Millennial_Falcon ago

there's a whole sub for that. /pizzagatememes

stickittotheman ago

Trump needs to shut down Snopes along with Google and several other "monopolies" like microsoft. The lying scums at wikipedia also need to be thrown on the trash heap.


Said santa clause to the little boy that was trying to slide off the creeps knee.

whitehand ago

Go look up he divorce proceedings for the owner of snopes. It is full of juicy stuff!

madmanpg ago

Describing Harry Potter fan fiction as "pedophile erotica" is roughly the same as calling "50 Shades of Grey" pedophile erotica. Yes. "50 Shades of Grey" was a Twilight fan fiction; another series focusing on teenage protagonists. It was also one of the best-selling and most talked-about books of 2011. The movies are still coming out.

So if you're really going to set a precedent that fictional teenage characters further fictionalized in sexual scenarios implies pedophilia, then a huge amount of American women qualify, and that includes a number of them who take pizzagate seriously. That this post has been upvoted this much does not reflect well on this community. This is an example of right-wing political correctness. It comes from the same place as Bob Dole was coming from in claiming the movie Trainspotting "glorified drug use".

stickittotheman ago

I hate snopes with a passion,... the more dirt we can expose on these pedo-enablers the better.

errihu ago

I read Fanfiction myself. If I find something involving minors having sex, I immediately stop reading. It's disgusting. But not all Fanfiction is about minors having sex. When I write it or read it myself, I age characters to an appropriate age (so they are ADULTS), or use characters who have always been portrayed as adults.

A lot of Fanfiction is written by 15 year old girls. It's no wonder that it tends to involve underage characters and high school settings, because that's all these young folk know. Most of us adults just click away from the badly written kiddie porn written by children. Most websites have a report feature for underage sexual content.

hashtaggery ago

Quidditch porn. Sheeit.

The_Invincible_Moose ago

The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers |

Tl;dr - Snopes won't allow themselves to be fact checked, have a secrecy agreement.

wisdomtooth ago

wisdomtooth ago

More on LaCapria here.

ExamplePrime ago

'The Jews' does not mean all Jews but rather a large proportion of elite Jews that own almost every media outlet.


That's right.Torah practising jews will probably find the wall in palestine will not allow for quick exit just like the ghetto wall of poland.

MaxDemian ago

You say that, but I regularly see normal people attacked on Voat for being Jews. I myself have had it happen to me. I don't gove a shit about it per se but lets not pretend people like whoever made that image are accepting of regular Jews such as myself.

ExamplePrime ago

Yeah because most of them don't understand the difference and because it's incredibly difficult to tell the 'Good Jews' apart.

Anonymous987654321 ago

If your defending this shit, your most likely a pedo. fuck these sick, sadistic assholes.

TruthTrumps ago

This info, alone, should be spread like wildfire on FaceBook...for all the lemmings who put so much faith in snopes.

Blacksmith21 ago's been a full news cycle. Snopes is on "faux news" debunking it within minutes. Go to and search "Kim LaCapria prostitute" and crickets. It's kind of funny.

wecanhelp ago

Exactly. Thank you for the source and details.

Sonic ago

There is hardly anything abnormal about reading Harry Potter smutfic, guys. Way to completely overstate what the hell is going on.

wecanhelp ago

Guys, please. This is basically the textbook example of a character attack. Now we're their level of cheap.

Do I think she's full of shit? Yes.
Does being a sex-and-fetish blogger have anything to do with that? No!

  • The only source that is cited by OP is the Daily Mail, one of the most meritless publications in existence. The article itself doesn't cite any sources either.
  • The article states she's addicted to HP fanfic. It doesn't state she writes it as some of the comments assume. The assumption that it's pedophile erotica also comes solely from OP based on the fact that some HP fanfiction does depict pedophilia. We know nothing about the sub-genre of HP fanfiction or the ships she enjoys. We know fanfiction is an otherwise perfectly innocent outlet for sexual fantasies and fetishes, and many very normal girls enjoy it.
  • Her being a sex-and-fetish blogger has nothing to do with anything. Are all sex-and-fetish bloggers secretly pedophiles or pedophile-friendly? Obviously not.
  • Memeing this will have an adverse effect due to the blatant ad hominem attack. Notice how when they can't disprove the evidence they always resort to character attacks and the like? Yeah, it's the same thing. If this goes viral, the investigation will only be further discredited.

