stickittotheman ago

Great post title... it attracts blue pillers and this is a good launching point.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

This is a really powerful roundtable. I had seen it listed before but hadn't made time to watch until now. Great stuff!

Anonymous987654321 ago


Dr_Truth ago

Sup Chelsea_in_2020? Shilling away i see...

CWenstra ago

Not sure if I did it right. I put it at the bottom?

CWenstra ago

How much does CTR pay? Are they now hiring foreign people? You sound like English isn't your first language.


tehthu ago

Cool story. If you have advanced degrees, why are you spending your time trolling this message board with a bunch of idiots? Shouldn't you be curing cancer or something?

tehthu ago

Anecdotal evidence of effective circumstantial evidence IS of value to the investigation because it's what we need to recruit more investigators.

tehthu ago

Perhaps donations to the CF act as an account credit for all sorts of different illicit activities.

Conversely, contributing in kind maybe acts as a ledger for access to political/regulatory influence.

If so, a ledger would exist somewhere. Maybe Weiner had that in his "insurance " folder?

CWenstra ago


CWenstra ago

I hear you. But maybe if people see people like me finally coming around, they will too. The video and the people talking in it are keys to the red pill.

CWenstra ago

"Even Faux News debunked pizzagate"

Shouldn't that give you pause? If you have any knowledge of this stuff (not the obvious BS) you would see then involved in covering this up. I always laugh when people cry "false flag!" but in this instance that is exactly what the gunman was.

Why would 4chan, the very bottom of the bottom on the internet, delete and censor this? Have you seen what they allow there? How about Reddit? Have you seen what they allow there? But they won't allow people to talk about this? Big red flag. Huge.

Have you heard of the Streisand Effect?

This stuff is real, 100%

Millennial_Falcon ago

Wow, how convincing! We can just ignore the fact that Fox News is mainstream media! When the CIA sends their shills, they aren't sending their best... We're gonna build a shill wall, and the shills are gonna pay for it!

feel_the_bern_baby ago

You need to stay a skeptic. These pizzagate people are crackers. Did you see where the one guy took guns to poor Mr. Alefantis' restaurant? Don't encourage these demented people. They refuse to believe the truth even when it has been debunked by every news outlet including right wing media like Fox News. These people see innocent words and symbols and run with them. I pity these people, but remember they can lash out like the guy did recently. Trust me, the world and everyone else is laughing at them. This whole pizzagate conspiracy theory is losing momentum anyway. More people are seeing that they have been wrong. It is hard for them because some of them are off their meds or self medicate. They need professional help. Chelsea 2020!

CWenstra ago

I believe it is true precisely because of how they debunked it. Most of this stuff is utter BS. But the root of it is true and is as clear as day. We will see come January and beyond but I will be very disappointed if Trump does not clean this up. The facts are just too overwhelming on this. They flaunted it and it will hopefully be their undoing. Watch that video. It was made over a year ago. Well before any of this took off. It shows why things have been happening in the last few months. Why the FBI did what it did and why the CIA did what it did. These people are scared.

Either you are CTR or just need to be shown the truth. This must end.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

The media are not going to dig any deeper because it is obvious there is nothing there. Why waste money and resources on some thing that is a lie? Should they investigate Bigfoot and chem trails too? You folks are sad.

stickittotheman ago

Joo alert! Watch folks , if he calls me an anti-semite he is a confirmed shill!

CWenstra ago

Waste money and resources? That is your argument? They debunked nothing but things that were obviously not reality and left the damning stuff on the side of the road. THAT is why I believe it is true.

tehthu ago

Odds are high he's a troll. Chelsea 2020? Really? Ignore this clown.

CWenstra ago

She(?) sounds like English isn't her first language. Is CTR hiring out of country now?

tehthu ago

Would certainly be with the MO. Why hire local when you can "import" labor for "almost" free? :D

DriftingDevoid ago

Watch out on how to bring this to your social environment. Some friends of mine just don't want to look in certain directions and a sort of unspoken tension is growing between me and them, because we know in the back of our heads that we have grown into very different narratives of the truth.

Don't scream in their faces, be subtle!

Banned4Truth ago

If I were a meme maker, it would be a picture of a red pill being sliced into thin bite sized portions. Some people aren't ready to take the whole thing.

