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reasonedandinformed ago

I am documenting the list of pizzagate deniers and propagators of actual "fake news": Facebook (manipulating results and counts, banning messages and users,, Twitter (manipulating results and counts, banning messages and users, shadowbanning,, Reddit (manipulating results and counts, banning messages and users, banning the entire domain -, Youtube (manipulating results and counts, banning videos and users,, Google (manipulating results and counts, page sliding real research results with higher hits in favor of the "fake news" narratives,, NYT (, Wapo (, HuffPo (, Megyn Kelly (, Boston Globe (, Buzzfeed (, Wikipedia (, Snopes (, the BBC (, The Daily Beast (, Gizmodo (, Slate magazine (, Media Matters (, The Guardian (, The Observer (, The Daily Wire (, Counter Current News (, Miami Herald (,

We are citizen investigators and document our claims. We should continue to build and document a summary list of all the "fake news" sites that falsely debunked and smeared the story without any investigation. Someone please archive all of these references.

phlux ago

I formatted this a bit for you, reasonedandinformed

I am documenting the list of pizzagate deniers and propagators of actual "fake news":

We are citizen investigators and document our claims. We should continue to build and document a summary list of all the "fake news" sites that falsely debunked and smeared the story without any investigation. Someone please archive all of these references.

jealoushe ago

please add CBC news...the Canadian public news corp who has frequently referred to pizzagate as fake news. I emailed them several times to look into to...and that was their response.

OrwellKnew ago

I once had this a response to the PropOrNot "fack checking" website. The idea was to call out the Mockingbird Media with a website MockOrNot listing the compromised parties which is pretty much all of the Mainsteam Media, even if it's just a wordpress blog

It seems you have already begun a nice compilation. You are free to use this idea :)

Forgetmenot ago

Great job!

banenya ago

Beautiful. Just copy / pasted to Word doc with all links. Save it, archive it, make copies everywhere. How can we get it on #Pizzagate Wiki?

WorkSmarter ago

Nice list you got there. I couldn't agree with you more; these institutions are doing us a great injustice. Why not protest outside of their offices, and organize like minded people to stand with you. Is is because that would be too large a sacrifice? I personally think it would be. What does that say about us?

I am thankful to all that have worked, and continue to work, to bring this information to light. But i feel that it is time for more than just investigating. Many people agree that these companies are not operating in our best interest. It is time to fight these people with the tools we have. It is time to fight in the style they are accustomed. These groups have no trouble pointing the finger at competing news outlets that do not share their views. They call for boycotts and have forced advertisers to quit campaigns with opposing news outlets (fact).

I would like to see this list expanded to include the advertisers (funder's). And I would like to have the contact information for the advertisers added. Then we can begin a collaborated effort to both contact and boycott these funders that assist news agencies in confusing and dominating us. Companies that see no problems in supporting filth. We need to hold these companies responsible for their funding and make them think twice about who they support; as all of us need to do in these times.

Only then will we begin to have an effect! Money isn't the most important thing; it's the only thing to these kind. It's time to start hitting where it hurts.

unfuckitup ago

Well done you two!

reasonedandinformed ago

I discovered these are all hyperlinks, but I wanted to tweak to drop the commas. I will be posting as a separate post. Thanks.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you so much. The links got lost. I will maybe create a new post for this purpose with the proper formatting. Thanks!

AugustaJulia ago

Can you hear us now?

The_Kuru ago

Fake News Surge Pins D.C. Pizzeria As Home To Child-Trafficking : NPR

Interview with Alefantis consisted entirely of asking Alefantis to describe his investigation into who is being mean to him and making fake news about him. Not one mention of any red flag evidence against him. It will be easy to shut down that fake news operation if this all pans out.

ThePuppetShow ago

Great post!