I_have_my_gun_ready ago

The Washington Post partnered with sadistic, pedo forum tribe.net. I could CARE LESS WHAT THEY THINK OR SAY ABOUT ANYTHING. Their neck deep in ALL of this!!

V____Z ago

Aaaaaaand they just got a Pulizer. Maybe this country / world is literally run by pedos.

banenya ago

Google Trends provides the most damning evidence that Fake News was Deep State manufactured propaganda to suppress and silence Pizzagate. Google Trends simply shows how much people search on a certain term. Searching "Fake News" began directly after PG and dovetails it perfectly.

Here is for the last 12 months: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%2012-m&q=Pizzagate,Fake%20news

Piscina ago

Pizzagate is real. It's not hard to see that it's real by the amount of energy, money, manpower and tenacity has gone into drown it by the media. If it weren't real, why put all that energy into trying to debunk it?

imho, they have a plan and they've been one step ahead of us, the people. I think they bought out Trump a long time ago. I think they worked out that people were disenchanted with politicians and the system, and they manufactured Trump so that he would look like an outsider, out to 'clean up the swamp'. They knew people wanted someone different; out of the mould. Trump's façade didn't last long, and how he's showing his true colours--he's working for the Rothschilds, the elite.

I think they have now infiltrated alternative news--eg Alex Jones, Cernovich, Watson. I notice that those three keep advertising one another. Someone's been feeding morsels of info to Cernovich, to pull people in. I think their plan is to discredit mainstream media (hence Trump's words 'you're fake news' during his press conference) so that people turn to alternative news, and then use the alternative news sites to feed the people more BS, with people none the wiser.

You can be sure that if we get close to any truth, they will try to stamp it out.

V____Z ago

You said a mouthful there. I think you're right on the money. MSM is already discredited, it's too late. CNN has almost no viewers, so they have to make sure their message is being blasted to us through whatever media we are using. They hyped up Cernovich, gave him a big scoop, to announce that he's the new place for truth. And he lies. He's now saying there is nothing to pizzagate, the whole thing was planted to trick us and let "the East Coast pedo ring" (a new phrase as of this month) off the hook. Alex tried to push this same idea months ago, saying that he thought the govt planted emails to frame poor Comet pizza.

I think we know by now that no one gets near a high public office unless they're compromised. Wikileaks showed that even white haired innocent seeming Bernie Sanders was compromised in some way. They released an emails from Brock, I believe, reminding Bernie that they have something on him, and he certainly has (inexplicable) behaved as they wished with his Russia did it! and Vote for Hillary! and refusal to confront the stolen primary... We have oodles of pictures of Trump getting way to cozy with his then young daughter, her legs draped over him, or literally giving him a lap dance! He's no stranger to Epstein. He's protecting the pedos. Presidents are just actors, it would appear. If they do get a mind of their own, they get offed.

BorisBadenov ago

The Boston Globe deserves an award for worst pizzagate journalism IMHO. Their pizzagate debunking article literally also claims that Alex Jones believes 9/11 never happened. Any source on that one? That's quite a claim considering that he made many movies about 9/11 and predicted 9/11 the summer before it happened. Heckuva debunking from a Harvard graduate, magna cum laude. Give me a break.



