OhRutherfordBehave ago

Can you explain to me how that wikileaks diplomatic cable from 2006 implicates CIA and other US personnel partaking in the abuse?

RebelSkum ago

The Cable itself most directly outs Iraqi forces involvement in the torture, but who trained and supervised these Iraqi forces and where exactly was "Site 4"?

We don't know exactly who runs "Site 4" or what it is, however the US military did run a high value blacksite in Baghdad (same city) known as Camp Cropper. This is where Hussein was held and a number of detainees died. This complex could very well fit the profile for "Site 4": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Cropper

In addition, the police and corrections officers of Iraq, particularly Camp Cropper, were trained and supervised at this time by US security contractor DynCorp: https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/dyncorp-iraq

My, and certainly some notable journalists', assertion is that US officials somewhere along the line would have had to have known and/or been complicit in the actions taken at "Site 4", wherever that may actually be.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Sorry I grew up in the inner city ghetto piss ass poor with no great circumstance or lucky breaks....I've seen people that are miserable, mostly at their own doings. Some have risen out of poverty and some are still there. Oppression can only live in ones mind if you let it live there!


In July of 2013 I was standing outside with 2 friends watching a bunch of souped up semi trucks in a convoy heading to a truck show in Notre Dame du Nord Quebec when a glowing, green orb about 10-12 feet in diameter descended from the sky traveling at super high speed at about a sixty degree angle from the west alongside the trans Canada highway in northeastern Ontario. It slowed to a crawl, leveled out and passed near us about 120 feet away. It was in our eyesight for a good 10-15 seconds and disappeared behind the tree line on the opposite side of the highway. All three of us have been hospitalized 2-3 three times with arrhythmia, high blood pressure or other cardiovascular issues and are all on meds for it since. Coincidence?


We all would I think, ex CIA Robert Steele alludes to free energy tech being held back by deep state shadow govt. in Victurus Libertas interview yesterday, don't know how much faith & trust I can invest in him.. Can't pronounce Soros' name properly? I don't know it's all so confusing.


The global warming narrative (IMHO a cover for "studies" in Polar regions, coupled to recent dignitary visits to Antarctica i.e. John Kerry on election day??) lead me to believe a huge psyop will spring from there, keep an eye on all MSM "news" in regards to ice shelves etc.. Very suspect in timing etc.. I'm thinking partial disclosure to woo the masses of unredpilled peeps?

strix-varia ago

Global warming is a huge money grab and partly a lie.

GeorgeT ago

Michael Aquino and his Temple of Set & Satananic Ritual abuse at West Point, covered up by R. Giuliani

HunkaHunka ago

'Set' is also known as the Egyptian 'God of Chaos'. transgendered lesbian Colonel Aquino and Colonel Paul Tate and William Burroughs and Rr. Admiral George W. Morrison (Jim Morrison's father) and Hunter S. Thompson et al were all up their ears in Operation Chaos, staging all manner of fakery such as the Zodiac Killer psy-op, the Ted Bundy bullshit (Bundy was a fucking ADEPT law student, a lawyer essentially, he was no lustful idiot serial killer who just could not control himself, FFS.

try studying and memorizing for a bar exam some time!

lol, tell me it requires no degree or measure of self control and self mastery and ability to delay gratification.

Bundy was intel, he was an actor playing a role, as was Manson.

All part of the Operation Chaos bullshit. What a coincidence that there was a whole wide swath of people opposing the Vietnam War draft , including some pretty impressive law students and medical students and the like, alongside the university arts crowd hippies, and from out of nowhere emerge 'serial killer law student Ted Bundy' and 'serial killer hippie draft opponent Charles Manson' .

gee, ya figure......?

ya figure it all helped make the killers in the jungle over in Cambodia and Nam and Laos look a little bit better to have all these 'evil male serial killers' running around California suddenly ? S

ure was a nice distraction and detour wasn't it?

