goodgreed ago

Who will be the first journalist to break PizzaGate open and become a national hero in the history books?

jonasvoater ago

The subtitle here of course is that the State is solely legitimate to suspect and investigate crimes.

Exactly. And that is why we must reform legislation so we can more easily convene Grand Juries ourselves. #MAJA2MAGA

ThorTheWonderful ago

I can personally confirm for you that this is deeply systemic. I was involved in a highly classified investigative team.. Which, after 30 years of thinking about the ethics of this, I realize was for nefarious purpose. The point is, the team was to find, infiltrate or destroy organized crime syndicates involved in human trafficking particularly involved in pedophilia and child porn. I don't think the purpose was to stop the evil from happening but to clean it up for the elites in power. However, we took a more civil approach which yielded great leads. This led to finding government involvement with particular connections to education, child protection, and non government such as domestic violence resources with particular attention to feminist groups. Police were also implicated, judges, lawyers etc.. Your assumptions are correct and accurate. But it crosses borders, as did we. After making these discoveries. The only place we saw action was (we did not engage in action but occasionally we did act on specific situations where we were able to rescue) anyway, the only place we saw action being taken was against a few police and a judge in Canada. BUT, while they were charged, they never went to court and the cases expired. I guess thats Canada's way of dropping charges so they can't be charged again for the same crimes. All this dates back 30 to 40 years. We had leads to all sorts from Vatican to US and Canadian gov and that was just from our one little region of coverage. We were disbanded just before the police and judge were charged in Canada. Team members vanished quickly. I have maintained a dead-mans switch. Not that I haven't been under attack for the last 30 years though, they do their best to break me without killing me in an effort to find and destroy the dead-man switch. By the time they finish reading this, they will likely know who I am. If they have records of me, I assume they do, but doubt in government files. But these new revelations are making this look even bigger than I could have imagined 30-40 years ago.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I got to thinking about this over night as I slept... We know HRC was diagnosed with, to us, a mystery disease. This disease seems to be some sort of neurological disorder and some claims are that is it terminal/incurable. Then last night after joining this page I realized the potential for body disposal within the restaurant industry such as pizza joints, as well as the prevalence of cannibalism among these cult groups. Now a doctor, a normal doctor would not likely think of such a thing but "Kuru" disease matches HRClinton's symptoms.

"What are the symptoms of kuru? Symptoms of more common neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or stroke may resemble kuru symptoms. These include:

difficulty walking poor coordination difficulty swallowing slurred speech moodiness and behavioral changes dementia muscle twitching and tremors inability to grasp objects random, compulsive laughing or crying Kuru occurs in three stages. It’s usually preceded by headache and joint pain. Since these are common symptoms, they are often missed as clues that a more serious disease is underway. In the first stage, a person with kuru exhibits some loss of bodily control. They may have difficulty balancing and maintaining posture. In the second stage, or sedentary stage, the person is unable to walk. Body tremors and significant involuntary jerks and movements begin to occur. In the third stage, the person is usually bedridden and incontinent. They lose the ability to speak. They may also exhibit dementia or behavior changes, causing them to seem unconcerned about their health. Starvation and malnutrition usually set in at the third stage, due to the difficulty of eating and swallowing. These secondary symptoms can lead to death within a year. Most people end up dying from pneumonia."

dogwalker ago



One more thing, PIZZA GATE truths don't be discouraged, its already outed that the industries spend over a billion dollars a year on "Astroturf" they pay people to troll the internet and pretend to be grassroots real people with conflicting debugging opinions to make it look like regular people don't agree with you of their own opinion. So most of the so called people that are sticking up for Jimmy and trying to discourage the PIZZA gate people are probably paid astroturfers. Keep pushing

FuckReddit69 ago

They do this on many platforms, including yt and reddit. There are dedicated trolls on /r/flatearth who constantly attack and troll anyone genuinly interested in the topic. If FE is such a tinfoil hat crazy conspiracy why do they have these paid people attacking any dissenting view? Makes you wonder... actually most astroturfing shills are Isreali govt agents. They even admit this.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I saw this the other day, I'm just afraid this is bait and there are no true journalists left.

