Laskar ago

So how did the guy who claims he is McCartney now, change his shoe size, eye color, jaw structure, hair swirl growth direction, and ear cartilage? Not to mention the many different voices that appear on his recordings when analyzed? Or the fact that suddenly he was right handed for a couple of years, when the real Paul was left handed? There are credible forensic studies that have been done on him, for those who do not remember seeing the original Paul. Those of us who did know this impostor is completely different, even his whole persona and way of speaking.

Mbailey63 ago

Great work!'

Laskar ago

Gee thanks.

I noticed it fell to page two in favor of several redundant posts with 2 upvotes at this writing.

Laskar ago

Par for the course, for these "mods".

kazza64 ago


HennyPenny ago

It wasn't just hippie musicians that were supposedly tainted with MK Ultra . Since reading Cathy Obrien's stories about Nashille (, my skin crawls when I see or hear Kris Kristofferson, Loretta Lynn, Willie Nelson, ad nauseum.

Laskar ago

Great point. That might make a good red-pill post.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes there is a good chance we have all been tricked by a deep Jew Satanic plot.

Red4reel35 ago

I have been told to read his books by more than one person over the last few years , I think I'll be picking up a few of his books .

hypercat ago

I think instead of walls of text there should be a nice infographic that can be spread out for the masses. Of course with small links at the bottom for anyone wanting to check sources.

doubletake ago

When the 'news' is really the "News". Hadn't heard this story even though pretty familiar with McGowan's work. Amazing coverage. Thanks. Going to have to find a smaller rock to live under.

jesus_is_lord ago

slayer - altar of sacrifice

carmencita ago

You must have worked really hard on this. Thanks OP. I read all of it and many of the reports you included on SRA and MK Ultra. Many on here would not be shocked to read such horrible things done by our govt. I shudder to think what will happen to the public when they are red pilled about these covert operations that they have been doing for decades. The story about Sirhan Sirhan is especially enlightening. I am sad to say that almost nothing surprises me anymore. Serious Upvoats Are In Order.

Laskar ago

I did. Thanks for the good words.

I agree with you about the tragic case Sirhan Sirhan.

We have to look back at the things which shaped the world--the matrix-- we now live in.

carmencita ago

:-) For us the world has already changed. I feel for those that will learn of it all at once. But for all of us the world will never be the same.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I am one of them....only went on this ride right after the election with the beginnings of Pizzagate. I got obsessed and three weeks later I had a totally different opinion of the world and the history of that world. A dark and very bumpy ride to hell.

carmencita ago

I was not far ahead of you. I came here after Reddit dumped Pizzagate. I guess because of the horrible primary for Bernie I was prepared and ready to believe almost anything. I am so glad I am one of the believers and not one that buries their head in the sand. You should be too.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I came here when everyone was yelling about Reddit dumping it. It was linked to a couple of times by FreeRepublic but quickly removed from there with weird cryptic Zionist stuff at the time. I got banned from FreeRepublic for calling out the Jew. But if your not getting banned your not doing enough I figure.

carmencita ago

Well, we are glad to have you and I would wear that banned badge proudly if I were you.

Laskar ago

True. Like Zuckerberg and the rest, they are actors in the matrix that the intelligence services have created that the masses think is reality. That's why there is so much resistance to the truth. Pizzagate is a lever that opens Pandora's box of evil.

Look at Joan Baez pretending to be a peace activist, but she's fine with Obama bombing 8 countries, or any wars going on in the past 40 years. She is a creation of intel, as was the whole hippy "movement". Some people are so threatened by her obvious hypocrisy that they postulate she has been "replaced" with a double, which is nonsense. I saw her then and later and she is the same person--a tool of the pedo establishment.

Jobew1 ago

props for citing the great (late) Dave McGowan -- the book is great and lots of great yt interviews out there

Laskar ago

Thanks. I mourn his loss. I am glad I read all his stuff before it "disappeared". He had a lot on pedos and child abuse. but I think it was his historical stuff they killed him over, not just the CIA/Laurel Canyon/drug stuff but the truth about the Lincoln assassination. Real information is disappearing from the web in general, even faster than from VOAT. People are being murdered. Let's not forget: Max Spiers, Aaron Swartz, Monica Petersen, Seth Rich, Michael Collins Piper, Victor Thorne, Michael Hastings, etc.