Zodiac's killing students at picnic grounds, and Manson's killing rich people in Beverly Hills , and suddenly your boys were in as much danger staying home in madhouse California as they were in being drafted to fight in Nam.

Conveeeeeeenient , isn't it?

GeorgeT ago

I like the logic. Makes sense.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I am not for UBI...I worked my ass off to have a great career with it comes a great salary...with UBI there is no competition, so reward is none...we don't need more fat lazy people that don't have any drive to do anything...

strix-varia ago

Well it seems that they want to create a whole race of "people" who are fat and lazy with no drive. They are everywhere.

sunshine702 ago

I wanted to volunteer at Boys and Girls Club in CA when I was 23 ish. Be a positive influence in girls life I hoped. I was turned down. A lot of charities do the exact opposite of what they state - kinda like our laws.

Piscina ago

I'm a big fan of UBI too.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Weird Al - Party in the CIA seems appropriate here ... Wtf are they doing...

srayzie ago

Wow. Thank you for putting this all together. Shocking. I'm going to go read some more!

OrwellKnew ago

It's also good to point out the numerous shell companies, fronts and cutouts employed by CIA in furthering their criminal activity

DynCorp being the most infamous of course

aileron_ron ago

If you do some searching your gonna find American solders raped woman and kids after Germany surrendered. Nothing new

SturdyGal ago

You can tell I am leaving the logic zone and going metaphysical with this, but a period of chaos is also a period of potential. I feel we had zero potential before and would have zero with Hillary or Bernie (though he does seem for the people and I like him). As a people, we are starting to move from a left-right dichotomy to and understanding that our lives are determined by a greedy bipartisan few. The next step, which I think Trump will inadvertently aid, is the understanding that authority and centralization has been unreliable and has not served our interests. When we learn to take our own responsibility and authority back there is nothing we can't do. I firmly believe this and am optimistic about the future. I just wish we could do it faster with less suffering all around.

strix-varia ago

Yes, if hitlery got in, it would be automatic game over. With Trump, he is wanting to take care of the country, or so it seems, and stay out of other country's business. That is a huge problem, going where you don't belong, destabilizing others countries, causing chaos in other countries. Barry was wonderful at that.

Gorillion ago

Otherwise known as "book keeping".

remedy4reality ago

I think Bernie would have been chewed up or like you say, more of the same.

Don't underestimate Trump, at all. He's far more adept than he gets credit for, inarticulate as hell, but a highly functioning individual. In fact, not listening to anyone at the CIA shows me he is on it.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I agree a master chess player...it will be "check mate" very soon :)

crystalclearme ago

The true challenge seems to be motivating people to take an actual look at all of these connections and historical facts. The attachment to mainstream media as only source of "true" information is keeping this from bursting with demands. Has anyone or can anyone direct me towards information about the who is really behind the curtains with the media conglomerates? Is it 3-4? I started yesterday but could use some direction

HunkaHunka ago

Windsor Castle owns the entire global media. The 'media moguls' are just front-man figureheads. http://letsrollforums.com//queen-elizabeths-cia-radio-t31984.html?t=31984

crystalclearme ago

Awesome awesome- off to DIG as the media truly is a bigger problem than any foreign enemy as far as I can tell

Gbuggers ago

Where are all the parents to all these children that are killed and I dont mran in just this case. Combine all the childtren there should be some out raged parents somewhere demanding to know where tbeir children are. Are none of the children we keep reading about missed. Wtf is going on. Why havent missing children been plastered all over every billboard. We know why the msm arent covering these stories but what about the parents of the missing why are we not hearing from any of them. McCanns is only one of nany that any of us probably temembrt

strix-varia ago

Part of the degenerate vultures plan, the breakdown of the family unit.

HunkaHunka ago

that's what is stinky about all this 'male pedophiles murdering a hundred thousand missing children every year to soothe their lustful male penis dinks' stuff

  • no bodies, no parents

and the moment it became obvious that Hillary was too physically ill and too mentally ill to be President, and that she was going to LOSE

the feminist intel crowd rolled out 'Pizzagate', to keep Mama Grizzly all riled up.

