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wellington33 ago

Baba Sathya Sai in frame 0:01. (Known pedo and murderer. Disc from Apes named after him, 'Baba's Mountain')

Coloboma eye in the same frame.

0:05 Baba again.

More Coloboma in frame 0:15 !!!

cosmicmind ago

There are quite a few references to eastern (Hinduism). at :06 a pic of a baby walking pizza.
at :09 a pic of a baby wearing a dress saying, delicious candy coated milk covered sugar babies :09 a rabbit next to a basket containing - are those penises? Easter egg is an important reference to Babylonian Queen Semaramis and I wouldn't be surprised to see symbolic reference to egg/easter in an artistic or graphic manner.

:09 is a pic of a woman (Asian?) sexually tortured. Reference the torture to a UK survivor who claimed that the abusers liked to use objects to torture, in her case a claw hammer.

at :10 and other spots on the vid show writing... is it Japanese? Didn't Hastert allegedly hide out in a Japanese island? This is global.

at :10 a man chained and tortured. Do they damage the soles of the feet so the victim can't walk/escape? they'd see a blood trace of where they went if they did escape?

at :14 another pic of a man tortured over a bed

at :15 what appears to be another photo of a coloboma eye along with a man bound and tortured in the same frame.

In the first 2 seconds I found what I think was a pic of a chuck e cheese mascot, but I can't find it now to confirm.

Perhaps a really important find (for me at least) is the many photo's references to Hinduism. Aside from Sai Baba, whom many westerners and easterners came forward stating that he was a pedophile, there's a fairly recent guru from India, who is making his name in North America, and around the western world.

His name is Sadhu Nithyananda. I'll explain why this is important in context with the topic of the cannablism aspect of pizzagate.

Nithyananda is based in Bengalaru in the province of Tamil, in India. He's actually a member of the sect that goes by the name of Agori. The Agori have a large group that has its base in an Indian city called Varanasi. This group has anciently been accepted by the country, although many have anciently and currently been driven out; they have relative freedom in Varanasi, which is known as the city of the dead. Varanasi has the largest cremation burning pits and people traditionally bring their dead to the city for burial. They use the dead person floating down the river, or in a left over creamation, or pay the cremation man for a dead body.
They are cannibals, although not exclusively, and they allegedly use bodies that are already dead.

The thing is, that the Agori are known for performing any type of activity that would be considered vile or despicable to common people. They believe that it will cause them to confront the worst and detach from it, eventually enabling them to transcend duality (duality/non-duality is part of their belief system.)

One of the features of Agori is that they use the dead corpses in rituals and also eat them.
They aren't entirely cannibals, but engage in cannibalism and body part rituals especially in connection with specific rituals. There are a few youtubes on Agoris and stories about them online.

I don't mean to de-rail this thread, but it's important to know that Nithyananda has a following in North America as well as Europe.

His beliefs claim that he uses dream rituals to communicate with people and open them to his teachings. The Agori believe that if they do a ritual on a dead body they gain the spirit of the body and it will do the Agori's bidding. Nithyananda has wanted fame and money, which he's getting plenty of, the foundational claim being that the spirits help him.
He's open about being Agori, however I have no idea how much of the traditional cannibalistic or body ritual information he teaches his public followers, if any.

I do know that the police in Bengalaru have an open hotline if anyone notices anything that appears to be of a criminal nature performed by their group.

I'm not sure if this video is only referencing Sai Baba only in terms of pedophilia, and I have no information connecting Sai Baba to the Agori sect.

But, there are   Agori followers in north america and Europe, although they may not even be aware that their guru Sadhu Nithyananda is one.  

Again, this isn't meant to derail, because it's not really applicable to pedophilia, but many westerners are following a guru who is Agori (cannibalism and dead body rituals are a necessary part of their structure) and I'm not sure if they're aware of it. This is education toward the potential (?) cannibalistic aspect of pizzagate.

I'm just bringing this up as a heads up, because if you don't know what you're looking for it could be right under your nose in one form or another.... for example the photos of Sai Baba who was not only a pedophile but also a murderer.

VieBleu ago

You should know that duality is a big part of "Illuminati" Mind Control and is symbolized all over the place in logos and art with a black and white checkerboard pattern.
Confronting the worst and transcending - well maybe that's what they tell people to get them to accept child killing, rape, blood sacrifice, consuming "light cake" etc...

I could see how people would want to excuse their filthy actions by using a far eastern religious framework to make it all make sense.

I think it is important that you put this down here, you are not derailing, no need to apologize. This is hive mind think and all information can be looked at for usefullness or discarded as necessary.

To see how duality is used in mind control operations, you can look Here](