Stormer-chan ago

This "George Soros is a Nazi" meme needs to end, he does not claim guilt today because he himself is a cog in the machine that Germany was fighting against, did you ever take a moment to consider his opinion & viewpoint is based on knowing more than that which was allowed to be written?

Although I voted up on the aspect of hunting parties I must make this criticism more clear & known.

Some will give you a much harder time than just criticism alone but I hope you can understand.

idontlikesalmon ago

That forrest is actually not so big, is a public area and is in the middle of a densily populated area. Sounds like bullshit to me.

sunajAeon ago

Could you expound please

sunajAeon ago

Excellent idea-to understand Pizzagate one must study the cast of evil characters

sunajAeon ago

James Bond character based on a super soldier for this elite sub-humans

sunajAeon ago

Can ANYBODY tell me why some man hasn't blown this guy's face through the back of his skull yet I have read these stories for years, never have I seen any investigations or reporting on MSN

catslovejustice ago

Dr. Phil just got booted off of Dutch media after he aired an episode exposing Elite Pedo Rings. Hmmm and Kendall, the girl on Dr. Phil talked about children hunting parties.

equineluvr ago

"Just researching Soros would be great."

Yes, YOU NEED TO DO THAT because you have NO CLUE what you're saying (yet again).

equineluvr ago

As always, you have NO CLUE what you're babbling about!

Soros is NOT a Nazi. You have the WRONG TRIBE. (You need to learn those.)

Soros is NOT anti-Israel. Soros is ROTHSCHILD-FUNDED, and ISis-RA-EL is a ROTHSCHILD creation.

Soros Funded by Rothschilds

Israel created by Rothschilds (They also funded ALL of the Israeli government's MASONIC buildings)

Jerusalem Post -

"Soros, 86, is not happy with Israeli government policy and makes no secret of it. But to say that he is totally anti-Israel is untrue, considering that he has investments in Israel, and that in May 2014, a statement on the BDS website read, “The Palestinian BDS National Committee, the largest coalition in Palestinian civil society that is leading the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for Palestinian rights, called today for a boycott of the Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations due to the recently announced... investment by Soros in Sodastream stock and increased investment in Teva Pharmaceuticals, both Israeli companies that are deeply involved in violations of international law.”

Finally, the DNA studies you cite are in dispute and DO NOT fit with the history of the Jews dating back to Sumer.

sunajAeon ago

I wonder how many people here are of the persuasion that these blood-sucking sub-humans are not actually humans /hybrids? This behavior just doesn't seem human

samhara ago

Friso, the brother of the present King of Holland died an un natural death a few years ago. His widow is definitely a "spook" big time.

Dunno why but they didn't attend his funeral; and he was supposedly brain dead for a while before they pulled the plug.

The widow is using the Royal titles, though technically she is barred from that, since because of her past [consorting with some criminal] she was lacking approval by the Parliament; which by law she must have to use the title.

equineluvr ago

It is most definitely a RACE. Practice of the religion of Judaism is optional for a BLOODline Jew. (Many are completely agnostic.)

Consider these points:

  • One cannot convert to a big nose, funny-looking eyes, and a surname ending in -stein or -berg
  • Jews typically marry other Jews. That makes the Jewish "community" a closed gene pool, which is why so many geneticists love to study them.
  • There are scores of Jewish GENETIC diseases. Obviously, this has nothing to do with the religion of Judaism or going to a synagogue.
  • Rabbis state that there is a Jewish "race."
  • Jews refer to their "tribe." Obviously, "tribe" has nothing to do with religion.
  • Every crypto Jewish male that I have researched has married a Jewish (bloodline, not religion) woman.
  • Jews attempt to hide themselves behind changed surnames and outward religions, but once you learn what to look for you can spot them. Craniofacial morphology and body habitus are excellent ways to spot them. (Again, this is about genes/DNA and not religion.) Genealogy, if available, is also quite helpful.

new4now ago

Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network

Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the US. At least 34 child mass grave sites were identified in Ireland, Spain and Canada – and refused excavation by the respective governments, Crown of England and Catholic Church. Named as present in Ninth Circle activities were Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger;Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Cardinals; members of European royalty including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip; officials of the Canadian, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians and businessmen from the US, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland and the UK.

Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to this week’s latest eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland.