ArthurEdens ago

Even with all the debunking normies still don't know what the hell pizzagate is

PizzagateBot ago

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1753236 MIT MEDIA LAB Researcher compling Red Pill Articles on PIZZAGATE connecting to Voat research /NY TIMES/Social Media/WikiLeaks 4/1/2017 8630553
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1753236 Washington Post isn't fooling anyone - Pizzagate truthers in comment section 3/30/2017 OP
aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/ Unanswered questions: Snopes, wikipedia, coporate media claim pizzagate is debunked. Since these claims persist, can anyone show how the "debunkers" addressed any key questions that we have raised? 3/6/2017 8318906
aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/ Someone requested a debunking of the New York Times article that allegedly debunks pizzagate. Here you go-- 12/10/2016 7166324
aceloewgold.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/nyt-ceo.jpg?w=640 Dissecting the #PizzaGate Conspiracy Theories - New York Times 12/11/2016 7171745
www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/23/fearing-yet-another-witch-hunt-reddit-bans-pizzagate/ David Seaman on Twitter: I spoke to someone from Homeland Security last night. Pizzagate is not debunked, and is being actively investigated. Cheers! 1/20/2017 7697601
www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/23/fearing-yet-another-witch-hunt-reddit-bans-pizzagate/ Just sent this summary to some people in my family. How is it? 12/12/2016 OP
www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/23/fearing-yet-another-witch-hunt-reddit-bans-pizzagate/ Anonymous Journalist's Plea For Further Investigation Found In Comments Section Of WaPo's Pizzagate Hit-Piece 11/24/2016 OP
www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/23/fearing-yet-another-witch-hunt-reddit-bans-pizzagate/ MSM Tactics Resource List KNOW Thy Enemy 12/7/2016 OP
aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/ Unanswered questions: Snopes, wikipedia, coporate media claim pizzagate is debunked. Since these claims persist, can anyone show how the "debunkers" addressed any key questions that we have raised? 3/6/2017 8318906
aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/ Someone requested a debunking of the New York Times article that allegedly debunks pizzagate. Here you go-- 12/10/2016 7166324
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4042194/Facebook-fact-checker-arbitrate-fake-news-accused-defrauding-website-pay-prostitutes-staff-includes-escort-porn-star-Vice-Vixen-domme.html Snopes lead fact checker Kim LaCapria addicted to pedophile erotica 12/22/2016 OP
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4042194/Facebook-fact-checker-arbitrate-fake-news-accused-defrauding-website-pay-prostitutes-staff-includes-escort-porn-star-Vice-Vixen-domme.html Facebook's fact checkers linked to Clinton donors (Here we are ..again) 12/22/2016 7335302
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4042194/Facebook-fact-checker-arbitrate-fake-news-accused-defrauding-website-pay-prostitutes-staff-includes-escort-porn-star-Vice-Vixen-domme.html SNOPES accused of diverting funds for prostitutes [NOW HIS WIFE WANTS A DIVORCE] 12/26/2016 7373541
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4042194/Facebook-fact-checker-arbitrate-fake-news-accused-defrauding-website-pay-prostitutes-staff-includes-escort-porn-star-Vice-Vixen-domme.html I was a skeptic. 12/22/2016 7333451
aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/ Unanswered questions: Snopes, wikipedia, coporate media claim pizzagate is debunked. Since these claims persist, can anyone show how the "debunkers" addressed any key questions that we have raised? 3/6/2017 8318906
aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/ Someone requested a debunking of the New York Times article that allegedly debunks pizzagate. Here you go-- 12/10/2016 7166324
aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/ Unanswered questions: Snopes, wikipedia, coporate media claim pizzagate is debunked. Since these claims persist, can anyone show how the "debunkers" addressed any key questions that we have raised? 3/6/2017 8318906
aceloewgold.com/2016/11/26/the-new-york-times-snopes-was-pizzagate-debunked/ Someone requested a debunking of the New York Times article that allegedly debunks pizzagate. Here you go-- 12/10/2016 7166324

V____Z ago

@wecanhelp Just a head's up, I upvoted many comments here, only to come back and find the upvotes gone. Noticed this too on the latest George Webb post. I heard someone else complain of this, and have seen it happen several times this week. Thanks.

wecanhelp ago

It happens to me, too. Report it on /v/voatdev.

V____Z ago

Oh, thanks!

JeremiahSinclair ago

I am the author of this piece. Thanks so much for posting about it, and for all of your kind words! I've been following Pizzagate since more or less the beginning, when it was going off in the reddit and chanverses. Please share the other articles in my Pizzagate series as well, all on Aceloewgold.com. They're fact-based summaries of the most compelling research, along with other analyses, that approach the topic with a level, logical head. They have gotten some wonderful praise as being extremely skeptic-friendly, so spread em' around!

Thanks again all.

V____Z ago

Deep bows.....

We will definitely dig into your other work. What a gem you are!

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you muchly! Just go to Aceloewgold.com and click the Pizzagate category, or view all posts by "Ace of Swords."