Jobew1 ago

it sucks he's gone. brave dude. his death was pretty suspect with a cryptic yt comment warning him of aggressive cancer which he got like a couple of months later. i tend to think it was the Laurel Canyon and Boston marathon bombing research IMO (the message was sent on one of his bostom marathon talks). But, i never read his Lincoln thoughts. He was however making the connections to those pulling the strings on a whole lot of evil stuff, including the pedo (his paper on it is still available on the internet). You can also find on the net a posting of a lengthy email exchange with Col Aquino where he pretty much shreds him

Laskar ago

Since the 60s, they have been able to induce fast acting rare aggressive forms of cancer. That's how they killed Jack Ruby (real name Jacob Rubinstein, who shot Lee Harvey Oswald). They did not walk him talking in prison, or standing trial.

Jobew1 ago

yeah i'm with you 100%. ruby was beggin to talk in prison, too

Laskar ago

He sure was.

quantokitty ago

Had no idea. Interesting post. Baby Rose. Doublespeak for Rosemary's Baby? Or vice versa?

Laskar ago

And the picture of the girl with rose on the album cover. The blood red rose has occult significance as well---too much to go into here.

quantokitty ago

Oh, yeah. Rosicrucians, satanists, etc.

Rmm ago

Wonderful piece of research--so many connections it's getting hard to keep track.

Laskar ago

Thanks. It's the tip of the iceberg.

SturdyGal ago

Great post. MIT infamous for MKULTRA. So many things went over my head and this was one of them. Now it's as clear as it can be.So many people harmed for no good reason.

Laskar ago

No good reason, exactly, but a few bad ones.

Besides just evil, their reasons are control through blackmail and the creation of MKUltra slaves to do their bidding--all together a matrix instead of reality.

Popular music, movies, and "political" movements--all created at Langley (CIA east) or Hollywood (CIA west).

Miles Mathis who wrote an excellent research paper on how Game of Thrones is a pure Langley creation, as well as many other papers has been "disappeared" from the web.

wtf_is_happening ago

You gave me a shock so I checked and Miles Mathis website is definitely up. I love that guy's theories. Really makes me see the world differently.

Laskar ago

His site was down for nearly a week. I am so glad to find it up again, thanks so much!

Laskar ago

I just saw that. Thanks. I got worried because it was down for nearly a week.

One of my favorite papers: I Would Like To File a Suspicious Transactions Report On The Entire Twentieth Century" :

DarkMath ago

That's true. But I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say George H.W. Bush has done stuff a billion times worse than anything Trump could have done.

turitelle ago

HW Bush had way more time in power in the CIA, vice president then as president to do heinous things. Trump just got into politics. People who voted for him believed Trump would get out of those wars but instead he bombed one country based upon a false flag and just dropped the biggest bomb ever made on the poorest country in the world because the pentagon wanted to try it out and suddenly he's the man. The Bushies and the Clintonista's ALL love him now. Please convince me he's not part of it because he's walking back on his promises pretty efficiently.

DarkMath ago

"Please convince me he's not part of it"

The biggest piece of evidence I have is those 59 Tomahawk missiles. Half didn't work and the other half only did minor damage to the airfield. I think Trump told the Russians an hour before the attack. The airfield was back in operation within hours.

So right there it's a hoax. I could be wrong as always but I'm starting to see what looks like the beginning of a takedown. Trump has to avoid looking like he's fighting the Deep State on behalf of the Russians. So what do they do? The do a phony missile attack and make it look like it's about to be WWIII. That bought Trump maybe a 1 or 2 month window of time where he can attack the Deep State without people thinking he's a Russian puppet.

I strongly suspect Trump was either told or he told everyone that the Deep State takedown had to happen within 6 months or else. The "or else" is the beginnings of a Civil War. This is serious shit that's happening. People don't realize there is a very high probability some of the high level perps will be hung by the neck until dead. We have no American Government and no Constitution anymore. Those are things worth dying for and if Trump doesn't do something people will do it themselves. That's what the 2nd Ammendment is for. You could even see the Military decapitate traitors within their ranks. They took an oath to protect the Constitution. If they have evidence of high treason they have the right to walk into some generals office and shoot a traitor in the heart and not even be tried for murder. They'll even get a metal for it possibly.

