enjoying the drama, on the flip side he does not seem to have an ounce of human emotion for the victims of the crimes he talks about. So why does he do it? Why not get a real job? Distraction agent.