V____Z ago

Ok I've begun doing that. Have you ever considered writing another article now that all this time has passed, one that would be super Voat friendly, and a red pill that would make Alex Jones' face turn purple? I looked at a wonderful article on your site, it's one that has been referenced a lot, it has everything. Lots of photos... Tons of information, but it's just not digestible length wise. And I think after all this time, there might be evidence that rises to the top and some that just wasn't as powerful, or proved false. It was just a thought I had when looking at your site (before I got caught up in the geoengineering category), and since you're such a brilliant and beautiful writer, I wanted to approach you about this before trying to take it on myself.

JeremiahSinclair ago

The length is a struggle, but I felt to be convincing I'd have to be comprehensive and not worry about those who can't deal with the length. I've actually updates all of them as time has gone on, replacing weaker links and pics with more powerful ones, removing information that was disproven/debunked, adding new information that was also compelling, etc. I'd like to do another update, but am holding off. I think my strongest arena is media analysis/criticism and summarizing the best research for skeptics -- giving a place where only wheat, and no chaff, is presented.

I did a few updates that are more recent as more research came out (See the "Despite Fake News Ridicule, Pizzagate Moves Beyond Logos and Strange Artwork -- unless that's the one you already looked at), and will do another when I feel there are enough new good leads out there for me to summarize and assess. One thing I'm going to start doing is Human Trafficking Round-Ups, with summaries of recent arrests, espcially ones involving SRA-type activities and people in positions of power. I think that will provide potent context for the more theoretica/esoteric aspects. Thanks again for your suggestions, readership, and sharing!

V____Z ago

Oh my goodness, this is all so exciting. More power to you, the directions you're planning to take this are just perfect. I heard early on from a source I trust (was it Ted Gunderson? can't remember....) that there is this while system in the U.S., which involves secret society(ies?) and satanism/occult, which because of the need for human sacrifice, especially of children, leads to human trafficking and pizzagate. The system goes to every level, right down to city council. This particular interview (I will try to find this video) had the story of a business man who was invited to take part in raping a child, and when he refused, his business was destroyed. There was a club in town, of people who did this; it was satanism they were practicing, and they held all the positions of power. In church, at school, the football coach, and if you didn't join this club by compromising yourself, you didn't get the position or you were destroyed. Apparently this is how our whole country is run, and as we know there are cases in the UK and Australia that look like this same thing is happening on a global level among elites. And their infiltration of media and Hollywood plays no small role. I can't watch 10 minutes of TV without hearing screaming, and seeing some overt devil signs. As well they are pushing pedophaelia. If you look at how children are displayed, you can tell the cameraman and people behind the scenes are complete pedos.

No, I hadn't seen the article you mention - that's great, I'll repost it here. Now that things have slowed down a bit, we can dig up the stuff that was missed, like your articles. We finally have time to breath, and read.

Thanks so much!

JeremiahSinclair ago

So glad you agree! You're right that the lunatics are running the asylum, and have been for an extremely long time. Control over news media and of course pop culture is critical to what they do. Seeing threads like this motivate me to hunker down and get to work on more PG writing!

V____Z ago

That was my hope ;) partially. Plus 'they' are trying to erase pizzagate, turning it into "pedogate" and turning us away from the evidence. We have only begun to delve into the real phenomenon behind the scenes. Best to keep at this this while it's still fresh.

HollandDrive ago

I think some around here don't fully understand what Cernovich was saying, that everything about CPP was a deep state psy op, according to his "sources," to distract everyone from the "big global pedo picture."

He has totally pitted himself against all the early hard research done here (others not mine). He's an idiot. He's a marketer, a salesman, a self-promoter (give me Seaman w/ all his faults any day), a grand-stander, a huckster. Let's see, what else....

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for you post! I had just seen this video (it's old however, 2013 just think of what they must be doing now)...it's an example of how MSM Fake News goes way beyond covering up real news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PfPaptD82A

AngB23 ago

Another odd thing about WaPo. Tribe.net was sold to Utah Street Networks, Cisco Systems buys Utah Street Networks EXCEPT for Tribe.net. Not part of the deal. So does that mean Utah Street Networks still has a small portion remaining and running Tribe.net? http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/stories/2007/03/05/daily1.html

And guess who is one of the investors ...WASHINGTON POST. They may have a BIG reason to cover Pedogate. Are these 3 investors now the sole owners of Tribe.net? https://imgur.com/a/SV8pP

V____Z ago

Big hugs to you, mom.

huntercel ago

If that isn't the definition of a circle-jerk then i just don'y know anymore...