I'm not saying OP is necessarily a shill, but this is shill content.

Please practice more critical thinking. If you can't prove it, don't spread it.

veritas_vincit ago

There's nothing good, healthy or normative about enjoying HP erotica.

But we don't have to think it's a good thing to recognize it isn't the same thing as being a pedophile. Wecanhelp is correct about that.

Owlhunter ago

She specifically posted about smutty HP fanfic according to the article. Her fact checking credentials seem very weak, not exactly what most people envision when they imagine the Snopes authority figure.

Yes, more sources would be great, please investigate. This is the first info I've seen on our arbiter of pizzagate truth.

wecanhelp ago

The article states she's admittedly

addicted to smutty HP [Harry Potter] fanfic.

Nowhere does it state that she writes it, it sounds more like she's consuming it.

I'm not saying she's innocent. All I'm saying is that nothing in this submission proves that she isn't, while it tries to appear as though it does.

marnikus ago

Where in the information on pedophile erotica mentioned in the article? I can't seem to find it.

Infopractical ago

This is interesting because I had started a file specifically on Kim LaCapria's Snopes articles. The reason I focused on her is that her article on Eric Braverman never actually reached the point of debunking anything. Granted, the focus on the Russian embassy may have been a false trail, but it isn't as if she even gave that much information:

So, I started reading her other articles and documenting various absurdities. Sigh. This needs to be written up into an even larger and more sourced article that includes take-downs of her shitty "research".

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I've said all along the Harry Potter shit was a pedo bridge. See, pedos have always gone to see kid movies, read teen fiction and children's books, etc, in order to converse with kids. They kicked it all off by putting in a magazine that Helena Bonham Carter couldn't put the first book down. An adult. A woman. They're very clever.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Facebook is the scourge of a functional society.

doubletake ago

Snopes as Porno Brokers -- how PRICELESS!!! is that? Thank you, god. Just keep these hits coming! (I sure hope Voat folks send Facebook and other news orgs a bunch of love letters about this.)

Rigg5 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Did anyone catch this quote?

"She described her blog as a lifestyle website 'with a specific focus on naughtiness, sin, carnal pursuits, and general hedonism and bonne vivante-ery.'"

Bon vivant. Where have I heard that before?

Google image search "bon vivant pedo". It imagery. Trying to figure out alternative meanings for "bon vivant". I think it may have a more contemporary meaning of someone like Pan (like Alefantis)

IlluminatiKing ago

Man, I knew Snopes was fake news but Snopes is a mess!

Scirel ago

LaCapria says she is into "bonne vivante-ery"

James Alefantis is described by GQ as a Bon Vivant


ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Non. C'est Francais.

Owlhunter ago

Not implying you specifically. Obviously relevant to the investigation when this Snopes researcher is the author of one of the most referenced articles debunking the investigation.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

More fake news...get a hobby people. SMH.

eyeVoated ago

I would like to kick your ass

feel_the_bern_baby ago

Look! An internet tough guy...who believes fake news. You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag. Run along Scooby Doo. Go solve your fake news story. Lol.

eyeVoated ago

I'm working on it, and your days are numbered, spawn of satan

feel_the_bern_baby ago

So much much is fake. End of story. Get with the real world. Try to live a normal life. Sounds like you need help.

eyeVoated ago

I live an extraordinary life. Next tactic, satan's child

wellington33 ago

OP, now that you talk about Harry Potter: This organization could be interesting, dont you think guys?