ArchonFall4All ago

Reading the other comments to the article is quite depressing, but we have so much to be optimistic about. The close-minded people are very vocal on social media and articles like this (and we can't be sure the posts are even from real public people), but their loud rhetoric has been exposed for not representing the average American. They might make it appear that the general public thinks pizzagate is batshit crazy, but the growing interest in the topic says otherwise. Our perseverance will pay off and the truth will come out. Just make sure that links continue to be provided in comment sections so that people can look into it further. We need to focus on the silent majority until public opinion reaches a tipping point, and that moment is well within our grasp


Great article . While all the evidence is circumstantial at this point theres just to many coincidences. The one question that you don't raise is why all the pedophilia and what happens to the kids. It seems like that many of them are "disposed of" otherwise we would have kids coming forward and saying they were raped at age 5 by someone in this ring. But we don't have that like in the Vatican case. It seems that while the priests were willing to compromise themselves with pedophilia they were not willing to commit murder in satanic ritual. Which I guess gives them a notch up on these people. So first, what happens to all the kids??? well the signs are pointing to ritualistic satanic sacrifice. As the legends go, the innocent blood of children is exactly what satan likes to have for breakfast, so to speak. Now the bigger picture, why all the pedophiles and satanists? Does our culture, or power, produce this many of them? I don't think so. This is the system that has been chosen to orchestrate the manipulation and control of media and governments, precisely because it is the absolutely worst thing that anyone can be. The most disgusting thing you could ever be exposed for. Which is also why we are trained to believe this too, for good reason. But why power also doesn't want to " desensitize" the public to this behavior and make it OK, otherwise it would no longer function as blackmail. This system puts the " Black" in black mail. And I'm not talking about race, I'm speaking of the Prince of Darkness. So, this is why you see people in prominent positions, preachers, politicians, pop idols, get Outed every now and again. Because they did or said something they were warned not to by the real powers that orchestrate our world. Lets just cal them the Owners. they own all the media, and own most governments. and own hollywood, and own the worlds financial systems, and the worlds gold, and the worlds militaries. And if you think I'm crazy at this point, you need to do some serious soul searching and research and you will find out that I am right. 90% of the worlds wealth and deed is in the hands of a very few. They have created their own institutions like the CFR and infiltrated all other existing institutions. So the PIZZA GATE will probably never be seriously investigated without a freaking revolution that most people are not willing to undertake. At best, they will hang a few people out dry. Maybe James A and pedestal and a few others who will say that it was solely their creation and it all begins and ends with them. Then they will be put in cushy jails like Epstein was for a couple years and "Justice will be served" and the people will declare victory and nothing will change. Folks, I hate to break it to you but we are talking about the principles of evil in this world and a couple of knucklehead minions who know they are almost invincible , got sloppy and bold and let the rest of us see the truth for just a few moments. Which to be honest, might be an intentional part of the script. Just like 911 , its meant to terrify the psychology of the viewer, Just think, aren't you terrified??? I sure am. The thought that these people are molesting and killing children with complete impunity and our government is participating in it absolutely terrifies me. All I know is I'm prepared to die for my children, and you should all ask yourselves the same question. they ver come for my kids and I will slaughter them with my dieing breath. Wake up...Beyond borders, and the Clinton foundation, go to disaster areas to deliver aid, and one of the things they do is find foster parents for kids who have been orphaned by the disasters. like Vultures on a fresh kill they swoop in and scoop up the orphaned kids and deliver them to ole Jimmy Commit , among others, and into the hands of pedophiles and dispose of them through satanic rituals. Side note, you didn't even mention the extremely disturbing paintings of bound children in pedestal house. He's one sick monkey and there no way he's Clintons manager if they aren't in on it. Please Its most likely that many of these people don't get their power positions in life unless they willingly allow themselves to be compromised. Just like the mob or gangs who have to murder someone to get in. So, no, we don't have an epidemic of pedophiles, we have an evil system of power that uses pedophilia as blackmail. and just like all soul compromising activity, once you cross the line some of these people begin to like it.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

Sick stuff, indeed.

tury ago

Well said.