Laskar ago

Yes, unfortunately it is real. I am sorry to hear about your family member suffering from it. There are many poisons and bioweapons dropped in chemtrails

Laskar ago

It's okay. the article you linked was interesting.

Judgejewdy ago

Wow. That is one effed up song. How has it gone unnoticed/ unquestioned. Eyes wide shut, indeed. Thanks for the research.

Laskar ago

Thanks, that is why I posted this, and for the bigger picture. The first time I submitted this, it was immediately removed by one of the mods. It was a lot of work to put it together again.

redditsuckz ago

Well what do you expect when the mods defend the teachings of the Talmud?...

Laskar ago

And wouldn't you know it--Millennial Falcon is right at the top of your link, putting out BS, desperately and obviously trying to do damage control. He's the one who has deleted many of my posts, including the earlier one I did on Joan Baez. People without his bias know the truth about this, but cannot write about it here.

I think you have nailed the real problem with VOAT. As long as we make it vague like "elites" , "globalists", etc, that's okay, but let's just forget about the playbook for all this stuff: the Talmud, and the institutionalized pedophilia among it's followers. Putting articles about the Catholic Church is fine, but don't touch the story of the rabbi who concealed their child rape assembly line, or mohels sucking blood from babies and eating their foreskins. It seems like facts are "antisemitic" to people who have no real Semitic DNA, doesn't it?

redditsuckz ago

or mohels sucking blood from babies and eating their foreskins.

Yep...if rabbis fellating babies are not connected to pizzagate then I dont know what is...

NYC's Health Department appears to be giving up on protecting infants from herpes-infected rabbis who perform controversial "kiss the bris" ritual(DELETED)

Laskar ago

It's hard to get any truth out there when at least one of the mods is certainly a Talmudist.

Laskar ago

That's Joni Mitchell, not Joan Baez. but still good info.

There has been much documented on Morgellons, which it seems is one of "fruits" of chemtrails. It is a genetic bioweapon.

DarkMath ago

"she joined the anti-Trump bandwagon"

What great evidence The Left are insane.

H.W. Bush was/is 100% CIA.

CIA creates MKUltra

Joan Baez is abused in MKUltra experiments.

George H.W. Bush and his son W both endorse Hillary Clinton.

Joan Baez does too.

Joan Baez "joins the anti-Trump bandwagon."

Full Stop

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Yet she ignores those lefty pedos before Trump was elected. Tool....for sure. It appears she was promoted like Amy Schumer. Except Joan has talent. Amy is disgusting.

wtf_is_happening ago

I dunno. Both Amy Schumer's stand up routines and her sketch show have given me a few laughs. Like she's not a BAD comedian. I listened to her narration of her autobiography and there is an emotional chapter where she describes meeting the parents of the Sandy Hook "victims" at a special ceremony at the WH. That made me wonder.

Laskar ago

Baez is the hippie version of Miley Cyrus -- a complete establishment tool. No wonder she comes out of her "funk" to do this.

She is as phony as Amnesty International (of which she claims to be a founder!) an organization that has no problem with child trafficking, mass starvation, and genocide. Like most NGOs it is black ops. It's like Angelina Jolie being a "goodwill ambassador" (gag).

Piscina ago

omg, you are SO right about Amnesty International. Funded by George Soros and so dirty it does more harm than good.

carmencita ago

I am watching. This is a wonderful post and everyone should be upvoating it.

anonOpenPress ago

Lovely to see users putting this much effort into their submissions. Thanks OP @laskar +1

Laskar ago

You are welcome. That's what I am here for. Everyone has a different perspective.

carmencita ago


Laskar ago

Here's a take on Satanic lyrics influencing crime in this interesting article: "You Don't Have to Play Me Backwards...Satanic Ritual Abuse: the Evidence Surfaces" by Daniel Ryder CCDC, LSW:

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