pbvrocks ago

Wowser...this was a MAJOR story on FB...this should wake up ALOT of folks!

sunshine702 ago

Oh fuck that! She is talking about intuition on her own facebook. INTUTION is something you should TRUST - even if it is rude or racist or you can't prove it!! Your subconscious has picked up on something that isn't right, something your conscious mind hasn't processed yet. Spidey sense saved her kids and yes I can totally see pervs hanging out at IKEA. It's somewhere where people spend a lot of time.

YingYangMom ago


Check this other very similar story that people can't stop talking about on FB.

"One Mother's Chilling Close Encounter With a Team of Child Abductors That People Can't Stop Talking About"

http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/63877-one-mother-s-chilling-close-encounter-with-a-team-of-child-abductors-that-people-can-t-stop-talking-about http://archive.is/AnJun

Commoner ago

pretty much the same thing.

YingYangMom ago

Yeah. I first thought the story was the one I'd read about, but then I saw "IKEA" and I though, hmm, I don't think it's the same one. Just to say, it's happening more often now, and it seems as if they're teaming up now to abduct children which is a very terrifying thing, especially for single mothers out there.

Breadleaf ago

i think you mean (((they)))

Pokes ago

So, add the LATimes, Fox News and Snopes to those in on it.

cult_of_philanthropy ago

"If you see something, say something"....but only to yourself!!!!

Littleredcorvette ago

More and more people are recognizing their methods and technique. Here is another one. This time at target.

4/5/17 http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2017/04/oregon_moms_facebook_warning_a.html

Death2Masons ago

Snopes? Really?

wincraft71 ago

That's ridiculous that there's any backlash at all. People can't be paranoid enough with their children, especially smaller ones. There's been way too many cases in America of psychopathic weirdos who literally drive around in vans full of duct tape, saws, rope, and other tools just looking for children to abduct.

Not to mention in every country there's people who pose as rich guys in sports cars or regular uber drivers to lure drunk women or girls walking by themselves into receiving a ride and then they go missing.

Makes me think that they want everyone to forget about this so that they can go back to the glory days pre-PG where missing persons don't even raise an eyebrow and communities get ravaged of trafficking victims.

Jem777 ago

Snopes has already been exposed as a bought and paid for democratic propaganda machine. The owners and writers were in some weird relationship. They take money from democratic operatives. It is a joke. The only way to fight back is delete your Facebook...boycott products that do not advertise on YouTube, use a different search engine. Cancel google app right off your phone or computer....get DuckDuckGo or another search engine. Start leaving in droves. Have to hit them in their pockets

carmencita ago

I hate facebook. Never joined. I don't need to know what my friends are eating and what it looks like. Stupid. No Cable. Don't use Google, hate that too. You are so right about boycotting these moneymakers for the elite. Hit 'em where it hurts.

VieBleu ago

way overblown reaction = dampening effect on citizen reporting = de fact censorship.

Happens here too, every day - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1776870

Contrary to what is routinely spouted by TPTB, the community did not co-create the submission guidelines, they were passed down from "on high" and rubber stamped by shills. There was a small amount of input but not much. This place has been curated top down since day 1.

anonOpenPress ago

Well well, there's something positive regarding the awareness again:

inquisitr: "real sex traffickers tend to lure their victims instead of grabbing them in broad daylight in stores. Some of the most sex-trafficked kids are usually runaways or those belonging to parents or foster care parents that actually sell them into sex slavery"

LA Times: "What people don’t understand about sex trafficking can prove lethal to kids."

LA Times: "I have encountered thousands of child sex-trafficking cases in the United States" (!)

LA Times: "Parents or foster care parents selling their children."

LA Times: "child sex trafficking can happen to anyone"

Snopes, they don't share any facts on how sex trafficking actually takes place. Why should they. (sarcasm)

V____Z ago

Snopes is apparently Soros-funded.

Soros... the guy who was literally seen at "human hunting parties".