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

This ran in the Houston chronicle Facebook page today. I was in there fighting them all by myself

V____Z ago

Are you serious? You mean this old article from November that I quoted just happened to get reprinted today by another site? That's really weird.

1evv ago

Trs0817 ago

Comet Ping Pong is not the hub for the D.C. trafficking network. It wouldn't make sense for them to host it there as it is highly surveilled. CPP was a honeypot to keep us looking there instead of investigating and discovering the entire East Coast pedo network

V____Z ago

Well too fucking bad because we NEVER focused solely on CPP, regardless of what anyone claims. When I made the first post about the NYT, some of the members in this community set out to find any evidence that what they say is true - that we got caught up in Comet to the exclusion of, say, Epstein, Weiner, and anything else, anywhere else, that was associated with the DC pedo ring. There is no truth to it. So if it was a honeypot, it failed miserably.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

It's true PG was never SOLEY focused on CPPPeeet-ZAH(art, Apes, meeting guy saying he'll crush opponents, etc), but many things did fan out from his(JA) dealings. From Pegasus Museum; HERECOMESYOURMAN,LLC, and the other several businesses of his reinforcing walls(sound proofing?) and allegedly building tunnels to connect to down below; Pajama Factory and surroundings, Trolly Park and the codewords and Chinese consulate, the guy that is supposed to go after CP being found to have liked a bunch of infant pics on the Instagram...

And on and on, so, let's not pretend CPPPeeeeeeeet-ZAH had no place in the investigation. But to repeat, it wasn't much about actual dungeons under the pizza place as they were never able to pinpoint exactly where the floor construction was taking place(probably Bucks?)

V____Z ago

Exactly. What they've done is blown out of proportion what we are actually looking at, and saying. And now I can't help but wonder if that because there actually IS something going on underneath the buildings on the Comet block. There is video of children screaming that everyone wants to ignore for some reason. But what the MSM and now alt media are saying is that Comet is all that we conspiratards ever did was look into and talk about Comet, literally Comet, not next door at Best, or Bucks, or nearby Pegusus, not Epstein, not Podesta! Now I'm actually getting really pissed. Fuck these liars.

Catchthem ago

@V____Z This a very well-written piece.. Thanks for posting!

V____Z ago

Yeah, I should probably get a hold of the author and let them know we think so.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Try to venture off CPP and try not to connect everything to CPP. I think you guys have had enough evidence and that CPP is taking the fall for something much greater. Even if you guys focused on Pedowood you might have some new connections to Epstein.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

But the whole Pizzagate debunking is based on that. We can't change the narrative to pedogate. We have to find a way to debunk the debunk with simple terms for non red pilled.

V____Z ago


druhill007 ago

The solution is revealing the underlying process and steps media used to create "debunk"

I'm super low on sleep tho so that's as far as I'm running with that idea lol

V____Z ago

lol - I think we'll keep this up until the NYT closes in shame, sleep or no sleep. Oh by the way, the just got a Pulizer today, along with the WaPo. Next year Snopes will likely get one ;)

druhill007 ago

jesus. what a circle jerk


I wish I could see these people face to face. Wonder how they'd disguise this shit when cognitive dissonance hit the fan

V____Z ago

Dru i thought we'd established that you need to GO TO BED

I get it though, who has time for sleep when THERE ARE LIES ON THE INTERNET

druhill007 ago

hahah!! got me. I took a half nap cause I left the fan on me. had to get up it was terrible. Bout to drink a coffee and fight somefuckin shills

V____Z ago

That's the spirit. I'm also suffering under a fan but no way I'm getting up.

druhill007 ago

i'm building a mini-dossier on Syria to red pill my friend away from corporate media enslavement. any good links or graphs?

V____Z ago

Oh holy cow, YES. I swear to you, on my Twitter feed there is nothing but red pilling on Syria. And since I don't watch tv, all I have on the topic is the truth (I on'y know what MSM is saying through my sources when they make fun of them). Search anything that Tulsi Gabbard has said about Syria. Next go to YouTube and look at the Sane Progressive channel. I'd be surprised if you needed aching beyond that, but I'd be happy to provide more.

druhill007 ago

I went ham on my fbook muhahaha

changed profile pic for him :D

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

What a beautifully worded piece. Most definitely couldn't have written it better myself. I am from the UK and the Saville case was and still is big and well known now, I always use this as my starting point when trying to red pill people. Based on the fact that the first person I spoke to went straight onto google and typed "Pizzagate debunked". Sigh.

