Stellarjay ago

Bill gates is scary, now is time to have absolutely no faith in a billionaire. Hmmmm...bill gates wanting to vaccinate millions of kids in Africa from aids. I am completely suspect of bill and his wife. He would have to know what is going on. He would absolutely have to know. Why on earth would he give to the cf?

CrackerJacks ago

Snopes Co-Founder Embezzles $98,000, Drops Weight, Leaves Fat Wife And Marries Actual Whore

Isn't it interesting how a little money can change a person? According to divorce papers, Snopes co-founder David Mikkelson started taking all sorts of trips around the world to bang whores after that sweet liberal shill money started rolling in. While engaging in this debauchery, Mikkelson wrote off just about everything as a business expense, embezzling a reported $98,000. The Snopes co-founder has since settled down and married a [NSFW] part time porn actress, administrator (spicy!), and sex worker. As in, she has a website devoted to being a whore. Apparently she's a pretty good one despite being "past her time as an adult model." In the same divorce papers, David Mikkelson fires back, claiming his hog of an ex-wife took millions from their joint account and bought property in Las Vegas. No word on who got their obese cat, or if it's still alive.

Love this comment "Apparently she's a pretty good one"

grlldcheese ago

Wow the 2 fucking faggot concern trolls found each other and are jerking each other off now.

How fucking pathetic are you?

Marthvedderette ago

Is he serious? Fox News? What rock do you live under?

speckledcat ago

fox guaridng the hen house. This will go down just as well as all other censorship as in not at all or facebork will fail and lose stock value as people see what they say get deleted and move off to another competitor.

Either way it is the start of the end of facebork and thank god for that. The sooner the better.

zzvoat ago

Is Facebook still a thing? s/

cantsleepawink ago

Do you mean this Fox News ?

ArthurEdens ago

The Craigslist guy always seemed like a pedo rapist creep to me.

gopluckyourself ago

Information I gleaned from this.

poynter's international fact-checking network
funders (soros) open society foundations, craigslist (craig newmark), bill and melinda gates foundation, ned national endowment for democracy, omidyar network (ebay)

gopluckyourself ago

This is someone making a link for us. They've already done the investigation now they're sharing the information the title is a bit poorly worded but the information is there. Would also be nice if they named names in their post.

gopluckyourself ago

Poor titling but it is pizza gate related as the "fact checkers" are attempting to control the narrative surrounding pizza gate hence all of the fake news crap.

garlicbulb ago

This is quite hilarious as well on Snopes founders divorcing, They cant fact check their own divorce - both telling different stories. Also one is accused of defrauding the company to spend on prostitutes. It doesnt stop there check it out, ironically enough from the Daily Mail

ZalesMcMuffin ago


These guys are like elephants who keep trying to hide behind a tree.

speckledcat ago

and those giant size dumps on tv? ya we can see them and smell them all over the world. It aint working and they keep shittin and people keep shoveling. Hopefully they are get tired or people are catching wind of the stench.

Something like this

Oh and in Ontario a human smuggling ring was uncovered. Didnt say pedo or anything but it is happening. must be fake fucking news again.

Stellarjay ago

I certainly wouldn't believe a thing that cbc puts out. They are an arm of cnn and nothing but a left wing Trudeau propaganda ring

redditsuckz ago

Who Controls your Mind?...or who used to control your mind...

pizzagate_is_fake ago

Pizzagate is fake news. Time to move on people. Adults are laughing at you. It has been debunked.

j0hnnyd0e ago

post was made 1.2 hours ago, profile is 1.3 hours old, nothing to see here folks, maybe one day you'll wake up with a conscience. until then you're just pedo defending scum.

frankzappa777 ago

Care to show us this 'debunked' evidence?

ShoaNanas ago

It's war here: Clinton/MSM VS pizzagate investigators/Internet

MSM's weapons ? => "#FakeNews" What this thread is about ? The fakenews flag is bullshit because tied to Clinton donors.

We are in the heart of pizzagate censorship

tehthu ago

Discredit of those who are discrediting the investigation.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Unfortunately, RT (Russia Today) will fit neatly into the "Russia hacking" narrative. There are other sources for this info.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I understand that. So, I don't post lots from them even though they have much well sourced material. On the other hand, I don't like to be cowed into a position either. Would be interested in other sources for this.