Xax ago

So, people donate thinking they're helping kids in Haiti without realizing they are enabling pedofiles/child sacrificers? Great...

remedy4reality ago

she wrote the snopes debunk on Pizzagate... please tell me you realize this.

standalone ago

Uniquely retarded snowflake

standalone ago

CLAIM: @pepperoni_sue is not a shill

(X) FALSE: @pepperoni_sue was fact checked by ME and found to be a shill. Even Faux News debunked her. QED.

reasonedandinformed ago

Where is the actual source article in which Kim LaCapria wrote of Harry Potter and described her lifestyle? Since the claim is that she has written these things, you will need to document these with links. Otherwise, these claims are easily described as "fake news."

terrordactyl ago

daily mail is sensationalist but it it is an msm rag that usually has enough evidence in their journalism. This is legit.

reasonedandinformed ago

I am not so sure. I looked and could not find the source documents. If she wrote these things (Harry Potter, etc.), where is it? I can find nothing else on it in a search,

reasonedandinformed ago

The article you cite lacks sources. One example:

But the website's own troubles and the intriguing choice of who carries out its 'fact checks' are revealed by, as one of its main contributors is disclosed to be a former sex-blogger who called herself 'Vice Vixen'

What is the source for this claim? We have to be careful as CTR will deliberately plant fake claims into this platform to discredit. Just try to trace the claims in the article and see if you can find them documented or substantiated anywhere outside of the words in the article. I am 100% confident that this pizzagate controversy is real and goes to the highest levels in government, but we need to be careful in what we identify as truth (because it supports us in some way) as those fighting us will jump on anything that can be found to be not true

terrordactyl ago

theres a screen capture of her blog in the article. Direct link: archive link:

wecanhelp ago

No sign of pedophile Harry Potter fanfiction on the site. This is not a satisfactory source. I 100% agree with @reasonedandinformed that we need to take our sources very seriously, and so far this submission fails to do so.

zoltan907 ago

I haven't combed through her whole blog, but she talks about gay Harry Potter fan fiction here:

wecanhelp ago

And how is that relevant?

zoltan907 ago

If you really want to know specifically what kind of fan fiction she's interested in, why don't you read her blog to find out, email her and ask, or email the Daily Mail to ask them what the source of their claim was?

wecanhelp ago

I really don't. Innocent until proven guilty, and it wasn't on my agenda to prove her guilty as nothing has been posted in this thread that suggests she is. My point, instead, was to question the ad hominem allegations.

zoltan907 ago

I wasn't trying to prove her guilty. I just posted the link because it sounded like reasonedandinformed had difficulty confirming that she was a former sex blogger, and asked for documentation, so I included a link to her blog, focusing on the only reference I saw to Harry Potter. I didn't intend to suggest she was guilty of anything.

wecanhelp ago


terrordactyl ago

Ok let us say you're right. Why what be the reason to run a disinformation OP on snopes? I don't see the logic behind it. Help me out.

UglyTruth ago

Same modus operandi as Wikipedia. Publish useful information for mundane topics and disinformation for sensitive topics.

wecanhelp ago

Snopes is a well-known "debuking" website, so if you've got Snopes under control, you've handled many of the lazy skeptics out there who do possess the amount of critical thinking to question mainstream media, but don't (yet) possess the amount to question a seemingly anti-mainstream fact-checking website like Snopes. Snopes is apparently strategically placed "mainstream non-mainstream media", to help those who control the news reach even further than regular mainstream media. Does this help?

terrordactyl ago

Right I get that. This article however calls snopes credibility into question. If 'vice vixen' is big into HP erotic fanfiction, that would be a further blow to the credibility of that particular debunk. How does that disinform or help the antipizzagate narrative. I'm just not seeing it.

wecanhelp ago

I've explained it here.

reasonedandinformed ago

Good analysis.

wecanhelp ago


kneo24 ago

Her being a sex fiend isn't the news worthy part of this. Her writing pedophilic fanfic is. Also notice the bon vivant reference? Isnt Alefantis given the same title in the GQ article? Coincidental, but interesting.

wecanhelp ago

Could you please point to the source of her writing pedophile fanfic?

zoltan907 ago

Since she wrote "addicted to smutty fan fic," she might be more of a reader than a writer. This is one of her old blog posts, in which she says "slashers" in Harry Potter fandom were vindicated when J.K. Rowling revealed that Dumbledore was gay.

wecanhelp ago

How does that quote suggest she's a fanfic writer? And how is the linked blog post relevant?

zoltan907 ago

I never said she was a fanfic writer. I said it sounds more like she's a reader of fanfic. The linked blog post confirms that's she's interested in erotic Harry Potter fan fiction. It has nothing to do with pedophilia, nor did I ever suggest that it did. I clearly stated that I did not look through her entire blog.

wecanhelp ago

Indeed, my bad. I must have misread your first sentence and read the rest of your comment in that light. I apologize.

eyeVoated ago

Ever heard of Natural Law? Karma? I'm curious about luciferian dark occultists such as yourself. Do you really believe in duality? Or are your delusions as pure as your evil?

