pby1000 ago

I think that the distinction is important because of their symbology- The light bringer, the morning star.

If you watch the last Super Bowl halftime show, it makes sense that they were depicting Lucifer falling to Earth.


GeorgeT ago

Watch Jessy Ventura's Conspiracy Theory a - episode dealing with spy gadgets. Extraordinary stuff.

sinclair ago

One such documented example was former president, Richard Nixon's comments from a May 13, 1971 recording that: "The Bohemian Grove (an elite, secrecy-filled gathering outside San Francisco), which I attend from time to time. It is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine..."

GeorgeT ago

Perhaps that was the reason the elites got rid of him?

Astrotheologist ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1473323 I know a girl who works for a guy who attends Bohemian Grove. Check out this post I made about him. He owns four restaurants, on one of the kids menus he has pedofile code on it.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I used to live less than 1 mile from Bohemian Grove and paid very close attention to all of it.

Here's a fun fact from the locals: Bohemian Grove is home to the world's largest wood burning oven and I think it takes a week to get it heated for the festival.

jstrotha0975 ago

To burn children?

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Well, when I lived in that town I was very interested in Bohemian Grove. Alex's hidden camera video was still very new at the time. The entrance to BG is down a small, hidden road just across the river in Monte Rio. There are private residences and bed & breakfasts before you reach the entrance. BG makes it very clear that they do not want visitors, there are signs literally covering the entrance alerting you that you are being video-taped and that this is a private road. I never tried to go up the road but I did see one of their BG trucks before, they have an owl logo on them.

I spoke with locals about Bohemian Grove, they are who told me about the giant wood burning oven. The BG hires seasonal workers for each of their events (they hold two a year, July and I think maybe Feb? There is a smaller festival before the July Jinks). I was told that they hire from the locals for the seasonal events and that there was not a very extensive background checking process. The jobs they hire locals for are mainly cooks and serving staff. I was told that they exclusively hired men until very recently (as of when I was told this some years ago) that women were now being hired as well because of some discrimination lawsuits. This same person told me about the giant oven but said that it was used for cooking all the lavish feasts that the Aristocrats enjoy during their time at BG. I sat at a park in Monte Rio that gives very clear vision of all cars coming and going. I literally sat in this park for hours every day during their festival to see if I saw anything of note. Curiously I did not see nearly as many cars going up there as I thought, only a few luxury cars or suspicious looking vehicles went that way during my time staked out in the park. I did see a few helicopters that may have been delivering people into the Grove and I heard their fireworks too.

There is actually a public park there too that used to be part of the grove but was donated to the city by the Bohemian Club. I've always wanted to hold an event there as kind of a big "fuck you" to the Bohemian Club Moloch loving sickos.

GeorgeT ago

I bet MrPing Pong does the honors! That sick freak!

River_Otter ago

The satanic high holiday of sacrifice, Beltane, is tomorrow, May 1st, or as most know it, May Day.

ASolo ago

I'm really surprised noone brought up the fact that April 30th is Walpurgis Night, Night of the Witches and the start of Beltane.

angry_mob ago

easy now.

Zen0 ago

It usually commences in mid July

angry_mob ago

yeah, it's mid-july. i often see the occasional limo or black sedan with blacked out windows around at that time of year. we used to go there and protest (everything!) but i don't really like the protesters that go there these days and there's a lot of in-fighting now. we used to hassle those fuckers big time!!

WakeyWake ago

True about the spying but what's the chances that they would see this convo in time to stop us. They barely can stop jihadists.

As for witnessing a real human sacrifice... tbh I guess it would depend who was being sacrificed... if it was a person I didn't know I'd freak out, but if it were to be...let's just say HRC... I might partially freak out but also might just give a standing ovation. 😆😉👏👏👏

jstrotha0975 ago

I honestly don't know what time of year it happens because it's not covered by the MSM, and the people who do cover it never mention when it happens.

GeorgeT ago

They don't cover Buildeberg either

jstrotha0975 ago

I I was their and witnesses human sacrifice or whatever and I had a gun I would kill as many of them as I could. Otherwise I would have to stay quiet so I could make it out of there to tell the story.

hairytale ago

I guess there is not enough actual evidence to file a lawsuit but I would not be surprised if it is for real. You know, unscrupulous people do unscrupulous things. Powerful people are unscrupulous because the more power you want, the less moral limits you should have. If you have lots of power then your ethics has to be on below-zero level. That is the only your limit is the backfire/defense power of those oppressed and the risk of retaliation. If you minimize any of these then you can get away with anything.

