Mannix ago

I commented on a Washington Post article a while back with a bunch of links to the various archived Instagram photos and it was deleted.

shakethetree ago

Compost is full of life and gives life. I take offense to this! Ha. The WaPo is just pure landfill garbage.

newguy68 ago

the people here are surprisingly vigilant self checkers. and quick to call out fake or questionable narratives and sources ..good luck trying to Shrill this group..lmao

organic1 ago

Go back under your rock, Robert.

SuperShilly ago

Sounds about right you annoying pedo faggot

reasonedandinformed ago

We know you sick shill.

VieBleu ago

I've seen that the New York Times serves as the press desk for the White House and the Washington Post does the same for the CIA.

jkick ago

Let's see how long this latest comment stays on......

Maria Elena Basile 7:33 AM GMT+0200 Sadly, I did my own research & there are many unanswered questions I have. It is true that there is a great deal of information that doesn't add up. In fact, much of this evidence was never spoken of on any of the major news networks. People have valid questions & concerns regarding child trafficking & abuse. These aren't simply about Comet Pizza; but the rabbit hole we all discovered through research beginning with this pizzeria. Of course that doesn't excuse anyone from ever breaking the law. This shooter had no right to do what he did. I don't think his actions represent the larger majority of those investigating pizzagate- now referred to as pedogate. There aren't around 50 people with these concerns regarding elite pedophilia, either. There are hundreds (if not thousands) who still have questions about Mr. Podesta & Hillary Clinton. These questions emerged after collecting data surrounding dubious circumstances on behalf of the Clintons & others connected to them. These questions were never addressed. Maybe if they were, people wouldn't panic. There is nothing crazy about having genuine concern when the safety & wellbeing of children is involved. What's crazy, is referring to people's concerns as conspiracy theories. There is data pointing to disturbing scenarios around top elected officials, politicians & others in power. In about 30 minutes, one can find enough evidence that seriously would make them panic. I'm not sure why these issues have never been addressed. I read that pizzagate was 'debunked' & labeled a 'harsh rumor'. When and how was it debunked? If there is nothing to worry about, will Mr. Podesta or Mrs. Clinton be willing to discuss these concerns with the public? This may ease the nerves of many good people; People from all walks of life who cohesively came together due to mutual suspicions. After researching many of the points brought up in pizzagate, facts are present, & are very hard to ignore. Of course if we shut our eyes we won't worry.

As someone adds ...

RossyB 10:04 AM GMT+0200 Be careful, if you start making too much sense Washington Post deletes your comment and the trolls descend upon you, with such genius responses towards the evidence as "Lol your making stuff up, your a crazy Russian!"

And they call us conspiracy theorists.

V____Z ago

Goog find, I'll add that to the post, thanks!

anonOpenPress ago

There lies a visible problem behind the whole journalism in U.S, which could be put in one sentence:

America is divided in two, and the public is picking their news sources based on ideology.

Under this, there's yet a bigger problem. Bigger mediums have no intention to get rid of the dividence as it benefits both parties and the medium owners in the long run. One of their biggest worries is that some 3rd party medium brings this fact into common knowledge. This is already happening and the trust on main stream media has now reduced to about 30%. They'd like to get rid of that 3rd party, but they were late.

They tried to flag the 3rd party as "fake news" in a situation they were already seen as fake news themselves. They underestimated their readers.

The next step is to lower the flag, as it turned against them, and put up a new tactic. This is to point out how untrustful the 3rd party is. For us, one visible example is the apology by Alex Jones and how it's taken advance of in many levels. It's not the apology itself which is the news here - It's turned upside down in purpose to make the whole apology questionable. Wether it's real or not doesn't matter - both the readers who believe in it, and the readers with an opposite point of view are given an idea that there's something not matching. This reduces the trust on all 3rd parties in a longer run.

They're still underestimating their readers. People are starting to see through clever tactics in multiple levels

The only solution for mediums to get back into their core business - valuable journalism is to (1) Find out what their readers are interested in (2) find out all the related people and facts (3) share all the facts, but unlike in traditional journalism which doesn't sell any more, (4) including an opinion, clearly stated as an opinion, into the story

The mediums are unable to use this tactic, as it would directly hurt their owners and partners

Only those 3rd party mediums who are not bind into agreements (especially into profitable ones) with the persons affected by the news are able to do this. But their problem, on the other hand, is pure lack of resources. They can't dig into fact checking. They don't have tools to check their sources. They need to accept unknown writers into the team. They are easily mislead, and they tend to share shit among valuable stuff.