RocksindaFoodGrinder ago

It's going to take a while for that mental picture to fade. Hammy Kim , test driving a Harry Potter

nowiknow ago

No joke, Kim LaCapria is the one who wrote the Snopes article "debunking" pizzagate as false.

quantokitty ago

WOWZA! This is what I was always hoping for! Amazing post! Upvoat for you.

Definitely going to blast this around on social media. The great SNOPES that Wikipedia and other pedophile enablers use as a fact checker is using trailer trash to rely upon! Kim LaCapria probably writes half the debunking articles while on drugs, and with one eye on the pages of a tawdry book describing an illicit, illegal, immoral affair between a forty-year-old loser living in his parent's basement and the next door neighbor's kindergartner who uses the family's heated pool for daily exercise. Really a pathetic soul that might do better as another member of that group of sicko degenerates the Majestic Apes. What joke! Pedos policing themselves!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Tell me exactly how they debunked it? To my knowledge they said 'its fake news' without addressing the fact that the crew is a pedophile convention. The 'all age' shows in a 'kid friendly' restaurant where they talk about sex with young boys and killing babies? When did they debunk that? When did they debunk Bill Clinton flying on Lolita Express even breaking protocol and leaving behind secret service, when there were children on board. What is wrong with you?

standalone ago

What is wrong with you?

David Broke said: no Pizza this week unless #pizzagate goes back 20% on Google trends.

oresd ago

Fake fact checking?

Sentastixc ago

dailymail is awesome

BlackTara108 ago

These sick bastards have a lot of nerve calling pedophilia a 'fetish'. It's a heinous crime against God & humanity. The cult of Harry Hay are fighting to the death, to legitimize BOTH homosexuality & pedophilia. Obama/Biden/Clinton/The UN and Planned Parenthood are all high ranking cult leaders. Check out to read these stunning & sickening facts & watch their documentary if, you have a strong stomach...Crimes against children must NEVER be legitimized.


That is right....Once the child is exposed to carnal knowledge he absorbs all the perversions of his or her corrupter.The corrupter's sexual and evil vices are transferred on to the child subconscious.So in actual fact it is a pandemic that the child may pass on as they age.

BlackTara108 ago

Great explanation. How could anyone accept such evil into society? Ashamed to be human sometimes.

GenericVodka13 ago

There's nothing wrong with homosexuality. What healthy adults consent to isn't your business. Pedophilia is wholly different though.

BlackTara108 ago

When elites use the homosexual agenda, to push legitimization of pedophilia, it is my business as a parent. When a small fraction of society is given special privilege over all others, it is my business. When Christians are fined and lose their businesses for not catering to homosexuals, it is my business.(US Constitution being shredded) When taxpayers are forced to pay, for the sex changes of murderous inmates, it is my business. I don't give a rats ass, what an adult does in his own bedroom . As long as it's not harming kids or society. The cult of Harry Hay is using the homo agenda to push the 'normalization' of pedophilia. That is also my business. explains. Watch the doc and see if you still feel that 'nothing's wrong with homosexuality agenda'. Also check out how many serial murderers are homosexuals. No one wants to talk about these real issues because of social conditioning and political correctness. The truth is the truth and I won't bite my tongue because 3% of the population might get their feelings hurt. Educate yourself.

GenericVodka13 ago

Yeah, you're pretty fucking stupid. Is the legitimacy of gay marriage harming children too?

BlackSwordsman ago

Nothing wrong with homosexuality. Consenting adults not hurting anyone is not a place we want to legislate. Pedophilia on the other hand...