CWenstra ago

I've been very subtle and will continue to be. Good advice. I've actually been hinting at things for months because I was not quite sure. I'm really hoping that Trump will do something about this. He certainly seems to be hinting at it.

sentryseven ago

Corbett has done excellent work on political pedophiles. I tried posting his open source research but no one gave a shit.

reasonedandinformed ago

More fake news stories about the reality of pedophilia:

CWenstra ago

I'm sorry. I'm new at this and I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

Chance903 ago

Oddly enough I watched that and a few others by her today as I was cleaning and organizing my bedroom.

TruthTrumps ago

By the is "Ciragan" Palace phonetically pronounced? Listening again, it almost sounds like Truan Palace, to me.

Zesty ago

I'll keep that in mind. It always worries me because as a game designer sound and visuals *must sync up correctly for a sense of immersion. When that breaks, I ask questions.

isthisreality ago

Welcome to the club. Like others have said, do your own research. Don't take ANYTHING for truth until you research it yourself. Much disinfo is being spread about this. Keep an open mind, but be wary. Once you realize for yourself what is going on, you will never view the world the same. You will probably go through all the stages of grief- but the most important advice I have- do NOT reach the stage of acceptance until something is done. This is NOT acceptable. There is truth to the statement- "There is power in knowledge." Follow that up with the quote, "With great power, comes great responsibility". Now that you know, you have the same responsibility as the rest of us. Research and spread the info. Remember, there is power in numbers, as well. There are more of us than you realize.

TruthTrumps ago

Very sorry. That's what I thought i heard. I will delete. Thank you for making me replay it. I must be up too late.

Nadakai ago

Lets drink to the woman in the white shoes

MolochHunter ago

remember to take time off for your mental health. To be mentally impaired by this information is a natural and normal response in itself - to discover what has been going on and the extent of the network that shields it - and remain unaffected - that is the unhealthy response.

Zesty ago

This was an excellent link. I watched the whole thing. Thank you for the share.

But, can anybody confirm an anomaly for me? At 1:06:44 her face freezes up, while the audio continues. I checked on multiple browsers, but every video has the exact same freeze. I'm hoping it was an upload error but after Adobe's Voco announcement, I feel I'm required to ask the stupid question.

Bolux ago

If you have the time check out Abel Danger, McConnell is mad as a brush but has an impressive resume, also his sister Kristen Marcy is close to the top of this pyramid of shit.David Hawking's is a brilliant investigator and they have a worldwide team of people who really know their stuff.They go way beyond pizzagate, a lot of information on pedo blackmail which is huge and the reason why lips are sealed.They also get into 8a and con air (flying prisoners and who knows what else around the country)..Lots of other off topic stuff to that's really interesting.

stickittotheman ago

Welcome to our team friend. Please do your part to awaken more friends around you.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Welcome...glad you're here. It's almost too much to accept, but once you do, then it snowballs. You're eyes are open & it's only just beginning.

spidersinwinter ago

I'm a recent redpill myself. It's been a rough ride so far, and all I do is help circulate info.

Welcome to the party, and trust your gut if it tells you to take a break. Mental health days are vital with PG.

stickittotheman ago

Good advice. Ive been doing this for close to 20 years and i can tell you it gets easier but still affects you and yes relax time away is important. It is much better to swallow the red pill and get on with it. I know many that have refused to acknowledge this stuff over the years because they are the eternal optimist types and those are those ones that are going to have a really hard time coping as this becomes common knowledge which it is more every day. I am actually super happy that this stuff is finally seeing the light of day!

Konran ago

Yeah - I'm similar to you. I've been trying to open people's eyes for nearly 30 years. It gets very hard being beaten down by friends and family - the cognitive dissonance is especially hard to cope with - people just don't want to accept it could be true.

Also like you I was super happy to see the explosion in PG - but after so many years of watching the cover-ups, evidence lost and outright lies I'm still holding back from celebrating too hard. I truly hope we reach a point where the evidence is so overwhelming nobody can deny it any longer.

stickittotheman ago

Im with ya brother and i agree its hard to hold out hope but you must admit this is encouraging stuff we are witnessing. Ive never felt this optimistic in years!

21yearsofdigging ago

Wow so happy to hear there are others like me who have been exposing this for years only to be told to shut up. My cathartic moment happened due to something that occurred 21 years ago involving my children and yes, we have paid a huge price for refusing to be quiet

Konran ago

My moment of awakening involved a friend's sister and someone close to my Mum. I managed to explain everything to her and she agreed that she would remove the guy from her life - I was very relieved.