WakeyWake ago

Bill Clinton on video saying Bohemian Grove where rich republicans go there to stand naked against trees

Nixon said it's a bunch of fags there that we won't shake hands with (voice recording)


WakeyWake ago

How can we secretly record this? DRONES is one way we could get recordings. Possibly another way is to set up hidden spy cams prior to their arrival. (On trees, etc) Any lights on drones or cameras can have tape put over them. We have to figure out a way to record it where we can prove without a doubt it is not a "play", etc...

4chan can make shit like this happen

Dressage2 ago

4Chan is absolutely amazing! This would something they should investigate. Somebody may have to give them a ride though. Great idea.

angry_mob ago

you can't get in there, it's very heavily guarded. a drone would be shot out of the air & you just can't get to the area to put up cameras. the only place you could film would be the entrance and the actual camp is many miles back into the woods from there. sorry! i don't even know how alex jones got in there and i'm sure they're a lot more careful letting people in now.

Zen0 ago

The Russian River runs very close by... you'd have to go down the river, know when to get off, and then hike inland, but it'd be the back of the camp, just an alternative entrance. Still very difficult and slim chance of working.

angry_mob ago

yeah, that's been tried before. they have security on the river end too i heard. a couple people got caught, or so i read somewhere. but i would be very surprised if they didn't cover that end since it would leave them open to infiltration.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Every suggestion you make on here will be covered. They are monitoring this and Reddit trying to scramble their way to two steps ahead.

fatjohn1408 ago

You need a big drone that flies out of range of most guns and out of sight basically. On a drone like this: https://www.mikrocontroller.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=840

You can mount a pretty sweet camera with a massive zoom. I bet you could shoot decent footage better than Alex Jones did in the 90's from 2 miles away with these days technology and a 10k budget. The drone will likely only last for 30 minutes in the air though. Maybe if you could swap the battery you could have some kind of replacement batteries laying around to get the whole thing on tape. There would be no sound with the drone though. These drones can fly up to a mile high. I bet security would not notice. This is quite impressive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqVZGmnMfx0

angry_mob ago

well, get right on that then!!! (o; the really chilling part of Alex's vid was the horrific audio though, so that would be a bummer not to have that. but hey if it can be done, then i'm sure not gonna stop you. then be sure to post it on VOAT when it's done, right?

GeorgeT ago

Another thing I saw on Jessy Ventura's show was a mini drone disguised as a fly. I kid you not!

angry_mob ago

aw geez, that kinda thing makes me so paranoid & creeped out!

GuannaRue ago

Alex "The Shill" Jones got in because he was allowed to. Don't forget that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.

angry_mob ago

oh noz! that's one conspiracy i don't buy. he doesn't sound at all like Hicks. but is Alex a shill? i don't know.

GuannaRue ago

They have the same teeth. I didn't know about Alex Jones and bill hicks until last summer (2016) but, I am convinced that they are the same person.

Have you looked at the evidence? I can't link on mobile but, dude just look it up...

angry_mob ago

not a dude. & no.

GuannaRue ago

Ok ma'am, DON'T look it up.

Some people are so fucking retarded...

angry_mob ago

you are doing what's known as "psychologically projecting."

GuannaRue ago

Thank you for your comments.

angry_mob ago

you're welcome.

GeorgeT ago

I believe Alex was given the task to spread disinfo about the Grove. It must be the most evil place on earth.

jstrotha0975 ago

I'm pretty sure ex special forces could infiltrate it.

angry_mob ago

well you might be right about that!

sinclair ago

What about drones?

WakeyWake ago

I understand what u are saying. But I also believe where there is a will, there is a way. If Alex Jones could get in then I think it's possible to get cameras in. Afterall, there are people who are not part of the elite that go there that still have access prior to event (like the lawn mower person, chair setter upper, light hanging guy, caterer, maid, or whoever) plus sending drones in prior when no one is around, having them land in trees, etc. There is always a way, we just have to think creatively.

noworldorder ago

Everything changed after 2000 when Jones blew it wide open. There's 17 years of high tech security there now.

There's actually a History Channel special where they tried to sneak in during the off season a few years ago and were arrested before getting close to it. Alex Jones went with them. When the police came he jumped in the river/stream and swam downstream -- he avoided getting arrested. The show hosts weren't so lucky.

Dressage2 ago

I think he got in by boat, but I understand that is heavily guarded now as well.

angry_mob ago

no that wasn't alex. i did read that two guys got caught trying to access it from the river end.

jstrotha0975 ago

I was thinking that some ex special forces guys could secretly set up remote equipment to record before the elites arrival and then retrieve it when they leave. The camera and sound equipment is expendable it it could be live streamed or whatever and recorded.