BlackTara108 ago

When elites use the homosexual agenda, to push legitimization of pedophilia, it is my business as a parent. When a small fraction of society is given special privilege over all others, it is my business. When Christians are fined and lose their businesses for not catering to homosexuals, it is my business.(US Constitution being shredded) When taxpayers are forced to pay, for the sex changes of murderous inmates, it is my business. I don't give a rats ass, what an adult does in his own bedroom . As long as it's not harming kids or society. The cult of Harry Hay is using the homo agenda to push the 'normalization' of pedophilia. That is also my business. explains. Watch the doc and see if you still feel that 'nothing's wrong with homosexuality agenda'. Also check out how many serial murderers are homosexuals. No one wants to talk about these real issues because of social conditioning and political correctness. The truth is the truth and I won't bite my tongue because 3% of the population might get their feelings hurt. Educate yourself.

BlackSwordsman ago

Being attracted to kids and attracted to the same sex is not the fucking same thing, man. There are SHIT loads of straight pedos. You're shilling your bullshit here. You've attached something completely useless and unrelated onto Pizzagate. You're a shill. Objectively. You can say whatever you want, I'm not talking to you because I care about anyone's feelings. I'm straight up telling you that you're a shill and this has nothing to do with the focus of pizzagate. Probably 3% of people here agree with you. I don't give a fuck if I hurt your feelings either.

BlackTara108 ago

Report - Pedophilia More Common Among 'Gays'

The truth is the truth. The proof is available. Instead of trying to provide facts, you provide vitriol. Sad little man. Almost all women who get HIV? Get it from their boyfriends/husbands who're 'on the downlow'. You have the gubberment on your side. but We the people, know the truth and will speak freely by sharing facts. You cannot silence me and you could never 'hurt my feelings', son., Crawl back under your diseased rock.

BlackSwordsman ago

That's one of the most hilarious sources I've ever been linked to. Honestly. I could make a better webpage in an hour. Please look up the names of the people and the "universities" (and I use this term loosely) they graduated from and if you aren't laughing about their credibility, then you're an idiot. Flat out. The article has one citation from some fly by night website Jesus fucking Christ what a joke. You actually think you're going to convince a single person a brain with this trash? Move on. and Regent University? Bahahahahaha "Regent University - Christian Education in Virginia & Online" LOL. Sorry bud. I hope you didn't spend any money at that school of idiocy.

sunajAeon ago

I disagree, I think it is perversion, if ANYTHING my generation is learning the results of "DO AS THOU WILT," now we are seeing the weaponization of this in the LGBT movement (bowel movement I call it) we should tolerate sexual perversity among consenting adults in the privacy of their own home as a necessity of a reasonable and democratic Nation serving many different philosophies of life, but we must never permit the unchecked growth of this perversity, which has resulted in the coronation of the LUCIFERIAN PEDOPHILE RING in the highest office of our Nation

BlackSwordsman ago

There are both biological AND social cues that lead people to have homosexual feelings . You can make arguments, not like it, and have your own personal opinion on it, I am in NO way discouraging that, but homosexuality has been linked to various biological triggers, and I find it difficult to chastise a feeling of love someone has that they can never help, and that doesn't hurt anyone. Did you know that as a woman gives birth to more and more males, her body begins learning to suppress the testosterone, and thus each boy is more likely to be gay? By the 4th child, there becomes a significant increase in the child's likelihood to be gay. This is just one example. There are "nature" examples as well, don't get me wrong on that. A person's chance to become homosexual comes from BOTH biological and social cues. You can't legislate that, and that's what my opinion comes down to. No one is being injured in the act and it's insane as a society to try and fight a battle we can't win. It will cause such a stupid waste of resources that it would cripple us trying to do it effectively (war on drugs is a fantastic example of this). For all these reasons and many more, I say let them live their sexuality the way they want. When you turn to pedophiles, you can directly and scientifically link severe damage to a child's later psychological state due to sexual exploitation. This is wrong and must be stopped. I should also mention that while I do not believe in the existence of any gods, you are welcome to your opinion on that, as these Luciferians are welcome to theirs, so stating: "homosexuality is against god and satan would want you to like gays" or whatever, means nothing to me. I appreciate your opinion and response.

