flyingcuttlefish ago

This is a really big story!

I will blog it ...

projection ago

Excellent post. Thanks.

V____Z ago


LostandFound ago

Yeah I upvoated as soon as I saw the lock her up pic. Then I read your post and agreed with my previous actions :D

V____Z ago


The hatred of Hillary Clinton is one of the most unifying positions in this country, and probably the world.

Pizzalawyer ago

Well hello new friends, I feel better already. We are in for one wild ride what with the Comey firing, DNC case and the upcoming Jeffrey Epstein trial. Trumps timing may have been perfect after all. I'm a big believer in giving them enough rope to hang themselves and that's just what Comey did.

Laskar ago


V____Z ago

the Young Turks did a bit of a preview for how the MSM will cover it, if they do: (3:30)

on the TYT coverage

remedy4reality ago

Jimmy Dore is literally the one and only Progressive I will listen to...

carmencita ago

Well, now we know why they had to throw Bernie under the bus. Think of what they would lose if they let him win, for win he would have. Those of us that were really close to the election and researched the election fraud know that. Little did I know how deep the Rabbit Hole went. There were so many people at the trough that they could not afford to lose all that money and their sick pleasures and the organs. What a Revolting Outcome.

carmencita ago

Little did I know when I was

V____Z ago

I donated over a thousands dollars to Bernie, and am part of this lawsuit. We're suing for damages too, so I might make money off the deal. I'll donate it to @Honeybee_ for her investigative work.

Honeybee_ ago

Haha outstanding!

Pizzalawyer ago

What's outstanding? I'm always interested in your views and your work which is awesome.

V____Z ago

Can't think of anyone more deserving.

Honeybee_ ago

Even if you dont cash in, the thought of you wanting to reward me is overwhelmingly humbling, thank you for always encouraging me and having my back ♡

V____Z ago

My heart is warmed... i have no words. But you are the one who deserves thanks, my dear.

Honeybee_ ago

@V____Z and others are possibly receiving a settlement regarding DNC case because they donated to Bernie!

V____Z ago

Jared Beck and his wife are suing on behalf of ALL registered Democrats, it turns out.

To keep us with the case, ollow @ JAMPAC on Twitter or Jared Beck on Twitter, or his wife, @ CrankyLawyer who is a complete badass.

V____Z ago

We're suing for damages, so i should get not only my $1,100 back, but another $1,100 plus, before lawyer fees. Karma baby!

That extra money officially earmarked for Honey Bee, as the researcher most likely to actually HELP the children at the heart of our pizzagate investigation. In fact, she has already done so, in spades <3

Honeybee_ ago


bopper ago

Bernie! Bernie was a socialist you guys :) It's OK.

V____Z ago

Turns out he was controlled opposition :(

bopper ago

Oh well, politicians will be politicians. He might have been somewhat sincere, but his platform was free everything for everybody and we're $17 trillion in debt. Made no sense. I haven't voted for years 'cause I caught wind that it's all a game, divide and conquer. Trump seemed, w/ all his warts, a real person to me.

carmencita ago

Wow. We donated quite a bit too, for us anyway. You certainly hope to win something as well as the others. Here's hoping.

V____Z ago

You can easily join the suit - it's not too late. No amount is too small.

Pizzalawyer ago

Thanks so much for this post. I'm here now in part due to the debacle that was the Democratic Primary. I was a Bernie Sanders supporter and due to a prolonged illness I spent most of the primary in bed watching and listening to the primary battle 8, 10, sometimes 12 hours per day. Even though I was a registered independent , I couldn't believe the illegal and immoral conduct of the DNC, the MSM and the the Clinton camp. It changed my worldview entirely. When Pizzagate broke out, I had no trouble accepting that the vile accusations could be and probably were in all likelihood true. Once upon a time I was a liberal, I don't know where I belong now on the political spectrum. I just want truth and justice and partisan labels be damned. I do blame the Clintons for unleashing one of the most corrupted forces ever in American politics.

Whattheheck321 ago

Ya I used to be a full fledged liberal, but have become more conservative over the years. I value politicians that embody integrity these days the most. What happened to Bernie was disgusting and I am still shocked by how many people just overlooked it or turned a blind eye. The corruption of MSM and the democratic national committee regarding the election, in my opinion, was a travesty, but unfortunately not surprising.

jstrotha0975 ago

I used to be a liberal when I was a teen. then I grew up.

Pizzalawyer ago

Then you haven't grown up much. Liberals were behind the social justice movements of the 1960s and 1970s and supported the Bill of Rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press and right to assemble. We once fought corruption, now the limousine liberals have cornered the market on corruption. .There's been a total inversion it seems. They have become the thought police and believe that the end justifies the means, just look at BAMN. Sorry for the lecture. Maybe you don't know post WWII history as much as my generation does to see the ebb and flow and transformation of people and ideas.

Laskar ago

The CIA was behind all those movements.

Dave McGowan:

Miles Mathis:

also: Joan Baez info:

jstrotha0975 ago

Yes you're right, we shouldn't fight. We have a common enemy. There are plenty of good Liberals and Conservatives. We let a few rotten apples ruin everything for us. I'm so tired of fighting.

Verite1 ago

That kinda sounds like you're insulting liberals and Berners.

jstrotha0975 ago

I apologize to the sane Liberals and Bernie supporters. If you get a job you cease to be a Liberal because you understand how the real world works.

Verite1 ago

I have several jobs TYVM, but I'm smart enough to realize trickle down economics has never worked and democratic socialism simply means restrained capitalism to ensure certain institutions like education EPA and healthcare remain strong for everyone not just some people and that it is in your own self interest to have a government that protects them i.e. a small limited government that hasn't been corrupted by money

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Derpa derp, you sound like an independent guy that built his own roads and such. Well done, creating the market on your own.

jstrotha0975 ago

No, working my ass off. Nobody gave me nothing.

V____Z ago

Our stories are quite similar.

This is said to be one of the most important cases in US history, and the media isn't reporting on it at all.

The Young Turks is the InfoWars of the "left" - the shiny giant media that touts itself as an alternative voice, yet spouts mainstream propaganda and votes for Hillary. They are downplaying this case, and even called the lawyers "opportunists". They had their most respected journalist come out and do a complete smear on the independent journalists who actually were fairly covering the case. So almost as interesting as the case itself, is the implosion of faux alternative media that has been successfully fooling people and herding the unsuspecting back to the DNC for years. There is a great cleansing afoot!!!

Here are the lawyers being interviewed about the case, this is a little clip where they call out the reporter for shilling

carmencita ago

Here is an article that may help:****This is not a party for those that identify with the Democratic Establishment this is for those that feel disenchanted and feel left out in the cold and with what is going on in our country @V___Z. It is for all people.

green_man ago

I predict a bunch of "I can't recall" and excessive use of the 5th amendment.

V____Z ago

This is commentary on the issue