In Ireland, Spain and Canada 34 child mass grave sites were discovered and appeared linked to Ninth Circle activities. The largest was the Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford Ontario where child remains were identified in 2008 before the Catholic Church, Canadian government and English Crown shut down the dig by professional archeologists. The 2013 ICLCJ Court had found Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip guilty for the Oct. 10 1964 disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic residential school in Kamloops British Columbia. In the first two weeks of the 2014 court witnesses identified Dutch and Belgian royal participants in the rape and killing of Mohawk children and newborns. Named were Bernhard and King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland.

Another court document called the Magisterial Privilege indicated child sacrifice was a regular occurrence at the Vatican. At the tender age of 12 “Svali” of San Diego County California claimed she was brought to catacombs beneath the Vatican to witness the sacrifice of a three year-old drugged boy. In this video her interviewer said that 24 years prior a “Maria” told him she witnessed another satanic child sacrifice rite in the same Vatican Catacombs.

found guilty in same court was Pope Francis and Pope Benedict, also Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip

Pope Francis’s fast ascension to head the Argentina Catholic Church was suspected to be a result of an agreement between Pope Francis and the Junta military to traffic children from Catholic orphanages

A year ago Catholic Pope Francis came to power over the global Catholic Church after Pope Benedict resigned from office. The unprecedented resignation of a Catholic pope happened within days of Pope Benedict being served an arrest warrant by the same international court that would try Pope Francis in March.

The five or six year-old child was gagged, repeatedly raped, killed, disemboweled and dismembered. Her blood was consumed by nine red-robed figures that included a member of the British Royal Family.

Child Sacrifice Aborted; Satanists Arrested; Cargill, Sinclair Executives Implicated

Nicole Kidmans Father was said to be involved with the cult

Godwillwin ago

i have a thread on here somewhere about Cargill. i can't remember what i found, but l remember researching Cargill.

sunajAeon ago

This like a bad dream, I know its true, I just can't believe it...

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

There is no court by that name that you mention. it's made up. it's all part of Kevin Annett's fiction. He is an Occupy Wall Street communist wacko that plagiarizes real stories, like that of Marc Dutroux and the x-dossiers, and incorporates them into his completely made up courts of crap. His sites (yes, sites, he runs multiple) are NOT a legitimate source of information. If you want to learn more about the Netherlands and Belgium and the real atrocities there, there are other actual real sources that are trustworthy. The defrocked priest's sadly, are not.

new4now ago

Went with what the titled story showed. What I wanted to do was introduce The Ninth Circle and how wide spread it is. I believe these are the Illuminati. The crimes are very real, The satanic sickness is very real. Many of these stories have been in the news but lacking details and seem to be quietly going away. How do you fight something so big, so dug in, so protected? So many swamps, But a good start is cleaning up our own swamp, that we are not complacent or enablers of this. Our Judicial System needs big changes to meet this demand. Getting the foxes out of the henhouse and death sentences with no appeals. I will try to be more careful on the things I post, Common sense says there's something up with that court. I tend to look everything up and failed to do so. Thank You for correcting, but the links I posted, I believe, tells about a very frightening cult, one of which wants to continue doing what it does, and will do everything and anything to do just that

V____Z ago

I think the main point of pizzagate, something none of us want to really digest, is that this is all actually satanic. It is no coincidence that Hillary has been practicing witchcraft since the 70's, and that Guccifer2 said

“Hillary Rodham Diane Clinton is one of the high priests, a goddess of this ocult, (sic) satanic, shadow group. One must see their evil and profoundly corrupt motive to understand what I am talking about.”

sunajAeon ago

Great post but Fox news for a reference?

Godwillwin ago

guccifer really did write a letter to fox news. he's a political prisoner

V____Z ago

They're the only ones that reported on this, so yeah.

V____Z ago

We also have our own Bohemian Grove, and tales of these very same things going on there, one tale involving Hunter S Thompson, and one of the victims from the Franklin Case.

sunajAeon ago

I have read Thompson was a handler, but neve seen evidence that was convincing

ravensedgesom ago

thank you op for the links seems to be legit testimony albeit completely disturbing

V____Z ago

i know, i'm sorry. but it's so important for us to know since Soros has so much influence, and is actually considered to be a philanthropist!

cult_of_philanthropy ago

They say they're "doing so much good" for everyone....and that's how I arrived at my user name. It's pretty disgusting how they basically "rape" good people of their hard earned money for their "philanthropic deeds". Soros, CGI, CF, McCain,NCMEC and so many more. I've long thought it better to simply help those in and around one's community rather than giving to some "charity" that sucks all the money into administrative salaries and fundraisers, aka elite networking parties.