Is it possible that Pizzagate is a massive fraud to help the whole feminist 'negros make me smell like fish' crowd save face?

Now that everyone KNOWS that they lied about male serial killers , about male WTC bombers, about male mass shooters , etc.?

Pizzagate is more of the same ol' , same ol', isn't it?

2impendingdoom ago

they used to be on milk cartons. but I think a lot of these kids parents are incarcerated or drug addicts, etc. in the us anyway.

Sinsimel ago

I believe the reason pedosta doesn't get arrested is because he is most likely protected so he can abuse and create mkultra cannidates for the govt. He uses the same MO.

SturdyGal ago

Not only are our children and the children in other countries being tortured and killed, we are funding it. In funding it, we are complicit.

HunkaHunka ago

Miltary intel used tortured prisoners for high risk suicide missions in WW1 - what use for tortured kids ?

with regard to the use of torture and trauma based brainwashing to control 'intel assets' and its possible connection to torture of children in Pizzagate:

Eastern State Penitentiary inmates and Kingston Penitentiary inmates and tortured psychiatric patients were used to storm the German front lines in the Battle of Passchendaele and the Battle of Vimy Ridge in WW1 http://letsrollforums.com//showpost.php?p=199427&postcount=424

http://letsrollforums.com//kurt-cobain-mind-control-t17443p44.html?highlight=kingston+penitentiary Group psychology experiments conducted by the military elite using psychiatric patients in the Civil War surely confirmed that an army platoon needed only one or two suicidally-programmed psychotic individuals to lead an entire regiment into what amounted to certain death, accompanied by coercion from the rear (threats of reprisals, court martials, accusations of 'desertion' and imprisonment or even execution by firing squad if they displayed cowardice and did not 'follow the leader' at the front.)

No one told them that the 'brave guys' leading the way at the front had been tortured for years in a coffin at Kingston Penitentiary and electroshocked at Rockwood, or buried alive at places like Eastern State Penitentiary and probably countless other institutions in 'preparation' for the big day.

Further , preliminary , ongoing (developing) research suggests that at least some, if not many , of the prisoners used in this capacity had been trained soldiers before being imprisoned, such as is the case with Eastern State Penitentiary inmate Harry F Gangewere, who was a dishonorably discharged soldier prior to spending ten years at Eastern State Penitentiary and then being sent into battle on the front line trenches of WW1.

please see the following links, important





Kingston Penitentiary military torture and mind control http://letsrollforums.com//kurt-cobain-mind-control-t17443.html?p=271231&highlight=kingston+penitentiary#post271231

Harry F Gangewere: https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=70783964

a place very similar to Eastern State Penitentiary in Austria, with very similar isolation cells, said to have been a prison for soldiers known as the Narrenturm


"The five floors of the tower were divided into their separate departments. All the patients on the first floor were soldiers - or the so-called ‘military insane’."






The Narrenturm was built in Vienna about, roughly, the same time that Eastern State Penitentiary

was built , and Benjamin Franklin had dealings with its builder Emperor Joseph II. He played chess with him when visiting him in Europe.

Which could have been the genesis of Franklin's idea to build Eastern State Penitentiary

along similar lines.

The implications then are that Eastern State Penitentiary may have intentionally imprisoned and tortured already-trained soldiers , for later use in suicide missions, and that the Germanic nations Germany/Austria were doing the same thing at the Narrenturm.

So WW1 and WW2 may have been planned genocides , using suicidally-programmed individuals on both sides. Essentially guaranteeing the mutual destruction of both sides.

If you find this interesting, could you help research this? For example, can you find out whether Eastern State Penitentiary had an entire ward or wing to house 'criminals' from the military? Kingston Penitentiary is factually documented to have had a section reserved for incarceration and punishment of Canadian soldiers.

HunkaHunka ago

The feminists have used the 'men are war-like idiots' propaganda to discredit men since WW1.