The readers should both require and support better content

While most of the readers interested in 3rd party sources are mostly fed up with the tactics used by main stream media, they tend not to be critical on 3rd party news. They're simply happy the 3rd parties exists, supporting and sharing them blindly. This, on the other hand, gives the main stream media direct tools to oppose them. It's like the readers are giving a hammer fot MSM to nail down 3rd parties. The solution is, again, simple:

The reader should be aware of modern medium reading skills (even take a cource on that) to be evenly critical to both MSM and 3rd party news, and show their support for a good, valuable posts no matter of the source. Valuable 3rd parties should be supported also with money.

This, in the long run, will guide every medium towards valuable journalism.

privatepizza ago

Great to see

Death2Masons ago

Washington Post receives money from the CIA to push their agendas. Same as NYT, Huffington Post, Salon.

V____Z ago

No, i am just copying a few choice comments that i found at the article. Rossy B must have thought his second try would be deleted too, but luckily it wasn't, or we caught it before they did ;)

Pokes ago

I'm surprised they've left the comments section open on any of their pizzagate hatchet-jobs.

V____Z ago

Me too.

NeedPolyGF ago

How about BrainWashington Post? Or did someone already say that?

And what about NYT Wyt?

GuannaRue ago

"Brainwashington Post" +1

juhos ago

Writes retarded things like that and have nick like that, gee, could it be a pedo shill, I wonder lol.


juhos ago

"Your own sticky post". What fucking sticky post? I don't have a "sticky post".

Nice try pedo scum. KYS.

juhos ago

"Pizzagate is a crazy conspiracy theory about Hillary and Podesta having a child sex ring in the basement of the pizza place! Don't research or read the emails yourself, don't learn the history of cases like Finders, Franklin coverup, Savile, Heath, Hastert, Epstein, etc. there is nothing more!"

-That's how you know the media is in it. Fuck you WaPo. It should be a crime to call yourself a journalist and to do shit like you.

truthstrangerthanfic ago

WaPo = Steve Bezos = CIA/DeepState/MOSSAD = Amazon

The Washington Post is the official paper of the CIA, 100% propaganda, even worse than CNN (I know that is hard to believe).

charmeuse ago

Operation Mockingbird...I doubt there are any MSM outlets that are not staffed by intelligence operatives today. They used to just hand propaganda stories to real reporters, now the agents are pretending to be the real reporters. It is all propaganda, 24/7.

druhill007 ago

just reading through. I swear they actually have people posting as defenders of PG but with easily smushable arguments hahahah. these guys man. HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE THE LEADERS OF OUR WORLD..... blows my damn mind

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Rothschild money and Goyim puppet families.

evademoney2 ago

magazine article states he had a basement in 205 and then lies in recent interview with megyn smelly? who called him out on it yet. anyone?

Saibra ago Read this. Bezos has connections with the CIA- who is involved in child trafficking, among other things. It's a piece of crap newspaper that was bad when the old lady owned it (that's what her driver called her, he was my customer) Katharine Graham, but even worse now, Trust me, not many people even subscribe to the Post anymore. They know what a rag it is. Don't be discouraged!!

TuckerIsHawt ago

Makes me sick all these cucks on the right fuckin rinos take their cues off what WaPo or NYT said about something. Leave them behind, pay them no respect. The country is moving forward!

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

WaPo has become the worst. Throwing Bernie under the bus daily proved its corporate statist ways, and the "Prop or Not" and "Vermont power hacking" lie sealed its fate.

Psalm100 ago

I don't know if it's worst. It's got some very stiff competition in the rest of the corporate media.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Yeah. They have just taken on at least two of the worst stories that no one else would take since the election. OH NO, RUSSIA. lol

twa800 ago

Washington Post is also heavily involved with the Podestas, especially with John Podesta becoming a writer for them and using it as his personal platform to attack independent media.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Not only that, and probably more strategically involved are the restrictions on searching his house as a" journalist", unless that was bad information I wasn't able to filter. Anyone?

V____Z ago

And then there's the whole

Meanwhile, a petition campaign was launched related to news that Amazon, under the Post’s new owner, Jeff Bezos, recently secured a $600 million contract from the CIA. That’s at least twice what Bezos paid for the Post this year. Bezos recently disclosed that the company’s Web-services business is building a “private cloud” for the CIA to use for its data needs.

anonOpenPress ago