The woman in the video is very brave and I will pray for her safety.

ravensedgesom ago

All we can do is to keep digging and spread the information after its been checked and verified. These people are incomprehensible monsters.Beatrice has appeared somewhere before in this investigation but I can't recall. As the women stated these people are operating outside of investigation and accountability. Its left up for open source investigators like ourselves to expose these bastards.

PrincessCinderella ago

I firmly believe Good will defeat Evil in the end. Stay positive! We will win in the end!

V____Z ago


V____Z ago

There are other first hand accounts of human hunting parties in Europe and Australia. They are heinous, and the people in the videos can barely keep it together to tell their story. You can see that they relive it as they tell it. I heard about the Hampstead case, and studied everything I could in it, absolutely horrified. During that search, I ended up finding out about these parties, and the fact that Soros was there. I literally had to take a break from the Internet after that, I was so shaken, I went numb. I quit investigating this stuff until pizzagate popped up. Not I am glad to be able to share because it's less horrifying when you've got a community to discuss it with you. Years ago I had to just sit with this knowledge all alone.

Precipitate ago

And you just know they're doing it at Los Cazadores campground outside of Bohemian Grove.

20Justice4All17 ago

Sorry to say, this has been going on-and reported on-for a long time.

Mencomot ago

I just woke up from a weird dream about sneaking through a cult complex and then being arrested, then intimidated, then released but followed by a man and a woman in two different cars. They trapped me on the freeway and got out with silver six shooters and started firing at my vehicle. I managed to get away unscathed and ran through a field toward the tree line. While watching out, I checked instagram on my phone (lol) and saw a meme that said "if you wake someone up, you'll wake up dead." It's the first time I've seen a meme in a dream and so I made it.

azamber ago

That's funny. I used to spend so much time on Facebook, that I would dream I was scrolling through my newsfeed, complete with (made up by my brain) memes, statuses, pictures, news I just wish I could remember some of the memes, they were pretty good.

Death2Masons ago

You can't wake up dead. But I think I get it.

Mencomot ago

That bothered me, too. It's impossible, of course, but it was in the dream and I made it so :)

V____Z ago

I'm jealous. I never have cool dreams.

sound_of_silence ago

(13:00) “I suddenly discovered there was a child there that I had seen killed. I burst out in tears. My husband was driving. He put his arm to me and he said, “Don’t bother. They’re children of a minor order. It’s just trash. It doesn’t matter that they are killed.”

Another example of the elite existentialism pedo mindset.

To the pedos who believe the end justifies the means, innocent children are just fuel for their fire – the means to an end. This is the typical Satanic / Luciferian outlook, pedo or not. It’s the same reason soros can say he has no guilt over committing atrocities that we call evil – because If someone’s going to do it… why not let it be me?

MSM and controlled opps want to convince us that pedo is an “acquired taste” and that there’s such a thing as power-elites who are “pedo-lite,” but that isn’t true.

Destroying innocence is their religion… it’s how they worship… and the means by which they ascend to that “higher order” of illuminated masters. This enlightenment by any means necessary is what their lives revolve around. This is what the giants of pizzagate are involved in.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Guys I don't doubt some of this is true but the "International Tribunal Court in Brussels" aka "George Dufort" is a scam/hoax run by a nut bag and defrocked Anglican priest in Vancouver. It is bullshit and doesn't exist. He takes true stories and add a his own spin and people then believe and circulate it. Please stop spreading the inaccurate/fabricated sources like this one as it delegitimizes the real pizzagate investigation.

sunajAeon ago

Thanks, first I heard this report, if anyone has a good link on this "court" please post it (sorry if someone has already posted it)

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Kevin Annett runs dozens of websites under a variety of names - ITCOJ, ITLCJ, ITCCS, etc.

There is no Common Law Court in Brussels. Only the US and U.K. Use common law, the rest of Europe uses civil law. It's all a cleverly worded hoax. Including the so called Ninth Circle Sacrifice Network or whatever.

Also look at his email addresses - and Why would an international court of this caliber be using free email addresses? It makes no sense.

