redditsuckz ago

Reddit Told me not to go on a "Witch Hunt" but I think I found a Witch - Kim LaCapria of Snopes archive picture;

postfascion ago

Witchcraft in itself isn't bad. The distinction between black and white is the former serves only the self, the latter serves nature/the universe. By "hunting" witches indiscriminantly, you are potentialy targeting some genuinely good people. My advice is do some research, first. I don't know anything about the woman above, but generally a moon tatoo has nothing to do with the abuse of children, more likely an observance of feminine cycles.

SeanBox ago


postfascion ago

IgnoreTheTroll, bring the true abusers to justice. Some of the guilty are christian priests, some of the guilty are Buddhist monks, most witches are innocent.

WatcherWatcher ago

No, but her [blanket?] is covered with suns / stars... Christianity is a solar religion... #sunofgod

pleasedontsuicideme ago

It is just a tattoo. Don't go calling people witches just cause they have a tattoo that resembles a moon. Symbols like this are in right now. I went to Target last week and saw 5 different shirts with a similar trend.

Seriously, guys, we need to stop making little things like this into some huge connection and calling people pedophiles and witches just because. If you guys saw half the stuff I have you would think I'm a serial killer.

postfascion ago

I'm an occultist, n guess what? Not a paedophile, nor am I a child abuser. There are occult aspects to all religions, there are even satanists that wouldn't dream of hurting the innocent. This subject is far more nuanced than some would have us believe.

greyhunter4 ago

Interesting to see snopes outright calls it false now. Before it was a unconfirmed or unsupported thing. Shows them caring less and less about the truth. If they can't prove anything one way or another they shouldn't pick a side.

PlayMeWhile ago

It's not "they". Most of the time it's literally just this one person - Kim LaCapria:

starseedlover ago

Moon tattoos and witchy stuff is trendy right now, and not all witches are "bad" or lumped into Satanism. Especially because of a moon tattoo.

carlip ago

Waxing moon = growing

Waning moon = dying

nimblenav ago

she's a 6/10 but I believe that irl she's a 5/10

redditsuckz ago

DC Satanic connection confirmed?

One Lounge where Reddit CEO "Consumed Human Flesh" is point of Washington DC Pentagram next to Dupont Underground Tunnel

quantokitty ago

Definitely worth digging into.

Teeder ago

She holds no importance, except what she places on herself. She is literally one of the people who, if they ceased to exist today, nothing changes anywhere.

dawnstar ago

Star and crescent is the symbol of Muslims. It's on the flags of several Muslim countries. She might be into Sufism which means nothing. It's retarded AF to chase symbols like that without looking it up first, you look stupid and this kind of moronic threads annoys the shit out of everyone. Half of the original voat users blocked this subreddit because of retarded shit like that.

Ctrl-Left ago

Muslims werent the first ones to use those symbols. The crescent moon and star symbol existed long before Islam was even formed. It dates back to Sumerian iconography and ancient Egypt, even the Romans used it in some of their coins. Some evidence shows that the symbol is originally from Central Asia and Siberia as part of celestial worship. So you could definitely argue that the occult has been using that symbol longer than Islam which first started using it around the 13th century.

dawnstar ago

It still doesn't prove anything about the Snopes founder being a child-sacrificing Satanist, tho. Occult symbol chasing is stupid as hell, there are millions of Wiccans and other pagans who wear pentagrams and other occult symbols, it's sheer tin foil hat lunacy to associate occult symbolism with pedo rings. This kind of shit is what discredits this investigation and makes it look like a stupid tinfoil hat conspiracy.

Ctrl-Left ago

I never said it proves that she's a child-sacrificing satanist or that it proves anything else about her. I actually agree with you that it probably doesnt mean anything because of the wide and popular use of that symbol. Just wanted to point out that you're full of shit when you said that its the "symbol of muslims", thats all. Its the same as saying nazis created the swastika.

dawnstar ago

It is widely recognized as the symbol of Muslims, its origins are not known to the general populace therefore irrelevant. Average people on the street will recognize it as a Muslim symbol, is all.

PIcasso54 ago

Or even worse-- A Muslim Satanist pedo ring. THE WORST KIND

worldofmadness ago

oh so you just mean normal islam.

redditsuckz ago

Content Manager at Snopes;

Author: Kim LaCapria

*Edit notice her necklace is hexagram.

The 5 points would line up perfectly for a pentagram star for the drawn crescent moon on her chest pointing to it just like Lucifers forhead and the crescent moons above and below him...same with Comet ping pongs.

redditsuckz ago

She might be a Freemason of "The Order of the Eastern Star"

The Order of the Eastern Star is a Freemasonic appendant body open to both men and women. It was established in 1850 by lawyer and educator Rob Morris, a noted Freemason. The order is based on teachings from the Bible,[1] but is open to people of all religious beliefs. It has approximately 10,000 chapters in twenty countries and approximately 500,000 members under its General Grand Chapter.

What scary is there is at least 500,000 people from this secret society. No wonder you see so many shill accounts trying to keep this info secret.

BlueDrache ago

I was told by a Mason once that It's not a "secret society" ... it's a "society with secrets". Important difference.

redditsuckz ago

RJGolden ago

holy shit 500k wow!