"Look at those violent, hysteria-driven male fanatics killing each other in the millions! WOMEN have to take control over from these morons or we will all die!"

"Men are testosterone-poisoned morons."

That is exactly the sort of feminist propaganda which our social-engineeering universities have been BLEATING INCESSANTLY at teen college girls for 100 years now.

If the feminists only knew the truth.

Which is that 100% of the war dead were either bribed or DRAFTED (forced) to go to their deaths.

Worse, most humans do not wish to kill, or to be killed by, other humans.

So the indescribably evil means by which these massive war casualties were brought about will never be told to same feminists.

No one will tell them that 100% of the young male soldiers were HORRIFIED by what they were being forced into.

No one will tell them that the men leading the charge at the front were the 'walking dead', men who faced being returned to prisons with coffin sized isolation cells and being tortured in coffins , etc. , if they didn't lead the charge.


Basically we are ALL human first (except the psycho ruling class elite), but they divide distract and conquer us by reinforcing every difference possible between us to achieve their depopulation agenda Utopia.

HunkaHunka ago

then there are the poor DRAFTED Vietnam veterans , many of whom returned home after risking their lives, to survive hell on earth, only to be met with the scorn of hippie feminists.

Only to return to communities which were , increasingly, 'closed to males', essentially. Fake 'male serial killer' psy-ops, radical feminist agendas, etc., meant that returning to America meant mass unemployment and cultural ostracism. Second class citizen status for the 'violent, dirty males' basically.. No education. Returning to 'war footing ' urban economies engineered to function increasingly without men. A nation going berserk in its haste to de-industrialize and transfer all jobs to Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. A cult of feminists taught that males have all the advantages due to their gender, and that any man who was poor was surely only poor due to his own laziness and immorality.

Then the added insult of 'cultural marxism' thrown in, with the white feminists taught to despise their own race and to worship blacks, and the black feminists constantly told that black men are useless, violent sluts

strix-varia ago

Yes, remember fkg jane fonda during Vietnam. http://media.patriotpost.us/img/ref/hanoijane.jpg

HunkaHunka ago

Sharon Tate's rented home was a secluded Hollywood/CIA party house at the top of a mountain, which is why it was chosen as the setting to stage the fake Manson murders in.

secluded locale,

once home to HEnry Fonda, record producer Terry Melcher , and sundry others connected to the Manson hoax.

and get this, Terry Melcher knew Charles Manson, knew Jim Morrison, knew Sharon Tate, in fact Manson knew Jim Morrison through Terry Melcher, they were all part of the same psy-ops team. Manson wrote songs used in the Laurel Canyon psy-op. All indications are that he may have written the song 'Horse with No Name' , which was actually sung by Neil Young, who knew Manson. Sinatra and Jim Morrison both had the same hair dresser, Jay Sebring. All indications are that Touch Me may have originally been intended for Sinatra, and that Jim Morrison may have been copying an unreleased Sinatra demo version of the song when The Doors recorded it. Manson girl Lynette Fromme dated The Doors road manager Bill Siddons out of high school together.

see this link:


strix-varia ago

Will check this out! I thought a Horse with No Name was sung by America?

HunkaHunka ago

I researched the hell out of that and found out that Horse with No Name was recorded in England , and I tracked the address of the studio they purportedly recorded it in and on what date.

Turns out Neil Young was ALSO in England at that exact time working on something just blocks from America's studio. America even admitted that "we took a lot of industry flack for that song, everyone was saying it was Neil Young who sang it"

So you know why , cause everyone in the know, in the industry , heard the truth, they all knew Neil Young had been in England with them..etc.

When you know something about the nature of what was going on at that time, that Laurel Canyon was a massive hippie psy-op which they wanted to dress up as a 'mass movement' , when it really was quite artificial....

you can figure out what was going on. They were constantly jumbling the same roster of people around from band to band, rebranding them as 'superband this' and 'new group that' etc. in a shell game.