Shame on people like Annett that take real stories and mold them into a non-existent mega-conspiracy. There's enough evidence of conspiracy in the first place but the truth is that not all the dots can always be connected. People that try to go out of their way to tie every conspiracy known to man into one easily explainable story should always be viewed with skepticism. It's probably fair to say that most "conspiracies" are associated with NWO type agendas, but not all - and there is no consensus on who exactly is behind the NWO. Some say Jews, some say British, some say Freemasons, some say Vatican/Jesuits, some say Illuminati, some say CIA, some say Knights Templar, some say Nazi's. who freaking knows. All I know is anyone that tries to tell me that they are the one true source of knowledge of these things and that their explanation of it all regarding the sources and background and purpose/agenda - I am going to immediately question why I should believe anyone else over their perspective.

It's bad enough that The Powers That Be lie and hide things from us, but even worse that people try to steal the podium to spoon feed us their own narrative and expect us to trust them - when really we don't know if they are Cointel, Disinformation Agents, Gatekeepers, etc.

I've noticed the further you go down the rabbit hole the closer you get to outright schizophrenical bullshit pushed by nutbags. It takes a great deal of common sense to approach things rationally. Just because there is evidence of an obvious coverup doesn't automatically mean it is proof of a very specific theory behind it. Clinging to one single explanation behind every conspiracy is as closed minded as the people who don't believe in conspiracy theory at all and believe everything the MSM tells them to. Let's not be as stubborn as those people.

V____Z ago

The testimony in this article is the important point. Are you able to prove the first hand account is an act? that the woman in the video is bold faced lying? That would be relevant.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

The burden of proof is on the person actively making the claim. I am not lying about the "international tribunal court of justice... in brussels" being bullshit. it's made up. It's concocted by a defrocked priest named Kevin Annett. This is all well known. There are real testimonies of real SRA victims, and I have no doubt that he has incorporated their actual testimony into his bullshit. It still doesn't validate the rest of the crap on and and whatever the hell else he runs.

V____Z ago

This post is about the testimony, not the ITCOJ so I'm not sure what you're on about.

artfullyours ago

It sounds to me that he may have been through some mind control things himself. He said he has had these thoughts since childhood. Aren't some kids singled out and told they are very special while being tortured and raped? No excuse but may be an explanation?

hamans_revenge ago

Soros is a jew you raging fucktard.

HollandDrive ago

We know. And he doesn't give a damn about anybody.

V____Z ago

How am I a raging fucktard? It says he's Jewish in the post. Doesn't mean he didn't help the Nazi's. He probably hates himself and that's why he has no trouble watching children be tortured, and murdered.

Tb0n3 ago

lololololololol you guys

Karbuster ago

This is just disgusting

Why isn't this headlining every news site and channel?

shoosh ago

They own the news outright, or own people who own media outlets. Him and Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the German and UK members and others are part of the small circle, that ripples out in larger rings. People like Clintons are only wannabe's who bow to them in the outer rings of the circle, as pathetically described in Hillary's Podesta wikileak to Lynn Rothschild, Rothschild's tweet berating and dressing down of John Podesta and Podesta's immediate media scramble to regain face (as ugly as that mug is). Look at Podestas idiotic claim that people believed it was a false flag to remove guns, when Rothschilds earlier tweet stated that guns should be removed. They're very deviant, evil, corrupt, stupid rich people who run our world.

Cid ago

Do you have to ask?

ArtificalDuality ago

A lot of this is suppressed big time here in The Netherlands.

Micheal84 ago

Suppressed? Its more like totally covered up, nothing of this you will read in the MSM.

ItsMeMilo ago


V____Z ago

That sounds just like America. When royals are involved (here, our royals are people like the Clintons and Soros) rules don't apply. And they control the media, so we don't hear what they don't want us to hear.