Millennial_Falcon ago

RT would have original sources for it. We just need to document those sources. We also need to meme the shit out of this on Twitter and Reddit.

RecycledUser ago

Good point, but I'm glad at least we get SOME real news from other countries, cuz we sure as hell don't from our MSM. So to you point, we probably also should send to the UK, France, Germany, Australia media, etc.

cantsleepawink ago

I didn't realize that you were serious with that answer. Do you want me to delete the thread? I'm interested in helping here on this board rather than getting caught up in issues that aren't contributing.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

Wow...the sad thing is you folks think everyone is the boogeyman. Pizzagate is fake news. Debunked. Even Faux News says so. You can connect everyone on Earth if you dig hard enough. Seek help. Chelsea 2020!

SheSaidDestroy ago

Fuck off, Sandra.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

Your language tells me that you have anger issues too. Seek help on both fronts.

Hooliganscat ago

Deal with the facts bro... don't just say it's Fake News. If your a paid shill you should feel a gnawing sense of darkness. If you're not a paid shill you should start with the the Podesta emails, then remember Bill Clinton went on the Lolita Express 30+ times. Next, feel the facts and circumstantial evidence pile up behind the dam that we call Main stream media and paid propaganda.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

Repeat after me...pizzagate has been debunked. It is fake news. Seek help because normal people don't chase imaginary dragons. Investigate something real like the Russians hacking and stealing our election. Chelsea 2020!

Hooliganscat ago

Lol just keep saying fake news and maybe that will change the facts!

militant ago

IT IS FAKE NEWS! (c) fake journalists

SavingGrace ago

Great idea! Go seek help. Wasting your time here. You're like clear glass. Transparent and not interesting at all.

cantsleepawink ago

Ah, I see. It's all clear to me now.

cantsleepawink ago

I notice that you submitted a thread 'Twitter and Youtube coming down hard on us'. How is this thread different ?

redditsuckz ago

This thread is more important than anything about Trump, Seaman, Assange or some missing dude....

Even tho its not exactly pizzagate related I think pizzagate investigators should know about this so they can use it as evidence to show people the MSM is fucking with them.

gopluckyourself ago

I agree that it is pizzagate related. I think golly is having issues with the way you worded your title. This furthers the narrative that the clinton foundation is trying to control the narrative surrounding pizzagate.

cantsleepawink ago

I thought that it might be relevant because of the censorship that we experience in bringing this subject forward into the mainstream.

SavingGrace ago

Absolutely agree. Censorship is why PizzaGate isn't mainstream!

feel_the_bern_baby ago

It is not censorship because it has been debunked!

juhos ago

Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet.

Edit: oh it wasn’t sarcasm, just a shill. My bad.

SavingGrace ago

Fly away and feel the bern baby...

teh_Dude ago

The masters of puppets are having a breakdown because they no longer control what we think. You can't censor the internet. You can't control this narrative. Only when the only sources we had were newspapers and TV could they control what was getting exposed to the people. The rules have changed.

Poot_McGarvey ago

The fact that so many people are concerned and the fact that the establishment seems to be floundering a bit is a good thing... but we haven't won anything yet.

They have set up much of internet architecture such that it can be censored (even if it would be difficult)... We need to stay vigilant and avoid the divide and conquer strategy. We are fighting a corrupt elite. We are fighting the people trying to control the narrative. If the top winds up being a centralized group of masons, satanists, jesuits or jews.... so be it. But we don't know any of that and the people making the strong claims that we "know" the "real" enemy as ______ group are likely shills or misinformed by shills.

The focus is on the corrupt elite group of high power people who are making a mockery of justice. The key people are going to be Government officials, Technocrat monopolists, and leaders of the worlds massive corporations and banks. Child Trafficking could not continue to thrive like it has without this group.

(not making accusations against anyone here just putting it out there)

Womb_Raider ago

They're doing this shit as we speak. Just look at Wikileaks and Assange. They took down the entire fucking internet just about to bury their dirty deeds, and it's still going on today.

Just look here:

SavingGrace ago

Great link/video by RT - an absolute must watch and share ...