However, the next day she'd managed to change the person who I'd told her about to a completely different man altogether, and said that my friend's sister had been having problems with this man for years. I was blown away at how her memory changed reality so quickly without any form of embarassment or guilt at doing so. It made discussing the issue impossible after that.

I gave up on life in a way and moved to another country to start again. Things are better now and I still go back to see my family and old friend once in a while, but I can never forgive the absolute blank I got back then.

I still get told to be quiet now and again when I bring up new evidence, but I won't stop continuing in spreading the truth, and will always do so.

[EDIT: To clarify]

crystalclearme ago

You are of course right and skepticism is very useful and makes sense right off the back. Don't know how old or young you are but I think two things first really moved me towards it was very possible was remembering what I already kind of knew about outrageous scandals of the past. We didn't have the internet back in the 80s. The Franklin Cover up has a lot of online source documents and even video interviews. It clearly and directly links it right to the whitehouse. Also watching 1981 "Boys on the Side" and taking notes. Some names presented and some hinted at strongly enough you can figure them out. You'll see pattern where investigations are always stopped and media moves on along. And bringing it back to modern day: Jefferey Epstein. Yep- sweetheart of a deal he got to make it go away. Is way too much information to consume at one time and takes a while. But Voat is awesome and although there are shills - they are pretty obvious

doubletake ago

Great video, high integrity folks. and you're bitten by the pizza and you can't put it back. I get a feeling we've all kind of shared in that moment of realization, repugnance, inescapability: pizza is fuquing code for What??? Sibel's great, and Corbett's got the best 5 min summary of 9/11 on the planet. you know good sources, that's probably 90% of the battle, except it's not such a battle when you have folks like Voat to bounce things off of.

crystalclearme ago

Welcome aboard- something I wish I'd done from the start is to get a good note taking system! It will blow your mind and shock you how much it has always been right in front of our eyes but we didn't seel

SpikyAube ago

They didn't investigate, that's the problem. From what they've reported, it seems they didn't even get so far as knowing what pizza gate actually is about.

bernitdown ago

I don't have an hour o waste. I've listened to a fair amount but I'm not seeing the point. Want to TLDR for me a bit?

The_Kuru ago

If you want to influence people into disbelieving that there is something nefarious going on with the Clinton Foundation and associates, you need to dissuade them from ever looking at the evidence in the first place. You are wasting your time here because anyone who has come here has looked at the red flags.

I guess you could try to come up with alternate innocent explanations for the red flags, but you're not gonna try that fools errand. Instead you'll tell us we should be "skeptical" of our eyeballs.

AmishMechWarrior ago

This crap has happened before. All over the world there have been busts for rings like this. One bust in the SW had a basement with more video equipment than the news stations covering it had. These people organize.

I have a theory that it's related to the red shoes thing Tony Podesta was doing in that one photo. Red heels were only allowed to those in royal favor in France right before the first stage of revolution. After the surviving nobility and their buddies had to go underground, they had to have secret society signals like the red shoes. Those people who peddled kids to the rich before the revolution probably had to adapt. James Alefantis has a name that is supiciously like French for "I love boys". Perhaps that last name is a family name acquired because of their long reputation of human trafficking.

TruthTrumps ago

Makes me wonder about the red soled Louboutin shoes. Very much a status symbol... also seen on hollywood elite.

Louboutin Twitter page:

One particularly weird ad on Louboutin twitter page:

Godwillwin ago

I missed podesta and red shoes? Where is this?

Godwillwin ago

Popes wear red shoes to represent the blood of the Martyred

AmishMechWarrior ago

That is their public reasoning yes

Godwillwin ago

Thx. Weird! Really weird.

crystalclearme ago

Don't trust my memory but I think it was in the article about he and his wife at the time Heather or it was also in some interview with him or both! Commenting so if I find it I can come back and share

2impendingdoom ago

you're the best!

2impendingdoom ago

Please read the podesta emails and watch the sibel edmonds video before you start that up here. You are siding with creeps, crooks and criminals. You will never change our minds.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh hi mod! is there any way an administrator could add an ARCHIVE.IS link to the side bar?

reasonedandinformed ago

Debunk the video you CTR troll. You can't and will not even try.