HollandDrive ago

Bill Still speaking about Soros, referencing the FBIAnon AMA (it's short):

redditsuckz ago

“Oh, forget Soros, leave him alone, he’s got enough problems,”

  • Donald Trump

AmishMechWarrior ago

I think with this Syria fiasco, even the most die-hard Trump supporters are starting to see he's not honest. Years ago he "identified in many ways as a Democrat", but then when he wanted to be president he said the right words and a significant segment of the conservative voting base just took him at his word without ever doing any serious research on the man, or selectively researching out of a desperate need to believe that they actually had a representative in the race. What they failed to realize is that the Left also was in the same exact boat with Hillary Clinton. So odd that they are old friends right? We're supposed to believe all that is in the past and the election was not staged to offer one of two neoliberal fascists; one speaking populism, the other speaking liberalism, and yet both secretly spoke corporatism. We are not a functioning democracy anymore and this election was naked proof of that.

sunajAeon ago

No fucking way! Have we all been had

V____Z ago

Gimme some Bill Still any day, long or short.

Jem777 ago

Bill Still is awesome:)

V____Z ago

(So are you though)

HollandDrive ago

Snippet from FBIAnon on Soros:

79487934: Is Soros an ideologue or a profiteer? He seems a bit old to be the latter.

Ideologue. Believes he and his cohorts are the answer to ending all world wars. Todd Huizinga’s book The New Totalitarian Temptation reveals the mindset quite adequately.

79488021: Where does Soros stand in all of this?

Soros funds, instructs, and influences every layer of government. right down to the tax code.

And here is nicely formatted piece of the complete FBIAnon AMA:

V____Z ago

Brilliant. Adding to post.

jewburger14 ago

The reason he's a "nazi sympathizer" is because he knows the Holohoax® was 100% staged and financed by his fellow jews.

AmishMechWarrior ago

It would really help if you would learn the difference between being a Zionist and being a Jew. Zionists are behind a lot of global political manipulation whereas Jews is the term for an ethnic or religious group covering a broad swath of humanity. There are definitely Jews that are anti-zionism.

redditsuckz ago

George Soros and Hitler helped the Jews to the "summer camps" where they were protected from the bombings and then after the war Israel was created and they were given Israel as a country of their own.

Now why do they need Israel?...because they knew the day would come when the goyim would wake up and kick them out of their countries so they needed a country to fall back on...thats why the Jews in USA government have dual citizenship...Israel and the US.

Did Hitler ever talk about Jewish Ritual Sacrifice of children?...NO...he helped them get their country Israel.

This is why the Jews control nearly 100% of all cover up their crimes;

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult

sunajAeon ago

I hadn't heard that Jews were put in camps to protect them before

cussingaintfunny ago

Probably because it's a hateful lie.

V____Z ago

The reason he is a "nazi sympathizer" in this article has nothing to do with whether the holocaust happened, but he admits to collecting property from his fellow Jewish people, saying he feels no guilt about it because they would have lost that property anyway. It builds the overall message I'm trying to elucidate here, which is that George Soros is a psychopath, a dangerous person who happens to exert a fuckton of control over the US and beyond.

Laskar ago

That's why Amazon and Barnes & Noble had their book burning. They don;t want people to know the truth. That's who they continue continue their money scam over 70 years later, while ignoring the Armenia/Greek/Assyrian, the Bolshevik initiated genocide in Russian including the Ukrainian Holodomor genocide, the Iranian genocide, the Chinese commie genocide--in total over 300 million people. All of it perpetrated by the same group under different names.

YingYangMom ago

Rwanda & Serbia/Bosnia Genocides?

Laskar ago

Oh, yes, of course. And the Serbian genocide is ongoing.

Laskar ago

Oh, and the ongoing genocide of Palestinians--still happening--since 1948.

wheelmaker ago

Finally someone said it

HollandDrive ago

It is said here all the time, you guys just don't know how and when to judiciously bring the topic up. You think you can just ram it down people's throats. But how long did it take you yourself to get redpilled about it? Thus you are heavily downvoted because people think you're shills (and JewBurger IS a shill).

In the posted you tube here of Bill Still (it's short) just look what FBIAnon says about George Soros. Choose your red-pilling moments wisely.

YingYangMom ago

It is said here all the time, you guys just don't know how and when to judiciously bring the topic up. You think you can just ram it down people's throats. Choose your red-pilling moments wisely. And there are others though that need to hear it.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

wheelmaker ago

That was an overreaction...

HollandDrive ago

Possibly. Since I don't know you in particular ... there are others though that need to hear it. Apologies.

FuckReddit69 ago

Indeed it was 100% a hoax. The thought crimes in Germany says it all. Can't question the holohoax without going to jail. Free speech at its finest.

sunajAeon ago

The great honorable Dr. Irving was put in jail and fined for his "thought crimes"