Eye witness to Soros + human hunting parties https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee6PvGw_ne0

Zero Hedge: George Soros Is Funding Facebook's "Third-Party Fact Checking" Organization Targeting "Fake News"

Nadeshda ago

Thanks for sharing, I hadn't see this video before. What a state of affairs. I think the more we keep sharing, the more awareness, the better. It's just the fact that they are preying on the weak, the vulnerable, the defenceless, the destitute and the hopeless. These children that in a blink of an eye are defiled, tortured and killed before any chance of hope, love or light. Others that are handled through temptations, lusts and weakness that surpress the truth for love of money, status or security.

It just breaks my heart.... I guess if you do not know how evil, evil really is... one may never comprehend the depth of goodness either which always surpasses that which is evil. We cannot give up hope.

I get it, the world is the devils playground and we are but pilgrims passing through. We have an opportunity to make a change while we are here and shine light on the darkness.

Sorry for all the words, sometimes one just has to be free, some scripture that is speaking deeply to my soul right now...

" For the fruits of the light are in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth. And search out what is pleasing before our Lord: And have no commerce with the works of darkness which are unfruitful, but reprove them. For the things they do in secret, it is nauseous even to mention. For all things are exposed and made manifest by the light: and whatever maketh manifest, is light."

  • Eph 5:9-13 (PNT)

V____Z ago

We are dealing with the devil, this is exactly the time and place for Scripture <3

Nadeshda ago

You are such a blessing, I am sorry there are those that are trying to drain all your energy in this matter. Praying for you! Just know you are appreciated! :-)

V____Z ago

Bless your heart. I don't need prayer, it's the children who are screaming out as we speak....

Nadeshda ago

I have to point this out, it is rather important... We have to pray for each other also... :-)

And pray ye, with all prayers and supplications, in the spirit, at all times: and in prayer be watchful, at all seasons, praying constantly, and interceding for "all the saints: " Ephesians 6:19

Praying for the vulnerable, weak and abused is a given and a must. Praying for those who are tirelessly working to expose the darkness is also a must, my friend... Love and blessings in HIS name... :-)

V____Z ago

Amen! And it just happens to be Sunday. Blessings to you and thank you so much for the prayers.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Don't apologise .. let it out. Help bring love, positivity and enlightenment to this board. I also believe any information that seems relevant to the thread be posted for us all to see as lots of the important things seem to get slid on here.

Nadeshda ago

You are right, there is sometimes a treasure trove of information in the comments section... worth going back over posts as sometimes they are glossed over... there is just so much information relating this and it stretches so far back, it is like a parallel universe that has unfolded before our very eyes...

Caratacus ago

So because a mother had a well-reasoned fear for her children, there needs to be backlash against her? That's bullshit. The worst thing that can come out of this is awareness. When I was a child, I recall two instances where I could've been abducted. An old neighbor wanted me to go "pick tomatoes" with him in the middle of winter. I was 3 in this instance and fortunately, my mother came over and intervened. When I was about 12 some low-life was leaving work at a factory by my house and pulled into my driveway because he "wanted to watch me skateboard." Fortunately, my mother came outside and the guy's demeanor changed. Without a watchful eye, I easily could've been victimized and I tell you, with fire in my eyes, that if I ever witnessed an abduction, or any harm to a child, the perpetrator would "disappear" off this planet, never to be seen again. Stay vigilant.

anonOpenPress ago

Snopes founders personal record supports that it's not a service to be trusted. They fact-check some less important issues perfectly to gain trust, but when there's a bigger scoop they could be bought (or possibly blackmailed) to write whatever the elite wishes. A nicely sourced review from an opposite point of view: http://www.truthwiki.org/snopes-snopes-com/

Snopes serves the leftish point of view and is only used by the leftish media for fact-checking. If they were any reliable, they'd be used by both sides.

equineluvr ago

Censorship and political correctness -- the assassin of truth -- go hand-in-hand.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

As long as we don't confuse the stopping of shit-post-in-real-life PC crap that is real and does come around, with "Hey, I can still be a bitch-ass-racist in this made-for-white[like me] world, because fuck you" thing of historical relevance.