Thrulkggls ago

Yes, these (above) are the people who have not yet been able to see...many are still blind. Do not trust the "mainstream" news to give you the truth.

cosmicmind ago

Should I call you Scooby Don't? Yes, your next name can be Scooby Don't.... or just Don't.
Fox news is a joke. Sadly, so are the other jokes you mention. Yes, your jokes are endless. They said it was fake. What points did they use as ''INVESTIGATIVE'' journalists?
Sadly, they didn't go over WikiLeaks points,
If you believe a propaganda machine just because they say it's fake, without providing all details and investigation, then they shouldn't be called professional investigative journalists. You can go on believing they are, but your belief doesn't make it true.

Thrulkggls ago

Amen! Focus on God, and you will gain strength as you move forward...we are all here with you, and we will be supporting all of those who awaken after you! Blessings!

cosmicmind ago

what points do you have to prove it's fake? That's the problem with you types, you have nothing to back you up, which means that you are disingenuous propaganda fake machines.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Welcome. Though you have been red pilled, remain skeptic. Investigate the information for yourself and do not believe something until you make the connection yourself. Disinformation and shills will be at every turn. Let the evidence speak for itself but be skeptic of who posts it and what their intentions may be. As you spend ore time here you catch on to who the good guys are and who are is not on our side. Welcome to the club and make sure you use the search feature before posting a new link.

Thrulkggls ago

I second that. There are many who will try to distract and dissuade the truth!

Godwillwin ago

Welcome to reality. It's ugly! Really really ugly :(

Stellarjay ago

Most people choose to remain blissfully unaware because the truth is too painful.

Pizzagate709 ago

"your own fox news" Do you see anything at all about fox news on any of these posts? no. The only people talking about fox news are shills

2impendingdoom ago

good point, I wonder if pepperoni sue is actually chelsea herself, I can't imagine anyone else actually suggesting chelsea 2020.

Pizzagate709 ago

She calls it "faux" news then goes onto say they debunked it... If Fox is "Faux" news certainly you cant take them saying its debunked as anything at all

2impendingdoom ago

you're trying to get a crazy person to see logic.

Pizzagate709 ago

user for 12 minutes

cosmicmind ago

It's global. The propaganda machine doesn't work on those with a brain and a conscience.... that's the litmus test - congratulations, you passed that test! Can you imagine how Senator Grassley feels knowing the truth as he tried to reveal project flicker? Imagine being in that type of position, having an actual conscience and no one believing him or being able to do anything about it?

Banned4Truth ago

Congressman Mark Foley, pedophile - creates the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act 2006 and sat as co-chair for United States House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. This is damning evidence to anyone who says we're crazy

OtisFirefly ago

This is an alt for im_with_her; exactly the same talking points, account created directly after the others deletion, still no citations.

2impendingdoom ago

I think it is her or Bill. Who else would say Chelsea 2020? They are now totally insane. especially to a group determined to prosecute them. (it must be the kuru).

pizzaequalspedo ago

I think most of us started as skeptics. But once you start doing some beyond snopes, you realize there is something to this.

Chance903 ago

Upvoat 4 you, Please do not believe anything you read via snopes. I have lost all faith,they are shills of information. or Kings of dis-imformation.

2impendingdoom ago

have you seen the sibel edmonds videos, have you read the podesta emails. Please do this if you are going to comment about our investigation, you should know what you are defending. It is sickening, criminal and very real. Chelsea has nothing to offer, democrats did not vote for her mother, why would they vote for her. There are a lot of Bernie people here, this is not left/right. this is about corruption.

Godwillwin ago

Thank you! It's so frustrating that people still think this is about left versus right. Daddy Bush was a big higher up in this stuff.

The left does seem to be silencing it in an effort to protect Hillary. but all in all, the actual perpetrators are on both sides

Pizzagate709 ago

No they didnt because they are a shillbot.

SheSaidDestroy ago

They're not a bot. I found their social media, and it's definitely them. They are, however, foolish in the ways of the internet.

2impendingdoom ago

I know. I distract them for you. my public service. I can't believe Chelsea 2020 are they fucking insane? I hope she won't be out of prison by then

Godwillwin ago

Speaking of Chelsea. I wonder about her. I'm guessing hill and bill tried to protect her from their vile activities all her life. I'm sure she knows her dad is scuzzy - they couldn't protect her from the Monica and Paula etc scandals. So when she heard of this, do you think she stopped for second to wonder? Like holy cow! My parents may really be doing this stuff. It would be difficult to swallow, but it has to be in the back of her mind.