So the counter offensive on pizza gate is in full swing and all the mainstream zionist press that uses this pedophilia as blackmail to keep their puppets in line, is coming to they're aid. But we can't let up. This is the first dominoes and they know it. If Elephants goes down he may rat someone else and etc etc. of course they will never let it get to the top where you find the super evil scum like Soros and the devils themselves like the Rothschilds. Thats what this is all about, its not just a sick little ring of people. Its embedded in the system as the ultimate blackmail. All pervasive in hollywood and politics and media itself. Some one like Bill Oreily probably wouldn't even get his show in the first place unless he willingly consummated the job offer on video with some orphan. But the real brilliance is where they get all the kids. You notice beyond borders is right across the street and of course the Clinton foundation itself. They rush in to natural disasters to "HELP people, and of course they do, but at the end of the day theres always orphaned kids. The perfect target. They bring them to the US to fins foster parents and no one ever sees them again, and no one looks for them because they have no parents or family left. Its the sickest freaking shit. People don't believe it because its so insane they just can't imagine it. But come on, just lookout John Podesta and the sick freaking art in his house, if that dude isn't a pedophile then no one is.

mergen ago

I'll pass this post around!

postfascion ago

Yeah, the fucking sanctimony of the liberal sheeple drives me insane, like everything was a bed of roses before trump (and no, a supporter of his I am not). The beast may change its coat from red to blue and back again...still a beast beneath.

snoopizza ago

This is great. Explaining pizzagate without sounding mad just got a little easier.

ReasonsToBeCurious ago

This was posted on Reddit's pizzagate about 2 hours before it went down. It had a header saying " To my fellow journalists of who i know are lurking around here" or something very similar. Could be (one of) the reasons all was deleted . Considering it must have been very close the time we were notified Reddit was going to end pizzagate,

Edit: Oops. Forgot to read ALL comments., just noticed this was already mentioned. :(

fuckmyreddit ago

I don't call it MSM much anymore. State Sponsored Media is much more accurate.

whisky_cat ago

Corporate as well.

waxdino ago

I'm glad this person is continuing to post this, and I hope people read it and take it to heart. Because it's frightening (but not surprising) to see people dismiss it out of had and buy into the "This Donald Trump's fault" narrative. And then expound on it. People are turning a blind eye to this by using strawman after strawman, "See? This is what fake news does." "This is what the right wing does." Still no real looking at the evidence and questioning it. Seriously, how is a baby a hotard? No one ever fucking mentions that. And these articles "debunking" pizzagate are all in publications that have been proven to collude with Hillary, fucking sheeple.

Xilgian ago

This is one of the best pieces I've read in a long time. At heart, the meaning is so important to all of us. As a retired technology analyst, I have nothing but time to chisel away at their veneer of normalcy. There is nowhere to hide. Regarding their capture and demise? Morpheus said, "it has already happened. You just don't realize it yet."

tury ago

I agree. It addresses concerns we all have in communicating to others about this information.

MeatballPizza ago

Thanks for reposting.

loneIy_jew ago

This one is definitely worthy of a repost

EndThePizza ago

I remember having seen this as a post by a self-proclaimed journalist on r/pizzagate a few days ago.

That's not a fact that affects anything, just thought I'd make a note.

fuck_spez ago

Great post. It's really sickening that every 'mainstream' news piece on this labelled it 'a conspiracy theory with no evidence', surely there must be some journalists with integrity working at these places.

chickyrogue ago

love your persona helps to remember the shitheads we suffer

terrordactyl ago

protip: there aren't. Journalism died in 2016. All we have left are leaks and the crowdsourced investigative journalism done by the members of The_Donald. I literally disagree with almost every political position they have, but I also saw the extreme manipulation and propaganda of the MSM to force Hillary down our throats. They were the only ones, now being continued with pizzgate, with the audacity and skepticism to question the official narrative and act in a radical way. This is it now. This is the only real journalism and bulwark against total control by the elite we have left. Do not give up!

postfascion ago

This is the point. For too long humans have given up responsibly for their own lives, looking for politicians, journalists, bankers and priests of all denominations to provide them with the answers and direction. What we are seeing is the breakdown of systems who've become fat on their bureaucratic importance. Consequently, the people are starting to take true responsibility for their perception, their discernment between truth and fiction becoming more sophisticated. As an occultist I have been worried that by own belief system will be tarnished by truly diabolical acts of abuse, the above statement gives me hope that nuances will be respected. Let's also hope that the DAP won't be forgotten in the exposure of this political miasma.

pizzaparallel ago

I agree, this is a good message for everyone to read. I do want to note that this is actually a copy of a message that was already posted on /r/pizzagate. The original also includes various links.

derram ago :

Fearing yet another witch hunt, Reddit bans ‘Pizzagate’ - The Washington Post

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