justiceforever ago

You are very articulate and this is a great article! Great job!!

militant ago

Well done OP, thanks.

I have a few things to say, and more debunking.

  • It's not completely obvious, at times, when you take a quick glance, what is quoted from the article itself and what is not. When you quote Wikipedia for example, but I suppose you can only use black or grey colors. Not a big deal, anyway.

  • There's a mistake with Alefantis' name at some point (James Alerfantis). With Antinous too (Antinuos).

  • I personally prefer an em dash (—) with a space before and after, instead of -- without spaces, but not a big deal either.

  • A lot could be said about one of the co-authors, Cecilia Kang, isn't she a friend of Alefantis to begin with? If so, can we expect neutral work from her? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1437160

  • I think it would be good to talk about Mark Thompson and his involvement in the Jimmy Savile cover-up. https://i.sli.mg/hglIsV.jpg

On Dec. 4, Edgar M. Welch, a 28-year-old from North Carolina, arrived at Comet with a military-style rifle and a handgun. The police said he fired the rifle inside the pizzeria, hurting no one, and surrendered after finding no evidence to support claims of child slaves being held there.

  • The whole thing sounds hilarious to me. Perhaps you could use some sarcasm here, like "oh wow, that was a quick investigation, with a good ending, that was very nice of this armed conspiracy theory nutjob" or something.

This photo was found on James Alefantis’s Instagram account, and #PizzaGate believers claimed it as proof that he is a pedophile.

However, the man with the black T-shirt was not James Alefantis. It was a co-owner of a different restaurant in Washington, named L’Enfant Cafe-Bar.

(And in case you’re wondering, that restaurant was named after Pierre Charles L’Enfant, an American colonist from France who served under George Washington during the Revolutionary War.)

  • That thing is weird, first they don't even say that l'enfant means child in french, as if everyone is supposed to know, and, second, the people who made the mistake to believe (or pretend) that this guy is Alefantis are really a minuscule minority. So how is that relevant? Why don't they talk about other, more interesting and creepy pictures? Rhetorical questions of course, we know the answer, but it doesn't hurt to ask them.

The information that the Podestas were in Portugal is solely sourced to “FBI Anon,” quoted in Victurus Libertas, a conspiracy-minded news site that suggests, among other things, that the Titanic was deliberately sunk and that the queen of England is a reptilian alien."

This is very interesting because "FBI anon" — whether you think he's legit or not — never ever talked about the Podestas, nor Portugal. The journalists picked a FAKE QUOTE on a FAKE NEWS site, in a desperate attempt to make a point. Oh, the irony!

And obviously, they don't mention the email which is showing that John Podesta was travelling just when the girl was kidnapped.

That's it for now, I think it is important to debunk as much as we can that article which will be shared thousands of times (no doubt about it), so feel free to help!

Also, please upvoat this thread guys so that it can stay on the front page 1-2 more days!

pizzagate2 ago

Just noticed NYT picture and claiming it's a "walk-in refrigerator".
Uhh, WHAT PIZZA STORE NEEDS A WALK-IN FRIDGE THAT IS THAT FUCKING HUGE? (as in the instagram picture in the article)

pizzagate2 ago

I have read the article and find that it falls embarrassingly short of debunking anything other than The New York Times' professed journalistic integrity.


militant ago

Haven't read it yet but you're already my hero.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

one thing that you might mention, is the New York Times mentioned that the Podesta efits were of the same person. Yet the article they link to (guardian) says "believed to be" the same person. It doesn't say that they are the same person.

user54077 ago

I didn't catch that. Thank you. I will amend it tomorrow morning because I genuinely cannot look at a screen any longer.

terrordactyl ago

Suggestion: Include all the suspect emails as well as the alefantis instagram pictures, which as they say are worth a thousand words. Maybe also tackle that web graphic and explain more in detail the connections. Keep up the good work!

xeemee ago

damn good article

kneo24 ago

The big issue with the FAILING NYT article, which you point out is the lack of verifiable sources.

I personally think you at least need to put a link to why the paid crisis actor is a shill. I'm not entirely sure if the IMDB page is enough for people to make the connection. Sometimes people need things spelled out for them.

The idea here is that we would share this page with friends of ours who happen to say, "bu-bu-but the NYT said it's fake!" I also understand that we may not want to get too link heavy during the rebuttal as that can also turn people off. There's a fine balance to be had.

Just some food for thought.

user54077 ago

I appreciate the advice but, there is a reason I didn't link it to an article that exposes the actor. Anyone that is familiar with pizzagate would not need verification for they would likely go and find out for themselves, the IMDB page alone would be enough. The problem is though, to anyone that is reading it that has bought into the fake news narrative, they would want definitive proof. However, they are predisposed to distrusting any non-MSM news sources--and of course there is no MSM news sources exposing their own bullshit, so I didn't know what alternative media outlet could potentially be regarded as reputable by a newly interested party. If you can suggest a good link for me to use, then I shall update the article.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Really good work there. I'm surprised I missed it until now, but delighted to find yet another quality contributor out there! The exchange with nervous "Jervis" was entertaining.

JeremiahSinclair ago

haha I'm glad you enjoyed it. For such a skeptic, Jervis sure spent a lot of time reading, digesting, and debating all of my articles.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Excellent piece, thoroughly showed up the propaganda and misleading nature of the article, if I was on twitter I'd bombard eery article they have with one of James IG pics, as it is ill hafta make do with FB


I thought this critique was pretty good. However, I would point out that there is no mystery about the username "werkinonmahnightcheese" - this comes from a U.S. television comedy series of some kind. See:


terrordactyl ago

He probably enjoys the irony and double meaning. Seems to be a recurrent theme with the satanic pedophile crowd.

user54077 ago

Thank you. I have been asking a lot of people to explain this to me because the only thing I could imagine was that the user had some poor girl that he was abusing on a nightly basis and it's extremely disturbing to think about. Though, this doesn't exactly negate the possibility of that still being the case..

eyeVoated ago

That scene is from fucking Hollywood—pedo heaven for Christ's sake.

user54077 ago

The did actually touch on that...

think_whatif ago

Decent article.

I don't have a Steemit account--a valid phone # to register? wtf?--but, the author should've included this fact when discussing the logos & symbols:

CPP paddle symbol - Play Eat Drink - PED PED An English prefix of Greek origin meaning "child"

user54077 ago

Updated. Thank you for the advice-

dickface8 ago

Also the insta pic of Pan "god of pedophilia and rape" where someone says "reminds me of Jimmy Comet" to which he replies "That's me!"

user54077 ago

You're right. And that could have given me the opportunity to mention the connection between jimmcomet's instagram photo and ancient Roman paedophilia. I will make an amendment shortly.