And cobbling together and 'bringing forward' new guys and new bands like 'America' to flesh things out, to keep the illusion of 'growing trend or movement alive.

so it makes sense that they would 'loan' and 'move' material around to assist establishing new fake bands up the system, and the research bore that out too...

if you look up the album which Horse With No NAme appeared on, that was America's debut album , it was originally released in the UK about six months before it was approved for release in America. GEt this , Horse With No NAme was not even on the original UK debut album of America's! Then Neil Young turned up in England in the interim before it was released with......'Horse with No Name' added to it.

So do the math, it flopped in the UK and they knew they needed something pretty good to explain the 'new hit band' they planned to launch in the U.S....so ....in steps Neil Young to help out. and they claim it was sung by America. It's so obviously a Neil Young song , whether he SANG it or they both sang it together with America copying his voice...

and the research on Neil Young bears out that he was a big part of Operation Chaos. EVeryone knows Operation Chaos was created by British-AMerican intel out of London, who supplied the British INvasion intel bands the Beatles and the Rolling Stones to lead the way and create the long haired hippie scene. Along with the 5th Beatle George Martin of course and probably half of the Wrecking Crew. Elite talent .

So it makes sense that America;s first album came out of the UK , though the roster of America were all army brats who grew up on the same USAF base in the U.S., another giveaway as to who they really were. More sons and daughters like Tate and Morrison et al. David McGowans research on America points out that they had virtually no musical background or experience and suddenly became this massive hit band. He also points that Laurel Canyon hippie bands were famous for not being able to play live and botching many of their live shows.

and Neil Young helped out with the fake KEnt State psyop too, where they claimed four kids had been shot by the National Guard for no reason at an antiwar protest at Kent State University . Neil Young's song 'Four Dead in Ohio' was clearly calculated to publicize that event , and given the forced airplay it received.., obviously part of the psyop . KEnt State was the forerunner to all the other similar false flags like Columbine HS and Sandy Hook. its all the same process used, the same apparatus of planted cops, reporters, coroners and what have you used in all of these things.

Neil Young left all sorts of clues as to having been an agent in the Manson hoax, of course his admitting that he knew Manson. Then there's the creepy 'Down by the River' song , where he sings about shooting his lover, which again is calculated to resonate 'Manson' , and 'creepy stoner hippies in the boonies'; etc.

He was clearly a British agent who was always touching on dark themes of hippies, guns death etc. to build that whole narrative.

strix-varia ago

Well, I have a lot of reading to do. I will look at the links, but wonder where you got all this info? So you are sayin Neil Young was a British Agent? He is a bit of a nutcase now. Are you saying that Sharon Tate wasn't murdered and that the whole Manson thing was a hoax? Where did she go? I'm just realizing that most everything that is fed to us is pretty much fake!!! I have one more question. Did McCartney die and this is actually Faul McCartney that we are seeing these days? I am amazed at the level of lies. I call it a terrifying brilliant plan that continues on and on and on (and they have the ability to keep everyone quiet...all these people just silent).

HunkaHunka ago

I have never entertained the 'Paul is Dead' stuff really , intuition told me it was probably obfuscation to make researchers into other more plausible intrigues look foolish.

It was just a sort of a blind trail, leading nowhere really.

That was my impression of 'Paul is Dead', from what I saw.

I saw no plausible rationale for it , other than to preserve the purported 'profits' of the Beatles because Paul died, and they NEEDED him to keep making money.

That's the official story behind the theory that Paul may have died but been replaced by someone who looked just like him etc. ...


The more I find out about the crowd of people who the Beatles worked for...(Windsor Castle) the more you realize that money is not an object at his level. These people PRINT money. Money is only their tool for control and manipulation. IF McCartney died in a car accident, they wouldn't miss the money, put it that way. They have all the money in the world. INFINITE money.

The world is their chess board.

Their only challenge is in figuring out how to USE money to preserve, enhance or acquire power.

Take Britain's assassinating JFK and then intentionally transferring the American manufacturing economy over to the Orient, for example.