GeorgeT ago

I saw on Jesse Ventura show, a data gathering equipment disguised as a rock! Train a falcon or an eagle to fly overhead and drop the 'rock'?

WakeyWake ago

Yes!! I agree! No need to retreive cameras back. Set up a of crapload of cameras and livestream it on Facebook, etc... Facebook livestreams murders all the time bc they are too busy blocking conservative viewpoints to pay attention. Of course Zuckerberg most likely will be participating in Bohemian Grove, so we would need to record as well as livestream on multiple platforms.

strix-varia ago

Yes, markie *uckerberg is in that club now...big time.

WakeyWake ago

Like Fuckerberg giving 99% of his $ to his own "foundation" after his daughter was born, but they set it up in a way that it was a charity that could still be able to have political influence. So pretty much "I donated 99% of my multi billions of $ to my own foundation that the gov can not tax now but I still can use it to influence my political beliefs and my own use....just like Hillary."

GeorgeT ago

I was wondering if that was the reason they got rid of Nixon - because he refused to do something at the Behemian Grove. He said '... It's the god damn' faggiest place on earth...' and I believe there was a lot more that he chose to keep it to himself.

WakeyWake ago

Just that he chose the word "faggiest" made me 😂

GeorgeT ago


jstrotha0975 ago

Yup, live stream and record at the same time. Audio is just as important as video. Personal cameras now a days produce quality video.

Marfa-Lights ago

If you are interested in Bohemian Grove then click here, this also includes the full video of the above.


Silverlining ago

Now this is what needs the Sawman Special Ops treatment!!

jstrotha0975 ago

Yes, I want to contact him about this. It seems like something he and his friends could do.

Silverlining ago

@jstrotha0975 why don't you give the man a call?

SAWMAN") > Cell: (520) 390-2307 ...

Jimmycog ago

Even if true, nothing will be done. The mercs would kill the blood line of anyone that tried.

jstrotha0975 ago

I would love to form a team to spy on the happenings their, but don't ask me to do it alone.

Jimmycog ago

Alex jones tried years ago and got busted

equineluvr ago

You mean after his whitewash "infiltration?"

Jimmycog ago

More like it for sure, Alex is a master oh hyperbole.

carmencita ago

I am sure there is ritual sacrifice there on any of their "Special" Satanic Days on their calendar. But there are probably certain ones that they surely gather there for that are dearer to their gory hearts.

Silverlining ago

Midsummer's Day - St John's Day - the patron saint of Masons... and Midwinter's Day is the other St John's Day


carmencita ago

Someone just told me to beware of May 1, If you pray, pray extra hard tonight to the Blessed Virgin for I will too. I will not sleep well tonight.

Intheknow ago

May 1

carmencita ago

Oh, My God. I will pray tonight to the Blessed Virgin, the protector of children. I have a statue and she has come through before. I do not know what we can do about it. I have thought many times about what might be occurring on some of those horrid days and nights. We should check and see if we can find out if any of the people we suspect are AWOL or in the BG area or near San Fran.

jesus_is_lord ago

cremation of care, i guess when you're a satanist, it makes sense to cremate the care, so you can just be pure evil

GeorgeT ago

Fake Jones said that they wete burning an effigy - deliberate disinfo! They are burning children - offering to Molloch!

pby1000 ago

They are Luciferian...

jesus_is_lord ago

lucifer is satan

pby1000 ago

I believe they consider them to be separate beings. That is why I mention it. People always say "Satan" and "Satanism", but they should say "Lucifer" and "Luciferianism". They are different beings and different belief systems to the people that believe in this stuff.


jesus_is_lord ago

you should read the bible first

pby1000 ago

I understand what you are saying, and I have this conversation with a lot of people.

I have read the Bible.

I am not saying you are wrong. What I am telling you is what THEY believe.

What you believe and what I believe is different from what THEY believe.

If you want to understand how they think and behave, then it is important to understand what THEY believe. Right? See my point?

jesus_is_lord ago

yeah i see your point, but everything you need to know is written in the Bible, they sacrificed babies to BAAL thousands of years ago, and they do so to this day, what does it matter if they call it BAAL or Satan, Lucifer, Devil, Jebulon? etc...

pby1000 ago

OK. You are right. It is in the Bible.

Have you read the Talmud? There is also blood libel.

It is all very crazy!!!

strix-varia ago

The talmud is partly the cause of all this.

pby1000 ago

Agreed. I am encouraging everyone to read the Talmud now, and the Protocols of Zion.

FreeRebel ago

Not to quibble with your religious teachings, but there are differences.

jesus_is_lord ago

to a satanist, i'm sure there are plenty differences, to me it's just a different name