sunajAeon ago

Well frankly some of these ideas supposedly based on new science are untrustworthy, I was just studying Kinsey, and the only thing I knew about this Prophet of the new age of sex was that he was a pioneer in opening sexuality to the masses-man was I wrong-Kinsey and his family comer directly out of Hitler's Nazi elite of mad Drs, they worked hand in hand with Mengelee! His work on serial criminal pedophiles was nothing less than ghastly and should have landed him in prison for life, so you'll excuse me if I don't get too moved by some of these modern so-called scientific studies about the LGBT movement-the science in the last 100 years has been subverted, with all heads of education in our highest institutions at the beck and call of this Kakocracy that this subject PIZZA GATE is all about

BlackSwordsman ago

Shill identified.

sunajAeon ago

Who are you calling a shill?

BlackSwordsman ago

You. Any study I present you'll just say the same thing so you will overrule anything. I guess you win the argument. Well done. Nazi's, Hitler and science is wrong. Fantastic argument.

sunajAeon ago

LOL well I might be wrong on some of my research, that is the nature of research, but I walk with Creator, Chum, my intentions on this board are clear to those who have eyes, I am not easily dislodged because someone makes a personal attack, neither am I susceptible to some of the more common arguments that many men in science have propounded, even if they have become the "norm," I don't think there is much purpose to us continuing private chat good day

BlackSwordsman ago

As I said, homosexuality is a part of biology. You shouldn't be dislodged by personal attacks, but you should be by science. But given you are religious, I can only assume you don't believe in evolution, so it's safe to say science won't sway you. Cling to whichever religious book you feel is best. There are millions of proposed gods that you don't believe in... I just go one god further. Good day.

PolybiusPizza ago

I heard that Snopes debunked this.

Rigg5 ago

I liked this comment so much, it was pre-upvoated, somehow.

sunajAeon ago

LOL the irony

doubletake ago

of course they did. it's a reflex action. Who is supporting this outfit's credibility in the first place? lousy, lazy reporting. They are stenographers and yes men. They are a fuquing joke.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

The jury is still out on the rest of snopes staffers. Who wants to bet they like to play hey diddle diddle too?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You know what a boring ass job. They sit on their junk all day. Real nosepickers.

DoNotGiveUp ago

I thought snopes was just a Husband and wife?

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Idk lol. Or maybe, a Witch and a Kike?

quantokitty ago

Did Vice Vixen debunk it with the vibrator running?

nowiknow ago

Kim LaCapria was the one who wrote the Snopes article claiming Pizzgate is false.

PolybiusPizza ago

The thing about symbology... It can be applied in so many different ways. I have a crescent moon tattoo, and I got it cause there were three on an old family crest, and it meant in heraldry symbolism, horns raised to the higher power as in reverence or like a toast. Similarly, I believe God made the moon as another means of helping us/ giving us proper well-timed cycles for life. Just wanted to drop in that rhe moon is not Satanic.

wisdomtooth ago

Muh, satanism. That only flies with religious Christians. This Daily Mirror has far more saucier material than that.

ThePuppetShow ago

Can you post the original of that picture of her and an archive of where you got it?

EDIT: Nevermind, found it.

redditsuckz ago

Got it from here I think;

Its is her facebook pics;

Her Twitter;

ThePuppetShow ago

I wasn't doubting at all, I actually found it before you finished your reply. Thank you though.

terrordactyl ago

Wow, you were proven so right. All those comments on your original post doubting you. Time to repost this.

Millennial_Falcon ago


wisdomtooth ago

Millennial_Falcon ago

Effort appreciated, although I have to say the inclusion of the Podesta "14/fish" photo is unfortunate (we debunked that long ago), as is the "led by Hillary Clinton" part (too sensational and unbelievable for newcomers).

wisdomtooth ago

Feel free to fork it and change it.

What has been debunked?

Millennial_Falcon ago

The 14 and fish on his hands are not an occult reference. They refer to some environmental organization's 14th goal in their list of goals, which has to do with protecting oceans.

doubletake ago

Memes from Heaven!

