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wecanhelp ago

Guys, please. This is basically the textbook example of a character attack. Now we're their level of cheap.

Do I think she's full of shit? Yes.
Does being a sex-and-fetish blogger have anything to do with that? No!

  • The only source that is cited by OP is the Daily Mail, one of the most meritless publications in existence. The article itself doesn't cite any sources either.
  • The article states she's addicted to HP fanfic. It doesn't state she writes it as some of the comments assume. The assumption that it's pedophile erotica also comes solely from OP based on the fact that some HP fanfiction does depict pedophilia. We know nothing about the sub-genre of HP fanfiction or the ships she enjoys. We know fanfiction is an otherwise perfectly innocent outlet for sexual fantasies and fetishes, and many very normal girls enjoy it.
  • Her being a sex-and-fetish blogger has nothing to do with anything. Are all sex-and-fetish bloggers secretly pedophiles or pedophile-friendly? Obviously not.
  • Memeing this will have an adverse effect due to the blatant ad hominem attack. Notice how when they can't disprove the evidence they always resort to character attacks and the like? Yeah, it's the same thing. If this goes viral, the investigation will only be further discredited.

I'm not saying OP is necessarily a shill, but this is shill content.

Please practice more critical thinking. If you can't prove it, don't spread it.

veritas_vincit ago

There's nothing good, healthy or normative about enjoying HP erotica.

But we don't have to think it's a good thing to recognize it isn't the same thing as being a pedophile. Wecanhelp is correct about that.

Owlhunter ago

She specifically posted about smutty HP fanfic according to the article. Her fact checking credentials seem very weak, not exactly what most people envision when they imagine the Snopes authority figure.

Yes, more sources would be great, please investigate. This is the first info I've seen on our arbiter of pizzagate truth.

wecanhelp ago

The article states she's admittedly

addicted to smutty HP [Harry Potter] fanfic.

Nowhere does it state that she writes it, it sounds more like she's consuming it.

I'm not saying she's innocent. All I'm saying is that nothing in this submission proves that she isn't, while it tries to appear as though it does.