Everyone is citing New York Times as the debunker - Wikipedia included. The guy who runs NYT covered up Jimmy Saville. I mean come on people. Honestly. Please put the pieces together already, they are laughing in our faces over this.

Katy Perrys new song isn't an accident. https://youtu.be/Um7pMggPnug

Are we crazy? Living our lives through a lens Trapped in our white picket fence Like ornaments So comfortable, we're living in a bubble, bubble So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble Aren't you lonely? Up there in utopia Where nothing will ever be enough Happily numb So comfortable, we're living in a bubble, bubble So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble

So put your rose-colored glasses on And party on

Turn it up, it's your favorite song Dance, dance, dance to the distortion

V____Z ago

It was such a well written piece I nearly copied the whole thing! It was written almost immediately after PG broke. We've been in such a whirlwind since then, that a lot of good leads, evidence, research, and articles have been overlooked. I'm hoping we can get back to our roots, untarnished by the "debunking" and the Alex Jones' apology and misinfo, because I'm seeing more and more people begin to adopt the MSM narrative. We need to put our foot down, and say NO to fake news

Ocelot ago

Not to mention the uncertainty surrounding POTUS.

unbiased_researcher ago

Does anybody have a complete list of MSM sources that covered or mentioned Pizzagate? I will compile one if not.

huhWHAThuh ago

Every single "debunking" of pizzagate has gone something like this: 1. Someone in the neighborhood is asked and he/she says: "no it's a nice place." 2. Alefantis says: "no it's not true." Is the sick artwork painted on the wall debunked? Are the sick Instagrams debunked? Are the sick musical performances there debunked? Are all the sick connections to "spirit cooking" or other satanic/pedophillic connections debunked? Is any of the OBVIOUS code language debunked? THEY WILL NOT EVEN MENTION ANY OF THE ABOVE! Nor will they mention anything else of substance connected to it. Why? BECAUSE IT IS ALL TOO DAMNING. The only "debunking" they do is say: "no it isn't." And by any definition of the word "debunked," IT HAS NOT BEEN DEBUNKED. The correct word for what has happened is COVERUP. And that is obvious to anybody who looks for themselves.

unbiased_researcher ago

Yes. That is precisely my point. Instead of bombarding everyone with months worth of evidence, let's show them the obvious coverup by MSM. I'd like to compile a list of all MSM sources and paint the picture that way. People will listen because they know it can't be doctored or planted, we're talking about "reputable sources".

anonOpenPress ago

Supporting, maybe even joining

Mencomot ago

CBS Ben Swann is the only reporter who fairly covered it. He was subsequently shushed by the network and shut down even his own website, let alone social media accounts. Other than that, the only major media discussion I've seen is Colbert giving an offensively unfair recap of the early timeline. He deserves a bullet to the brain for that one. Apparently he is an acquaintance of Podesta- or they are at least photographed laughing together numberous times.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Can someone like reach out to this guy and interview him. He just fucking leaves. Very disappointing.

yuzernaym ago

Yeah, I do, here it is:






These are all I could think of at the top of my head. If there are more, please use my list as a start and add as needed.

Seriously though, the only mentions I know of are CNN's ridiculous "debunking" with Megyn Kelly and the "I'm just a pizza guy" guy. And the other is the Ben Swann piece he did.

MyNameIsLuka ago

The shilling around here is getting amazingly intense. It seems like shills are actually putting together concise comments.

Can you share with me your theory on Pizza/Pedo-gate?

yuzernaym ago

I have no theory. Why are you aghast at my reply and calling me a shill? Do you think CNN's report (whether the PG theory has any merit or not) was good responsible journalism? All Megyn Kelly did was automatically take sides and throw nerf balls at the "I'm only a pizza guy" guy. Not even covering why eyebrows were raised in the 1st place. Completely irresponsible reporting...Fake news.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I think they missed the sarcasm. Calm it with the shills guys. They are narcissists. They are like children. Ignore them and they stop. Stop wasting energy. Positive vibes!