Blacksmith21 ago


[insert image]


remedy4reality ago

We're all just tin foil hatters, I guess.

Gorillion ago

I am sure you all have read fiction that has serial killers

I didn't beat off to it, you degenerate retard pedo.

Looking forward to the CTR contractor's list leak. You filth are going to be outed and destroyed.

BlackTara108 ago

God bless you for your noble efforts, dear Gorillion. You know, these sicko's won't be stopped by the state. The state is fighting to legitimize Please, check out their written info & documentary if you haven't seen it, yet. We are the ONLY ones who can stop these degenerate criminals.

Insubordinate ago

Keep digging that mainstream media grave. Truth-seekers have shovels in hand to pile on the soil.

redditsuckz ago

Reddit Told me not to go on a "Witch Hunt" but I think I found a Witch - Kim LaCapria of Snopes

8_billion_eaters ago

Is Snopes a valid source to check for the truth?

redditsuckz ago

Snopes is owned by (((The Mikkelsons)))...

pitenius ago

And yet Mikkelson is an old Swedish patronymic based on a Christian name. Not every German, Polak or Nordic is a jew.

2impendingdoom ago

everyone needs to post this on their face book, read the whole article. it is outrageous, fantastic details.

bikergang_accountant ago

Or not use facebook. That's what ultimately reduces their power. It's better to reduce an enemy's power that to increase awareness and do nothing about it.

The slow and steady logflume ride of destruction. Where it's an actual logflume with a saw at the end, everyone is aware and thinks that by talking about it they are solving the problem.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't use it myself, but for a lot of people that will be a tough sell. It would be a fun irony to have this article trend on face book.

Blacksmith21 ago

That is some juicy shit right there. Ladies and gentleman....I present YOUR Snopes. [Drum crash]

juhos ago

Snopes is a big joke.

golly ago

Maybe it's an idea to separate pizza gate related news and discussion and just the investigation. Right now this sub is getting too messy.

quantokitty ago

No, it's not messy. This is very much connected to #pizzagate since this faux liberal hack shill site is being used to shut down the investigation and silence critics of this pedophile cabal.

golly ago

We differ form opinion. To me it is getting way too messy here. Mods should start to delete double discovers and such soon. And also remove news posts that have nothing to do with the investigation. If they don't people will just migrate or stop being motivated. I never really gotten into doing research on a medium such as this or reddit. It is too public and shills/CTR can play games and stall/delay place misinformation etc.

quantokitty ago

I understand your point, but don't agree. Shills will always be hammering away on this subject. There are powerful forces that want to suppress this. I only see valid posts rising to the top. It's not to say that very good posts with substantive info haven't gotten traction. The thing is the crucial piece of info they contained was seen and usually picked up on. I say, let's put it all out there. This is expansive and should be fought on all fronts. Anything about SNOPES should be front and center since it has positioned itself as an authority which it is not and never has been.

Owlhunter ago

Shills or CTR could just as easily play games by limiting the topics of conversations. If i was a pedo I would certainly want the investigation to be limited to Alefantis and Comet wouldn't I

SpikyAube ago

I agree, it used to be that every post was a new lead or discovery or connection being found. Now there's lots of extraneous stuff, much of it is interesting, yeah, but it risks derailing the investigation. Maybe separate it into investigation and 'spreading the message' - both are equally important. Could even have flair for each, so everything can stay here but people can filter by what is about investigation, what is useful for getting the message out there e.g. debunking MSM, ideas for how to redpill the world etc, and then other tangential stuff.

golly ago

Exactly my point! All the news about pizza gate that doesn't contribute to the investigation shouldn't be here. Or, we should create a research specific sub and keep that private like you said. I do most of my research on IRC/IM anyways.

Sharing everything is public does have a big downside as it gives the opponents a heads up and chance to delete evidence. We can archive it all but always risk losing some evidence because we shared something too soon. I've seen it happen here a few times. Someone posts a new lead too soon and then before all evidence can be gathered its been deleted.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Good idea

Blacksmith21 ago

Edit 1: I should look below the fold.

thezodiac ago

I'm glad we have this person to tell us what is "fake news".

derram ago :

Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online

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