Not just for money, or just for slave labor. But for other reasons too.

America's industry was destroyed as fast as the oriental manufacturing base which replaced it grew.

Two birds with one stone. Yank back control and ownership of global manufacturing from America.


eviscerate America's growing economic clout and resultant political clout .

For another, to 'preempt' the anticipated rivalry from the Orient. The FUTURE rivalry.

So you can imagine the globalists eying up the orient and saying "hmmm, there's this huge number of smart people over there, peaceful, civilized, and they've got these areas where they grow opium and they are so damn smart ...they are GOING TO BE A HUGE pain in the ass in the future unless we move in on them now. We'll take them over now, while its still easy."

So a good chess player is thinking ahead, of course.

There were no Manson murders.

They could easily relocate Tate anywhere, and guaranteed that they could have probably moved her to frigging Toronto or Miami with brown hair instead and she would not even be noticed.

Another cookie cutter face in the crowd. Remember that she's not going to be flashy, or running around in a Ferrari wherever she goes.

Sharon Tate spoke four languages, which helps. Two years laying low in Brazil speaking Spanish would do it. Then move wherever she wants.

If she IS spotted, and anything about it leaks to the news?

It doesn't matter when you own the media.

You spike the story. No one ever hears about it anyway.

And YES, London DOES own the media. World wide. see:

The Charles Manson murders were faked:


HunkaHunka ago

her father Henry Fonda helped stage the Charles Manson hoax, he worked with the father of fake Manson victim Abigail Folger, whose father was Yalie Skull n' Bones society brother, Major Peter Folger, of the Folger Coffee family. Henry Fonda and Major Peter Folger worked together in Pacific theater military intelligence for the Japan and Korea campaigns. Same Folger Skulls who had their eyes on the prize, the opium and coffee growing regions of Vietnam.

The Americans worked alongside their Yalie puppet student Mao Tse Tung , aka Chairman Mao whom they installed in 1949. The Americans did not lose to N.Vietnam/Mao. The American forces were actually there to defeat S. Vietnamese resistance to Mao. They split the spoils with Mao. Today Vietnam is the worlds largest growing-region/ supplier for Folgers coffee beans, opiates for Johnson & Johnson, cocoa beans for Nestle, etc. All with the added bonus of virtual slave- labor, right up the supply chain from fields to ports etc.


Major Peter Folger also worked with Sharon Tate's father Colonel Paul Tate in military intel at the same base where the psy-op group behind the Manson murders hoax was stationed (at. The Presidio San FRancisco/Alameda Island Naval Base).

The Manson hoax was staged to discredit the anti-draft opposition to the war as the work of 'satanic murderous bum hippies'

LincolnsMullet ago

"They hate us because of our freedoms"


Don't forget Mossad! Mossad and CIA are two peas in a pod.

2impendingdoom ago

RS - Would you consider adding Sibel Edmonds and Kay Griggs youtube videos to the wiki? Both talk about their experiences and first hand knowledge testimony of the use of ritual sex abuse for promoting "rising stars" to positions of power in the gov/military and secret society rituals. Important collaborating evidence. If you have S Edmonds and I missed it, my apologies, but I looked and I don't see Kay Griggs mentioned in the wiki. Thanks. The wiki is amazing work.

remedy4reality ago

Speaking of Kay Griggs, did you ever see the painting one of Alefantis' artist's did of Kay? Just the fact that she would be a subject matter speaks volumes.

2impendingdoom ago

yes. and yes.

remedy4reality ago

Her testimony is some of the most mind blowing stuff of the 20th century. The artist was Jake Kean Mayman http://jakekeanmayman.com/

RebelSkum ago

I certainly will! Thank you for the feedback! The case is amazingly strong and the more I write and research the more I think we just should never have had organizations like this to begin with.

2impendingdoom ago

I agree, its amazing how many pieces come together that seem so unrelated but turns out are not.

2impendingdoom ago