I'm Catholic - and not cafeteria Catholic- so reading this about the Popes is really really really difficult for me - especially Ratzinger/Benedict. Francis kind of creeps me out and I always wondered if the one world order forced pope Benedict out to prop up Pope Francis. But now I'm reading these witnesses saying Ratzinger was involved. I don't want to believe it. So I'm guessing Chelsea feels this way about her parents - but even more disturbed of course- it's her parents.

Anyway, she has to know there's some truth to this. It's a shame she doesn't turn on them and help expose them all.

2impendingdoom ago

Chelsea, on one hand she brought in the currently missing Eric Braverman to clean things up, but she is also so insulated from reality. I suppose it is hard for her to break from her parent's growing up without siblings in such a fishbowl environment.

I am truly sorry that your faith is bottoming out, there seem to be a lot of people on this investigation experiencing personal crisis of awareness. You can still find honor in your own life and value in your day to day life. The pope cannot take that from you. In my town nearly all the boys I grew up with eventually got settlements ( after years of wrangling and legal battles ) due to a shitty priest who was shuffled around and protected, so I've been seeing the effects of pedo corruption for a long time, this for me is more of a confirmation than a revelation.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. Good point about no siblings.

I wonder if her bringing in braverman was an attempt to clean up the foundation so that it was more "presentable" upon the inevitable scrutiny she knew it would face during the election? Maybe she didn't/doesn't know the breadth of their scandals. Welll... She's not stupid though. She at least has to be aware of the pay to play stuff.

I have decided that even though the Popes may be bad like many were in the past history of the Church, the religion, itself, built upon thy Rock, Peter, is still true to me. I will continue going to Mass, but I will wonder about every Priest. I hope that most of them have been outed by now. Seems like all of the victims have spoken up by now, right? I hope so.

Anyway, didn't mean to derail the thread. I just thought the Chelsea angle was interesting and found myself relating to how she may feel because of the whole pope thing.

Pizzagate709 ago

The way this is going, i hope she is in prison by 2020... Lets hope trump can truly drain the swamp

2impendingdoom ago

chelsea 2020 is some serious delusion. who the fuck would vote for chel when they wouldn't vote for hill?

Pizzagate709 ago

b-b-bbut... ITS HER TURN!!!! WAHHHH

2impendingdoom ago

LOL! You don't sound very skeptical anymore. It was ugly how she was crammed down our throats. Any random person from the phone book could have beat Trump, but it had to be hill. Fuck her and her lechy husband,

justiceforever ago

Welcome patriot!! We're gonna win this.

SheSaidDestroy ago

For lurkers, Sibel Edmonds is a very respectable person with a history of integrity even when it was dangerous for her to tell the truth.'s_Own_First_Amendment_Award

For those of you who don't have time to watch the whole video, listen to her speak from 16:43 to 21:00.

red_pill_stefbot ago

She's one of the few people telling the truth about 9/11

eggmunkee ago

I also have thought the same. Even when I disagree I think she's smart and has had a lot of insight into that world, as well as some experience and knowledge of Turkey and Iran IIRC.

I would really recommend her book The Lone Gladio. She presents a fictional story, which is mainly only fictional because she can't legally write the non-fiction account, about events surrounding 9/11 and Western covert-funded Islamic terror. It's even a bit topical today. Despite names of companies and people being altered, you can tell the people or the small groups of people she is talking about, such as names off the PNAC cast of characters.

(I tried to post a link to amazon, but couldn't. It is available there and probably elsewhere.)

MurrueLaFlaga ago

This video got quite a bit of traction on /r/conspiracy last year when it was published and when the entire Dennis Hastert case was in full swing. Sibel Edmonds even came onto /r/conspiracy to give a very candid AMA:

otoucam ago

Excellent! Everyone really does need to listen to Sibel's portion.

2impendingdoom ago

welcome, if you decide to start investigating there a ton of connections and leads waiting for you. Use the search ---> before posting a new thread because it may have already been discussed. If you find new info, post it with a detailed title. pizzagate is about global public corruption, and trafficking children, arms and drugs, destabilizing regions to exploit resources, mindcontrol, pedophilia, satanism, use of blackmail for influence and other related criminal activity. don't mind the shills. Most of all, we are all in this together and we need you, take care of yourself.

ThePuppetShow ago

Welcome to the club.