samhara ago

I picked up an interesting book. There are screen shots which would contribute to the idea presented here.

"The Powers That Be: Processes of Ruling Class Domination in America " by William Domhoff

The portions I read explain a lot. There are two ideologies : One that is among the rulars and one that they feed to those they subjugate. This book is almost 40 years old but is absolutely in tune with today. Stuff doesn't change; it just "came to a head?"

The CFR "Committee on Foreign Relations" and the "Council on Foreign Relations" are actually Propganda organs to disseminate the opinons of the elite.. It's a network. The top insiders are most influencial. The Committee is of a lesser status than the Council . They work on propagating their point of view through many organization.

Foreign Relations : top-level leaders. Foreign Policy Assocaiton : "League of Women Voter " types.

They do this because they know their interests are not the interests of most people. They proactively disseminate their policy choices via various orgs.. Teachers, "local elites" , discussion groups, advertising,

They work on generating public support for their programs. And support for wars and "Internationalism" which traditionally was unpopular.

Their policies further their goals of world domination and so they have to hide their personal motivations [pretending what they are doing is "for the good of all"] since their policies would be unpopular for ordinary people.

Here's on the web excerpts.

excerpts from the book

The Powers That Be

by G. William Domhoff

Vintage Books, 1978

It explains how all these people could be set - up in this little college in Orange County with their "programming"

Read it because Domhoff explains it much better than I could.

anonOpenPress ago

Nice that you joined, pretty interesting. The outcome sounds as expected from a such forum - some editors are unfortunately under instructions when talking about sourcing. But did you manage to mention the word "pizzagate" in loud to the audience?

jpickle ago

I had no chance to address the audience during the event, or while most were filing out. Pizzagate was mentioned directly in my second question to Barry, few were listening.

DeletedUser ago


Catchthem ago

Very interesting post

GiantMillipino ago

add DomesticGoddess to the shill list

DeletedUser ago

You are getting added to the satan list

GiantMillipino ago

what do you mean?

DeletedUser ago

Well you are either with Christ or against. You have opted against.

GiantMillipino ago

when have I opted 'against' and how is that relevant?

GiantMillipino ago


Catchthem ago

Fuck You Shill....